Fingers of Suspicion

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Mafia 17 - The Interim Throne

I only have myself to blame for this loss. I wasn't paying attention as well as I should have and made two three mistakes. I didn't plant a bomb on D1, forgot that the roles were all posted in the discord, and then wasn't really paying attention to which TPR roles were alive last night so I holstered hoping that I would be watched and people would see me go nowhere which I would then use to argue my innocence.
My bombs can bypass death immunity. I tried magic missiling Satsu but hit a vest. I thought I had hit the scum godfather so I planted a bomb on him, didn't realize I had hit the jacpot with the prince until his claim in the game thread. I could plant a bomb today and then (if I was not lynched) detonate it tonight and hopefully that would hit a godfather. Though it seems you are hoping to win by conversion now.
My bombs can bypass death immunity. I tried magic missiling Satsu but hit a vest. I thought I had hit the scum godfather so I planted a bomb on him, didn't realize I had hit the jacpot with the prince until his claim in the game thread. I could plant a bomb today and then (if I was not lynched) detonate it tonight and hopefully that would hit a godfather. Though it seems you are hoping to win by conversion now.
Not necessarily. It is one option, but there's a very good chance they have no conversion attempts left and I can still win this as blue dragon with a little luck.
Also, I could be wrong. Maybe CWE truly was recruited before I put a bleed on him. Maybe LDG was part of the Unseen. Maybe we only have 1 unseen right now.
I only have myself to blame for this loss. I wasn't paying attention as well as I should have and made two three mistakes. I didn't plant a bomb on D1, forgot that the roles were all posted in the discord, and then wasn't really paying attention to which TPR roles were alive last night so I holstered hoping that I would be watched and people would see me go nowhere which I would then use to argue my innocence.
Well so much for needed to ponder.

Vote: Val

Good effort bro!

And please doc, SAVE ME!!
To be equally fair, as the sheriff you probably would have died much earlier if you weren't a dead man walking. Me bleeding you followed by Morrison delaying your death may be the only reason you're still alive now.
Real life stuff.

Going to be out of action til maybe lunchtimeish UK time due to hospital appointment. Then will come back and play.

Yes it is a likely story.
Just got back from the hospital. Things went well. Not gonna be home til later tonight due to travel and digest everything. Saw Val’s admission and him/Matthieu playing weird. Robo and CWE I trust, 50/50 on Mitch so gonna go with my first thought. Sorry Val…

Vote: Execute
Game End
The Kingdom had fallen silent as the sun rose. Not many people stirred from their beds and those who had, were the ones without the best intentions. With the Good King dead and no one to follow their lead, nothing would stop the Unseen from manipulating and taking away all the rights the people had held dear.

There were even rumors of a secret passageway to Hell where one could find a treasure beyond any power imaginable. It was considered to be the paragon of virtue.

But there was one death of note and it was the last hope the Blue Dragon had.

Robozerim, playing as The Hunter, has been killed and a logbook was found.


The end of the world is nigh, the prophets have foretold the world will be bathed in crimson flames and pink blood.
On the first night I huddled inside, hugging my dear bear for what little comfort I could find, fearing the inevitable end of all, and on day two I saw the death of a villainous knave. Could my steadfast companion have protected me in the short moments of sleep that I garnered by mauling to death my attempted killer?
The apocalypse being so close on the horizon, I began to see daggers in the smiles of all those around me. I lashed out at anybody who came too close! Not with the intent to kill of course, merely to ward them away from me, but my wolf companion was spurred on by my deteriorating paranoia and bit into the one called CWE, and he limped away bleeding profusely. I fear that he may succumb to the wound if not treated soon, but I can do nothing more than pray for him now, but I do not pray.
A beautiful sunset fell upon the world as the second evening approached and I locked myself away with my bear companion for a second night in a row. The pink skied dawn arrived and upon the ground was the body of one listo95. What a long lineage he must have truly had to be the ninety-fifth of his name. How illustrious was that lineage that was now cut short, and is my bear responsible for this ended line, too?
My paranoia seems founded, for the people sent me to the gallows today, though they seemed to lose their nerve when they saw my animal companions bare their teeth in not so silent threat at whoever dare send me hanging. I held them back from biting anybody else today, no more blood is spilt for now
The evening comes and I see a face of one of noble blood of which I would prefer not to see spilt, so I put my mark upon one of the daggered smiles that I fear might choose to sacrifice another to speed the apocalypse, one Val, just in case he attempt to harm the princely Satsu



MitchRapp, playing as The Mastermind, has won.
Badger, playing as The Assassin (previously The Physician), has won.

