Fingers of Suspicion

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The Sexiest Mafian Ever: The Mafian

  • Thread starter Thread starter Mazer
  • Start date Start date
  • Tagged users None
  • Mazer

    Spirit Breaker
    The Sexiest Mafian Ever

    Violina stood before the masses. In this cases, the masses were about 16 people.


    She addressed them.

    "I love all of you. I can be with all of you. But I must not be with all of you. I must empower you all. But I must raise some above others. For sexiness must be won. And not all will grind (mod note: she winked twice there). You must be at your sexiest. You must cast aside doubt. You must seduce your senses. You must seduce your logic. You must seduce your intuition. You probably need to seduce each other. And only then, can you seduce me."

    That excited Claws. He was getting filthy and was down for the get down.

    Violina laughed. "Hold, noble claws. This can't be that direct. For I am Violina, the Transparent Opaque Enigma of Clarity. You must begin the quest by seducing your own sense of self"

    At her word, Violina waved her hand, and pods appeared. With an unknowable gesture, she clearly communicated to each player that they must step into their own Pod of Illusion.

    As the players began to move, Jarrod whispered to Xan. "These fools will never win Violina. MTR doesn't even know how to twerk". Jarrod quickly demonstrated. Honestly, he wasn't bad.

    "We've got to make sure we're the ones there at the end. See those strings? Only we get to play with those". And then they laughed. Honestly, they do need to work on the sexy laugh.

    As the first player emerged from the Pod of Illusion, Michael B. Jordan stepped forth and surveyed the landscape. This was going to be a bumpy ride.

    Please be aware of the following rules:
    • This will be a Role Madness game. Which will include 67% devilry.
    • You CAN claim roles and breadcrumb. You may share information received. You may NOT screenshot or share direct images, quotes from me, from discord, pms, etc. I will kill you way faster than voidkitten. And I won't do the foxxi thing where she doesn't do it if it will end that game. I will end this motherfucker at a weird time on a modkill.
    • You are strongly encouraged to make more than 5 posts a day and vote. Consideration is made if a day lasts less than 24 hours. If you need a replacement, please let me know
    • Day phases cut off at 48 hours. Night at 24. The cutoff occurs whether I am online or not.
    • If there is no hammer before the end of the day phase, the leading vote getter will be eliminated. If there is a tie, both players will be eliminated. Normal Hammer Voting Rules apply
    • Night actions should be submitted on your Discord channel
    • Any day actions should be sent to me via Discord channel. You are also encouraged to send me an FOS PM as well. This increases the chances that they are received by me in a timely manner.
    • You may leave a will in your player channel

    The game will begin in approximately 1 hour.
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    Start day 1
  • This game is now live

    1. MitchRapp
    2. VoidKitten
    3. Val the Moofia Boss
    4. Matthieu
    5. CWE
    6. LemonDemonGirl
    7. Xanjori
    8. MTR
    9. Jarrod1983
    10. FutureHold
    11. PsychoSoldier
    12. Listo
    13. Blind Ninja
    14. Grumpycat
    15. morrison
    16. Claws

    With 16 active players, hammer is 9

    GIF by WWE
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    End Day 1 Start Night 1
  • 6 - LDG: BN(9), Mitch(79), GC, Xan, Jarrod, Matt
    1 - Morri: CWE(179)
    1 - Mitch: Val(5), LDG
    1 - Xan: Psych(19)
    1 - BN: Void(27)
    1 - Future: MTR(93)
    1 - Void: Claws(113)
    1 - MTR: Future(115)
    Claws (1)-Listo

    The players were befuddled as they looked at their transformed images in amazement. They tepidly began to explore their forms. Several began to get out some massage oils and eye the grotto. But none seemed to fully embrace their sexiness yet.

    Violina looked on with interest, and bemusement.

    "Perhaps a change is needed to drive you to embrace your inner desires and outer sexiness. And perhaps you shall see it".

    "However, I must choose."

    After handing out roses to all the participants but one. VIolina approached LDG. She knew she had been part of the forces of good sexiness. But alas - sexiness, like a weird serial killer, may wear many faces.

