Fingers of Suspicion

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Mafia 17 - The Interim Throne

Day 1 End
  • Final Day 1 Vote Count:

    Xanjori - 5 (CWE #135, Blind Ninja #137, MTR #139, Val #175, FutureHold #188)
    Matthieu - 2 (Badger #17, Robozerim #76)
    Badger - 1 (MitchRapp #20)
    Blind Ninja - 1 (LDG #24)
    MTR - 1 (3puppies #73)
    Listo - 1 (Matthieu #163)

    Not Voting: Listo95, morrison, Satsu, Xanjori


    The Kingdom argued throughout the shortened day and levied accusations across the table. Though rabid as they were, no decision was made today and King FutureHold sent everyone away for the evening and demanded they return tomorrow, as the trials shall begin.

    There has been no execution.


    It is now Night 1. Night 1 will end at 8:00pm ET (GMT-4) on May 26th or when all actions are submitted. Actions must be submitted by 7:00pm ET for them to be valid.
    Day 2 Start
  • The night was a cold one in the Kingdom as everyone huddled in their homes trying to stay warm. Well, maybe not everyone. Throughout the night noises were heard, some more unsavory than others, but no one dared look out at what was transpiring. As the roosters crowed to signal the dawn, everyone awoke and started to make their way back to the castle to listen to what King FutureHold had to say.

    They all gathered but noticed their number were not as strong as yesterday. As they looked around they realized Blind Ninja was nowhere to be seen. A party was sent to his house, only to see him dead, with his throat gashed. A quick search of his house shocked everyone present to see what Blind Ninja was really up to.

    Blind Ninja, playing as The Assassin, has been killed.

    Everyone gathered together in the hall and discussed the nights events along with where to go from there.


    It is now Day 2. Day 2 will end when a player is executed, two trials end in pardon, or 48 hours pass (May 28th 8:00pm ET). With 14 of players alive, a majority nomination for treason requires 8 votes on a player.
    Day 2 Trial 1 Start
  • Since no one could come to a conclusion, King FutureHold had to rely on the most trusty of his advisors. He reached into his pocket and withdrew a four sided die, since there was a four way tie. The dice rolled and everyone watched with bated breath to see the results....

    Val the Moofia Boss is now on trial. All votes have been reset and you may now vote to Execute, Pardon, or Abstain. The trial will end at 8:00pm ET or when a majority choose to execute or pardon. With 13 players eligible to vote, majority for execute is 7 votes.
    Last edited:
    Day 2 End
  • Day 2 Final Trial Vote Count:

    Pardon - 5 (Future #341, LDG #344, Badger #348, MTR #411, Matthieu #431)
    Execute - 2 (3puppies #427, Robozerim #436)

    Not Voting: CWE, Listo95, Matthieu, MitchRapp, morrison, Val the Moofia Boss, Xanjori, Satsu #422)

    Val the Moofia Boss has been pardoned and there has been no elimination as the day has ended.


    Another day, another indecisive group. There had been a trial, but the accused had been pardoned of the accusations levied against him. Everyone said good evening to each other and set forth into the dusk, hoping to make it hope to prepare for what was expected tonight.


    It is now Night 2. Night 2 will end at 8:00pm ET (GMT-4) on May 29th or when all actions are submitted. Actions must be submitted by 7:00pm ET for them to be valid.
    Day 3 Start
  • Throughout the night people were seen flitting from house to house, making sure their deeds were being done. And soon the day broke and everyone arose from their beds and set forth to see King FutureHold. Well, almost everyone. As the village all performed bed checks on one another, they found the corpse of Listo, surrounded by tons of concoctions and potions, dead on the floor in a crumpled heap.

    Listo, playing as The Alchemist, has been killed and a logbook was found.

    D1: Stoneskin Potion
    N1: Crimson Potion Satsu
    N2: Crimson Potion Xan


    The King looked over all his people and smiled. “My friends. We must continue the vigil to rid us of the Unseen. Hold fast to your ideals and keep on fighting the good fight!” Everyone clapped, of course and the day began in earnest.


