Fingers of Suspicion

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  1. MTR

    Are You Not Entertained?!

    I really like those pics.

    One of troop leaders in Future's troop loves to take pics with his phone on campouts and hiking and takes some good pics as well.
  2. MTR

    Are You Not Entertained?!

    I am currently working my way through Stargate Atlantis. I binged Stargate SG1 a while back. But I have not seen the movies they made after the show finished but I think I just found where they are streaming for free so probably watch those after I finish Atlantis which I finally found on a streaming service I have.

    And also getting back to catching up on my Drizzt Do'Urden books by R.A. Salvatore. If I ever play DnD I am totally going for a similar character.
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