Fingers of Suspicion

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Recent content by Croissant

  1. Croissant

    Mafia 4 - The Fall of FoS

    Ok this is ridiculous
  2. Croissant

    Mafia 4 - The Fall of FoS

    I'm actually curious why if MasterChief was one of the ones you liked best why you didn't vote Sora with him instead of Gibbs?
    I like his posts better than others but I’m less sure of him than I was feeling on the other two.
  3. Croissant

    Mafia 4 - The Fall of FoS

    You said you liked them best, and then trusted one of them enough to sheep them. I'm not trying to put words in your mouth, but for better or worse, they would be your most trusted if you like them best.

    I don't know shit. It's fine to not know shit. I just want to find out why you have the stances and decisions you do because a couple of them were unexpected(Bacon in particular).
    And I appreciate that you’ve asked nicely whether you agree or disagree with my answers.
    Not that I think it matters at this point, but because you’ve asked nicely and it seems to matter to you….
    Vote: PrincessPeach
  4. Croissant

    Mafia 4 - The Fall of FoS

    What about Bacon and Xavier?
    To call them “my most trusted” just isn’t accurate. It’s more that I have the least reason to Sus them. Their posts have felt town. It’s only D2 & all of our accounts are anonymous. I find it funny that anybody can feel so confident they have all the things figured out this early in the game.
  5. Croissant

    Mafia 4 - The Fall of FoS


    At this point, SubZero is just trying to see what other spew he can extract from you. He is not your friend. Please remember that everything you say can and WILL be used against your teammates. You have the right to remain silent.
    I have no teammates. There’s nothing to extract. Dunno what to tell ya.
  6. Croissant

    Mafia 4 - The Fall of FoS

    Would you still be interested in voting Princess?

    I don't think 3rd person speak should ever be a reason to vote someone, especially past D1.

    Why is Bacon one of your most trusted people? Same for Xavier?
    I don’t have an overwhelming reason to not vote Princess so sure.
  7. Croissant

    Mafia 4 - The Fall of FoS

    Ok, Sora probably isn't happening today. Do you really think that explanation from Peach is enough to clear them?

    What do you think about Applejack or Hades?
    No. Having the timing pointed out I don’t think it’s enough to clear Princess.

    But there hasn’t been anything about Hades or Applejack’s posts that have especially bothered me either.

    The person’s who’s posts have bugged me the most have been Moana because they keep talking about themselves in the third person and I hate that. But it’s not enough for me to claim their scum.
  8. Croissant

    Mafia 4 - The Fall of FoS

    Actually SubZero was the argumentative one
    He admitted it & went out of his way to work with you.
  9. Croissant

    Mafia 4 - The Fall of FoS

    This was at the beginning of the game. Why weren't you satisfied with that answer before? You responded as if Peach specifically gave that answer after they returned, but they didn't
    Honestly, I found it when I did a ISO later looking to see if they ever answered. If I looked at the date wrong then I apologize. I’m playing this game mostly from my phone browser (which sucks).

    That being said, I stand by my vote for Sora & the things I said regarding their efforts to control the narrative & put words in people’s mouths. They have been unnecessarily argumentative from the beginning. There’s just no need in that if you aren’t trying to confuse people. And the ones that win from keeping everyone else off balance and confused are scum.
  10. Croissant

    Mafia 4 - The Fall of FoS

    I don't trust either of you. I'd say throw both of you through the Door of Darkness.
    You missed this one @Sora
  11. Croissant

    Mafia 4 - The Fall of FoS

    They never answered why they want me dead though.
    They ultimately said they didn’t trust you. Since I don’t trust you either, I’m willing to accept that reason. No worse than some of the convoluted logic you’ve come up with for some of your votes.
  12. Croissant

    Mafia 4 - The Fall of FoS

    Why are you wasting your vote on me when your best option to self pres is Princess who you are supposedly scum reading?
    Cause if I’m going down regardless I’d rather it be voting for the person that I sussed first and the person that has made the most posts putting the most words into mouths.

    After my one and only post where I expressed a concern about Princess they later answered the question.
  13. Croissant

    Mafia 4 - The Fall of FoS

    Vote me, don’t vote me. Whatever works for you because I don’t have the time or energy to wade through the 100’s of posts that are being produced.

    You’re making a mistake, though. I’m not scum. When I flip town, I suggest taking a look @Sora instead of sheeting them. They’re the only person continuously trying to control the narrative while pretending they’re not. I also find it interesting that they claim to have had an early read on Kumquat as Foxxi but were calling for their death. When asked why they said because Foxxi messed with the imbalance of power (or something similar). How would they know that before the flip? They wouldn’t. And I can’t think of a reason that a town player would want to get rid of Foxxi on D1 without a solid reason for thinking she was scum. Only scum would want Foxxi gone on d1/n1.

    Vote: Sora
  14. Croissant

    Mafia 4 - The Fall of FoS

    I keep checking in to see if anything new comes up to change my mind, but I don’t really feel strongly about any of the top trains. I know I’m not going to be able to get online through the day, though, and I don’t want to not submit a vote. The posters I’ve liked best have been Xavier Woods, Bacon, & Master Chief. I did a search and from what I can tell, Gibbs still hasn’t had any posts (which was the reason Xavier gave for voting him). So I’ve decided to sheep Xavier for today’s vote.
    Vote: Gibbs
  15. Croissant

    Mafia 4 - The Fall of FoS

    Oh so that was actually a modified SK. Strange, writeup says she freed herself and went to look for someone, but its not like someone died.

    Assuming that VK has set the mentor mechanics up the same as in the internet description, I'm guessing that only one death means that she wasn't successful in recruiting a mentee (since in the link it said that if the mentor dies, the mentee dies too). I'm hoping this is the case because the SK going out early is great for us. However, if he's tweaked the role and the mentee becomes the mentor if the mentor dies, then we may not be out of the woods yet when it comes to number of possible deaths per night phase.
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