    Living Players:

    1. 3puppies
    2. Badger
    3. CWE
    4. FutureHold
    5. LemonDemonGirl
    6. Matthieu
    7. MitchRapp
    8. morrison
    9. MTR
    10. Robozerim
    11. Satsu
    12. Val the Moofia Boss
    13. Xanjori

    Dead Players:

    1. Blind Ninja, playing as the Assassin, has been killed. (Night 1)
    2. Listo, playing as the Alchemist, has been killed. (Night 2)


    It is now Day 3. Day 3 will end when a player is executed, two trials end in pardon, or 48 hours pass (May 31st 8:00pm ET). With 13 players alive, a majority nomination for treason requires 7 votes on a player.
    Day 3 Trial 1 Start
  • Day 3 Vote Count:

    Robozerim - 7 (Satsu #598, CWE #599, 3puppies #603, MitchRapp #605, Badger #608, MTR #612, LDG #614)

    3puppies - 1 (Val #578)

    Not Voting: FutureHold, morrison, Robozerim, Xanjori, Matthieu #519


    With that, the group came to a majority and pushed Robozerim up in front of them to speak in his defense as the trial began.

    Robozerim is now on Trial.


    It is now the Trial of Robo. The trial will end when a majority of players vote Execute or Pardon or 12 hours pass (12:00am ET on May 31st). With 12 eligible voting players, majority is 7 votes. If a player is pardoned, the day will continue until 8:00pm ET on May 31st. Another trial can be had. If the player is executed, the day will end. If majority is not reached by the end of trial, all non voters will automatically abstain and Execution/Pardon will be decided by a simple majority of voters. Ties will pardon.
    Day 3 Trial 1 Pardon
  • The group came together and had a discussion throughout the course of the trial, but ultimately came to the conclusion that they would not execute him for treason. The King nodded and excused Robozerim from stand.

    Robozerim has been pardoned.


    It is now Day 3. Day 3 will end when a player is executed, two trials end in pardon, or 48 hours pass (May 31st 8:00pm ET). With 13 players alive, a majority nomination for treason requires 7 votes on a player.
    Day 3 Trial 2 Start
  • The group came together and decided to put another one of their one up for trial this day. King FutureHold beckoned MTR to the front of the group to make his case.

    MTR is now on trial. All votes have been reset and you may now vote to Execute, Pardon, or Abstain. The trial will end at 8:00pm ET (About 3 hours from this post) or when a majority choose to execute or pardon. With 12 players eligible to vote, majority is 7 votes.
    Day 3 End
  • Day 3 Trial 2 Final Vote Count:

    Execute - 3 (Satsu #733, Val #737, MitchRapp #740)

    Abstain - 3puppies, Badger, CWE, FutureHold, Matthieu, morrison, Robozerim, Xanjori, LDG #746


    The group had finally reached a decision. After days of hemming and hawing and not wanting to commit, they finally decided they would convict someone of treason to the fine kingdom. MTR did not say much on the stand, but rolled his eyes, defiantly, at everyone present. MTR then stepped forward and let himself be grabbed by the guards.

    The guards led MTR to the dungeon and strapped him into the rack and started to stretch him. The last anyone heard of MTR were his screams as the door to the dungeon closed.

    MTR, playing as The Sellsword, has been executed and a logbook was found.


    Down with the Blue Dragon and that silly King FutureHold.

    The group headed out, happy that they had a fruitful day, but wary about what the night may hold for the Kingdom.


    It is now Night 3. Night 3 will end at 8:00pm ET (GMT-4) on June 1st or when all actions are submitted. Actions must be submitted by 7:00pm for them to be valid.
    Day 4 Start
  • The group awoke and headed to the castle, but were greeted by armed guards…way more than normal. Obviously something had happened. After everyone had gathered, an old man dressed in robes came out to address everyone.

    “My fellow citizens. It is with a heavy heart that I tell you our King FutureHold died during the night, alongside some others. The time for mourning is not now as we must elect a new King to lead us into the future and ensure the Unseen are thoroughly routed. One of you must lead us.”

    Everyone looked around at one another, unsure of whom amongst them would be best to lead them, but a decision one way or another had to be made.

    FutureHold, playing as The Good King, has been killed and a logbook was found.


    3puppies, playing as The Butler, has been killed and a logbook was found.


