Fingers of Suspicion

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House of MTR Episode 1: The Not-so-Civil War

  • Thread starter Thread starter Mazer
  • Start date Start date
  • Tagged users None
Intro and rules
  • Mazer

    Spirit Breaker
    As Violina looked on at the destruction raised by the revenge, she smiled. Also she frowned. With Violina, her facial expression was determined by your frame of reference (both in physical space and time).

    For an individual in a certain physical space, the frown was what they saw. For another, the smile shined upon them. And for one who was in an earlier time, a look of hope shone through.

    While Violina's omnipresence permeated the hearts and minds of all who reason, a phone rang.

    As Tildey picked it up, a raspy voice spoke. In a tone that seemed to somehow convey that individual speaking had not had a drop of water in years. But somehow they persisted.

    " me......"

    An insight reasonated.

    "LISTO! Is that you? We thought you were gone!"

    " was all......a lie"

    "Listo, where are you?"

    "In hell........kinda thought i made that clear.....I'm sorry.....all the hellfire has made me cranky.......that was uncalled for"

    "It's ok. How can we help?"

    "Must find......the key......must find the key"

    The line went silent

    "Listo! Listo! Bark twice if you're in Milwaukee!"

    The line stayed silent.

    Tildey called out


    Not Suspicious Future immediately kicked the chessboard that Diva and lettuce were seated at. "NO TIME FOR STRATEGY! WE'RE NEEDED IN THE LIVING ROOM!"

    As the House assembled, Tildey explained the call she had just received.

    Mtr was the first to speak. "I worry about listo, and he's definitely a nice guy...". As he was talking the House agreed with a chorus of "Yep. "great guy", "helluva ballplayer", and similar sentiments. Mtr continued "But the thing is.....I mean, we just got things back to normal after the year we had where the Earth was basically a hellscape. Are we really in a position to be trying to fight our way into Hell, so soon?"

    Diva looked at his old man. "Come on, it wasn't that bad."

    Mtr was incredulous. "Not that bad? We fucking fought Danny Devito and Psych for control of Europe! We relied on our mafia friends and Jay Baruchel to overthrow Jennifer Lawrence and the Robot Devil! There's literally no way for me to overstate how weird and hellish that was!"

    Tildey said "You raise a good point, dear. But this is listo. What kind of world will our kids grow up in without listo? And honestly....what would Dan the Dad do?"

    Mtr was taken aback "Don't you bring Dan into this! We'd have to go traversing all around to find this key!"

    Tildey cried "But who are a people and a family.....if we leave Listo to rot in hell"

    The family argued through the night. Lettuce nervously laid out a search grid. Her concerns on feasibility and whether a search grid this size was even feasible. Lettuce looked at Tildey with trepidation. Future was placing supplies in the car. Mtr just kept unloading them. Then mtr thought tildey might be right. So he started loading. The made future and Diva rethink their stance. So they started unloading everything mtr had packed. Meanwhile, Lettuce and Tildey argued strategy and feasibility until neither could remember where they stood.

    Across the road, a well-dressed man stared at the House's house. Another figure approached him.

    "Ah, it done then?"

    "It is."

    "Perfect. We know the House will act. But they still don't know who they really are. As long as they divide, we should be fine"

    Morri winked. "Don't worry. I've made the deal. Division is assured"

    Gentleman John Marcone smiled. "Still nothing else is assured. Best leave no detail to chance"

    In another time, a figure sat by his laptop. He was just about to sign-up on a new forum. He briefly stopped to watch his favorite movie "The Santa Clause". He smiled, as he thought to himself about all the fun and puns he would have on this new forum.

    In the room adjacent to him, a small blue light began to shimmer.

    Welcome to Episode 1 of the House of MTR trilogy.

    Game Notes

    • This will be a Role Madness game. Which will include 38% devilry.
    • Do not claim roles or breadcrumb. I will kill you way faster than voidkitten. And I won't do the foxxi thing where she doesn't do it if it will end that game. I will end this motherfucker at a weird time on a modkill.
    • You are strongly encouraged to make more than 5 posts a day and vote. Consideration is made if a day lasts less than 24 hours. If you need a replacement, please let me know
    • Day phases cut off at 48 hours. Night at 24. The cutoff occurs whether I am online or not.
    • If there is no hammer before the end of the day phase, the leading vote getter will be eliminated. If there is no hammer reached, the hammer the following day will decrease by 1. This effect stacks. If there is a tie, both players will be eliminated.
    • Night actions should be submitted on your Discord channel
    • Any day actions should be sent to me via Discord channel. You are also encouraged to send me an FOS PM as well. This increases the chances that they are received by me in a timely manner.

