Fingers of Suspicion

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Mafia 17 - The Interim Throne

Day 3 Vote Count:

MTR - 5 (Satsu #680, Badger #685, 3puppies #691, MitchRapp #692, Future #700)
Sleep - 1 (CWE #687)

Not Voting: LemonDemonGirl, Matthieu, morrison, MTR, Robozerim, Val the Moofia Boss, Xanjori

It is now Day 3. Day 3 will end when a player is executed, two trials end in pardon, or 48 hours pass (May 31st 8:00pm ET). With 13 players alive, a majority nomination for treason requires 7 votes on a player.
For what it's worth, I got a clean reading on Xanjori 2 nights ago. So pending a recruit last night, look elsewhere...
Mastermind is immune to investigation for first 3 nights ,and Sheriff cant find an SK from what I know.
Mastermind is immune to investigation for first 3 nights ,and Sheriff cant find an SK from what I know.

I feel like we have a list of targets:

I respect that I am on that list but as we start making our way through it we should be able to sort this all out.
I hope MTR does check in. To be fair he does work at a library and has shit going on. This might actually be a good time to check in with our King @ForgottenHold son of said MTR to see what he thinks of this.

Xan does show up at the last minute a lot.I initially cleared him due to BN pushing him but could be cover or another bad neutral.

Val is a man of few words typically, hard to read.

LDG is LDG. Probably the hardest to read of all as acts generally the same. She does tend to freeze up and be quieter as scum.

Mitch and I being on the list is also understandable.

Morri has been quiet but that’s NAI but still getting a town vibe off the posts he has made so far.
I can't be recruited, so there's little point in eliminating me. Going to be honest, if you screw me out of my win condition for being kind enough to have a grace period and not just screw over town by pushing to be executed immediately then I'll just take another break.
Well that's just fucking wonderful.

It could be worse. It could be a Grimario game where virm used like three cops and still failed plus fake roleblockers in that Godfather game on Rajah.
I can't be recruited, so there's little point in eliminating me. Going to be honest, if you screw me out of my win condition for being kind enough to have a grace period and not just screw over town by pushing to be executed immediately then I'll just take another break.
I realise you’ve been away a long time but this is D3 and a lot of people still playing. Not a sus on you as such but Satsu obviously has concerns over the Hunter thing with you and Robo.

Essentially I think your grace period is probably over by now regardless of how people feel about you. No offense.
I mean lotjx used to get eliminated D1 just because it’s him not to mention people targeting Foxxi/Nightingale over and over early.
Day 3 Vote Count:

MTR - 6 (Satsu #680, Badger #685, 3puppies #691, MitchRapp #692, Future #700, LDG #704)
Sleep - 1 (CWE #687)

Not Voting: Matthieu, morrison, MTR, Robozerim, Val the Moofia Boss, Xanjori

It is now Day 3. Day 3 will end when a player is executed, two trials end in pardon, or 48 hours pass (May 31st 8:00pm ET). With 13 players alive, a majority nomination for treason requires 7 votes on a player.
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I realise you’ve been away a long time but this is D3 and a lot of people still playing. Not a sus on you as such but Satsu obviously has concerns over the Hunter thing with you and Robo.

Essentially I think your grace period is probably over by now regardless of how people feel about you. No offense.
...did you not read the last few pages? I never claimed to be a hunter, that's a stretch from Satsu pushing basic phrases as me pre-claiming, which wasn't my intention.

Rather than wait for me to clarify anything, he pushed ahead on Robo and we then thankfully avoided executing him as he is, actually, the hunter it seems.

I have claimed to be a Jester and I actually used my troll box ability on him today to make him post in an odd way - which he can confirm, but seems to be avoiding doing so for some reason.

Alternatively, give me a target next day phase and I will use troll box on them to prove who I am.

There's no benefit to eliminating me. I'm neutral, sure, though none of my abilities are a threat to Blue Dragon and I am willing to wait to be executed so that I win.
...did you not read the last few pages? I never claimed to be a hunter, that's a stretch from Satsu pushing basic phrases as me pre-claiming, which wasn't my intention.

Rather than wait for me to clarify anything, he pushed ahead on Robo and we then thankfully avoided executing him as he is, actually, the hunter it seems.

