Fingers of Suspicion

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Recent content by Rhea Ripley

  1. Rhea Ripley

    Mafia 16-House of MTR Episode 1 - The Not-so Civil War

    Heading off on vacation, so I will pass. Mami needs to heal up. I would appreciate an invite to dead chat.
  2. Rhea Ripley

    Mafia 15 - VoidKitten's Revenge

    Congrats to the Kitten Kaboodle team!

    Thank you @VoidKitten for running this. I enjoyed the way you managed to keep the dead chat / Tribal Council engaged and still affecting the outcome, but really not much more of an impact than pure luck.

    Curious on your thoughts on what you would have expected to play out differently when you were creating the various roles/gimmicks?
  3. Rhea Ripley

    Mafia 15 - VoidKitten's Revenge

    I don't like this, obviously. Mami has to lay down her title
  4. Rhea Ripley

    Mafia 15 - VoidKitten's Revenge

    Do you have previous reasons to scumread any of Seth, Harry, Mankind, and me?

    Just simple process of elimination, and vote history. I can talk myself more strongly into trusting Merlin, Strange and then Sirius more than I can trust anyone else.

    Now that you're back and helping (and more than anyone else I understand real life kicking us in the ass sometimes unexpectedly), I feel better reading your recent posts, but everyone should always be skeptical until there are solid deets to go on.
  5. Rhea Ripley

    Mafia 15 - VoidKitten's Revenge

    If feasible, I would love to get your take on my question regarding how you read void's actions (in the post aboves where I quoted him and underlined)

    VoidKitten was watching his monitors again when an idea struck him. VK punched a few buttons and continued to watch the monitors satisfied with the adjustments he made.

    VoidKitten did what he did best and ran his hands over the dials of his master control unit, while sitting on his throne with a Pepsi in hand. VoidKitten didn’t really like Cactus Jack nor Mick Foley and fired a red laser beam at both of his target, confusing the two of them.

    VoidKitten sat on his throne watching the monitors as the battlefield below had people sneaking all around it. VoidKitten laughed and adjusted some settings on the monitors and sat back. “I do love a good battle. It warms the cockles of my heart.”

    I wonder if it means that Void was messing with them both - perhaps switching their powers/abilities? The Pepsi makes me think we may see CM Punk coming. Someone suggested bodysnatchers, which I think may mean someone else subbed in for them? Not sure if Cactus can address this
  6. Rhea Ripley

    Mafia 15 - VoidKitten's Revenge

    Rhea, I'm trying to ask this question in a way that doesn't get you in trouble, so I'll just say this is not me having a go. I hope you will consider my question, and not read anything in an antagonistic tone.

    Outside of voting history, do you feel like there's much potential for you to be able to validate your town status in the next day or two?

    Meant to say I appreciate everyone keeping an open mind.
  7. Rhea Ripley

    Mafia 15 - VoidKitten's Revenge

    I was saying that I don't think Cody has been silenced, because he did post more than just his vote. As far as we can tell, his vote has not been taken away. If Cody is not silenced, then why the short antagonistic post? Me calling on Cody to engage more could provide information, and he doesn't seem willing to do so.

    I welcome investigation to prove that I am town, and I will be able to help town more going forward. We all have to be cautious about claiming/breadcrumbing as it is against the rules, and a modkill would hurt town even more. I think I have come awfully close as it is.

    I regret that have already let my fellow town down too much because of my availability and play, and the attention it has caused on me, when there are scum running amok, either being vocal or sitting back. Probably both.
  8. Rhea Ripley

    Mafia 15 - VoidKitten's Revenge

    So they called cody rotten and noy towny, then said they could yhink about joining cody on you (to cody) and you're basically "this is MORE town. Why would they offer to team with Cody? They're just offering to vote with him. Because they don't like him".


    Not even negative 5%?

    I was obviously trying to pull more out of Cody. I really didn't like that short post, it feels like he knows he's been identified and is giving up.

    As for who else I think could be scum, I really don't know, so I suspect everyone and I suspect no one. There are reasons to somewhat clear people, and reasons not to trust what people have said, nor what the write up says. There have been games where scum has been able to earn an extra action at night, or to be able to include a fake action in the writeup. Scum would typically want to use a fake action as a frame or to clear one of their own.