    After roles go out, I will have a brief window for receiving and questions and then the game will begin
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    Intro 2
  • The man by his laptop was chuckling to himself as he thought about how he could joke about using an "escape clause" pun every time he talked himself out of a lynch on this new forum.

    As the portal shimmered, a figure stepped through. Her arrival was accompanied by the sounds of beautiful music.

    Violina had arrived


    The man jumped back.

    Violina admonished him. "Do not be afraid. I come from your future. And your present. But it is your future that calls. Forces awaken that threaten the very foundation of our world. And it begins with a single family. The House must divide. The House must change. And you must help them".
    The man looked ahead and simply said "ok".
    He called over his shoulder "Honey, I have to go save the future with the magical violin lady. Can you finish signing me up on this forum?"
    "Sure dear. Have fun storming the castle. What do you want your username:.
    The man thought of all the puns he wanted to make. "Call me.....
    Meanwhile at the House of MTR. The dispute raged on.

    MTR had become adamant that a trip to hell to save Listo was ridiculous and put the entire family at risk. Llettuce and Not Suspicious Future had been won over to his side.
    "BUT MOM! If we spend all our whole summer trying to save
    Listo from Hell, we won't have time to win the All-Valley Tae Kwon Do tournament. AND YOU KNOW THE FATE OF THE WHOLE VALLEY RESTS ON THAT!"
    Diva tried to make peace "Look guys, we should have plenty of time to storm the gates of hell, grab Listo, and then you can win the tournament."
    NSF was not convinced. "But I've got to train! WHY CAN'T LISTO GET HIMSELF OUT OF HELL....if he's SO GREAT?"
    Tildey was aghast. "If your scoutmaster could see you now.....He'd want to have you barred from OA! I can't believe that you've grown to an adult, and I've failed to teach you how to respond when Jennifer Lawrence and the Robot Devil trap your online mafia friends in hell. Sometimes, I wonder if you've learned anything from me at all!"
    MTR had heard enough. Accordingly he said "ENOUGH!"
    He had more to say immediately after that. "
    TIldey, I know the world needs Listo. And I know you've been trying to find people to help. So why can't someone else do it?"

    Not Suspicious Future and Llettuce agreed "Yeah. Why can't one of the heroes like Capt. America, Tommy Oliver, Gandalf, and Uncle Mazer do it?"

    Tildey " You guys know that the Super Power Avenger Friends are on a War Trek through the Stars. Because it's their time. Their time! Up there! Down here, it's our time. It's our time down here. That's all over the second we ride up mtr's bucket".

    MTR couldn't stand it anymore. As a result, he said "I can't stand this anymore! Come on kids. Let's take a walk".

    As MTR and family walked, Morrison approached them.

    "MTR, thank goodness I found you! Your whole family is in jeopardy!"

    Morrison! Last time I listened to you, you tried to kill my family!"

    "Look, I learned my lesson. Probably. But let's not stand around bickering about WHO tried to kill WHO. I'm working with Chicago's greatest benefactor! And he's St. Louis. If we don't stop your family from visiting Listo, the whole city, nay....the whole world is at stake! Just listen"

    "Alright.....I've always liked you, despite your kill attempts, you old rascal. I'll listen"

    A dumpy looking fellow with a hoodie pulled over his eyes said "About time you gutless, weak-willed, pathetic bastard"

    Mtr looked at morrison. "What did that dumpy looking guy say to me?"

    Eddie Kingston roared in anger! "I can't believe you called me dumpy-looking! Stop disrespecting the business! You don't know how to book!" He then ran off.

    Morrison said "It'll be fine. He'll do like 6 or 7 podcasts about this, and then he'll be back. Of that Eddie......what a rascal". Mtr, morri, NSF, and lletuce all laughed as Eddie sat down for his Art of Wrestling appearance, where he would spend 45 minutes discussing this incident..

    Tildey and Diva were distraught. How could everything gone down this way? How could they save Listo with just the two of them?