I have claimed to be a Jester and I actually used my troll box ability on him today to make him post in an odd way - which he can confirm, but seems to be avoiding doing so for some reason.

Alternatively, give me a target next day phase and I will use troll box on them to prove who I am.

There's no benefit to eliminating me. I'm neutral, sure, though none of my abilities are a threat to Blue Dragon and I am willing to wait to be executed so that I win.
Did you read what I said properly? I wasn’t sussing you. I said you can’t use your “grace period” as an excuse for not eliminating you.

Although you are getting a wee bit overdefensive which is worth nothing at least.
I know Xanjori came in late and voted but there was little participation and just a pop in and vote and gone. I think there is a scum in the 3 non voters and I don't think its CWE.
I wont lie, I keep forgetting Im in the game and honestly I just sheeped Satsu
Day 3 Trial 2 Start
The group came together and decided to put another one of their one up for trial this day. King FutureHold beckoned MTR to the front of the group to make his case.

MTR is now on trial. All votes have been reset and you may now vote to Execute, Pardon, or Abstain. The trial will end at 8:00pm ET (About 3 hours from this post) or when a majority choose to execute or pardon. With 12 players eligible to vote, majority is 7 votes.
I feel like we have a list of targets:

I respect that I am on that list but as we start making our way through it we should be able to sort this all out.
Honestly I dont fully know the best way to play the setup and when the wolf 2 is two, and 1 dead instantly, it feels hard to work out where to go
I am about to fire up the grill. We are celebrating my brithday and there is steak and shrimp. I may not be back for a while or I may be off and on depending on how this goes.
The MTR Trial Vote Count:

Execute - 3 (Satsu #733, LDG #736, Val #737)

Not Voting: 3puppies, Badger, CWE, FutureHold, Matthieu, MitchRapp, morrison, Robozerim, Xanjori

It is now the Trial of MTR. The trial will end when a majority of players vote Execute or Pardon or it hits 8:00pm ET. With 12 eligible voting players, majority is 7 votes. The day will end upon conclusion of this trial. If majority is not reached by the end of trial, all non voters will automatically abstain and Execution/Pardon will be decided by a simple majority of voters. Ties will pardon.
The MTR Trial Vote Count:

Execute - 4 (Satsu #733, LDG #736, Val #737, MitchRapp #740)

Not Voting: 3puppies, Badger, CWE, FutureHold, Matthieu, morrison, Robozerim, Xanjori

It is now the Trial of MTR. The trial will end when a majority of players vote Execute or Pardon or it hits 8:00pm ET. With 12 eligible voting players, majority is 7 votes. The day will end upon conclusion of this trial. If majority is not reached by the end of trial, all non voters will automatically abstain and Execution/Pardon will be decided by a simple majority of voters. Ties will pardon.
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Sorry guys trying to catch up real quick. Traveled yesterday and had a meeting when I got back to town last night and just focused on other things. Been doing projects around the house while on vacation.
So yeah I am usually not this absent minus a migraine or getting sick. If I was working I probably would have been more active because I can sneak on here between tasks and stuff.

I always try to avoid claiming or bread crumbing even when it is allowed. Just hard for me to do it but I did do a lot of drinking the other day
I am about to fire up the grill. We are celebrating my brithday and there is steak and shrimp. I may not be back for a while or I may be off and on depending on how this goes.
Happy birthday and that sounds good. But I am too lazy to fire up a grill.
The MTR Trial Vote Count:

Execute - 3 (Satsu #733, Val #737, MitchRapp #740)

Not Voting: 3puppies, Badger, CWE, FutureHold, Matthieu, morrison, Robozerim, Xanjori, LDG #746

It is now the Trial of MTR. The trial will end when a majority of players vote Execute or Pardon or it hits 8:00pm ET. With 12 eligible voting players, majority is 7 votes. The day will end upon conclusion of this trial. If majority is not reached by the end of trial, all non voters will automatically abstain and Execution/Pardon will be decided by a simple majority of voters. Ties will pardon.
Day 3 End
Day 3 Trial 2 Final Vote Count:

Execute - 3 (Satsu #733, Val #737, MitchRapp #740)

Abstain - 3puppies, Badger, CWE, FutureHold, Matthieu, morrison, Robozerim, Xanjori, LDG #746


The group had finally reached a decision. After days of hemming and hawing and not wanting to commit, they finally decided they would convict someone of treason to the fine kingdom. MTR did not say much on the stand, but rolled his eyes, defiantly, at everyone present. MTR then stepped forward and let himself be grabbed by the guards.

