Intro and rules
Spirit Breaker
As Violina looked on at the destruction raised by the revenge, she smiled. Also she frowned. With Violina, her facial expression was determined by your frame of reference (both in physical space and time).
For an individual in a certain physical space, the frown was what they saw. For another, the smile shined upon them. And for one who was in an earlier time, a look of hope shone through.
While Violina's omnipresence permeated the hearts and minds of all who reason, a phone rang.
As Tildey picked it up, a raspy voice spoke. In a tone that seemed to somehow convey that individual speaking had not had a drop of water in years. But somehow they persisted.
" me......"
An insight reasonated.
"LISTO! Is that you? We thought you were gone!"
" was all......a lie"
"Listo, where are you?"
"In hell........kinda thought i made that clear.....I'm sorry.....all the hellfire has made me cranky.......that was uncalled for"
"It's ok. How can we help?"
"Must find......the key......must find the key"
The line went silent
"Listo! Listo! Bark twice if you're in Milwaukee!"
The line stayed silent.
Tildey called out
Not Suspicious Future immediately kicked the chessboard that Diva and lettuce were seated at. "NO TIME FOR STRATEGY! WE'RE NEEDED IN THE LIVING ROOM!"
As the House assembled, Tildey explained the call she had just received.
Mtr was the first to speak. "I worry about listo, and he's definitely a nice guy...". As he was talking the House agreed with a chorus of "Yep. "great guy", "helluva ballplayer", and similar sentiments. Mtr continued "But the thing is.....I mean, we just got things back to normal after the year we had where the Earth was basically a hellscape. Are we really in a position to be trying to fight our way into Hell, so soon?"
Diva looked at his old man. "Come on, it wasn't that bad."
Mtr was incredulous. "Not that bad? We fucking fought Danny Devito and Psych for control of Europe! We relied on our mafia friends and Jay Baruchel to overthrow Jennifer Lawrence and the Robot Devil! There's literally no way for me to overstate how weird and hellish that was!"
Tildey said "You raise a good point, dear. But this is listo. What kind of world will our kids grow up in without listo? And honestly....what would Dan the Dad do?"
Mtr was taken aback "Don't you bring Dan into this! We'd have to go traversing all around to find this key!"
Tildey cried "But who are a people and a family.....if we leave Listo to rot in hell"
The family argued through the night. Lettuce nervously laid out a search grid. Her concerns on feasibility and whether a search grid this size was even feasible. Lettuce looked at Tildey with trepidation. Future was placing supplies in the car. Mtr just kept unloading them. Then mtr thought tildey might be right. So he started loading. The made future and Diva rethink their stance. So they started unloading everything mtr had packed. Meanwhile, Lettuce and Tildey argued strategy and feasibility until neither could remember where they stood.
Across the road, a well-dressed man stared at the House's house. Another figure approached him.
"Ah, it done then?"
"It is."
"Perfect. We know the House will act. But they still don't know who they really are. As long as they divide, we should be fine"
Morri winked. "Don't worry. I've made the deal. Division is assured"
Gentleman John Marcone smiled. "Still nothing else is assured. Best leave no detail to chance"
In another time, a figure sat by his laptop. He was just about to sign-up on a new forum. He briefly stopped to watch his favorite movie "The Santa Clause". He smiled, as he thought to himself about all the fun and puns he would have on this new forum.
In the room adjacent to him, a small blue light began to shimmer.
Welcome to Episode 1 of the House of MTR trilogy.
Game Notes
After roles go out, I will have a brief window for receiving and questions and then the game will begin
For an individual in a certain physical space, the frown was what they saw. For another, the smile shined upon them. And for one who was in an earlier time, a look of hope shone through.
While Violina's omnipresence permeated the hearts and minds of all who reason, a phone rang.
As Tildey picked it up, a raspy voice spoke. In a tone that seemed to somehow convey that individual speaking had not had a drop of water in years. But somehow they persisted.
