Fingers of Suspicion

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CWE's latest activity

  • CWE
    CWE replied to the thread Mafia 32- Traitors.
    What would happen is I'd auto-vote Psycho. Then he'd talk me out of it. Then I'd vote him again. Then he'd talk me out of THAT vote. And...
  • CWE
    CWE replied to the thread Mafia 32- Traitors.
    I keep hesitating because... WHY THE FUCK DID SCUM DID VOID A BPV? :tantrum::panic::squint:
  • CWE
    CWE replied to the thread Mafia 32- Traitors.
    60/40 MTR Should we just send it?
  • CWE
    CWE replied to the thread Mafia 32- Traitors.
    I'm going back and forth on who the last evil is. Void- I believe I'd be dead. Future-no sus posts. MTR-no sus posts. Val-cleared for...
  • CWE
    CWE replied to the thread Mafia 32- Traitors.
    In my head...the day ended because drunk and sober CWE agreed so that's 2 votes. In reality? IDK why the day ended...
  • CWE
    CWE replied to the thread Mafia 32- Traitors.
    A likely story...
  • CWE
    CWE replied to the thread Mafia 32- Traitors.
    I instantly went full tinfoil. Psycho was evil and argued all night that he should be able to kill someone else. Mitch then said no and...
  • CWE
    CWE replied to the thread Mafia 32- Traitors.
    Can someone explain why it took evil that fucking long to kill Psycho last night? They had a list of 3...we killed the 1st, scum gave...
  • CWE
    CWE replied to the thread Mafia 32- Traitors.
    Handium :bandwagon:
  • CWE
    CWE replied to the thread Mafia 32- Traitors.
    No offense but I stopped reading the 1st time I saw a error. It was sentence 2...
  • CWE
    CWE replied to the thread Mafia 32- Traitors.
  • CWE
    CWE replied to the thread Mafia 32- Traitors.
    At least 1 of those is a horribly wrong choice.
  • CWE
    CWE replied to the thread Mafia 32- Traitors.
    That happens all the time for me. Usually when I'm evil... :squint: When I'm town, I don't think before I speak.
  • CWE
    CWE replied to the thread Mafia 32- Traitors.
    My nothing includes voting out anyone. :evilgrin: or :angel:
  • CWE
    CWE replied to the thread Mafia 32- Traitors.
    Because I've done absolutely nothing to anyone?
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