The guards led MTR to the dungeon and strapped him into the rack and started to stretch him. The last anyone heard of MTR were his screams as the door to the dungeon closed.

MTR, playing as The Sellsword, has been executed and a logbook was found.


Down with the Blue Dragon and that silly King FutureHold.

The group headed out, happy that they had a fruitful day, but wary about what the night may hold for the Kingdom.


It is now Night 3. Night 3 will end at 8:00pm ET (GMT-4) on June 1st or when all actions are submitted. Actions must be submitted by 7:00pm for them to be valid.
Day 4 Start
The group awoke and headed to the castle, but were greeted by armed guards…way more than normal. Obviously something had happened. After everyone had gathered, an old man dressed in robes came out to address everyone.

“My fellow citizens. It is with a heavy heart that I tell you our King FutureHold died during the night, alongside some others. The time for mourning is not now as we must elect a new King to lead us into the future and ensure the Unseen are thoroughly routed. One of you must lead us.”

Everyone looked around at one another, unsure of whom amongst them would be best to lead them, but a decision one way or another had to be made.

FutureHold, playing as The Good King, has been killed and a logbook was found.


3puppies, playing as The Butler, has been killed and a logbook was found.


D1:Did nothing
N1:Jailed by Prince.
D2: confirmed that Satsu was Prince
N2: Serve Wine to CWE
D3: Poison Wine to the King
N3:Concentrated Wine

Satsu, playing as The Prince, has been killed and a logbook was found.


Satsu - Prince
D1: Imprison 3puppies
N1: 3puppies - Butler - Released
D2: Imprison Xan N2: Xan - Court Wizard - N1 Tornado Listo and BN - Released ;>
D3: Imprison Xan
N3: I started bleeding. Xan Released.

Morrison, playing as The Chronomancer, has been killed and no logbook was found.

As the King has been killed, all votes for the next 12 hours (12am June 2nd) will be to elect a new King by majority vote. If majority is not reached on a new King before the time runs out, there will be no King for the remainder of the game. Once a King is selected or the 12 hours run out, Day 4 will continue as normal, votes will be reset, and nominations for treason can begin.


Living Players:

1. Badger
2. CWE
3. LemonDemonGirl
4. Matthieu
5. MitchRapp
6. Robozerim
7. Val the Moofia Boss
8. Xanjori

Dead Players:

1. Blind Ninja, playing as The Assassin, has been killed. (Night 1)
2. Listo, playing as The Alchemist, has been killed. (Night 2)
3. MTR, playing as The Sellsword, has been executed. (Day 3)
4. FutureHold, playing as The Good King, has been killed. (Night 3)
5. 3puppies, playing as The Butler, has been killed. (Night 3)
6. Satsu, playing as The Prince, has been killed. (Night 3)
7. Morrison, playing as The Chronomancer, has been killed. (Night 3)

It is now Day 4. Day 4 will end when a player is executed, two trials end in pardon, or day ends (June 3rd 8:00pm ET). With 8 players alive, a majority nomination for treason requires 5 votes on a player. Majority nomination for a King requires 5 votes.
Jeezo…not quite sure how to react. Still digesting it all. Slow days and then well..this!

Need to think carefully about our next King after this bloodbath!
While I love Vida la Vida, I feel like it would have been appropriate to throw in Never Gonna Give You Up.

Okay....3puppies poisoned the king, so that's probably why FutureHold is dead.

Satsu says he started bleeding N3. I am not responsible for this bleed, though he seemed to die for some other reason than the bleed unless this bleed somehow kills super fast.
Amongst those left alive, I can't particularly say I trust many of them. CWE I think may be one of the better options. Being one who is bleeding out may mean the cult is less likely to convert them.
Amongst those left alive, I can't particularly say I trust many of them. CWE I think may be one of the better options. Being one who is bleeding out may mean the cult is less likely to convert them.
I'm not bleeding...apparently

I am the literal definition of dead man walking.

Unless someone saves me at the correct time.

Anyway.....I used Hunter's Mark last night rather than my bear companion. I chose Val the Moofia Boss and Satsu. If Val had targeted Satsu last night, I would have role blocked him and attacked him. While Val may be evil, he did not kill Satsu unless my action failed somehow.