CWE, playing as The Marshal (previously The Sheriff), has won.
Blind Ninja, playing as The Assassin, has won.

MTR, playing as The Sellsword, has won.

Other Characters/Deaths:

1. Blind Ninja, playing as The Assassin, has been killed. (Night 1)
2. Listo, playing as The Alchemist, has been killed. (Night 2)
3. MTR, playing as The Sellsword, has been executed. (Day 3)
4. FutureHold, playing as The Good King, has been killed. (Night 3)
5. 3puppies, playing as The Butler, has been killed. (Night 3)
6. Satsu, playing as The Prince, has been killed. (Night 3)
7. Morrison, playing as The Chronomancer, has been killed. (Night 3)
8. LDG, playing as The Noble, has been modkilled. (Day 4)
9. Xanjori, playing as The Court Wizard, has been killed. (Night 4)
10. Val the Moofia Boss, playing as The Sorcerer, has been executed. (Day 5)
11. Robozerim, playing as The Hunter, has been killed. (Night 5)
12. CWE, playing as The Marshal, has been killed. (Night 5)
13. Matthieu, playing as The Fool, has not been executed.


I decided to start doing a “Mod MVP” for each of my games where I will vote the player who I felt best helped their team, made an amazing action use, had awesome in game thread, etc. For this game, I am giving that to MTR. The Unseen team attempted to recruit MTR on Night 2, which would have failed. However, MTR had chosen to divert, picked Mitch, and redirected him to someone recruitable (completely by accident). This set Badger up to be recruited and allowed an Assassin to be present to allow 2-For-1 to be used (and just kills in general). This may not have ultimately decided anything if the game played out with this happening since Mitch was doing well enough, but this was a great move and set the Unseen up amazingly for a victory.


The game has concluded :)
Oh. Yeah. CWE should have died during the night. I forgot to put it in the main part, but it shows his death in the other chars :D
Felt bad for you when I was watching and realized there were not enough town members left to vote you and give you your win after you helped them out.
Also not sure how people didnt pick up on the badger tone shift from D1/2 to D3 and beyond.

Or pick apart his claim that was essentially previously known information.
I’m sorry the bigger boys made me do it!

I was going to analyse Robo’s posts when home. Then went fuck it, like Jeff Hardy going off a ladder…Geronimooo!!!

Yeah I was the Physician and was going to heal CWE. However…@MTR unfortunately for town redirected me to Mitch and I became the Assassin through conversion. Badge tried to be good!

Tooough game though! Thanks for the game @VoidKitten
Yup yup!

Well spotted ex-Assassin! 🍺🍺
The tonal shift is definitely something to take note of next time.

Also, good choice on Observer. Baaaaaaaaaaad action choices. That being said, the people in the game didn't look past the face value of the claim so ultimately it was enough and kept you alive, which is what matters. My only advice is to make sure what you claim actually could have happened with your version of events :)

Fake claiming sucks.
Yup yup!

Well spotted ex-Assassin! 🍺🍺
I pointed out that his claim was made up of information that was readily available from the thread at the end and easily could have been faked, but it was too late at that point.

I forgot that I couldn't target myself with my hunter's mark. Had I remembered, I would've probably said fuck it, let's lynch one of the almost certainly unseen and let the two evils kill each other and everybody else alive.
You couldn't have lynched us. There were 3 of us, you didnt have the votes.
He could have joined with Val/Matthieu forcing it into a tie. No elim would have happened.

Goes into night. CWE dies, you guys kill Robo presumably, and Val shoots one of you.

Could have easily been a NK win that way and gotten Matthieu eliminated :D
Assuming Robo wanted to give Matthieu the win and not just...note vote to make it sleep :D
Eh, at that point I had more or less been convinced that Matthieu was actually The Scorned rather than the Fool, but if he came out next day saying "hey, yeah, game is effectively over no matter what, how about we lynch me and at least let me win for cooperating", I absolutely would have done it.
I pointed out that his claim was made up of information that was readily available from the thread at the end and easily could have been faked, but it was too late at that point.