    D1:Did nothing
    N1:Jailed by Prince.
    D2: confirmed that Satsu was Prince
    N2: Serve Wine to CWE
    D3: Poison Wine to the King
    N3:Concentrated Wine

    Satsu, playing as The Prince, has been killed and a logbook was found.


    Satsu - Prince
    D1: Imprison 3puppies
    N1: 3puppies - Butler - Released
    D2: Imprison Xan N2: Xan - Court Wizard - N1 Tornado Listo and BN - Released ;>
    D3: Imprison Xan
    N3: I started bleeding. Xan Released.

    Morrison, playing as The Chronomancer, has been killed and no logbook was found.

    As the King has been killed, all votes for the next 12 hours (12am June 2nd) will be to elect a new King by majority vote. If majority is not reached on a new King before the time runs out, there will be no King for the remainder of the game. Once a King is selected or the 12 hours run out, Day 4 will continue as normal, votes will be reset, and nominations for treason can begin.


    Living Players:

    1. Badger
    2. CWE
    3. LemonDemonGirl
    4. Matthieu
    5. MitchRapp
    6. Robozerim
    7. Val the Moofia Boss
    8. Xanjori

    Dead Players:

    1. Blind Ninja, playing as The Assassin, has been killed. (Night 1)
    2. Listo, playing as The Alchemist, has been killed. (Night 2)
    3. MTR, playing as The Sellsword, has been executed. (Day 3)
    4. FutureHold, playing as The Good King, has been killed. (Night 3)
    5. 3puppies, playing as The Butler, has been killed. (Night 3)
    6. Satsu, playing as The Prince, has been killed. (Night 3)
    7. Morrison, playing as The Chronomancer, has been killed. (Night 3)

    It is now Day 4. Day 4 will end when a player is executed, two trials end in pardon, or day ends (June 3rd 8:00pm ET). With 8 players alive, a majority nomination for treason requires 5 votes on a player. Majority nomination for a King requires 5 votes.
    Day 4 No King
  • The group could not come to an official decision and did not reach majority on a new King. There shall be no King for the remainder of the game.

    LDG, playing as ???, has been modkilled by request.

    It is now Day 4. Day 4 will end when a player is executed, two trials end in pardon, or day ends (June 3rd 8:00pm ET). With 7 players alive, a majority nomination for treason requires 4 votes on a player.
    Day 4 Trial 1
  • Not at home but since no trial has been done today, Val has been automatically put on trial. You may now vote for pardon or execute. Majority will be four votes. If executed the day will end. If pardoned another trial may happen.
    Day 4 End
  • The King or the Sorcerer has decided to pardon the player on trial.

    Everyone present at the meeting shrugged their shoulders and set off into the night to hunker down or prepare for their excursion. The time was nigh to see their side come out on top.

    It is now Night 4. Night 4 will end at 8:00pm ET on June 4th or when all actions are submitted. Please submit timely. Actions must be submitted by 7:00pm ET for them to be valid. Starting with Day 5, the day phases will be shortened to 24 hours. Trial length will not change.
    Day 5 Start
  • The group gathered in the main hall and looked around, sad to see that their numbers had decreased during the night.

    Xanjori, playing as The Court Wizard, has been killed and a logbook was found.


    Tornado'd Listo and BN


    Living Players:

    1. Badger
    2. CWE
    3. Matthieu
    4. MitchRapp
    5. Robozerim
    6. Val the Moofia Boss

    Dead Players:

    1. Blind Ninja, playing as The Assassin, has been killed. (Night 1)
    2. Listo, playing as The Alchemist, has been killed. (Night 2)
    3. MTR, playing as The Sellsword, has been executed. (Day 3)
    4. FutureHold, playing as The Good King, has been killed. (Night 3)
    5. 3puppies, playing as The Butler, has been killed. (Night 3)
    6. Satsu, playing as The Prince, has been killed. (Night 3)
    7. Morrison, playing as The Chronomancer, has been killed. (Night 3)
    8. LDG, playing as ???, has been modkilled. (Day 4)
    9. Xanjori, playing as The Court Wizard, has been killed. (Night 4)

    It is now Day 5. Day 5 will end when a player is executed, two trials end in pardon, or day ends (June 5th 8:00pm ET). With 6 players alive, a majority nomination for treason requires 4 votes on a player.
    Game End
  • The Kingdom had fallen silent as the sun rose. Not many people stirred from their beds and those who had, were the ones without the best intentions. With the Good King dead and no one to follow their lead, nothing would stop the Unseen from manipulating and taking away all the rights the people had held dear.

