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House of MTR Episode 1: The Not-so-Civil War

  • Thread starter Thread starter Mazer
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NopeThose votes seem quite unjust. I assure you.
Yeah no

Kenan Thompson Snl GIF by Saturday Night Live

Molly Carpenter was very concerned about everything that went on today. She decided it was best to freeze things. And see how things looked later.

Begin Night 6
Now the peril was real.


And so the Righteous arm of the House marched on. As they were moving through Hell, they heard another taunt.

called out "You may have taken mtr and future, but you'll never get me! Come at me, bro." On a separate note, Lletty was not surprised by Hell's Byzantine decorating scheme.

Tildey wanted to make sure Tildey did the right thing. So she made she her journey through Hell would not spur further evil.

rf was feeling pretty good after taking out Future the other night. Somebody was now the top mtr offspring. And they decided their lofty perch could only help mtr.

Meanwhile Waldo decided that he needed to spend some time studying listo. No, not like that. Get your mind out of the gutter. It was strictly police business.

Morrison meanwhile was pretty angry with himself. "Man. I've really let mitch stay on this journey for a while. And he's new. What am I doing with myself? Who even am I? Time to fix this".

has been eliminated.
He was DivaSmurf-Doc

As Diva went down, there were very few members of the house left. Somehow, it all came down to this. Would Listo be freed? Would a family fall apart? And why is Violina smiling?

Active players:

1. Listo
2. Tildey
3. MTR
4. Future
5. Diva
6. PsychoSoldier

Dr. Strange
Robo - Boimler - EN Watch
GC-Worf -EN Tracker
Val-Harry Dresden - Chameleon

CWE-Dan the Dad JOAT
Claws-Eddie Kingston Roleblocker
Voidkitten-Marcone Busdriver

Blind Ninja-Clause ON Watcher
Lletty-NSF Back-up
Morri-Regis Vote Stealer

With 6 active players, hammer is 4

Begin day 7
Tildey (4) - mtr, future, psych, Tildey

The forces of good surrounded Llettuce.

Tildey called out "Llettuce, how could you do this? WE'RE A FAMILY!"

But llettuce was beyond hope "YOU PUT LISTO OvER US!"

Tears flowed. But in the end, the llettuce was picked.

Tildey has been eliminated. She was Llettuce-JOAT.

Listo could almost taste freedom as the heroes ran towards his cell.

Listo prayed that this would be the last time he needed to wait for tomorrow.

Begin night 7

Get em in
Listo rattled his cage. "Free me! Please!. But also let's make sure we leave this place nicer than we found it". He began to tidy up his cell. Even when trapped in hell, there's no excuse for being a bad house guest.

Tildey was dazed from the previous night's work. Wary, she kept standing.

100 Fun Badger saw everyone struggling. "Hey Guys, let's finish this up tomorrow. Let's just get through hell. I can see the engame. But let's have some fun as we free Listo. What do you say LIsto"

Waldo Butters was somehow still standing. He was always on edge. Leaving nothing to chance, he asked Diva to visit the lab.


Morrison stood ready. The Heroes rushed onward. Listo gave his hell neighbor advice for removing the smell of sulfur.

And while there had been a chill wind in hell, it seemed to depart.

1. Listo
3. MTR
4. Future
5. Diva
6. PsychoSoldier

Dr. Strange
Robo - Boimler - EN Watch
GC-Worf -EN Tracker
Val-Harry Dresden - Chameleon

CWE-Dan the Dad JOAT
Claws-Eddie Kingston Roleblocker
Voidkitten-Marcone Busdriver

Blind Ninja-Clause ON Watcher
Lletty-NSF Back-up
Morri-Regis Vote Stealer

Tildey-Llettuce JOAT

With 5 Active players, hammer is 3

Begin Day 8
Morrison swung wildly at Tildey, but fortunately Diva had taught her how to execute a perfect hiptoss to deflect. Tildey tried to talk sense into Morrison, but he was beyond reason.


Meanwhile Jackie Daytona had gone unnoticed. In his bat-form, he was almost unnoticeable in Hell. But as he saw Listo's cell, he turned back into a his normal form, Which of course, was a normal human bartender.

"What say there Listo? Not that I mind this hell scene. I can tell you its not too different than a Roman bathhouse Orgy. But I guess if I don't get you out of here, we might never Orgy again". Jackie ripped the door off its hinges, adjusted the toothpick in his mouth, and escorted Listo out the door. As he was leaving, Listo left a nice thank you note for his Jailers. It was wirtten in blood, and he had to write it on the skin of a dead rat. Still, he thought his demon jailers would appreciate the thought.

As he and Jackie ran, Morrison attempted to stop them, but as he ran towards them, Waldo Butters hit him with one of his trusty pocket beakers.

