Fingers of Suspicion

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Recent content by Sauron

  1. S

    Mafia 4 - The Fall of FoS

    Oh by the way I meant to protect Sephiroth and ended up Sauron. Scum bus drive? (Haven’t looked at chats yet).

    Yeah, that makes way more sense.
  2. S

    Mafia 4 - The Fall of FoS

    And well played Nancy Drew, coming into the Applejack role and making a run.

    Thanks, I wish I could have played from the beginning. Being a sub on a new site wasn’t easy.

    MasterChief, playing as Listo, the Riff-Raff Super JOAT. Actual Poster: Xanjori

    @Xanjori - 1000% GOAT.
  3. S

    Mafia 4 - The Fall of FoS

    \0/. We won. I’m not shocked because I think my analysis on ghost Morrison actions on Medivh didn’t make much sense unless they were a buddy.

    I’m glad this day didn’t get dragged on another day.

    GG game everyone and thanks for hosting @VoidKitten.

    I’m really looking forward to seeing everyone’s role cards, especially scum’s.
  4. S

    Mafia 4 - The Fall of FoS

    We might also have to assume scum could get listo at some point.

    I do like this post however.

    Also scum had no way of knowing that Listo would shoot Arcerous, so scum knows that they’re extremely unlikely to endgame, so yeah, I think what’s most likely ghost Morrison desperately trying to save their buddy.
    But if there was even a slight chance they’d be more readable, I’d be torn.
  5. S

    Mafia 4 - The Fall of FoS

    I did now. Feeling better about MasterChief. He's still got 5 town* 1 scum possible roles, but I like his late game posts.
    Seph...Diffcult to read, but I'm not feeling as positive towards him. Also at 4 town* 1 scum roles

    *accounting for my and Sauron's roles

    I feel better about Master than Sephiroth rn because he wants to vote out Medivh. But I just don’t think it makes a lot of sense for Medivh to be targeted because getting another miselim at this point, doesn’t really help scum too much. I think it makes way more sense to try to make their buddy look good because they were getting tr due to DivaSmurf’s action on them but again, they’re extremely unlikely to make themselves more readable, so I think we should yeet them.
  6. S

    Mafia 4 - The Fall of FoS

    I initially ready that GC vote as potentially clearing but it GC made it clear he was open to alternatives, so not clearing. And why was Medivh so chill about that vote when he wasn’t chill about being voted yesterday or today?
  7. S

    Mafia 4 - The Fall of FoS

    Do you agree with playing the odds?

    I'm not sure we are going to get more from med. But I also think that you have neglected how easy it was for people to guess their role. And this discussion happens like every game.

    Guess their role? What do you think that is?

    Why did scum target Medivh? They could have targeted pretty much anyone in the game at that point except for Moana and Xavier. Well unlikely me or Solid Snake as well but they chose Medivh, why?

    If town, Medivh is certainly no threat.
  8. S

    Mafia 4 - The Fall of FoS

    We might also have to assume scum could get listo at some point.

    We have the power now to vote them out. With 8 town/1 scum and a slot that’s doing absolutely nothing. I really don’t think it makes much sense to vote sleep.

    I think the most logical explanation is that Morrison ghost targeted Medivh hoping we’d clear them because of it.
  9. S

    Mafia 4 - The Fall of FoS

    Won't solve the game? Really?
    That's strange because I remember Subzero saying my playstyle this game was ok?

    And this is a strange reaction to being voted. Medivh doesn’t seem to upset about this vote either.

    Considering how upset they were both yesterday and today, why so chill about GC’s vote on them?
    This looks like it could have been coordinated.
  10. S

    Mafia 4 - The Fall of FoS

    I think it would make a better CFD vote than an early day vote but if you want to save Peach then join. or give better alternative.

    Vote: Medivh

    Unhelpful. Random. Wont solve this game.

    Unlike with Jack and both Bacon/Hulk, this actually does look like distancing.
  11. S

    Mafia 4 - The Fall of FoS

    2 possibilities:

    1: Medivh is town, so scum get a free miselim. It buys them one night but not terribly helpful but
    2: they’re scum, scum had 2 slots alive at the time Medivh was targeted and we know they didn’t target Arcerous. Does it really help scum to miselim town!Medivh at this point or to try to make them look clear?

    I don’t think there’s really any point tp them targeting Medivh to buy them an extra day. I think, it makes way more sense to try to help out their buddy.
  12. S

    Mafia 4 - The Fall of FoS

    Should we maybe try to coordinate what the different town roles ought to be doing, so we don’t have multiple actions on the same slot and obviously jailkeep can interfere with any invest if they’re on the same target?
  13. S

    Mafia 4 - The Fall of FoS

    I'd rather we vote off Medivh and use NA's elsewhere. And you cant just keep relying on Listo to solve every problem.

    I just don’t see the point since Medivh is in my PoE and they won’t become more readable. I think scum has been working over time with their NAs towards Medivh. I don’t think scum thought Arcerous was in any danger but I could see them feeling the need to save Medivh if Mathieu. We have 8 town/I scum rn and I don’t think it’s a great loss to vote a player out who refuses to do anything.

    I’m feeling better and about Master now. I’d be a lot more suspicious if he wanted sleep. So


    In that order.

    If game doesn’t end, then and only then would I look at Hulk or Bacon but really think Jack spewed both of them town. So I really expect game to end before that and

    II’d eliminate probably in that order. But I could much better understand the argument for sleep if Medivh was doing anything but they’re not. If we didn’t already have 6 dead scum, then it would obviously be different.

    I also think there’s a better than decent chance, with all of the effort scum has been putting in, trying to make Medivh look clear, the game just ends with their flip. Someone pointed out that scum have targeted each other at night and I don’t think they thoight they needed to be worried about Arcerous and it would

    I think I was so tunnelled on Master, I didn’t realize how suspicious it looked that they targeted Medivh.

    Scum didn’t think they needed to worry about Arcerous and it would make sense if Medivh is Mathieu because I think that’s their most powerful role that’s left.

    If you believe in Occam’s razor, greater chance of it being Medivh because of scum’s NAs. Did they target Medidv to get a miselim to buy them time or to make them look fake clear?

    Which makes more sense?

    I think the latter makes more sense than the former.
  14. S

    Mafia 4 - The Fall of FoS

    Art? Listo shot Art then stumped them.
  15. S

    Mafia 4 - The Fall of FoS

    Which character copped Twintanna?
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