    We have also had wishes in this game. I wonder if the double kill where Dude killed Mick was a result of a wish, as Jafar said he granted all wishes. I believe that Dude had wished for and been given a gun, but that Void messed with it mechanically to take out the shooter as well. I know this as I had wished to know what someone else had wished for, and found out that "someone" was getting a gun. Since my own wish was messed with because I thought I would find out who wished for it, it only makes sense that the gun wish was also messed with. Unless of course there are other guns out there. Jafar did say our wishes were boring.

    I did very much like Harry Dresden's thought that Gargamel could still be rezzed. My thought was that maybe he's coming back, but because of how our bastard mod likes to mess with us, his option to come back is only as a stump.

    After Cody and Jade, I think I want to take a look more closely at Seth, Harry, and Cactus/Mankind. Not sure what order on these.
  9. Rhea Ripley

    Mafia 15 - VoidKitten's Revenge

    Sirius Black - the fact that you are voting so many different people makes me think you will get something if you meet a certain number of different votes/posts. Or do you have a hidden vote mechanic that only the first, or second or x'th etc. vote you place will be counted? Any other vote you place may show up in the temp talley to give you cover, so if the votes don't match who goes, let's remember this.

    Cody, I am not necessarily opposed to joining you on voting Sirius, because I am baffled. But I believe you may be the SK, as others have suggested, and I think your post with no explanation other than "works for me" really smells rotten and not towny. I didn't see a silence restriction on you, but even if there were, you technically posted more than just a vote.

    I also don't trust Jade, because of her terrible vote history, and the fact that she's pushing me.

    All in all, I have to go with what I think is best for town.

    Vote: Cody Rhodes

    I think I have narrowed down the obvious in that Merlin is also a part-time cop, and that CWE is a poison doc. I am struggling with who may have other roles other than my own of course.
  10. Rhea Ripley

    Mafia 15 - VoidKitten's Revenge

    Well, I'm going back to the simplest analysis.

    Dude Love confirms that the first person to jump on Glinda when me and Glinda were tied was town.

    I still think that if there was a scum available, they would have made the move and saved Glinda, as we saw that strategy with Glinda and Pug in rapid succession. So they were most likely on the train or AFK.

    Going with this currently. Mick is eliminated, and they've popped in to post, but really haven't addressed the questions I've had.

    Vote: Rhea

    I am also supportive of forcing the SK issue with Cody.

    Weekends are tough for me, and with personal issues late last week I have not put in the time I would have planned to. But I backed off of you as I had a little more time to read a few things and I didn't think it was likely that the only three wagons were all scum. If I understand what you're asking me, that I haven't addressed, is what did you have wrong. Simply, you it wrong when you were suggesting I was mafia. And again, because you shot me, and weren't around, I was way more suspicious of you instead of looking at the others. I thought you were clearly scum, and I fully expected you to come out talking your way out of it, as I had put myself in a spot by misreading earlier. One you started talking, I wasn't going to listen to anything you said because scum will say anything to divert attention off of them. If you ultimately get revealed as scum, then I will tip my cap to you.

    I haven't even done the spreadsheeting I expected to have done by now.

    Sirius seems okay to me for now, as does Merlin, who appears to be a part-time cop?

    Note that I had been suspicious of Glinda because she got the immunity D1. And I also wonder about Cactus Jack being very quiet. He also benefited from D1 votes.

    CWE reads to me as a poison nurse or doc, who protected Cactus Jack, but was Cactus Jack silenced today in the process - If that was perhaps a lingering effect of the poison?

    I do think that Cody is probably rajah, and may be our SK, but I wonder if he is actually a harmless survivor with a protective bomb. But didn't someone flip with a town motivator role? The actions in the write up point more like mass chaos instead of trustworthy results.

    I dislike Jade coming in, felt like she was gloating, after we lost 2 more town today. Her vote history is terrible. Pointing out how close her scum team is?
  11. Rhea Ripley

    Mafia 15 - VoidKitten's Revenge

    A lot to catch up on here.

    Despite the fact that he tried to kill me, and tried to convince everyone I am scum (that's what you're wrong about, Dr.), now that we see that both counter trains to his lynch in Glinda and Pug flipped red, I am convinced that Strange is town. I don't think it was likely that all three wagons were scum.

    Me tunnelling Strange was a mistake, and I think scum saw an opportunity to pile on, hoping to save one of their own. This has been the most confusing game to me, especially since I have not been able to spend the time to understand a lot of what has gone on.

    I wondered about this - The clue is: Once gone, you may discover someone or something that was lost.
    Then, Violina takes Harry Potter away to run errands, and Tribal Council is done. Harry can take someone with him to do the errands - so I wonder if this means that Harry or someone else returns.

