Fingers of Suspicion

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Mafia 17 - The Interim Throne

Asuming bn tried to kill me he wasnt reaped. Should not flip yet.

I know i was healed didnt say protected if feedback is that specific so it would have to be physician or alchemist
I'm afraid I'm just bein' silly and felt like saying a bunch of dog related phrases and sayings because Satsu's avatar is a dog.

Okay, still 3pups may choose to answer or not. Curious because weekend time is coupon time usually lol
Yeah anything else? Especially since your biggest defender was scum
Perhaps he defended me with the intention of hoping to cast doubt on me if he, himself, were to be eliminated. Or perhaps he recognised that there really wasn't any reason to go after me back on D1 and spoke up with the hope of earning some favour by defending me.

I did point out back on D1 that it was needlessly risky to avoid eliminating someone in a game with a confirmed cult.
We can also safely take his words at face value, actually - I believe he pointed out directly that it was my first game back after a break and that he didn't want to vote on me for that reason, something that goes beyond factional alignments. I am guaranteed to be fairly active, too, so that's another reason not to take me out early on if there is no real evidence to bring to bear against me.

I know there is a “gentleman’s agreement” not to just rush in like say Foxxi getting killed over and over. It was also my first game back after a while yet I was getting grilled yet Matt seems to be getting off relatively Scot-free if you like.

Now Matt has responded and taking that into consideration. I guess what I’m trying to say is…I hope this defending isn’t mostly because he’s back among us.
He didnt even bleed anyone.
As LoNg As ThEy GoT a CoNvErT tHeY cAn. BlEeD iS nOt LiMiTeD tO fIrSt SiN. pLuS sIdE iS tHaT oNcE mM dIeS tHeY cAnNoT cOnVeRt.

ThE hEaL oN SaTsU iS nIcE. i TrUsT hIm DuE tO tHaT. eVeRyOnE eLsE iS lEsS. i Go SlEeP nOw.

I know there is a “gentleman’s agreement” not to just rush in like say Foxxi getting killed over and over. It was also my first game back after a while yet I was getting grilled yet Matt seems to be getting off relatively Scot-free if you like.

Now Matt has responded and taking that into consideration. I guess what I’m trying to say is…I hope this defending isn’t mostly because he’s back among us.
it's almost as if you have 60 posts more than the next closest person in the game.
in a game of two starting scum, it makes no sense to go hard on defending your scum buddy. BN is a player who would realize this.
Will just say fair point.

Doesn’t change me up or down about Matt currently but will consider.
Okay your last point was good. Now you’re just being “oh no badger pooosts lots”

Don’t push it please.
no, i'm saying it is no surprise that you would be getting attention when you have posted three times more than everybody else in the thread. ffs.
no, i'm saying it is no surprise that you would be getting attention when you have posted three times more than everybody else in the thread. ffs.
But…you’re not making it any better by antagonising.

I’m not stupid. You just can’t be nice, aleaaays gotta be right.
As LoNg As ThEy GoT a CoNvErT tHeY cAn. BlEeD iS nOt LiMiTeD tO fIrSt SiN. pLuS sIdE iS tHaT oNcE mM dIeS tHeY cAnNoT cOnVeRt.

ThE hEaL oN SaTsU iS nIcE. i TrUsT hIm DuE tO tHaT. eVeRyOnE eLsE iS lEsS. i Go SlEeP nOw.
Jesus Christ, I think we found the person with a post restriction. Alternating between capital and lower case with each letter sounds like a nightmarish hell to be forced into and I'd be shocked if somebody would be willing to do it of their own accord.
they posted normally earlier, so i don't think it's a posting gimmick.
It was pointed out that it's a day action, which would mean they may not have been at the mercy of the restriction earlier but are now.