    You will not advance to become my paramour. However, as a boon to one who was .....prematurely ejected .....from the game before they could know a night of carnal delights......I shall accompany you as you leave my realm. Let this walk inspire you.

    And everyone watched Violina as she walked. Damn she has presence.

    Active players:
    1. MitchRapp
    2. VoidKitten
    3. Val the Moofia Boss
    4. Matthieu
    5. CWE
    6 Xanjori
    7. MTR
    8. Jarrod1983
    9. FutureHold
    10. PsychoSoldier
    11. Listo
    12. Blind Ninja
    13. Grumpycat
    14. morrison
    15. Claws

    Lemon Demon Girl has been eliminated

    Begin Night 1. You have 24 hours to submit actions. Remember, that you are able to leave a will in your player thread on discord.

    Sexy Good Night GIF by The official GIPHY Page for Davis Schulz
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    Night 1 Summation/Start Day 2
  • As the Lemon Demon Girl left the realm of Violina and went to the mortal plane, the rest of players knew they it was time to revel and cavort.

    Glancing at their changed visages, many decided to live out their fantasies.

    It had been a long day, Chris Hemsworth found Tom Holland, and told him how he could definitely tell that he had been working out.

    But there was more than one person wearing the form of a Chris that night. Chris Evans sought out Sydney Sweeney, to see if she wanted to learn a how good he was at assembling.

    Perhaps disconcerted by earlier events, Zendaya found Timothee Chalamet and started to work on their lines together.

    Not to be outdone, Sabrina Carpenter offered Henry Cavill some of that Me Espresso.

    Chalemet wanted to show that spices aren't just for Dune. Spiciness can also be for Sydney Sweeney.

    While Sydney Sweeney decided that she wanted to try out her own assembling skills with Sabrina Carpenter.

    Michael B Jordan, never one to be sidelined, also wanted to work through some scenes with Chalamet.

    Zach Efron,
    never one to skip cardio, wanted to see if Dua Lipa and him could put each other through a session.

    Selena Gomez also wanted to see if Chris Hemworth was up to ensure that there was only sexiness in the building.

    As the night ended, Violina saw all for their true intents.

    She went throughout her realms and handed out roses. She stopped by the door of mitchrapp. She frowned at him with joy.

    She reach out to him and returned him to his true form.

    "I'm sorry. For all your fire and passion mitchrapp....the culmination of the night has left you impotent. You must journey home".

    Grumpy Catsu has been eliminated. He was mitchrapp-Town 1shot killer

    LDG-Town Cop/Doc alternating-Future
    GC - Town 1 shot killer-Mitch

    The Mafians were spent from their night of sexy antics. Most lazed about the grotto

    Mazer walked down.

    "What an eventful first day. I've been talking to Violina, and she can really see some of your sexiness coming through. Although some of you....well, if my example hasn't been enough to inspire you to greater sexiness for all these years.....I just hope this works"

    "Well, get back to it. Show Violina what you've got. And mind the grotto.....and the rule change".

    Note: With day 1 ending, voting rules revert to Hammer required for elimination.

    1. MitchRapp
    2. VoidKitten
    3. Val the Moofia Boss
    4. Matthieu
    5. CWE
    6 Xanjori
    7. MTR
    8. Jarrod1983
    9. FutureHold
    10. PsychoSoldier
    11. Listo
    12. Blind Ninja
    13. morrison
    14. Claws

    With 14 living players, hammer is 8.

    Begin Day 2

    Sexy Cody Rhodes GIF by AEWonTV
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    Begin D3
  • As the night began, VIolina looked out at the players.

    "You have pushed each other to higher levels of passion. But I a, sill not satisfied. You my remember: Love is a battlefield"

    Under their various guises, the battle of love commenced.

    Chris Hemsworth was inspired. He let the power of his passion ignite Zendaya.

    But he was not alone in his nigh superheroic displays, as Henry Cavill wanted to show Zendaya that while he may be as powerful as a locomotive, he was is no way faster than a speeding bullet.

    Jennifer Lawrence gave Zendaya and Selena Gomez a seductive look. "Hey ya'll, what about a menage a trois?"

    Zendaya, for her part, decided that she would only be satisfied if she found out if Travis Kelce was as good with his hands as she was led to believe.