1) Badger- unknown, very chatty
2) CWE- Sheriff I think they said? Bleeding, maybe?
3) LemonDemonGirl- ???
4) Matthieu- The Fool, supposedly
5) Mitchrapp- ???
6) Robo- me, the hunter
7) Val- Did not kill Satsu unless immune to RB or my ability failed somehow
8) Xanjori- jailed by the prince, allegedly court wizard

Ones to remove from the top of suspicions list:
CWE the sort of bleeder and apparent never liar (I always remember there is somebody that never lies from Rajah, but never remember it's CWE).
Matthieu- I think there was some confirmation of being the fool because of giving out post restrictions, which makes them immune to recruitment based on role, though a possible threat because they don't actually care which side wins in the end. Also offering to do it again to confirm it again.
Robo- Obviously.
Val- While certainly could be Unseen, can't be the one who killed Satsu unless failed action on my part.
Xanjori- jailed and questioned by Satsu, supposedly the court wizard. For now we'll go with that, but it's a shaky alibi for now.

This leaves:
1) Badger- being such a presence in the thread, I'd say a good candidate for recruitment, but also risky because they draw a lot of attention.
2) LDG- No offense intended, but the reputation she has means most wouldn't be eager to recruit her, though not impossible because she's often ignored until late game. Could have started as Unseen.
3) Mitchrapp- the new to us guy. A little annoyed by Badger. As a relative newbie, he would often be given leeway early on so not a bad recruit candidate.

I think we should lynch one of those three, and I can bleed a second one. Of course, I've almost certainly missed stuff.
Just getting back from a 10 mile cycle run and having some food.

I know I’m a target. I understand it and I have to live with it. I post a looot because you know care and active. It might annoy guys like Mitch who are not as used to me as others.

But anyway I know I’m polarising but I’m not gonna change just because too many posts for folks.

Anyways quick scan reveals Robo acting pretty strangely towards CWE and then voting for him as king. It is strange and not sure why he is playing this way. Squinting is a CWE trademark and thought he would know that.

Matthieu obviously desperate to prove himself but not giving away any reads. Defence not offense.

Mitch is a bit of a wild card and my first game with him. He definitely seems switched on though so being wary.

LDG is LDG and asked her repeated times her action yet fails to answer. We should not sleep on her because it’s her.

Xan has popped in and out but not getting much on him other than the bleed. Kinda 50/50 now.

Taking all things into consideration..going with the guy I know the best as my king vote and the one I have most faith in to give accurate reads.

Vote: CWE
As I said before CWE is best bet for king. Unless we do not want to lose his power role...

I understand being on the list as I haven't claimed. I worry that if all of us claim we end up showing the cult all the roles they can claim. We almost let MTR slip into the drunk role but we had enough with the stones to lynch someone who was a 3rd party but an asset to the cult.

I still like LDG and Val for it. Especially with the weird voting last night. Badger still bugs me and the more I watch the more I do not like.
Probably just gonna give up proving myself to Mitch. It’s a shame he can’t see the town in me so extra wary now.
The Robo/CWE back and forth, LDG being LDG, Matthieu and his “post restriction” stuff concerns me the most at this point.

There is Val of course who is a wild card probably as much as LDG but for a different reason. Seems to go back to the Listo vote but saying good things otherwise.
Also just throwing this out there as I am unsure on how the inital numbering would go... is it possible we still have another neutral floating about?
The Robo/CWE back and forth, LDG being LDG, Matthieu and his “post restriction” stuff concerns me the most at this point.

There is Val of course who is a wild card probably as much as LDG but for a different reason. Seems to go back to the Listo vote but saying good things otherwise.
The Robo/CWE back and forth was me being silly about the their use of squinting all the time, and I think they took it that way and responded in kind by accusing me of insulting them and declaring themselves to have impaired vision. The whole part about me making them bleed was meant to be slightly dark humour to point out that whether it was an insult or not, it pales in comparison to the fact that I targeted them for a bleed a couple days ago before I felt good about who they are.

I assume he stays neutral, because there is a Neutral King role. I also assume he is no longer the fool after being voted in, giving him the survival win condition instead.
Take a wild guess as to what my post restriction is.

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