Fingers of Suspicion

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Mafia 22: <Insert Title Here>

  • Thread starter Thread starter Foxxi
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I probably would have answered his question on where I went during the day he claimed it and not the next day when I ISO'd him :D

Unless you think my brilliant plan involved me ignoring it, knowing the rest of the game would, and then casually answering it the next day. :rolleyes1:
I didn't think about the timing 😅
Oh oops I got caught up in something at work and left a draft sitting here lol. I was gonna ask whether Matt had an opinion but maybe he's busy like everyone else seems to be, it's getting annoying
No real final thoughts before this locks. Other than the town players who voted on me should feel bad especially because they know my play style. Awful read of me. Awful.
Final Day Three.2 Vote Count
5 - Void: Wind(1957), Badger(1983), Void(1985), Satsu(1994), claws(2004)
1 - Badger: Mitch(1345),

Not currently voting: BN, Matthieu,
Current as of 2004

Voidkitten has been yeetified. He was a banana roleblocker.
It is now night three.2 - deadline friday 9/13 @10am est
Matthieu has been killed, he was a Lime Motion Detector.

It is now Day Four.2 - With 6 alive majority is 4
Living players:

  1. Badger
  2. BlindNinja
  3. Claws
  4. MitchRapp
  5. Satsu
  6. Windwardaway
Fried Rice Cooking GIF by Nigel Ng (Uncle Roger)
I'm in front of my computer all day at work. Litterally the only time I wouldn't be here is if its sports time and I am at football or my kids sports.
Just analyzing the last lynch BN and I were the only two off of it. Void voting for himself did not help the cause. All three neighborhood members on it is not a great look for you three. Badger just jumping in, voting VK and disappearing again all day. Not good.

I stand by my earlier analysis. Badger has been scummy. It is him and one of the neighborhood.
Just analyzing the last lynch BN and I were the only two off of it. Void voting for himself did not help the cause. All three neighborhood members on it is not a great look for you three. Badger just jumping in, voting VK and disappearing again all day. Not good.

I stand by my earlier analysis. Badger has been scummy. It is him and one of the neighborhood.
If its me you and badger final 3 who do you vote assuming satsu and ww flip town?
If its me you and badger final 3 who do you vote assuming satsu and ww flip town?
If Badger is still here at the end and we haven't found a killer that is a difficult one. It brings forth an issue because Void said Badger did not do the kill. If we do not find any other killers then I would have to reevaluate where I was at. I would lean voting Claws at that point if we did not find any other killers but man, if it got to that point I would probably have a tough time voting you just because I would be so reluctant to risk Badger winning like that.
My worry about that is this. If we have faith that there is a 3p left and make our moves on that then I fear reality will show up and lay a beat down on faith.
If Badger is still here at the end and we haven't found a killer that is a difficult one. It brings forth an issue because Void said Badger did not do the kill. If we do not find any other killers then I would have to reevaluate where I was at. I would lean voting Claws at that point if we did not find any other killers but man, if it got to that point I would probably have a tough time voting you just because I would be so reluctant to risk Badger winning like that.
Its interesting you sit on badger whole game but would vote me
My vote will only go on a neighborhood member today.

Otherwise, Ill just go the route of VK and give scum a congrats and self vote
We will likely have to sleep i think of we want a chance its also an option here if i were to vote on a hood member it would be satsu probably
Well the issue if no one else flips scum between now and then Void said Badger didn't kill CWE. Are you saying someone else would have flipped between now and then that wasnt on your list? Like lets say BN was flipped as scum and the rest of the hood is town. Now its you me and Badger I would vote Bager in a heart beat.
Well the issue if no one else flips scum between now and then Void said Badger didn't kill CWE. Are you saying someone else would have flipped between now and then that wasnt on your list? Like lets say BN was flipped as scum and the rest of the hood is town. Now its you me and Badger I would vote Bager in a heart beat.
I cant clear you as town since you keep insinuating im scum

If there are 2 scum left, its mitch and 1 of the neighbors
I cant clear you as town since you keep insinuating im scum

If there are 2 scum left, its mitch and 1 of the neighbors
I am not insinuating you are scum. He asked me a hypothetical and then I answered and he questioned. clarified what would have to happen. You are pretty far down my list. I am with you on the hood. Is it possible there could be a second in there as well that has bamboozled the third?
Hood is clean if in the end its ww i will take it. I would deserve a ball stomp for my performace sry all
It would be the best scum game I've ever played in that case lmao, I always fall short of surviving later than D2 as scum lately. I endgamed in my first few scum games in like 2020 and I think only once after that.
Well most solvey in hood id lean is wind shes as talkative in hood as she is thread so i wont vote her satsu had the val debaucle and was too hesitant to cc til i told him id start pushing him over it satsu also told me to hammer vk am i just satsus puppet i need an adult
I still want to kill Badger. But I understand two things:

1. We are looking for who commited the kill.
2. We are probably not going to hammer today because of the numbers game.
Badger didn't kill CWE cause VK blocked him that night, right? And you didn't kill Drey cause you were blocked N1?
@Claws @Satsu @WindwardAway

Assume you are the final 3 alive and the game is still going... Who are you voting here and why
I'm tempted to say I'd vote myself because I've basically already lost to whoever is scum among them, if that's the case.