I forgot that I couldn't target myself with my hunter's mark. Had I remembered, I would've probably said fuck it, let's lynch one of the almost certainly unseen and let the two evils kill each other and everybody else alive.
I was so sad when you had raid and were busy man.

I was hoping you'd get lucky on a hunter's mark and kill an Unseen and/or Bear the next night. You'd have been MVP at that point regardless of who won :D

But its all fucking WIFOM anyway. You had an amazing game.
Also, given that CWE was recruited after all, that means I killed 3 people this game, and not a single one of them was on my side. I killed two cult members and 1 neutral player that tried to kill me.
He could have joined with Val/Matthieu forcing it into a tie. No elim would have happened.

Goes into night. CWE dies, you guys kill Robo presumably, and Val shoots one of you.

Could have easily been a NK win that way and gotten Matthieu eliminated :D
If he had done that I would have laid it all out and said Matthieu, we have the numbers, town can't give you the win they promised but we can. Maybe he joins us and kills Val.
Also, given that CWE was recruited after all, that means I killed 3 people this game, and not a single one of them was on my side. I killed two cult members and 1 neutral player that tried to kill me.
Lmao. That's true. I totally forgot that your bleed was what would have killed CWE :D
I pointed out that his claim was made up of information that was readily available from the thread at the end and easily could have been faked, but it was too late at that point.

I forgot that I couldn't target myself with my hunter's mark. Had I remembered, I would've probably said fuck it, let's lynch one of the almost certainly unseen and let the two evils kill each other and everybody else alive.
And unseen couldn't kill sorc -- death immune
If he had done that I would have laid it all out and said Matthieu, we have the numbers, town can't give you the win they promised but we can. Maybe he joins us and kills Val.
Oh absolutely. Could have gone any sort of way. But, and this is no offense to you, if Val offered that to Matthieu, he would trust Val over you. They are good friends :)
Also, given that CWE was recruited after all, that means I killed 3 people this game, and not a single one of them was on my side. I killed two cult members and 1 neutral player that tried to kill me.
I went back and forth on recruiting you or CWE at the end. I went CWE because I feared him as the Sheriff more and I knew the convert would get through.
And CWE having claimed sheriff but being very hesitant to mention their results gave me that little doubt about them still being blue dragon that I talked of at the end there. I didn't pursue it because he was dead anyway, so it really didn't matter either way.
My favorite part of the game:

The Prince jailed Xan to protect him twice. Both of those days, Xan used his ability with the intention of making The Prince death immune :D
Lmao. That's true. I totally forgot that your bleed was what would have killed CWE :D
Furthermore, I chose to bleed Badger. Had he been pretty much anything else but the physician before conversion, which grants him immunity to bleeds, I would have put a bleed on two cult members and killed another with my bear.

You could have saved yourself from dying btw. If you'd been made king you'd have gained an ability to make yourself death immune at night. And you were only one vote away from being made king..... you could have voted yourself, stayed BD, been conversion immune and kept yourself from dying =p
But at 3-3 Val cant guarantee that. At 4-1 we can.
Eh true. Only because they didn't know if CWE was converted or not. I was thinking that they knew you had no shot at converting anyone else.

If they knew no convert could happen, Matthieu would be guaranteed the win with Val.

Had you guys chosen to vote out Matthieu instead of Val, Val would have won.

Had you guys slept, Val would have won.

The only way was to convince Matthieu to join on your vote with the hope that you wouldn't kill Robo and end the game.

Versus trusting the guy he knows well who says if they sleep its a win for him and Matthieu :D (Robo could have fucked with this, but i doubt he would have with what he said.)
Now I wish I saw it.

Would Matthieu betray Val and join the Unseen for his victory? Or would Matthieu stay with Val and laugh the Unseen to their deaths.
Admittedly, the bleed on badger was more symbolic than anything else, it was far too late for a bleed to be relevant even if he weren't immune.
I still wish that I could have targeted myself with the hunter's mark. I would have gladly worked towards a nobody wins scenario where the only person left alive is the fool. Retaliate against the cult killer, then it's 1v1v1, and I kill whoever hammers me, so if the last cult member hammered me it would have been amazing.
Also of note, the first night was a mess for us as I had some travel issues, couldnt get discord to load on my phone and had limited reception all around.
In fact, I think this may have been a BD win if CWE had been made king.... if he'd been removed as an option to recruit that would have left them having to try to kill him, but he'd likely avoid it because he could become death immune twice. And if they avoided him entirely that would mean they'd have to try to kill/recruit between Xan and Robo.... and whichever of those options they attempted on Robo would have failed and possibly killed the attempter.
In fact, I think this may have been a BD win if CWE had been made king.... if he'd been removed as an option to recruit that would have left them having to try to kill him, but he'd likely avoid it because he could become death immune twice. And if they avoided him entirely that would mean they'd have to try to kill/recruit between Xan and Robo.... and whichever of those options they attempted on Robo would have failed and possibly killed the attempter.
I would have expected a convert on Robo (to prevent death just in case) and a kill on Xan. This would have told them he used his last or not.