Of course, he could just really be dedicated to making one post where he alternates between capital and lower case letters. iT mAkEs A sEnTeNcE lOoK kInDa MoCkInG aNd Oh GoD tHiS iS aWfUl.
I don't feel like going into the intricacies of post nuclear apocalyptic economics anyway.
He’s like one of those exes that keep nagging..but yeah let’s not detract because whatever I say is too many posts for him.

Still interested in 3pups reaction. Reasonably ok on CWE, Satsu, Xan and you. Future leaning good too but the rest ehhh need more opinions.

I know there is a “gentleman’s agreement” not to just rush in like say Foxxi getting killed over and over. It was also my first game back after a while yet I was getting grilled yet Matt seems to be getting off relatively Scot-free if you like.

Now Matt has responded and taking that into consideration. I guess what I’m trying to say is…I hope this defending isn’t mostly because he’s back among us.
I wasn't aware that you took a break as I wasn't keeping track of the games that I missed, so it has very little to do with me. I did participate in the previous game that was anonymous but fell prey fairly early on to the 'switch out' mechanic and so didn't really get the chance to work off the rust. Plus I was laying low as I was a protective role and did not want to put my head above the crowd for no reason. for vets of this style. What townies need to out their info?

Everytime we've played this style, I've had the IDGAF role.
I was not able to act last night.

Had a really solid day couponing with close to 60 large boxes of tampons, and 60 sunblock, and probably a hundred toothpaste. Kind of a nice chance from all the shampoo/bodywash and deodorants from the past couple months.

I also scored a few hundred school supplies like 24 ct pencils, pens, notebooks, journals, scissors, folders, etc. And lots of tape.

Tomorrow (well, later today now) since its a holiday I will be doubling down on the stores I missed today. Sorry I won't be around for this day period.
I wasn't aware that you took a break as I wasn't keeping track of the games that I missed, so it has very little to do with me. I did participate in the previous game that was anonymous but fell prey fairly early on to the 'switch out' mechanic and so didn't really get the chance to work off the rust. Plus I was laying low as I was a protective role and did not want to put my head above the crowd for no reason.
Fair enough.

My general point (not just at you btw) is if someone takes a break after a long time, unless like Foxxi they’re getting targeted so yeah bit of breathing room but otherwise yeah treat everyone the same. for vets of this style. What townies need to out their info?

Everytime we've played this style, I've had the IDGAF role.
Listo is arguably the player with the most knowledge when it comes to this style of game overall - potentially why he was hit with a restriction, now that I think on it. Or just an unfortunate coincidence.

As for outing information that reveals roles, I don't think that's wise unless there's something completely guaranteed to condemn an untrustworthy player. Even then, they'll just make themselves a prime target for a kill or worse yet recruitment.

Which brings me to my next point. Nobody should be above suspicion. Nobody. I see so many cult games devolve into a cult victory because too few people want to go after 'trusted town players' based on stuff they said or did earlier on in the game even though there's some excellent reasons to doubt their credibility in the mid to late game when they are not only still alive but very likely to have been turned to the dark side.

I may be preaching to the choir with that, though. Or at least I hope so.
Listo is arguably the player with the most knowledge when it comes to this style of game overall - potentially why he was hit with a restriction, now that I think on it. Or just an unfortunate coincidence.

As for outing information that reveals roles, I don't think that's wise unless there's something completely guaranteed to condemn an untrustworthy player. Even then, they'll just make themselves a prime target for a kill or worse yet recruitment.

Which brings me to my next point. Nobody should be above suspicion. Nobody. I see so many cult games devolve into a cult victory because too few people want to go after 'trusted town players' based on stuff they said or did earlier on in the game even though there's some excellent reasons to doubt their credibility in the mid to late game when they are not only still alive but very likely to have been turned to the dark side.

I may be preaching to the choir with that, though. Or at least I hope so.
As for thiis.

Yeah some good points and a cult game which is different. However if they have anything with the protective roles out there too, they shouldn’t be afraid to at least speak up if they at least think they have something IMO.
Oh wait…this is Memorial Day itself innit? No wonder it’s so quiet just now…I think.

