Fingers of Suspicion

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Mafia 9: Sega vs Nintendo - The Race for the Next Generation

Start of Thread
  • PsychoSoldier

    The 90's is often considered a golden age for video games. If you were alive and a fan of the medium during that time, it was a paradise of high competition, a landscape of incredible, frontier-breaking gameplay, and a rapid advancement in technology from high quality 16-bit graphics to the polygonal 32-bit world that seemed impossible only years before. Yes, it was a wonderful time in the 90s. Well, unless you were a part of the industry. And in 1995, if your name wasn't associated with Nintendo, things were not quite easy.

    No one felt this difficulty more than the hotshot company Sega. When the Genesis first came out, Sega succeeded in making Nintendo the temporary #2 company in the gaming market. It seemed like the sky was the limit. But by 1995, they had begun flying too close to the sun. For everywhere they excelled in creativity, they lacked the foresight to reign in their ambitions. And with the new console generation coming, it was make or break for Sega and their upcoming foray into 3D with the western release of the Sega Saturn.

    Yuji Naka was hard at work trying to make something special with Nights Into Dreams, hoping to finally step out of the shadow he created with Sonic the Hedgehog. He knew it had the potential to soar, if only he could get it done in time for the console release deadline. Meanwhile, America's Sega Technical Institute was tasked with making the killer app for the Saturn - the blue blur's first leap into 3D in Sonic X-treme. They knew it was a risk, especially without Naka's help, but it was one they were confident could guarantee sales. And with the first Electronics Entertainment Expo(E3) just around the corner, they were hoping to make great strides to have something to show to the world.


    Meanwhile, Nintendo had a killer app of their own in mind. They knew keeping the Super Nintendo strong up until the release of the Nintendo 64 would be vital, but if they couldn't keep up with the demands of modern technology, they would be left behind. Hiroshi Yamauchi, President of Nintendo, had this in mind as he began his meeting with Shigeru Miyamoto.

    "So, how's it coming along so far?"

    Miyamoto spoke with his trademark grin, confident in his abilities. "We're still getting the camera programming to work, but I think Mario's 3D debut will absolutely change the landscape in the market."

    Yamauchi nodded stoicly while stroking his chin. "Good, good. And what shall we call it?"

    Miyamoto chuckled. "What else? Super Mario 64, of course!"

    The two shared a hearty laugh as they thought of all the money they were gonna rake in.


    Elsewhere, the head of Sony Computer Entertainment of America, Olaf Olafsson was plotting. While the Japanese release of the PlayStation had been a hit, he knew a successful western launch would be the key to getting vengeance on Nintendo. He had all sorts of hail mary plays up his sleeve, determined to make as wild of a splash as possible. He looked at his calendar, the date May 11 circled in red with the word "E3" bolded and underlined three times. His moment was coming, and he didn't care who he took down in the process.


    1. All of the typical Mafia rules apply (no talking outside of game etc)
    2. No breadcrumbing or role claiming allowed. This will result in a modkill.
    2a. This does not include sharing information that you have received. Yes, this is a fine line. Be careful, and when in doubt, ask the moderator.
    3. No editing of posts is allowed.
    4. Eliminations will be handled with plurality voting. The player with the most votes at the end of a day phase will be eliminated.
    4a. No Lynch is a valid vote.
    4b. Hammer Majority is in effect.
    5. In the event of a tie, one of the tied players will be eliminated randomly.
    6. Votes must be formatted with vote tags([.v][./v] without period). You may also press the button that looks like a box with a checkmark.
    7. You do not have to UNVOTE to change your vote.
    8. All night actions MUST be submitted by 1 hour before deadline. No late submissions will be accepted.
    9. Discord is required for this game. All private chats will be done within discord unless otherwise specified. Actions may be submitted either through Discord or through PMs on this message board.
    10. If you have any questions, please ask me privately via Private Message either here or on Discord. I will not answer questions in the thread unless pertinent to the entire game.
    11. 1 vote per phase is required. I will be understanding in the case of hammers.
    12. 3 posts per day is required. Repetitive absences will be punished.

