Fingers of Suspicion

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Recent content by Bacon

  1. Bacon

    Mafia 4 - The Fall of FoS

    Go town!

    Thanks Void for running the game, I had fun even if I need to work on my early game.
  2. Bacon

    Mafia 4 - The Fall of FoS

    So might it be wiser to push a sleep or finish medivh?

    Think we just cut medivh and use actions to resolve the other 3
    I don't hate this way of thinking. Are we at L-1?
  3. Bacon

    Mafia 4 - The Fall of FoS

    Did you get back to the ISO of Seph and MC?
    I did now. Feeling better about MasterChief. He's still got 5 town* 1 scum possible roles, but I like his late game posts.
    Seph...Diffcult to read, but I'm not feeling as positive towards him. Also at 4 town* 1 scum roles

    *accounting for my and Sauron's roles
  4. Bacon

    Mafia 4 - The Fall of FoS

    Which character copped Twintanna?
    Badger was watching NXT again when he saw Twintania walking through camp. He called over Twintania and had him join in watching the matches, trying to discern where Twintania really had his interests.
    I think we established that Badger was a JOAT but I don't know if his powers are one-shot.
  5. Bacon

    Mafia 4 - The Fall of FoS

    Vote: sleep

    Just a placeholder vote. I want to get this done today.
  6. Bacon

    Mafia 4 - The Fall of FoS

    I could have done with this being 24 hours earlier.

    2. Bacon - Town
    3. HulkHogan
    4. MasterChief
    5. Medivh
    6. Moana - Town
    7. Sauron - Solved as town. Unless someone wants to claim Tildey.
    8. Sephiroth
    9. SolidSnake - Strong Town vibe
    10. XavierWoods - Town
    2. Bacon - Town - because I know I am, and have been consistently helping town in night actions and avoiding bad lynches.
    3. HulkHogan - Town - while technically could still be Matthieu, that Listo action banning Hogan votes gives me pause
    4. MasterChief - Will need to check ISO
    5. Medivh - NAI - If it's who we think it is, I've never seen them play scum. Law of averages and all that...
    6. Moana - Town - multiple kill attempts by Lora, and acted truthfully with the Twintania info.
    7. Sauron - Solved as town. Unless someone wants to claim Tildey.
    8. Sephiroth Will need to check ISO
    9. SolidSnake - Strong Town vibe
    10. XavierWoods - Town. Shared the Hogan info from N6, and Moana thinks they are clean. Will need to recheck why.
  7. Bacon

    Mafia 4 - The Fall of FoS

    This looks like you pulled everyone elses lists and put it in a different form. No real why to any of it.
    Bullshit. If my list looks like others, maybe we've reached the same conclusions? You're better than this. Now I've got more time, I'll see if I can expand.
  8. Bacon

    Mafia 4 - The Fall of FoS

    OK, so what are you doing to help town? What are your thoughts on those alive? Who would you lynch and why?

    All your responses seam weak. Its not me man. Do something to prove it.
    I’ve been doing something at night, and seem to be quite accurate with my targets. Outside of kill attempts, think on why I trusted Subzero, Moana and you to be town.
    Unless you would rather have me modkilled. Just don’t be surprised when the game continues.
  9. Bacon

    Mafia 4 - The Fall of FoS

    I can’t get past Matthieu not acting when Hogan and MasterChief were jailed. But if my hunch on Hogan is correct, MasterChief is the strongest candidate for a lynch. But I’d to revisit this this evening.
  10. Bacon

    Mafia 4 - The Fall of FoS

    It is not unheard of for scum to ship one of their own.

    Since you say you arent scum, where's your head at and why?
    I could have done with this being 24 hours earlier.

    2. Bacon - Town
    3. HulkHogan
    4. MasterChief
    5. Medivh
    6. Moana - Town
    7. Sauron - Solved as town. Unless someone wants to claim Tildey.
    8. Sephiroth
    9. SolidSnake - Strong Town vibe
    10. XavierWoods - Town
  11. Bacon

    Mafia 4 - The Fall of FoS

    I mean I get it, I haven’t been visited at all, so instead of looking at the one scum role, how many town roles are available?
  12. Bacon

    Mafia 4 - The Fall of FoS

    A scum Bacon who led a lynch on scum JackSparrow? My, you have active imaginations. I’ve been busy at night, but I’m not Matthieu.
  13. Bacon

    Mafia 4 - The Fall of FoS

    What are you thinking?
    Not going to say right now, but think of possible interpretations of what happened and apply Occam's razor.
  14. Bacon

    Mafia 4 - The Fall of FoS

    @XavierWoods are you thinking what I'm thinking with that Listo action?
  15. Bacon

    Mafia 4 - The Fall of FoS

    Disagree actually. Their read list is very poor and extremely inconsistent, they could easily be seen as shielding Seph. They were around when the event hit causing EOD1. They wanted GC to be the person to receive 3 votes (which GC stole with almost the last vote of the day.) I also dont think Arceus has been targeted by a single scum action?
    Nor town action, the same as you and I. Nevertheless, it's a read I formed early, so could be worth revisiting.
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