    There were even rumors of a secret passageway to Hell where one could find a treasure beyond any power imaginable. It was considered to be the paragon of virtue.

    But there was one death of note and it was the last hope the Blue Dragon had.

    Robozerim, playing as The Hunter, has been killed and a logbook was found.


    The end of the world is nigh, the prophets have foretold the world will be bathed in crimson flames and pink blood.
    On the first night I huddled inside, hugging my dear bear for what little comfort I could find, fearing the inevitable end of all, and on day two I saw the death of a villainous knave. Could my steadfast companion have protected me in the short moments of sleep that I garnered by mauling to death my attempted killer?
    The apocalypse being so close on the horizon, I began to see daggers in the smiles of all those around me. I lashed out at anybody who came too close! Not with the intent to kill of course, merely to ward them away from me, but my wolf companion was spurred on by my deteriorating paranoia and bit into the one called CWE, and he limped away bleeding profusely. I fear that he may succumb to the wound if not treated soon, but I can do nothing more than pray for him now, but I do not pray.
    A beautiful sunset fell upon the world as the second evening approached and I locked myself away with my bear companion for a second night in a row. The pink skied dawn arrived and upon the ground was the body of one listo95. What a long lineage he must have truly had to be the ninety-fifth of his name. How illustrious was that lineage that was now cut short, and is my bear responsible for this ended line, too?
    My paranoia seems founded, for the people sent me to the gallows today, though they seemed to lose their nerve when they saw my animal companions bare their teeth in not so silent threat at whoever dare send me hanging. I held them back from biting anybody else today, no more blood is spilt for now
    The evening comes and I see a face of one of noble blood of which I would prefer not to see spilt, so I put my mark upon one of the daggered smiles that I fear might choose to sacrifice another to speed the apocalypse, one Val, just in case he attempt to harm the princely Satsu



    MitchRapp, playing as The Mastermind, has won.
    Badger, playing as The Assassin (previously The Physician), has won.

    CWE, playing as The Marshal (previously The Sheriff), has won.
    Blind Ninja, playing as The Assassin, has won.

    MTR, playing as The Sellsword, has won.

    Other Characters/Deaths:

    1. Blind Ninja, playing as The Assassin, has been killed. (Night 1)
    2. Listo, playing as The Alchemist, has been killed. (Night 2)
    3. MTR, playing as The Sellsword, has been executed. (Day 3)
    4. FutureHold, playing as The Good King, has been killed. (Night 3)
    5. 3puppies, playing as The Butler, has been killed. (Night 3)
    6. Satsu, playing as The Prince, has been killed. (Night 3)
    7. Morrison, playing as The Chronomancer, has been killed. (Night 3)
    8. LDG, playing as The Noble, has been modkilled. (Day 4)
    9. Xanjori, playing as The Court Wizard, has been killed. (Night 4)
    10. Val the Moofia Boss, playing as The Sorcerer, has been executed. (Day 5)
    11. Robozerim, playing as The Hunter, has been killed. (Night 5)
    12. CWE, playing as The Marshal, has been killed. (Night 5)
    13. Matthieu, playing as The Fool, has not been executed.


    I decided to start doing a “Mod MVP” for each of my games where I will vote the player who I felt best helped their team, made an amazing action use, had awesome in game thread, etc. For this game, I am giving that to MTR. The Unseen team attempted to recruit MTR on Night 2, which would have failed. However, MTR had chosen to divert, picked Mitch, and redirected him to someone recruitable (completely by accident). This set Badger up to be recruited and allowed an Assassin to be present to allow 2-For-1 to be used (and just kills in general). This may not have ultimately decided anything if the game played out with this happening since Mitch was doing well enough, but this was a great move and set the Unseen up amazingly for a victory.


    The game has concluded :)
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