Cuddly, but Saavy
Greetings all. This game will be a themed game following the ToS playstyle. Many roles have been updated with ToS2 latest patch and two new roles added. I updated cards and they will be in discord shortly once I post them all to not spam you too much. The list will mark what is new and what was updated.
Theme: Kingdom Hearts (Which also means I may use other Squeenix and Disney stuff)
Day/Night Phases: 48/24 (Day 1 will be 24 hours; no post requirement)
Elimination Type: Majority must be reached or day ends in no elimination.
Claims: Role-claims allowed, but not character/flavor claims. These will be modkilled.
Write-ups: Modified writeups. Only a certain number of actions, without targets, will be shown each day. Amount of actions shown will vary as the game progresses.
Post Minimum: 10 posts per day phase. If day ends early, some considerations will be made. Failure to meet post count may result in modkill.
Game Type:
All/Any roles
-Unique Roles cannot be repeated.
-No more than 4 Coven roles and no more than 4 Apocalypse roles.
-Four Horseman modifier is active (effects are not present, however, if only 1 Apoc member started the game.)
Sign up below!
1. Apocaclaws
2. Val the Moofia Boss
3. Satsu
4. Listo95
5. CWE
6. PsychoSoldier
7. MTR
8. Matthieu
9. Badger
10. Mazer
11. LemonDemonGirl
12. FutureHold
13. Blind Ninja
Theme: Kingdom Hearts (Which also means I may use other Squeenix and Disney stuff)
Day/Night Phases: 48/24 (Day 1 will be 24 hours; no post requirement)
Elimination Type: Majority must be reached or day ends in no elimination.
Claims: Role-claims allowed, but not character/flavor claims. These will be modkilled.
Write-ups: Modified writeups. Only a certain number of actions, without targets, will be shown each day. Amount of actions shown will vary as the game progresses.
Post Minimum: 10 posts per day phase. If day ends early, some considerations will be made. Failure to meet post count may result in modkill.
Game Type:
All/Any roles
-Unique Roles cannot be repeated.
-No more than 4 Coven roles and no more than 4 Apocalypse roles.
-Four Horseman modifier is active (effects are not present, however, if only 1 Apoc member started the game.)
Sign up below!
1. Apocaclaws
2. Val the Moofia Boss
3. Satsu
4. Listo95
5. CWE
6. PsychoSoldier
7. MTR
8. Matthieu
9. Badger
10. Mazer
11. LemonDemonGirl
12. FutureHold
13. Blind Ninja
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