    I thought Mazer was dead, since he flipped. I am surprised to see the interaction with Psycho. Given the clue above, I wonder if this means Psycho is having a chat with Mazer. When I had been killed for a brief period last week, I do remember Void's warning that the Tribal Council was an active thread and caution should be taken about spoiling. If Psycho is talking to Mazer, scum will know whatever was discussed in Tribal Council.

    Mankind doesn't trust me and I don't trust him back. He cut the day short and Jafar got taken out early. But this also makes me believe that that, since I have Strange is town, that Mankind is probably town as well. Reason being that if Mankind were scum, he would have joined on the Strange train before he ended the day. Then again, he could have just had his team mates on Jafar, who we know flipped green. And if stasis is removed, I hope that means we will get immediate flips.

    I am guessing that a lot of us have JOAT roles. Since Merlin is essentially claiming something I knew, and the listening devices that Insaner has been putting around, I am guessing that either Merlin is EN cop, or he learned deets from a message intended for someone else. Sharing this makes me feel Merlin is town.

    So I have Strange, Merlin, and Harry Potter as town. I will update my sheet to see what else I come up with
  12. Rhea Ripley

    Mafia 15 - VoidKitten's Revenge

    Sorry, looks like Void corrected that
  13. Rhea Ripley

    Mafia 15 - VoidKitten's Revenge

    Day 4 Vote Count:

    Rhea - 1 (Mankind #1259)
    Dr. Strange - 1 (Rhea Ripley #1316)
    Mick Foley - 1 (Sirius Black #1318)
    Jafar - 1 (Jade Cargill #1346)

    Not Voting: Cactus Jack, Cody Rhodes, Dr Strange, Dude Love, Harry Dresden, Harry Potter, Jafar, Merlin, Mick Foley, Seth Rollins #1300

    It is now Day 4. Day 4 will end at 1:00pm ET (GMT-4) on Apr 1th or when majority is reached. If majority is not reached by the end of the day, the player with the most votes will be eliminated. With 14 players alive, the majority is 8 votes on a single player.

    Heading into a meeting and haven't read everything since last night, but I am not sure I understand the last line - is it possible that none ot today's votes will count, because of the time warp?
  14. Rhea Ripley

    Mafia 15 - VoidKitten's Revenge

    I am not sure I buy Dr. Strange's argument, because he has got many of his facts wrong. Strange killed me, and then didn't explain himself until today.

    Like many of us, this was an exceptionally difficult weekend trying to fit much of this in along with everything else. This week has only gotten worse time wise.

    I am not sure about his "I was silenced" argument but Strange has had a long time to come up with it, and I will grant that while far-fetched, it is at least plausible. That is, if Void is a forgiving type of mod who would not immediately terminate someone for a violation. I also will admit that I liked the part about turning off discord notifications when traveling with relatives - thought that was a nice touch.

    I admitted that I misread the part about Mazer, as I first read it, quickly looking at the line above and seeing red. But trying to sus me for changing a vote from sleep (post 438) to another train that had nobody on it at the time, really bugs me. We can learn stuff from who voted where, but don't forget the when.

    And let's be clear, Dr. Strange suggesting that I changed my reasons for voting him is just a horrible look. OMGUS because you killed Mami! This means it's time for you to meet your JUDGEMENT DAY.

    Let's not forget that the one player most of us seems confident is town, based on the deets shared about Mazer, is Gargamel, who is also voting for Strange.

    I would like to focus on the rest of the actions last night, but I promised the missus that I would water the plants, dust and mop the floors while she is recovering. If she is laid up, I don't want her looking around at everything around the house that needs to be done - she is likely to find more expensive projects to add to the list.

    I don't see any great reason to move off of here

    Vote: Dr Strange
  15. Rhea Ripley

    Mafia 15 - VoidKitten's Revenge

    I don't have a lot of time nor brain power, and I don't know if I will make it back before the end of day, so

    Vote: Strange

    I hope this is not just OMGUS for shooting me / killing me without explanation, then disappearing. It's just that right now, I trust Gargamel more than anyone and he's voting here.

    I think it is quite likely that we have multiple scum trains at the moment, because according to my scribbles there are a probably baddies left.

    The lack of flips makes this difficult, and we don't know a lot, but I'd like to get opinions on everyone's top 2 trusts (for me, it's Gargamel, then probably Sirius), and bottom 2 aka threats (Strange, then I can't decide whether maybe Pug over Glinda).
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