    Player List
    1. MTR
    2. Mazer
    3. Val the Moofia Boss
    4. Badger
    5. CWE
    6. Matthieu
    7. Jarrod1983
    8. LemonDemonGirl
    9. Tildey
    10. Nightingale
    11. Peter Griffin
    12. Dreyski
    13. Blind Ninja
    14. VoidKitten
    15. GrumpyCat
    16. FutureHold
    17. Insaner
    18. Claws
    Last edited:
    Day 1 Results: No Elimination

    Vote Count
    10 - Sleep (MTR, GrumpyCat, Matthieu, VoidKitten, Nightingale, Jarrod1983, Badger, Mazer, Tildey, Dreyski)
    5 - VoidKitten (FutureHold, Dreyski, Insaner, Claws, LemonDemonGirl)
    1 - Matthieu (Blind Ninja)
    1 - Badger (Peter Griffin)
    1 - MTR (Val the Moofia Boss)
    1 - Claws (CWE)


    The video game world was abuzz with the mass of rumors and promised games on the horizon. Whether they were looking forward to the next generation, the last throes of the 16-bit era, or were speculating about would-be sci-fi games that would let you pick multiple paths through a 3-game story, there was plenty schoolyard and publication office discussions about the future of gaming. People were too excited about the possibilities to get into heated debates over what company was better. Everyone was just excited to see what everyone would bring to the table.

    Except the Sega 32x. It was unanimously decided that it was an absolute waste of your time and money. Even those who actually bought it.

    Meanwhile, the forces of Sega, Nintendo, and Sony were plotting their next moves, with everyone deciding what to reveal before the big E3 event.


    It is now Night One. You have until 7pm EST on Friday, Nov. 10th to submit your night actions. Day Two should begin at 8pm EST, but I will be at a concert(that I do not personally care for), so it may be delayed depending on how much I can write before the show. Time compensation will be amended accordingly if necessary.

    Living Players
    1. @MTR
    2. @Mazer
    3. @Val the Moofia Boss
    4. @Badger
    5. @CWE
    6. @Matthieu
    7. @Jarrod1983
    8. @LemonDemonGirl
    9. @Tildey
    10. @Nightingale
    11. @Peter Griffin
    12. @Dreyski
    13. @Blind Ninja
    14. @VoidKitten
    15. @GrumpyCat
    16. @FutureHold
    17. @Insaner
    18. @Claws
    Night 1 Results/Day 2 Start

    An argument broke out on a schoolyard over whether or not Sonic X-treme was going to be a sequel to Sonic 3D Blast. A teacher came to shut the argument down, but hearing the topic, decided to hear both sides out.

    A head of programming at Sega is reluctant to inform the president that Vectorman is likely to be delayed by a month or two.

    A strange, unsettling, but intriguing commercial airs in the U.S. for the Sega Saturn:

    The commercial is aggressively countered with a campaign from Sony Computer Entertainment for the upcoming Playstation:

    Little Jimmy from down the street was having trouble staying awake at school the next day because he stayed up all night playing Earthbound. Jimmy thought it was worth every second.

    One person couldn't stop going on and on about Panzer Dragoon, taking up arms with it proclaiming that it will be a game-changer in the industry.

    Shigeru Miyamoto was hard at work overseeing his top project, making sure to revert extra resources to get it done within a desirable timeline.

    At a college AV club gathering, it's members were having a deep discussion about video game composers. One said it was an underrated part of the package, and that Koji Kondo’s work left him speechless.

    A kid goes into his local Blockbuster, looking at what games to rent. He picks up Sonic the Hedgehog 3 and contemplates. “Eh, I already beat this game.” He puts it back down and rents Shining Force II instead.

    A small online community ran a poll to see what upcoming games its members were most excited about. There was a lot of talk about the console port of Virtua Fighter and how it would revolutionize the home fighting game market. It actually managed to reach second. But it was greatly outshined by #1, Super Mario 64. User TurboGrafxGuy76 said that “it’s no question! Super Mario 64 is going to absolutely kill the competition and VoidKitten is dead on arrival in comparison.” Everyone listens to TurboGrafxGuy76, and that became the narrative of the message board.

    VoidKitten has been eliminated. He was Virtua Fighter, Town Gladiator

    VoidKitten has no will.


    Claws and Dreyski were both fired up after reading the online poll. They knew fighting games were superior, but one of them tried to say Street Fighter was the real king. To settle it, they went to the arcade and played a round of Virtua Fighter and a round of Street Fighter to see who's right. It would be a heated battle.