TIldey rallied the troops to push back through to the sun.

As the team emerged from Hell, more glorious than Orpheus could have ever dreamed, Morrison screamed in rage.

"Morrison, it doesn't have to be this way! Join us in the light"

Morrison yelled "Never!". Then his phone vibrated. He looked down. 100 Fun Badger had sent him a video to try to cheer him up. It was Mike Tyson talking about "Fading into Bolivian" and feeding his pigeons. Morrison couldn't help but laugh. He laughed and laughed until he collapsed.

Listo has been eliminated He was Morrison-Killer

Congratulations to your winners:
mtr-Tildey JOAT
Diva-100 Fun Badger Rolechanger
Psych-Jackie Daytona-Hider Variant
Future-Waldo Butters-Cop


As Listo returned, Tildey and Diva went to set things right. They freed their captive friends, and started to return home. Hopefully, they could talk to their family.

Violina smiled. From all angles, her smile was complete. With Listo free, crisis could be averted. The family could reunite.....wait

There was a disturbance. A cold force seemed to freeze Violina's bow.

For the first time in recorded history, she missed a note

Ahsoka had been set up to guard the couch of containment. MTR was bitter. He couldn't believe that they had risked the whole family for Listo.

Ahsoka suddenly felt a disturbance. Before she could react, General Grievous was upon her. They battled, and when it felt like Ahsoka might just get the upper hand., a cold blast stuck Ahsoka from behind.

Untitled design.png

MTR sprang to his feet and was immediately slammed back to the couch.

The air around him rippled. As a dark shape emerged, the air itself somehow seemed to freeze in place

"It's not right is it? You just wanted to protect your family, and you are confided here by that fool Dresden. And for what? So that 'Listo' can be free. As if Listo can be freed once for all times. But I....digress. The enemies of Listo will come for your family. And you can't protect them. They almost had it right you know? The robot devil and robo listo. But they relied on science....when a simple knowledge of the arcane would have changed things in a more....enduring way. But after all perhaps I am too hard on them. What truly endures? Can one even be assured that Demons and Jlaw won't attack one's family in vengeance?"

Mtr seethed.

"You could protect them. For no matter what challenges we face, we must always protect family. I can grant you that power. Violina would use your entire family as pawns. She gifts you words and allies. I will give you power and dominion. None shall dare seek vengeance on your family. What price is too high for this?"

The enchantment on the couch was lifted.

A deal was struck.

And MTR -The newly ordained Winter Knight left with Mab-The Queen of Air and Darkness.

At another corner of time, Clause returned home. "Honey, you would not believe the days I've been having. I fought magic people, and families, Eddie Kingston for some weird reason...."

"That sounds nice dear. I'm glad you had fun with your friends."

"I guess you could say that I've sure been one INDEPENDENT CLAUSE" They both laughed heartily.

Just then a shimmering portal appeared. Violina's voice echoed through. "Clause. I need you again. The House needs you. It's worse than I knew. We must go the future"

Clause sighed "Here we go again.....Hey honey, before I go.....were you able to set my name up in that forum?"

Thank you for playing. See you next time in House of MTR 2: When World Collide.
Good game, y'all. I'm definitely in my lazy phase right now, but this was also just a string of bad luck for scum that got them boxed in. Though you definitely should have killed Future sooner.

Kind of funny to think Val misunderstanding his role caused all this. Robo got got, but that led to me stealing Val's ability, which ironically let me copy Future's ability after he outed Cop and that's how I got Void. The Jarrod/Claws/Void 1-2-3 Punch robbed your momentum.

Great flavor, Mazer, and without looking at all the roles, I feel you've made another great setup that's fun to play role wise, but not as easily spreadsheetable. Seemed like scum had a lot of good tools at their disposal.
i should’ve been dead for half of this game
We were going for the quick win because I wanted to show Mazer how awful his mechanic of reducing majority is and can be abused, but we got within 1 kill and it didn't pan out with the results. We also removed your ability one night, but Psycho had already gotten the ability to use it. We had attempted to kill Psycho, but MTRs bus drive ruined that.

You weren't a super high kill priority (before the Psycho info) because I felt I could cast aspersions or be able to argue you. Psycho would be a lot more difficult even if he is half assing it. Plus, we ate your ability for the night and could worry about you the next night. But alas.

I had it all set to make myself unable to be red, based on writeups, but since our kill on Psycho failed, he was able to wreck me with info.

If Psycho didn't have a BPV, we'd have won (which is why in Mazer games I go for the soft targets early because hiders love to choose them and Mazer almost always has a hider of some form). We had hated and the ability to not allow people to vote on the same trains which would have prevented majority and allowed the win, even with a daykill from MTR.

Well done, especially to CWE for getting Jarrod and great choices for night action usage.

Next time ;)
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