    Just then a portal emerged. As they looked on in wonder,
    Clause emerged

    Violina I arrived when I did! There's still time to save the future! And your family! Which I guess is like saving the Future and Future!" Clause laughed for 5 minutes over that thought.

    "But how can we save him, when it's just us?"

    Clause laughed a little bit more. "On your left"

    Tildey and llettuce looked on in joy as portals appeared. Hero after Hero stepped through.

    They looked out with determination, and simultaneously cried out "HOUSE OF TILDUCE......ASSEMBLE!"

    Day 1 will begin in approximately 3 hours. If you have questions on your role, let me know. If you have not yet joined my discord server, message me on discord and I will send you the invite.

    Day 1 will last 48 hours or until hammer is reached.
    Start day 1
  • As day broke, one of the heroes, journey from the House's camp.

    As Red-Shirted Ensign went forward, he scanned the area. He was determined to find something that would help his party.

    As Kira, the Yellow Ranger approached him, she inquired what he was doing.

    RSE replied, "Just trying to help. Everyone would think I WAS STRANGE if I didn't"
    And with that a bolt flew from the sky.

    Red-shirted Ensign has been modkilled. He was Dr. Strange.
    Lettuce looked on. She had egged on the RSE, knowing that he wouldn't be able to resist the trail of crumbs she had laid. The first, but not the last, betrayal had already occurred.
    As some prepared to journey into Hell, others prepared to defend the shores of Styx.

    Violina watched on. They had some much more they needed to understand about Listo. About Hell. But now was not the time. Maybe earlier would be....

    Active players:

    1. Val
    2. llettuce
    3. VoidKitten
    4. Robo-Listo
    5. CWE
    69. Blind Ninja
    7. Tildey
    8. MTR
    9. Future
    10. Diva
    11. CLAWS
    12. GrumpyCat
    13. morrison
    14. PsychoSoldier
    15. MitchRapp
    16. LemonDemonGirl
    17. Robozerim
    18. Jarrod

    Dr. Strange

    With 18 active players, hammer is at 10

    Please use the vote function for your vote to count.

    Begin Day 1
    End Day 1
  • ul2rbo1jykv8seth9fnlzf1toqfa_watermark.png

    Violina looked down and saw the battle being waged.

    It seemed that none knew where to begin. While some wanted to sought Hell itself, others sought to anticipate their move.

    While there was no clear direction, the wishes of the few were made know. And Violina saw their wisdom.

    For who could sleep at a time like this, as families were torn apart? None could.

    The days of restful sleep were now past.

    The concept of Sleep has been eliminated.

    Violina new that she must send a message to help direct her charges.

    And yet on another plane of existence, a different message was being sent.

    Begin night 1.

    Night 1 will end in 24 hours. But if you can all get your actions in earlier than that, I will try to begin the day phase a little earlier in the evening.
    Night 2 write-up/Begin day 2
  • As night settled, a voice seemed to be heard by all the forces that had united to free Listo from Hell. It whispered into their minds “Go to Cleveland. The hellmouth in Cleveland is less defended”. Normally, this would have been a good strategy. Most people forget the Cleveland Hellmouth.

    Sadly, it was not.

    A stirring went into the hearts of the Resistance. In the House Next Door, they knew that to stop their loved ones from taking this perilous journey, they would need to meet them in Cleveland.

    And they would send their fully armed battalion to remind them of their love.

    Da-da-da, dat-da, dat, da-da-da, da-ya-da

    Da-da, dat, dat, da-ya-da

    As the journeys commenced, the battle began in earnest.

    Dan the Dad knew that now was the time for action. He ran into the night, and saw Morrison and Psych. 2 Fisherman’s suplexes later, Dan had left his mark.

    The enigmatic Clause honed his fine senses on his surroundings. Morrison was an unknown quantity for him. Clause knew there would be a non-compete clause for his efforts tonight.

    DivaSmurf let family loyalties be his guide. And mtr won his support on this part of the journey.

    Having learned of Gentleman John Marcone’s interference, The Wizard of Chicago decided he would make his presence known as well. Harry Dresden communed with the spirit of Robo and set out to meet the night.

    While some are designed for the frontlines, Regis Rumblebelly knew that it was often the machinations done under cover of night that would win the day, and he would see how Morrison would react to losing something precious.