CWE as King, Robo as convertible and now no bears, Matthieu, Val, and 2 scum.

Doesn't lead to a BD win persay, but its definitely a different game.
If I had chosen to use hunter's mark instead of my third bear because I was too busy to make an educated guess, I would have had bear open for this night. Even if I failed with hunter's mark, it would have been a game changer. I'd have killed my killer and we'd have gone to that end game scenario with me, one cult member and a silly little fool who gets to choose the winner.
If I had chosen to use hunter's mark instead of my third bear because I was too busy to make an educated guess, I would have had bear open for this night. Even if I failed with hunter's mark, it would have been a game changer. I'd have killed my killer and we'd have gone to that end game scenario with me, one cult member and a silly little fool who gets to choose the winner.
Well, the fool would vote for himself and scum votes for him :D
So a couple of mod notes next time since these games are a work in progress.

1. Remove the 3x on Unseen convert. It doesn't exist. This was a holdover.
2. Remove auto trial. Keep 2 trials same length. Full majority required to start trial. Vote majority to execute/pardon if full isn't hit.
3. No day actions can be used while a trial is ongoing for anyone. Silences (and their restrictions) end if that person is placed on full trial.
4. If a player is executed, day actions will be allowed to be submitted for up to 1 hour after mod officially ends day. Thread will lock and flip will happen, but day actions can still be submitted for 1 hour after.
If I had chosen to use hunter's mark instead of my third bear because I was too busy to make an educated guess, I would have had bear open for this night. Even if I failed with hunter's mark, it would have been a game changer. I'd have killed my killer and we'd have gone to that end game scenario with me, one cult member and a silly little fool who gets to choose the winner.
In all seriousness, tough break sir! Had me worried but just went for it!

Pointed out the danger of the Hunter’s Mark to my mates! Only juuust re-read the role after my appointment and my gut said that was your threat!

GG! 🍺🍺
EBWOP @Robozerim Oh you used third bear not HM? Just re-read

Then somehow I got away with it.
He used the bear on the night you recruited CWE becuase it was the easiest action. So he was open tonight.

He literally even said "I probably should use Hunter's Mark, but I just don't have time" or something like that.
Well, technically I didn't use hunter's mark on the last night because I couldn't change anything, but I would have used it.
He used the bear on the night you recruited CWE becuase it was the easiest action. So he was open tonight.

He literally even said "I probably should use Hunter's Mark, but I just don't have time" or something like that.
Yeah, pretty much what I said, and I was right.
Shame you did not have time to confirm action because was shitting meself!

Oh @Foxxi no more Nightingale? Will comment laters! Must get ze trainskis!
I admit to being amused at the end there realizing that almost certainly Mitch and Badger were on the same team, despite Mitch repeatedly hating on Badger for flooding the thread with his posts.
Oddly enough when I got stuck with him he stopped posting in the thread so much.
One final word before train actually on this.

Sorry for underestimating and “directing” you. I only briefly scanned Mazer’s game and thought you were “new” but good.

The drinking thing..well let’s just say had circumstances and caught me at the wrong time as been/still am going through a rough patch but this game helped.

Though I was initially bristly…your reaction did have an impact on changing my habits.

Good to have you aboard good sire! 🍺
Just making my way home. Hailstones a few minutes ago…in fucking June! I know I live in the Scotsland…and the fucking sun is now shining!!!

If any of you ever come to my beautiful country especially in the summer…bring everything proof because the weather can change like the flip of a coin!
Thats when the word vomit in Unseen Chat started happening. lol
There is a certain Youtube video I must share when home. Will explain context later.

It’s to do with Thomas the Tank Engine. Family Guy Brian/Stewie may have the same effect but this is waaay funnier trust me!
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