As a UKer, I probably just don’t grasp the mangnitude of how big it is over there.

Anyway enjoy your day.
Dont be shy to vote ppl. It is only a vote for a trial. It is the advertised fun part.

Vote: MitchRapp
I can get behind this. Guy hasn’t said a word since he went on at me so who knows.
Vote: MitchRapp
Sorry for not being around last night. Stupid head was bothering me so hard to focus. I don't have any major plans today beyond stuff around the house like I have this whole week. No storms today unlike yesterday so may try out my new hammock and hammock stand later with my mead. :)
Any reason for voting to put Mitch on trial?
Satsu makes a point about using a vote for a trial.

From my end, guy hasn’t said a word in ages so how can we get a read on him if he isn’t doing anything.
Any reason for voting to put Mitch on trial?
I made an on the knee analysis of the game and sorted out good guys and not likely with BN ppl. So it left a group of scum potentials. Mitch is in there with some others.

I said in signups those are fun games and I am worried he isn't having fun.
They look as alive in game for one day. But they are already dead, cant talk cant vote ect.

But to me it looks like the only way there is a reaper is if BN would use 2 night kills ability and targeted me and I was healed and fell into bear trap.
So i would bet on sorceror magic mistle or it can be a possessor.

I dont think posesor ever apeared in those games. its the most complicated one.

If that’s what it does or even indeed happened…seems a couple of weird choices. One fairly new and well..LDG (no offense) but typically she’s not an early target.
Just read the rules. We can have even 2 trials in one day? If we do it quickly.

Come on everyone put someone on trial. Thats the way.

I just hope tomorrow’s a bit better activity wise. Understandable given today but yeah.
Also cool with two trains/trials if anyone wants to set up something on say LDG for example.
Hey LDG tell us what your role is and you wont be put on trial.

BN is dead. he didnt kill you last time but he could have. Better safe than sorry. You already won.
It is a confirmed unseen right?

Anything to add?
Just read the posesor for first time really and i am worried it could be it.
I aSsUmE tHiS iS jUsT sEmAnTiCs. CuLt AnD uNsEeN aRe BoTh EsSeNtIaLlY cUlTs JuSt OnE iS aCtUaLlY nAmEd CuLt ThE oThEr IsN'T. i'M nOt SuRe AbOuT iF iT iS a PoSsEsSoR oR nOt. If We HaVe A pHyS tHeY sHoUlD dEf ChEcK.

aDvEnTuRiNg KnIgHt LaIoS tOuDeN lEaDs A sMaLl PaRtY tHrOuGh A sEeMiNgLy EnDlEsS dUnGeOn, A sUbTeRrAnEaN mAzE fUlL oF dAnGeRoUs MoNsTeRs AnD pReCaRiOuS tRaPs. ThRoUgH tHe UsE oF aDvAnCeD mAgIc, An ExPlOrEr CaN sOmEtImEs Be ReSuRrEcTeD, aLlOwInG tHeM tO lEaRn FrOm PaSt MiStAkEs AnD gIvE tRaVeRsInG tHe DuNgEoN aNoThEr Go. HoWeVeR, wHeN a PoWeRfUl DrAgOn EaTs FaLiN, lAiOs SpElLcAsTiNg SiStEr, ShE sEnDs HeR bRoThEr AnD hIs CoMpAnIoNs BaCk To ThE bEgInNiNg To SaVe ThEm FrOm PeRmAnEnT eNdS.
Hello everyone. We had some nightmarish travel Saturday evening that spilled into Sunday. Back home now and getting caught up. Getting Blind Ninja on the first night seems like a big get all things considered.

Satsu looks to be in the clear.

I cannot imagine having to type like Listo is. If its just a bit then good on him for the commitment to it.
Satsu looks to be in the clear.
Dog Popcorn GIF by Toronto Marlies
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