Fingers of Suspicion

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  1. PsychoSoldier


    Dont we already have an off topic section... could just make a thread there for all the random shit we wanna talk about
    The idea was that if there was enough interest in a specific topic, we could make a specific sub-forum for it like I did with video games. Like if we had a music gorums and people want to talk about specific genres and albums in different threads rather than a catch-all Music thread.

    But if there's not enough interest, I'm fine with leaving it as is and people can just make relevant threads in the general forum.
  2. PsychoSoldier


    Feel free to suggest other potential forum sections as well. Like if there is interest in other types of forum games and such.
  3. PsychoSoldier


    I know for some of us, this is more a mafia site than anything. For example, I don't necessarily expect a lot of wrestling talk over here since most would just do it on Rajah. But I wanted to hear suggestions for other general forums you all would like to see.

    I don't want to make a sub-forum for every topic unless there will be considerable interest to discuss whatever's suggested. That's why I chose video games as I know most of us play in some fashion.

    So what other topics would you guys like to talk about more specifically rather than having some kind of catch-all thread?
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