Mafia 26 - The Monster Mash
General Rules
You are free to discuss whatever you want, claim whatever you want, and draw whatever conclusions you want within the game thread. Just remember: This is Mafia, people are definitely lying to you.
How to Vote
Night Phase
Day Phase
Living Players
It is now Day One. Day one deadline: Wednesday 10/23 @ 10pm
For Day One only: Majority yeet is in effect. With 12 living players, majority is 7.
General Rules
- Editing of posts is forbidden.
- Deleting posts is forbidden.
- You must use the vote function or I will not count your vote.
- You do not need to unvote before casting a new vote.
- Minority yeet is in effect, ties will be randomized.
- If you have fewer posts than I do, there will be consequences.
- This game requires discord, all action submissions, correspondence with the moderator, and rolecards will be handled through private channels in my server. (Exceptions can be made if necessary)
- Players who successfully answered the riddle have been granted a hidden boon.
- Once dead you may only post in the provided dead channel unless your role card specifically states otherwise.
- I am a bastard mod. Any game I run may, or may not include bastard elements.
- Quoting/Screenshotting/using anything provided by the moderator as evidence is forbidden.
- No discussing this game outside of this thread or provided channels.
You are free to discuss whatever you want, claim whatever you want, and draw whatever conclusions you want within the game thread. Just remember: This is Mafia, people are definitely lying to you.
How to Vote
Use the
buttons at the top of the post options to unvote and vote respectively.
To peg someone as a suspicious candidate that you would potentially vote for, without actually voting, use the Finger of Suspicion; FoS: FoxxiMcLeod

To peg someone as a suspicious candidate that you would potentially vote for, without actually voting, use the Finger of Suspicion; FoS: FoxxiMcLeod
Night Phase
Players with Night Actions will submit them during this phase within their personal Discord channels. Night phases will be ~12 hours.
Day Phase
This is the part where you collectively choose who to murder!
Everyone has one vote per day to use to decide who to lynch. You can always change your vote, or even have no current vote. Once a player has gotten a majority (more than half) of the votes, they are immediately yeeted and may no longer post in the thread. Day phases will last ~36hours or until majority yeet occurs.
Everyone has one vote per day to use to decide who to lynch. You can always change your vote, or even have no current vote. Once a player has gotten a majority (more than half) of the votes, they are immediately yeeted and may no longer post in the thread. Day phases will last ~36hours or until majority yeet occurs.
Living Players
- Blind Ninja
- Claws
- Listo
- Matthieu
- MitchRapp
- Pups
- Satsu
- Tildey
- Val
- VoidKitten
It is now Day One. Day one deadline: Wednesday 10/23 @ 10pm
For Day One only: Majority yeet is in effect. With 12 living players, majority is 7.
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