Everyone came out from their houses and immediately noticed some of them were missing. As they spread out, they noticed
LDG’s body was now no longer covered in snakes and they would probably be able to figure things out now.
LDG, playing as Leon, the Apocalypse Baker, has been killed and no Last Will was found.
Mazer was off gallivanting during the night. He had slipped out to handle some business, but the urge to dance just overcame him.
Mazer had actually been studying Footloose as a way to learn better moves and be more appreciated by Mrs. Mazer. As
Mazer started to move into a little ballet, a sniper rifle fired. No, not the one you are thinking of. But a giant bore sniper rifle that probably doesn’t exist, but here it does.
Nothing would have stopped the bullet. It tore
Mazer’s head clean off of his body, somehow leaving his body perfectly frozen in an amazing plie.
Mazer, playing as Donald & Goofy, the Town Cleric, has been killed and a Last Will was found.
Last Will:
MTR heard a gunshot, but thought nothing of it. He was too busy focusing on what he had to within his house tonight, not getting as much thoughts from it as he may have anticipated. However,
MTR’s focus was engrossed on this that he didn’t hear someone sneak into his house and slit his throat mid mental communication.
MTR gurgled up blood and fell over dead.
MTR, playing as Cloud Strife, the Town Channeler, has been killed and no Last Will was found.
Satsu chuckled as he watched some flicks on television, his deed for the night already done. Suddenly, the television exploded. Normally,
Satsu would have had no problem like this. Exploding TV’s are nothing. However,
Satsu was really exhausted from what happened earlier that he just couldn’t muster up any energy. The last thing
Satsu saw was a commercial for something specific that made him realize what really happened…
Satsu, playing as Sora, the Coven Leader, has been killed and a Last Will was found.
Last Will:
Words blazoned across the sky showing yet another glimpse into the events.
Xion was always different. She never really had a place and was a nobody around here too. But
Xion knew that she had to help the forces of “Good” win the day.
Xion set out into the night, bloodlust in her eyes.
Sora was running through the woods, with only one thought in his mind. Destroy his enemies. He would not let
Xehanort get away with this and could not believe everyone thought they were fighting for the good team. With that, he knew who needed to no longer exist and he would ensure that would happen.
Living Players:
1. Apocaclaws
2. Badger
3. CWE
4. FutureHold
5. Listo95
Dead Players:
Blind Ninja, playing as Xehanort, the Town Jailor, has been killed. (Night 1)
PsychoSoldier, playing as Ansem, the Apocalypse Soul Collector, has been killed. (Day 2)
LDG, playing as Leon, the Apocalypse Baker, has been eliminated. (Day 2)
Matthieu playing as ???, the ???, has been modkilled. (Day 2)
Val playing as ???, the ???, has been modkilled. (Day 2)
Mazer, playing as Donald & Goofy, the Town Cleric, has been killed. (Night 2)
MTR, playing as Cloud Strife, the Town Channeler, has been killed. (Night 2)
Satsu, playing as Sora, the Coven Leader, has been killed. (Night 2)
It is now Day 3. Day 3 will end at 8:00pm ET on January 14th or when majority is reached. With 5 players alive, majority is 3 votes on a single player. If majority is not reached by the end of the day, there will be no elimination.