Fingers of Suspicion

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Mafia 24 - Camp Half-Blood

Day 1 Start
  • VoidKitten

    Cuddly, but Saavy
    Initial Game Information:

    1. This game will have modified writeups. Each night, vague action descriptions will be shown without targets, but will be alignment colored. The number of revealed actions each night will vary.
    2. Role-claiming is allowed, but NOT character/flavor claiming. A list of all roles in the game will be made available to everyone. There is nothing hidden this game as all players will see all possible abilities. While claims are allowed, please do not abuse this as it can take away from the game as a whole.
    3. There is a strict post minimum of 10 posts per day phase (48 hours). Day 1 will have no post requirement. Any failures to meet the post count, after Day 1, will be met with a modkill at the moderator’s discretion. If the day ends early, considerations will be given.

    As this game includes roles and rules that are different, I have made a few channels inside the game discord that will show all potential roles in the game. This does not mean every role is in the game, but they will be randomly decided based on the below formulas. The below are just examples of the type of game it can be.

    Game Setup Specifics:

    Any/All - 14 Player Setup

    1+ Coven/Apocalypse
    13 Any/All

    -Unique Roles cannot be repeated.
    -No more than 4 Coven roles and no more than 4 Apocalypse roles.
    Game Mechanics

    1. Day phases will be 48 hours and Night phases are 24 hours. End time will typically be around 8:00pm ET, but may change. Day may be shortened to 24 hours, with notice. Majority will be required for elimination and if it is not reached before the end of day no elimination will occur.
    2. All players will be able to keep a Last Will. This cannot exceed 100 words (I will be forgiving with formatting not counting towards words and flavor text is fine. Keep game info to under 100 words.) and will be released to all players upon your death. This can contain information about your targets, role, things that happened, results, etc. Or it can be used to provide disinformation depending on how roles can obscure and manipulate flips, faking results, etc. Or you can just use it to shitpost/taunt on your death. You can submit one Last Will each phase which will lock it in as the newest one. If a Last Will is not submitted, none will be flipped or the most recent version submitted will be used. As a reminder, Last Wills can be obscured/edited by different roles.
    3. Certain roles and kills will be able to leave a Death Note. This cannot exceed 50 words (and can be a gif/picture) explaining why this player was killed or you can use it to troll. Any role with a kill, outside of Town Killing roles, can leave a Death Note. Coven roles can leave a Death Note only if they have the Necronomicon.
    4. Being jailed will not remove a player from their chats, but they will be unable to speak in the chat for the duration of the night.
    5. All nights, except Night 1 and Night 3, will be Full Moon nights.
    6. The game will follow typical Mafia feedback. Only roles that need a notification of their action failing will be told (expecting results/role needs to know feedback, etc). If there is specific feedback you get, it will be listed on your card.
    7. There is the potential for framed results during this game based on the roles within the game. Specifics are detailed on these role cards.

    Common Terms:

    Basic Attack - Standard attack that cannot pierce any protection
    Powerful Attack - Attack that pierces basic defense
    Unstoppable Attack - Attack that pierces basic and powerful defense.
    Rampaging Attack - An attack that will also attack all visitors.
    Basic Defense - Protects against basic attacks.
    Powerful Defense - Protects against powerful and basic attacks
    Invincible Defense - Protects against unstoppable, powerful, and basic attacks.
    Astral Visit/Attack - Does not count as a visit and cannot be seen by most abilities.


    Roleblock - These roles cannot be roleblocked by Tavern Keeper or Poisoner: Tavern Keeper, Poisoner, Retributionist, Necromancer, Witch, Socialite, War, Pestilence, Serial Killer, and Coven Leader. Jailor and Pirate blocks are considered super blocks and will bypass this immunity.

    Control - These roles cannot be controlled - Retributionist, Veteran, Doomsayer, Necromancer, Ritualist, and Witch.

    Detection Immunity - These roles appear not suspicious to Sheriff - Neutral Killing, Apocalypse, Necronomicon Wielder, and players affected by Illusionist

    Rejection Immunity - Socialites and the Witch are immune to rejection from Socialite parties as are any Astral visits.

    Action Priority:

    Bucket A:

    Witch Control
    Pirate Win (Invincible Defense)

    Bucket B:

    Admirer Care/Guardian Angel
    Plaguebearer Infect
    Poisoner/Tavern Keeper
    Trickster Magic Mirror

    Bucket C:


    Bucket D*:

    All other roles that are not investigative or killing
    Killing Actions (will not stop actions from going off)
    Investigative Actions (investigative roles can see what happened in prior buckets)

    *Actions happen simultaneously within their groups unless a conflict arises. If a conflict arises, action will be randomized on which goes first. If Doomsayer wins with their guess and action goes off, they will receive Invincible Defense before any kills process.