    It is now Day Two. Due to the consequences of Virtua Fighter’s death, and the only valid vote options are Claws and Dreyski.

    With 17 players alive, 9 votes are required for a hammer.

    The phase ends at 8PM EST on Sunday, November 12th.

    Living Players
    1. @MTR
    2. @Mazer
    3. @Val the Moofia Boss
    4. @Badger
    5. @CWE
    6. @Matthieu
    7. @Jarrod1983
    8. @LemonDemonGirl
    9. @Tildey
    10. @Nightingale
    11. @Peter Griffin
    12. @Dreyski
    13. @Blind Ninja
    15. @GrumpyCat
    16. @FutureHold
    17. @Insaner
    18. @Claws

    Dead Players
    1. VoidKitten
    Day 2 Results: Claws(Super Mario 64) was eliminated

    Vote Count
    6 - Claws (Nightingale, Peter Griffin, Dreyski, Val, Badger, CWE)
    4 - Dreyski (Claws, Jarrod1983, Blind Ninja, Tildey)

    Not Voting: FutureHold, GrumpyCat, Insaner, LemonDemonGirl, Matthieu, Mazer, MTR


    Despite all the hype that was going around, Shigeru Miyamoto was quickly becoming overwhelmed. Trying to run multiple projects while making sure Super Mario 64 was amazing on a short deadline just wasn’t possible. He had a long meeting with the president, trying to get him to allow him to put all his resources into the one game. But with mounting pressure from the fans and the other developers, Nintendo had no choice but to let it miss this hype cycle. And with that, Claws was indefinitely delayed and would not make the E3 show.

    Claws has been eliminated. He was Super Mario 64, Mafia Killer

    N1: VoidKitten


    It is now Night Two. You have until 6pm EST on Monday, Nov. 13th to submit your night actions. Day Two will begin at 7pm EST.

    Living Players
    1. @MTR
    2. @Mazer
    3. @Val the Moofia Boss
    4. @Badger
    5. @CWE
    6. @Matthieu
    7. @Jarrod1983
    8. @LemonDemonGirl
    9. @Tildey
    10. @Nightingale
    11. @Peter Griffin
    12. @Dreyski
    13. @Blind Ninja
    15. @GrumpyCat
    16. @FutureHold
    17. @Insaner

    Dead Players
    2. Claws
    Last edited:
    Night 2 Results/Day 3 Start

    It was now the eve before E3 1995. The different companies and developers were scrambling to get their tech demos and presentations ready. Shigeru Miyamoto was not pleased with having to hold back on Super Mario 64, but he would make sure to get his revenge. That’s why he pulled some strings with some of Nintendo’s lawyers and their connections with retailers to put a sanction against Sonic & Knuckles. He spewed rumors of its connection with Michael Jackson, who had originally worked on the soundtrack for Sonic 3, and with all the allegations coming out about him, Sega quickly pulled him off. But the rumor was enough to spook retailers and have them pull CWE from the shelves for good, forever ruining many people’s hopes of playing Sonic 3 & Knuckles.

    CWE has been eliminated. He was Sonic & Knuckles, Town Searcher.

    N1: -



    The big day had come. The first ever Electronic Entertainment Expo was underway and there was excitement in the air. The western world would get their first intimate look at the Sony Playstation and the Sega Saturn, and while the lack of a certain plumber would dampen some spirits, Nintendo still had a lot to offer.

    The Sega Saturn presentation was certainly shocking, but maybe not for the right reasons. They announced that the Saturn was of this second released in the US, and could be purchased right now. Only…most retailers were not aware of this and didn’t have the stock. Developers were still working on games that were meant to be a part of the launch. As great as the news seemed on paper, the pieces were not aligned. And their announcement that it would retail at $399 was a bit steeper than most were hoping for.

    The Sega executives shuffled off the stage, and on cue, Olaf Olafsson took the stage and introduced fellow Sony executive Steve Race for the most iconic moment in gaming and E3 history:

    The announcement sent shockwaves through the building and the whole video game world. The chaos caused everyone’s focus to be centered on the same thing. Yuji Naka and Sega Technical Institute were left reeling, with all the attention on Sega Saturn, Panzer Dragoon, Comix Zone and Vectorman diverted. Shigeru Miyamoto and Hiroshi Yamauchi were trying to find a way to deal with this bombshell. Satoru Iwata tried to do everything to stop the effects.

