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Recent content by Kryllian

  1. Kryllian

    Mafia 7: Everyone Loves Listo. Except the Devil.

    I’d be curious to see a list of night actions and resolutions. Looking back the writeuls still leave. A lot if confusion about what really happened.
  2. Kryllian

    Mafia 7: Everyone Loves Listo. Except the Devil.

    adopts cat lady GIF
    hey.....It's Me!
  3. Kryllian

    Mafia 7: Everyone Loves Listo. Except the Devil.

    Wait...Matthhieu is Grae from MMO champs? Crap....I thought I was playing with a new person so haven't been taking any past games into consideration...
  4. Kryllian

    Mafia 7: Everyone Loves Listo. Except the Devil.

    Claws...quit trying to bribe me to switch by posting Cat Gifs....It's not gonna work...probably..possibly....must look away being hypnotized.....
  5. Kryllian

    Mafia 7: Everyone Loves Listo. Except the Devil.

    Vote: Psycho

    It is Listo's game. So I suppose I should give them something nice today....
  6. Kryllian

    Mafia 7: Everyone Loves Listo. Except the Devil.

    The Robot Devil=void
    The Illusive Man=llettuce
    Jennifer Lawrence=MTR
    What brings you to this conclusion?
  7. Kryllian

    Mafia 7: Everyone Loves Listo. Except the Devil.

    I’m pretty sure he gave notice he was going out tonight.
  8. Kryllian

    Mafia 7: Everyone Loves Listo. Except the Devil.

    Or… the easier thought. Psycho is scum.
    True. I shouldn't try to do too much thinking before coffee. But I'd stand by at least one scum on there bussing already.
  9. Kryllian

    Mafia 7: Everyone Loves Listo. Except the Devil.

    Ok, Hammer is at 8 then. If there are 5 (or 6) scum left then there has to be scum on the Psycho train already. Otherwise they could swoop in, and end day...
  10. Kryllian

    Mafia 7: Everyone Loves Listo. Except the Devil.

    No Current Vote(7)Clawsin(#1592), Dreyski(#1592), Kryllian(#1592), llettuce(#1592), MTR(#1592), Psycho666Soldier(#1592), rock meets hard place(#1592)
    Psycho666Soldier(4)Listo(#1624), Nightingale(#1633), Matthieu(#1688), CRichardFoL(#1690)
    Val the Moofia Boss(1)LemonDemonGirl(#1609)
    MTR(1)Val the Moofia Boss(#1672)
  11. Kryllian

    Mafia 7: Everyone Loves Listo. Except the Devil.

    Also @Mazer - Grumpy Cat still on the active player list?
  12. Kryllian

    Mafia 7: Everyone Loves Listo. Except the Devil.

    As Liara entered into that good night, she sent her last earthly message and burst of loving protection to Commander Shepard.

    Psycho666Soldier laughed as Liara died. While he wasn’t as sexy as some who play the game (not to the point of having it be his catchphrase anyway, this glee did turn into a certain animal magnetism. Knowing the power of it, he whispered to Blind Ninja. And passed on his raw magnetism. Then Psycho666Soldier gently whispered to Listo, Matthieu, Dreyski, jarrod, and Rock. He encouraged them to look….truly look at Blind Ninja. They could not help but find Blind Ninja irresistible. They spent the night turning their affections, attentions, and solicitations towards him.

    Listo knelt down. He was in despair. How could the people be so easily deceived? He had seen too many dragged into cyborg purgatory. But as he knelt down, he received his answer. He needed to give the people something to believe in. As this realization hit, him so did a light. And Listo emerged from it. More beautiful then even before.

    He looked at Robot Devil’s armies:

    “Hello Devil…..Looking for Trouble?”

    A clap of Thunder rocked Blind Ninja. Then Listo summoned a hidden well of power “As I control the storm, I disperse the Fog. May my gift be true. Psycho….I would have words”

    The Iron Bull charged once more. He knew that he had to stop the advance himself. And with a mighty thrust, he set Blind Ninja flying into next week.

    Jackie Daytona wanted to make sure that nothing was amiss on this night. And since there was already an orgy at Blind Ninja’s he headed over.

    Claws who was often judged so harshly, decided that he needed to look at Blind Ninja and make sure his friend stayed safe.

    The Robot Devil had decided that Jarrod should know the pain of the uncomfortable chair. It would make him sore all through the night.

    The Illusive Man engaged his vast network to redirect valuable resources between Kryll and Val. The Illusive Man laughed as he continued to pull strings.

    Flemeth was intrigued by Jennifer Lawrence. And really who could blame her? She wanted to know all she could about Jlaw.

    Mom saw Rock advancing across the field. She used all her Momazonian drones to bombard him with packages. Climbing out was quite the ordeal.

    The Corporate Music Tycoon laughed at he found Blind Ninja. “Listen babe. Doll. I really dig your whole thing personally. But it’s not “Now”. It’s not the thing. And I’m going to need you to glam it up” Blind Ninja was almost relieved when the CMT finally stopped talking and blasted him to hell with his PURE POWERSHOT FROM HELL CANNON.

    Blind Ninja has died. He was BAP-Town ON Watcher

    Jackie Daytona
    however was caught completely off guard. He just hoped that he could spend some time jamming with Thomas Jefferson.

    Jarrod has died. He was Jackie Daytona-Normal Human Bartender-Town Hider Variant.

    With evil continuing to rain blow after blow on the forces of good, the storm raged on. The question was .....Who would ride the lightning?

    In Cyborg Purgatory
    Future-Screwtape-Scum Deceiver
    CWE-Mordin Solus-Town Doc
    Badger-Jay Baruchel-Town Lynch Driver
    Tildey-The Warden-Town JOAT
    Robo-Morrigan Town Chameleon JOAT

    GrumpyCat-Liara- Town Messenger
    Blind Ninja-BAP-Town Watcher
    Jackie Dayton-Normal Human Bartender-Town Hider Variant.

    Active Players
    1. Psycho666Soldier
    2. MTR
    3. Listo
    4. Clawsin
    5. CRichardFoL
    6. VoidKitten
    7. Matthieu
    8. llettuce
    9 Kryllian
    10. Val the Moofia Boss
    11. LemonDemonGirl
    12. rock meets hard place
    13. Nightingale
    14. GrumpyCat
    15. Dreyski

    With 15 active players, hammer is at 8

    Begin Day 4
    I'm assuming the purgatory list should say Jarrod and not "jackie Daytona" Typo?
  13. Kryllian

    Mafia 7: Everyone Loves Listo. Except the Devil.

    I can't help but think that scum get a powerful ability if a lynch goes off by vote. D1, we missed the hammer and everything seemed normal (as normal as this game is so far. D2/D3 we hammer and suddenly scum can obscure actions and do a major redirect. Or is that just the Psycho character not "scum team"?
  14. Kryllian

    Mafia 7: Everyone Loves Listo. Except the Devil.

    The Elusive Man made their first night appearance. The fact they didn't do anything N1 makes me wonder if they are a limited action, it was sacrificed for the double kill ability N1, or they were AFK and didn't get an action in....
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