    But that was not the only precious thing that would be lost, Morrison reflected on the bravery and courage of the LDG in saving Christmas. He knew that he could not risk such heroism again. When his work was done, poor LDG would never fulfill her dream of entering Hell through Cleveland.

    LDG has been eliminated.

    As the heroes progressed, they mourned LDG. They vowed to press on in her honor. But though the daylight dawn, the air stayed cold.

    Active players:

    1. Val
    2. llettuce
    3. VoidKitten
    4. Robo-Listo
    5. CWE
    69. Blind Ninja
    7. Tildey
    8. MTR
    9. Future
    10. Diva
    11. CLAWS
    12. GrumpyCat
    13. morrison
    14. PsychoSoldier
    15. MitchRapp
    16. Robozerim
    17. Jarrod

    Dr. Strange

    With 17 active players, normal hammer would be 9. Hammer today is 8 due to carry over.

    Begin Day 2
    end day 3.
  • Jarrod has been eliminated - he was mtr- scum joatfather

    As the Righteous side of the House of MTR advanced on Cleveland, the rest of the house met down the street. MTR was convinced that his other family members would soon slip up. Confident in his power and patriarchy, he set out down the road. He was warned not to underestimate his own family, but mtr did not heed the advice.

    Soon the heroes encircled the over-exposed mtr. They demanded that he step aside. Mtr would not budge.

    Ultimately, he was overpowered. Harry Dresden had built a couch of containment, that mtr would be confined to and definitely spend a lot of time sleeping on.


    In the distance, and in the cold of the Cleveland night, the very air itself seemed to chuckle.

    Begin Night 3
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    night 3/begin day 4
  • Rage.

    Rage filled the hearts of MTR's loyalists. Here he was, a simple dad, just trying to keep his family safe.....and for that he was confined to a couch. Marcone saw an opportunity. He had a team of actual trolls that he employed on his social media team. They were quick with a keyboard. He enraged his followers. "They didn't come for MTR. HE WAS JUST STANDING BETWEEN THEM AND YOU!"

    As Marcone rallied the house, LLettuce worked a particular bit of devilry. Regardless of whether hands were busy or idle, the devil's work would be done.

    As the magic set in, the night now began.

    Tildey was sad that she had to force her husband to the couch. Was this the man she had married? So willing to let Listo rot in hell? Did anything make sense? Perhaps talking to CWE and Claws would lend a different perspective

    Dan the Dad felt hurt. How could mtr, who loved him so, had become so distracted? Not again. Not on his watch. He rallied a group around him. Focus! Be on your game! Sadly, since Dan isn't a big tv star, a fair percentage just tuned him out. I blame too much screen time.

    100 Fun Badger was worried that the MTR confinement would bring everyone down. And nobody wants to fight the forces of hell when they're not happy. So he found CWE and convinced him to change his plans right as things were about to take off. Let's liven things up.

    Waldo Butters felt a bit odd tonight. He went and found cwe and psych. Maybe they could help figure out where the investigation should go next.

    Clause was worried. He had talked to Violina about the importance of finding listo and preserving the family. And yet so much had already been lost. He pondered and pondered more. But his legendary determination never waivered. And he would miss nothing as he pondered on claws.

    DivaSmurf was heartbroken. Heartbroken, but determined. He was going to take action-Tae Kwon do style. The defensive art's skills would be well-deployed in the vicinity of claws.

    Regis Rumblebelly was a bit buggered by all this. He needed to make sure that he drove down evil's market. Would pilfering from CWE help him accomplish this goal?

    Jackie Daytona definitely felt different. He held a mystic event and summoned the essence of Waldo. It made Jackie feel like a giant nerd, but he built a crime lab. It was just another normal mystic crime lab night for the normal, human bartender.

    Eddie Kingston saw all that was going on. He knew this was his big opportunity. And opportunities like this are not something you can mess up 576 times. 575 times sure. But not 576. Then he started thinking about how he was always held back. And then he found void and spent ab out 8 hours telling him ALL the things that were not fair in life.

    Not Suspicious Future was just being not suspicious. Playing ponies with demons and evil spirts. nothing that made people look twice.

    As Cleveland entered Tildey's view, she looked at her crew. Maybe it was too late. Or maybe, just maybe, freeing Listo could bring them all back together.