    1. No discussing this game with any players outside of the game thread, unless you have a specialized Discord thread to do so.
    2. Please no angleshooting or OGI (out of game information), such as a player’s potential lurking or activity, or seeing they are active in another thread/discord but not Mafia. Focus on the game and what is happening in the game. You may use this to form reads but do not bring things like “omg Claws posted in wrong channel” or “Future is on discord, but not posting in thread” into the game thread.
    3. There will be no night chat allowed in the thread. The general chat in Discord will be enabled to allow non-game chat during each night phase.
    4. The game will follow Natural Action Resolution (NAR) where unmodified actions of the same priority will go before others. For example: Player A kills player B, Player B roleblocks Player C, and Player C roleblocks Player A. Since Player C’s roleblock is modified by Player B, it would go after Player B. This would result in Player B’s roleblock stopping Player C’s roleblock and allowing the kill on Player B to go off by Player A. Conflicting redirections may fail.

    Living Players:

    1. 3puppies
    2. Blind Ninja
    3. Caito
    4. Claws
    5. CWE
    6. Grumpycat
    7. Listo
    8. llettuce
    9. Matthieu
    10. Mazer
    11. MitchRapp
    12. MTR
    13. Val the Moofia Boss
    14. Xanjori

    Dead Players:


    A portal opened up over Camp Half-Blood, Camp Jupiter, Olympus and Tartarus, pulling people from all over and dropping them into the middle of and old castle. A ghostly butler appeared before them “My honored guests. Today you are to participate in a game of sorts. One that will determine the fate of the mortal and god worlds. My benefactor has always wanted to see who the true champions would be face to face. And so, we shall discover it. Now, discuss!

    Everyone looked around confused, but they shrugged and started to have small discussions amongst those present.

    Current Phase:

    It is now Day 1. Day 1 will end at 8:00pm ET on Sept 29th or when majority is reached. With 14 players alive, majority is 8 votes on a single player. If majority is not reached by end of day, there will be no elimination.
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    Day 1 End
  • Final Day 1 Vote Count:

    BN - 6 (Matthieu #3, Val #51, Xanjori #113, Claws #140, MitchRapp #198, Listo #199)
    Caito - 2 (3puppies #38), CWE #66)
    Sleep - 2 (Caito #92, Mazer #176)
    Claws - 1 (BN #4)
    Listo - 1 (Grumpy #68)

    Not Voting: llettuce, MTR


    The group spent the day more or less meandering around and discussing their circumstances. As the sun set, no one amongst them stood out as the most dastardly and they decided to take a night to see what a new day would bring them.

    There has been no elimination.


    It is now Night 1. Night 1 will end at 8:00pm ET on Sept 30th or when all actions are submitted. Actions must be submitted by 6:00pm ET for them to be valid.
    Day 2 Start
  • As a reminder, there is a 10 post minimum starting today. Failure to meet this post minimum may result in a modkill at the moderator’s discretion. Considerations will be given if the day ends early.


    The night settled and was quite cold out. The windows were drafty and the candles threatened to go out. However, each guest was nicely given a room where they could spend their time, whether it be short or for eternity. Once inside his room, Hades, reviewed everything. It was not that opulent, like his palace in the Underworld, but it would do he guessed. He sat down on the bed to rest, but then had a sudden horrible feeling. Hades closed his eyes and concentrated to help thwart the perceived threat.

    Mr. D had his priorities straight. He immediately attempted to conjure wine, which even in this world he could not do. Mr. D swore and was not happy. He decided that he had to do what he did best and take it out on some unsuspecting people. Mr. D found his target and snapped his fingers, wrapping his target in vines. However, the target broke free of the vines and quickly sped away before Mr. D could react. Mr. D stared, open mouthed, but then shrugged and moved on.

    Chiron had learned a lot from Mr. D during the time at Camp Half-Blood in the past. So much so, that Chiron had a new outlook on life. A markedly different outlook. Chiron stalked through the castle and snuck into his target’s room and aimed an arrow, point blank at his target’s bed. Chiron fired three arrows which sickeningly thud into the bed. He pulled back the covers, but all that was there was a side of beef. Chiron heard footsteps running away, but knew he would not be able to pursue.


    Living Players:

    1. 3puppies
    2. Blind Ninja
    3. Caito
    4. Claws
    5. CWE
    6. Grumpycat
    7. Listo
    8. llettuce
    9. Matthieu
    10. Mazer
    11. MitchRapp
    12. MTR
    13. Val the Moofia Boss
    14. Xanjori


    Current Phase:

    It is now Day 2. Day 2 will end at 8:00pm ET on Oct 2nd or when majority is reached. With 14 players alive, majority is 8 votes on a single player. If majority is not reached by the end of day, there will be no elimination.
    Day 2 End
  • As a note, please see all the colors below for the ToS style games I run.