If I absolutely had to go process of elimination and had to pick one of the other two, I would say I probably more reasons to townread Claws than Satsu, but narrowly. It's not something I would feel confident about at all.
Anyway I'm not interested in survivor hunting, I don't really care, I'm counting them as town for the sake of parity and I don't want us voting out anyone who isn't exactly scum
You know what's the most frustrating part about being in XyLo? Having to fucking reevaluate absolutely everything and everyone. I'm busy this weekend, including tomorrow, so I'm gonna power through as much as I can right now but I wish I had more time. I feel like if anyone's gonna die tonight, it's gonna be me, if we yeet correctly so I need to not only try to solve scum today but lay out my thoughts for tomorrow with best and worst case scenarios should the game continue.
I just hope I don't fall asleep in the middle of typing a post cause I've definitely done that a few times, even during this game 😅 I can hit post even when i wake up but then it's just kinda awkward and not relevant to the current discussion if there is any.
Badger didn't kill CWE cause VK blocked him that night, right? And you didn't kill Drey cause you were blocked N1?

I really don't think we should vote Satsu today
Also, I know I said you've been slightly townier, but in fairness we know Satsu didn't kill on N2 at least now that Matt flipped motion detector
All that means is their potential teammate did the kill on those nights. Doesnt prevent anyone from being scum, just the killer.
Shit, after I said I was gonna stay awake to do all the solving I could right now, I fell asleep on the couch for a bit -_-

Might procrastinate the rest of the work till tomorrow but basically I wanted to see, if either of my neighbors is scum, who they'd be paired with.

Claws I legit could not come up with any partners that seemed to fit, because he's pointed fingers at everyone except for maybe BN and me. And I think BN is town because he's the only one I'm seeing right now who's asking the right questions (and saving me from doing it, cause my plan going into today was to ask people to name a player they would refuse to vote, which is the opposite method and a similar goal to what BN is asking the thread to answer). Anyway, that just kinda rules Claws out as scum fmpov. If you have a reason I should reconsider him, you need to present a really solid case or I will not be swayed. Hell, I probably won't be swayed anyway, because his paranoia feels way too real in the hood and thread. He's in paranoia mode but with no off switch lol.

Satsu could maybe be paired with Mitch for a bit of a sneaky reason that I don't think I've talked about before. When I was arguing with Mitch in the thread however many days ago, I went to fume in the hood chat and see what my neighbors thought of Mitch. Claws thought Mitch was scummy and more or less agreed with me, but Satsu said he believed Mitch was town, and I deferred to his opinion because they'd been neighbors in the previous rand and I thought Satsu probably had a better read on him than I did, considering I also scumread Mitch in the previous rand up until he confirmed in this rand that he was town neighbor with Satsu there. So I was like, ok maybe I'm barking up the wrong tree again, especially since I interpreted Mitch's "I'd be more useful alive than dead" as a PR soft so I wanted to wait and see what he claimed (which btw was kinda underwhelming, but I'm also stupid for reading into that and jumping to conclusions).

I don't have Badger paired with either of Claws/Satsu because we've all been in agreement about him for the most part, in the hood. It would be hard to tell. What I can say is that I've probably been the most unsure about Badger, Claws has been the most suspicious of him, and I guess Satsu is somewhere in between on that scale.

Im kinda falling asleep while writing this cause I'm unfortunately super sleep deprived and that's totally my own fault. So I'll end this post here and you guys can mull it over while I'm asleep. I'll finish analyzing associations and individual posts later but I think I already wrote a lot of my thoughts yesterday in the thread and not just in the hood. The only thing that's changed is that VK flipped town and Matt also flipped town, but any points I made independent of those two remain and only the association reads changed because of the flips.
Anyway good night and please keep solving and being active, if we work together and come to a consensus on reads then town opinions should outweigh scum opinions just by sheer number. We just need to to get this right.
The neighborhood is such a mind bender because I don't have all the info and then when I think I have an opinion some Nugget gets revealed and I learn more.


Partially because of my early game suspicions and partly for his more recent post where he is now convienantly pairing Satsu and I together.
Sorry for the radio silence guys. Thursday night is kinda our weekly catch up night with old friends.