    Timothee Chalamet needed to get some one on one time with Sydney Sweeney as well.

    And after that Chalamet went right to Chris Hemsworth. Chris caught the thunder in a way that he had never before.

    Sydney Sweeney had apparently heard this as well, and wanted to get some hands on experience with Travis of her own.

    Travis, on the other hand, found out whether Chris Evans had really needed super soldier serum. If he did, Travis had a sponsorship with Pfizer to fall back on.

    Michael B Jordan's Creed training inspired him to go a couple rounds with Zach Efron, but he wasn't able to make the connection.

    None of them seemed good enough for Selena Gomez. She spent the night learning the greatest love of all.

    Zach Efron wanted to get that feeling of Euphoria as well, and there was no better way than evening with Sydney.

    Dua Lipa
    approached Mazer. She started to do a lap dance, but it went a lot worse than you'd expect. She tripped on the way over. She was way too herky Jerky. Just .....not good at all. Mazer was honestly disappointed, and hoped that Dua would at least try not to disappoint in the future. Sadly, he was skeptical.

    Violina went to hand out roses. But she stopped in front of 3. "On this night....the forces of selfishness have made you....less desirable. And as selfishness is sometimes sexy....they can;t be denied. But you can be denied. To show you the point.....I'm denying you right now"

    Val has been eliminated. He was MTR- Town Cop/Tracker

    MTR has been eliminated. He was Tildey-Town Watcher

    Psych has been eliminated. He was Morrison-Town Hider.

    Mtr will
    N1 Matthieu (saw no one)
    N2 CWE

    Psych will
    *Will: first thing's first, if I die tonight (N2), I hid behind MTR.

    On Page 1, Xan feels loose but just engaged enough to be town.

    Light good vibes on Void.

    Noted that Grumpy was pushing MTR

    ( This post from Claws, considering Grumpy ended up dying N1 is...interesting.

    Reading Mitch's posts in flow with the thread, their focus on LDG without prodding others despite how many others were talking stands out even more now.

    I don't have any specific player in mind, but it maybe might be worth seeing who was voting/pushing VK for reacting to posts without posting. Seems like it's based on his role and I expect scum to be more patient and understand that, whereas town are more likely to both be skeptical and push on it. (At a glance, only BN and Claws had a real reaction to it, and Matthieu made an innocuous comment about it, so if any of them are scum, my money is on Matthieu).

    Future's entrance is underwhelming.

    Mm, I guess the "like as many posts as possible" from Matthieu is maybe a decent look. At least enough to not really gun for him without a strong urge. Matthieu switching to vote Morri on D1 also probably a decent look?

    ( This post from morrison maybe clears Mitch

    Matthieu unvoting Morrison after he posted is maybe a bit performative, but also Morrison doesn't even name Matthieu right in his post about Mitch and maybe that shows a lack of partnering? I dunno.

    Claws feels like he has his detective hat on for D2

    MTR is low-key feeling more scummy

    I dunno, I kinda get light town vibes from Jarrod

    CWE I think did or said something about morrison near the end of D1 which made me think unpartnered? I'll have to double check (It must have just been voting Morrison on D1. Doesn't mean a lot at the time, but a better look than not.

    One thing that keeps me from wanting to scum read Listo is his comment about Morrison's trash. Kinda seems like it was hinting at him target morri? Maybe not though.

    I want to know why CWE didn't engage with the info on morrison.

    Void mostly seems towny, but I'm not sold yet. Something about the way he pushes Claws tied to "if Morrison flips scum" kinda feels like he was planning for that world knowing that morri would flip red? But this feels kinda dumb and not right.

    ( I don't like that he doesn't give the Why here and want to press on that

    Having looked at Xan once again, I think he can probably just be town? He's lacking any concrete moves that make him look good in comparison to Morrison, but his vibes on MTR(especially if scum) are probably a good look, and he's just seemed genuinely solvey.

    Town: Val, Claws, Mitch/Matthieu, Xan

    CWE, Listo, Void, Jarrod

    Blind, Future, MTR**

    The Sexiest Mafian Ever

    As the night ended, Violina and Mazer spoke. Violina had seen some sexiness, but also some embarrassing displays.