" me......"
An insight reasonated.
"LISTO! Is that you? We thought you were gone!"
" was all......a lie"
"Listo, where are you?"
"In hell........kinda thought i made that clear.....I'm sorry.....all the hellfire has made me cranky.......that was uncalled for"
"It's ok. How can we help?"
"Must find......the key......must find the key"
The line went silent
"Listo! Listo! Bark twice if you're in Milwaukee!"
The line stayed silent.
Tildey called out
Not Suspicious Future immediately kicked the chessboard that Diva and lettuce were seated at. "NO TIME FOR STRATEGY! WE'RE NEEDED IN THE LIVING ROOM!"
As the House assembled, Tildey explained the call she had just received.
Mtr was the first to speak. "I worry about listo, and he's definitely a nice guy...". As he was talking the House agreed with a chorus of "Yep. "great guy", "helluva ballplayer", and similar sentiments. Mtr continued "But the thing is.....I mean, we just got things back to normal after the year we had where the Earth was basically a hellscape. Are we really in a position to be trying to fight our way into Hell, so soon?"
Diva looked at his old man. "Come on, it wasn't that bad."
Mtr was incredulous. "Not that bad? We fucking fought Danny Devito and Psych for control of Europe! We relied on our mafia friends and Jay Baruchel to overthrow Jennifer Lawrence and the Robot Devil! There's literally no way for me to overstate how weird and hellish that was!"
Tildey said "You raise a good point, dear. But this is listo. What kind of world will our kids grow up in without listo? And honestly....what would Dan the Dad do?"
Mtr was taken aback "Don't you bring Dan into this! We'd have to go traversing all around to find this key!"
Tildey cried "But who are a people and a family.....if we leave Listo to rot in hell"
The family argued through the night. Lettuce nervously laid out a search grid. Her concerns on feasibility and whether a search grid this size was even feasible. Lettuce looked at Tildey with trepidation. Future was placing supplies in the car. Mtr just kept unloading them. Then mtr thought tildey might be right. So he started loading. The made future and Diva rethink their stance. So they started unloading everything mtr had packed. Meanwhile, Lettuce and Tildey argued strategy and feasibility until neither could remember where they stood.
Across the road, a well-dressed man stared at the House's house. Another figure approached him.
"Ah, it done then?"
"It is."
"Perfect. We know the House will act. But they still don't know who they really are. As long as they divide, we should be fine"
Morri winked. "Don't worry. I've made the deal. Division is assured"
Gentleman John Marcone smiled. "Still nothing else is assured. Best leave no detail to chance"
In another time, a figure sat by his laptop. He was just about to sign-up on a new forum. He briefly stopped to watch his favorite movie "The Santa Clause". He smiled, as he thought to himself about all the fun and puns he would have on this new forum.
In the room adjacent to him, a small blue light began to shimmer.
Welcome to Episode 1 of the House of MTR trilogy.
Game Notes
- This will be a Role Madness game. Which will include 38% devilry.
- Do not claim roles or breadcrumb. I will kill you way faster than voidkitten. And I won't do the foxxi thing where she doesn't do it if it will end that game. I will end this motherfucker at a weird time on a modkill.
- You are strongly encouraged to make more than 5 posts a day and vote. Consideration is made if a day lasts less than 24 hours. If you need a replacement, please let me know
- Day phases cut off at 48 hours. Night at 24. The cutoff occurs whether I am online or not.
- If there is no hammer before the end of the day phase, the leading vote getter will be eliminated. If there is no hammer reached, the hammer the following day will decrease by 1. This effect stacks. If there is a tie, both players will be eliminated.
- Night actions should be submitted on your Discord channel
- Any day actions should be sent to me via Discord channel. You are also encouraged to send me an FOS PM as well. This increases the chances that they are received by me in a timely manner.
After roles go out, I will have a brief window for receiving and questions and then the game will begin
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