    Players/NPCs/Unknown Alignment


    Final Day 2 Vote Count:

    Val - 7 (GrumpyCat #473, Blind Ninja #477, Caito #508, 3puppies #521, Listo #533, MTR #534, Val #546)
    Sleep - 1 (Matthieu #488)
    Caito - 1 (CWE #515)
    Xanjori - 1 (MitchRapp #520)

    Not Voting: llettuce, Mazer, Xanjori


    The group came together in spirited discussion amongst themselves after a member of the group mysteriously disappeared mid-sentence. However, nothing of value was lost for this meeting, so the group continued on as if nothing had happened. The group looked at a few people, but ultimately the group decided that Val the Moofia Boss had to go. Val looked shocked, but stoically walked up, but it seems like he had…hooves? Val stood at the front and right before the sword sliced his throat, let out a giant cackle as he expired from this world.

    Val the Moofia Boss, playing as Grover, the Jester, has been eliminated gleefully.

    The Jester will have his revenge, from the grave…


    Xanjori, playing as ???, the ???, has been modkilled.

    Llettuce, playing as ???, the ???, has been modkilled.


    It is now Night 2. Night 2 will end at 8:00pm ET on Oct 3rd or when all actions are submitted. Actions must be submitted by 6:00pm ET for them to be valid.
    Day 3 Start
  • As the group left, they said their goodbyes to one another, but felt that this may be the last time they’d see some of the competitors here. With the last Day making 4 of them disappear, everyone could only imagine what the night would bring…and they would happen to be correct.

    Mr. D knew tonight was the night and he set out with purpose. No longer would someone remove themselves from his vines. Mr. D found his target and before they could even react wrapped their entire body in vines and squeezed, causing the target to explode into bloody pieces.

    Annabeth was sitting in her room, but she knew she had to focus. Everything would come down to this and she closed her eyes, focusing where she could to see what would happen tonight while her target slept.

    Kronos just grunted. That’s it. A single grunt as he tacked things on a board to see what made sense.


    Blind Ninja, playing as George and Martha, the Coven Potion Master, has been killed and a Last Will was found.

    Last Will:

    D1 - Reveal Potion - Claws. Claws is Baker/Famine.

    3puppies, playing as Zeus, the Arsonist, has been killed and no Last Will was found.

    MitchRapp, playing as Nico D’Angelo, the Coven Conjurer, has been killed and a Last Will was found.

    Last Will:

    The Butcher, Claws, and the Candlestick Maker

    Matthieu, playing as Chiron, the Serial Killer, has been killed and no Last Will was found.

    CWE, playing as Alecto, the Werewolf, has been killed and no Last Will was found.


    Living Players:

    1. Caito
    2. Grumpycat
    3. Listo
    4. Mazer
    5. MTR

    Dead Players:

    Claws, playing as Tyson, the Baker, has been modkilled. (Day 2)
    Val the Moofia Boss, playing as Grover, the Jester, has been eliminated and has won. (Day 2)
    Xanjori, playing as ???, the ???, has been modkilled. (Day 2)
    Llettuce, playing as ???, the ???, has been modkilled. (Day 2)
    Blind Ninja, playing as George and Martha, the Coven Potion Master, has been killed. (Night 2)
    3puppies, playing as Zeus, the Arsonist, has been killed. (Night 2)
    MitchRapp, playing as Nico D’Angelo, the Coven Conjurer, has been killed. (Night 2)
    Matthieu, playing as Chiron, the Serial Killer, has been killed. (Night 2)
    CWE, playing as Alecto, the Werewolf, has been killed. (Night 2)


    Starting today, the Day phases are now 24 hours and the post requirement is 5 posts during that time, barring the day ending super early


    Current Phase:

    It is now Day 3. Day 3 will end at 8:00pm ET on Oct 4th or when majority is reached. With 5 players alive, majority is 3 votes on a single player. If majority is not reached by the end of day, there will be no elimination.
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    Day 3 End
  • Final Day 3 Vote Count:

    Mazer - 3 (GrumpyCat #556, Caito #558, Listo #559)

    Not Voting: Mazer, MTR


    The day seemingly came and went as a rapid fire decision was made to yeet Mazer off of the nearest cliff. So they decided to do exactly that. The group grabbed a struggling Mazer and walked him to the highest tower and yeeted Mazer off. As Mazer fell he said something like “if it wasn’t for you meddling kids”

    Mazer, playing as Mr. D, the Coven Leader, has been eliminated and no Last Will was found.


    It is now Night 3. Night 3 will end at 8:00pm ET on October 3rd or when all actions are submitted.
    Game End
  • The night came to an end, just as quickly as it had begun and the deciding blow was struck. Together, Percy Jackson and Annabeth, hand in hand, strode forth from the room that Kronos was occupying, covered in blood and smiling at one another. As they looked at the room, they nodded to Hades, now aware of his support. The three of them looked around and beamed, ready to take on the next challenge.

    MTR, playing as Kronos, the Doomsayer, has been killed.


    Congratulations to our winners!

    Val the Moofia Boss, playing as Grover, the Jester, has won the game!
    GrumpyCat, playing as Hades, Caito's Guardian Angel, has won the game!

    Caito, playing as Percy Jackson, the Berserker, has won!
    Listo, playing as Annabeth, the Soul Collector, has won!


    The game has concluded. Another one will start soon :)
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