    She spoke to Mazer, "Don't they realize that they can all be sexy in their own way"

    Mazer responded, "Sadly....some do not. They are missing the timeless art....of seduction"

    Obviously, Violina already knew that. Sometimes she liked to make observations so mortals could pass the time.

    LDG-Town Cop/Doc alternating-Future
    GC - Town 1 shot killer-Mitch

    Morrison -ScumKiller-Xan
    Psych-Town Hider-Morrison
    mtr-Town watcher-Tildey
    Val-Town Cop/Tracker-MTR

    1. MitchRapp
    2. VoidKitten
    3. Matthieu
    4 CWE
    5. Xanjori
    6. Jarrod1983
    7. FutureHold
    8. Listo
    9. Blind Ninja
    10. Claws

    With 10 active players, hammer is at 6.

    Begin Day 3.

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    End Day 3
  • Jarrod (6) - Xan, matt, voidkitten, listo, future, blind ninja
    listo (4)- mitch, cwe, jarrod, claws

    Groups were beginning to explore the potential of their individual and collective Sexiness. Wow many hoped that a pure, giving sexiness would win the day.....the forces of dark sexiness were able to shake the LemonDemonGirl's confidence.

    Violina was sad as she escorted the LemonDemon out. But to the victor must go the spoils.

    Jarrod has been eliminated. He was LemonDemonGirl - Town JOAT

    LDG-Town Cop/Doc alternating-Future
    GC - Town 1 shot killer-Mitch

    Morrison -ScumKiller-Xan
    Psych-Town Hider-Morrison
    mtr-Town watcher-Tildey
    Val-Town Cop/Tracker-MTR
    Jarrod-TOWN JOAT-LDG

    1. MitchRapp
    2. VoidKitten
    3. Matthieu
    4 CWE
    5. Xanjori
    6. FutureHold
    7. Listo
    8. Blind Ninja
    9. Claws

    Begin Night 3

    Sexy Good Night GIF by The official GIPHY Page for Davis Schulz
    Night write-up/Begin Day 4
  • As the sexy night began, many wondering about the very nature of sexiness. Was it selfless? Was it selfish? Was it both in varying measure?

    But the wise realized this was no time for introspection. It was time to get on with the getting down.

    Nobody needed to tell Dua Lipa twice. In fact, she was already jamming with Sabrina Carpenter, Travis Kelce, Henry Cavill, and Chris Evans.

    Henry Cavill
    decided to show Chris Evans why he was called the Man of Steel......and it wasn't because he played Superman.

    Jennifer Lawrence, on the other hand, decided to make sure that Travis Kelce wouldn't say that he had No Hard Feelings.

    Zendaya met Timothee Chalemet. While the set of Dune was dry, things this night were definitely not.

    TImothee Chalamet made sure that Chris Evans Called Him by His Name, Your Name, and any other name that he could think of.

    Sabrina Carpenter decided that it was time for Chris Evans to beg, and she got his Please Please Please all through the night.

    And Selena Gomez made sure that it was Only Sexy in the Building as she found Timothee Chalamet.

    Violina found another player at the bar. Although she enjoyed a night of drunken debauchery as much as the next multiversal being who exists beyond a linear concept of time.....sometimes too much can lead to underperformance.

    As such, no rose was given. But they did have a drink and a laugh before his exit.

    CWE has been eliminated.

    He was Claws-EN RB

    Violina looked out. She had thought that she might find one paramour to empower. But with each passing night, a polyamorous relationship seemed more and more palatable.


    LDG-Town Cop/Doc alternating-Future
    GC - Town 1 shot killer-Mitch

    Morrison -ScumKiller-Xan
    Psych-Town Hider-Morrison
    mtr-Town watcher-Tildey
    Val-Town Cop/Tracker-MTR
    Jarrod-TOWN JOAT-LDG
    CWE-TOWN EN RB-Claws

    1. MitchRapp
    2. VoidKitten
    3. Matthieu
    4. Xanjori
    5. FutureHold
    6. Listo
    7. Blind Ninja
    8. Claws

    With 8 active players, hammer is 5.

    Chris Pine Dancing GIF by Saturday Night Live


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