I’ll read through in the morning and maybe change my mind but from my POV, Mitch and Satsu are my top sus. Mitch’s tone (eg kumbaya three, let’s pile on) and Satsu speaking to Mitch out loud in plain sight (hey do you dislike Badger as much as I do? Hey Badger, voting Void will make you look town?) makes me think the town neighbours could be scum now).

Don’t know Wind as scum but not seeing it at the moment. Not seeing it in BN, I think he’s been more analytical whereas Mitch is just yelling at me.

So Mitch/Satsu is my world right now.
Satsu was quick to dismiss Mitch hadn’t been different earlier whereas the rest of us hadn’t.

Also that Satsu/Val kiwi thing from earlier seems like a weird coincidence.
The neighborhood is such a mind bender because I don't have all the info and then when I think I have an opinion some Nugget gets revealed and I learn more.


Partially because of my early game suspicions and partly for his more recent post where he is now convienantly pairing Satsu and I together.
I've said several times that I still don't believe the hood has scum; the point of my post was to assess who could be partners if I'm wrong. Why are you so focused on me whenever I mention your name? And what's your opinion on Satsu defending you in the hood chat when I asked for opinions in there earlier?
Sorry for the radio silence guys. Thursday night is kinda our weekly catch up night with old friends.

I’ll read through in the morning and maybe change my mind but from my POV, Mitch and Satsu are my top sus. Mitch’s tone (eg kumbaya three, let’s pile on) and Satsu speaking to Mitch out loud in plain sight (hey do you dislike Badger as much as I do? Hey Badger, voting Void will make you look town?) makes me think the town neighbours could be scum now).

Don’t know Wind as scum but not seeing it at the moment. Not seeing it in BN, I think he’s been more analytical whereas Mitch is just yelling at me.

So Mitch/Satsu is my world right now.
Oh, was Satsu the reason you switched your vote to VK yesterday?
I'm starting to wonder if there was really some world-class distancing going on cause I feel like something doesn't add up. Either I'm wrong about the hood being all-town and it really is Satsu/Mitch, or I made a bad read on who's unlikely to be partnered and ruled out the actual scumteam somewhere because they distanced from each other.
Oh, was Satsu the reason you switched your vote to VK yesterday?
That was partly it yeah although in fairness, Claws was pushing for one of us to be voted too and pushed for time and didn’t want a third re-rand. I think Claws has been trying to make connections too and he is often paranoid on Void.

So yeah I wasn’t wholly convinced on Void but was a bit stuck for options as the Mitch train wasn’t going anywhere so there was a bit of self-preservation.
That was partly it yeah although in fairness, Claws was pushing for one of us to be voted too and pushed for time and didn’t want a third re-rand. I think Claws has been trying to make connections too and he is often paranoid on Void.

So yeah I wasn’t wholly convinced on Void but was a bit stuck for options as the Mitch train wasn’t going anywhere so there was a bit of self-preservation.
Hmm, ok. What are your thoughts on who to vote? Do you prefer to vote within the neighborhood or would you rather go Mitch? Granted, it's probably best to just vote sleep today and let scum take someone else out of the PoE tonight, but no harm in solving as much as we can today, in advance of tomorrow.
Like I'll be honest and say my approach and reads could change depending on who gets killed tonight if we vote sleep. But that's why I want that info, since it's pretty much the only mechanical info we can get at this point (and if I get killed, on the bright side I wouldn't have to solve anymore lmao).
my guess is bn dies if we sleep Tbh we miswell just yolo vote today in that scenario if one of the hood die it would be a mircle but sonhow i doubt scum will do that they are loving this paranoia im still leaning satsu today who his partner is idk
Hmm, ok. What are your thoughts on who to vote? Do you prefer to vote within the neighborhood or would you rather go Mitch? Granted, it's probably best to just vote sleep today and let scum take someone else out of the PoE tonight, but no harm in solving as much as we can today, in advance of tomorrow.
In spite of everything with Mitch and myself, we do have the info from a now confirmed green Void that he didn’t kill Dreyski so part of me wants to try and find that out first.

Sleep would be a safe option but there’s also this paranoid bit of me that Foxxi’s put in a penalty if we vote Sleep because we haven’t tried it yet.
my guess is bn dies if we sleep Tbh we miswell just yolo vote today in that scenario if one of the hood die it would be a mircle but sonhow i doubt scum will do that they are loving this paranoia im still leaning satsu today who his partner is idk
It's also getting quieter and quieter which only makes it easier for scum to blend in
Which is not great tbh
In spite of everything with Mitch and myself, we do have the info from a now confirmed green Void that he didn’t kill Dreyski so part of me wants to try and find that out first.

Sleep would be a safe option but there’s also this paranoid bit of me that Foxxi’s put in a penalty if we vote Sleep because we haven’t tried it yet.
Is she one of the Cool People™ who's generally against sleep votes?
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