    Active players:

    1. llettuce
    2. VoidKitten
    3. Listo
    4. Blind Ninja
    5. Tildey
    6. MTR
    7. Future
    8. Diva
    9. CLAWS
    10. morrison
    11. PsychoSoldier
    12. MitchRapp

    Dr. Strange
    Robo - Boimler - EN Watch
    GC-Worf -EN Tracker
    Val-Harry Dresden - Chameleon

    CWE-Dan the Dad JOAT

    With 12 active players, hammer is 7

    Begin Day 4
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    Eddie Kingston gets cut
  • Tildey knew she needed to crate a big moment to spark her team.

    And just at that moment she saw Eddie Kingston creeping around town. Tildey knew that if she could just eliminate Kingston that her team would be much more focused.

    Tildey advanced on Kingston. But Kingston launched a defense. His Machine Gun Chops with all the ferocity of a toddler playing patty-cake in preschool, he unleashed his chops.


    Tildey just kind of wondered what he thought the point of all that was. And then eliminated him.

    Claws has been eliminated-He was Eddie Kingston--Scum RB

    There was great sadness at the loss of Kingston. The team was sad that they lost their main distraction. The narrator was sad that he could no longer make Eddie Kingston jokes. And Eddie was sad, because he had a bad connection and he really wanted to complain on twitter.

    But one was not sad. One sought vengeance. And that desire could be felt in the Air and in the Darkness.
    End Day 4
  • A dark and powerful figure walked through the streets of Cleveland. It seemed that he could hear your dreams and feast on your screams.

    Marcone grinned as he prepared the next phase of his plan.

    But his plan didn't account for St. Louis favorite cookie-based martial artist. Divasmurf was on patrol. He made up his mind. It must come to end.

    He called in to Tildey. Tildey was gravely concerned about Diva pursuing Marcone. But she knew she had to trust, and needed to take the Baron of Chicago out. She relayed the plan to Diva and concluded "You have your orders, now go man go".

    Diva ran out of the shadows and floored Marcone with a devastating Orange Punch. The thing is about Marcone, if you knock him down, he'll get the fuck back up again. He did and charged at Diva. A battle ensued that would forever be remembered in the Cleveland mystical fight community. While Marcone had the strength of a bull, Diva fought with the strength of ten divas. Plus two.

    As Marcone was finally subdued, he sneered "You CHILDREN have no idea what you're playing at. You'll never get to Listo, and even if you did you have no idea what's really going on."

    The normally composed Marcone started to become frantic. "Put your listo friend aside. I've been standing by her side! She can never be satisfied! GOD, I HOPE YOU ARE SATISFIED".

    Diva tried to interrogate Marcone, but it was useless. Marcone's cries remained a mystery.

    As Marcone was led away, Tildey called out for a final push to the Hellmouth. "Let's find Listo. Let's....BRING HIM HOME"

    Void has been eliminated. He was Gentleman John Marcone-scum busdriver

    Active players:

    1. llettuce
    2. Listo
    3. Blind Ninja
    4. Tildey
    5. MTR
    6. Future
    7. Diva
    8. morrison
    9. PsychoSoldier
    10. MitchRapp

    Dr. Strange
    Robo - Boimler - EN Watch
    GC-Worf -EN Tracker
    Val-Harry Dresden - Chameleon

    CWE-Dan the Dad JOAT
    Claws-Eddie Kingston Roleblocker
    Voidkitten-Marcone Busdriver

    Begin Night 4
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    End Day 5
  • As Righteous members of the house reached the Cleveland hellmouth, the other side got worried. They were without the ferocity of Marcone. MTR was sleeping on the couch, unable to provide his wisdom. Eddie Kingston was also not there.

    It was time for a decisive action. As Not Suspicious Future prepared a dastardly counter-blow, he laughed evilly.

    Divasmurf saw him, and epiphany.

    "HEY GUYS! You know how we always talk about how Future is NOT SUSPICIOUS cause he always just hides in shadows and smirks? I was thinking about it....AND THAT IS ACTUALLY SUPER SUSS!"

    Everyone looked around at each other. They kinda had to agree.

    Llettuce has been eliminated. She was NOT SUSPICIOUS FUTURE- BACK-UP

    Begin Night 5
    Top Bottom