    Koji Kondo seemed the most unaffected as he was deep in his work making a musical masterpiece that would become Ocarina of Time, knowing that it would enchant many.


    It is now Day Three. With 15 players alive, 8 votes are required for a hammer.

    The phase ends at 8:30pm EST on Wednesday, November 15th.

    Living Players
    1. @MTR
    2. @Mazer
    3. @Val the Moofia Boss
    4. @Badger
    6. @Matthieu
    7. @Jarrod1983
    8. @LemonDemonGirl
    9. @Tildey
    10. @Nightingale
    11. @Peter Griffin
    12. @Dreyski
    13. @Blind Ninja
    15. @GrumpyCat
    16. @FutureHold
    17. @Insaner

    Dead Players
    1.VoidKitten - Town Gladiator
    2. Claws - Mafia Killer
    3. CWE - Town Searcher
    Last edited:
    Day 3 Event

    With all of the hubbub from the E3 happenings, someone tried to come in and bring some order. They looked at everyone and decided that Blind Ninja should be safe.

    Blind Ninja is no longer eligible to be voted today. His votes have been reset.

    Vote Count
    4 - Badger (Peter Griffin, LemonDemonGirl, Matthieu, Blind Ninja)
    1 - Nightingale (Val the Moofia Boss)

    Not Voting: Badger, Dreyski, FutureHold, GrumpyCat, Insaner, Jarrod1983, Mazer, MTR, Nightingale, Tildey

    1. @MTR
    2. @Mazer
    3. @Val the Moofia Boss
    4. @Badger
    6. @Matthieu
    7. @Jarrod1983
    8. @LemonDemonGirl
    9. @Tildey
    10. @Nightingale
    11. @Peter Griffin
    12. @Dreyski
    13. @Blind Ninja
    15. @GrumpyCat
    16. @FutureHold
    17. @Insaner
    Last edited:
    Day 3 Results: GrumpyCat (Vectorman) was eliminated

    Vote Count
    8 - GrumpyCat (Matthieu, Nightingale, Blind Ninja, Dreyski, Mazer, Val the Moofia Boss, FutureHold, MTR)
    2 - Badger (Peter Griffin, LemonDemonGirl)

    Not Voting: Badger, GrumpyCat, Insaner, Jarrod1983, Tildey


    Everyone was still reeling from Sony’s announcement as the night came to an end. The event was overall such a success that the organizer’s handed out some sheets to everyone that attended to vote their favorite presentation of the night. The winner was no surprise, and it was unanimous that Sony Computer Entertainment stole the show with their shocking announcement.

    Unfortunately, despite the amount of promise that it showed, it seemed that Vectorman was voted as dead last. Sega executives quickly considered this news and decided that GrumpyCat should be pulled from retail release.

    GrumpyCat has been eliminated. He was Vectorman, Town Delayer.

    N1: Mazer
    N2: Jarrod, Badger


    It is now Night Three. You have until 7pm EST on Thursday, Nov. 16th to submit your night actions. Day Four will begin at 8pm EST.

    Living Players
    1. @MTR
    2. @Mazer
    3. @Val the Moofia Boss
    4. @Badger
    6. @Matthieu
    7. @Jarrod1983
    8. @LemonDemonGirl
    9. @Tildey
    10. @Nightingale
    11. @Peter Griffin
    12. @Dreyski
    13. @Blind Ninja
    16. @FutureHold
    17. @Insaner

    Dead Players
    1.VoidKitten - Virtua Fighter (Town Gladiator)
    2. Claws - Super Mario 64 (Mafia Killer)
    3. CWE - Sonic & Knuckles (Town Searcher)
    4. GrumpyCat - Vectorman (Town Delayer)
    Last edited:
    Night 3 Results/Day 4 Start

    Koji Kondo was continuing to churn out hits, and wanted to make sure every game to come out for the next generation would have the most enchanting music ever. He was hard at work on what some would consider an underrated masterpiece:

    The tune was so powerful that even before the game’s release, its energy permeated throughout the world and left many in a trance-like awe.

    Shigesato Itoi was trying to set up an interview to shut down the people who criticized Earthbound, but last minute the interviewer decided to call it off.

    Sega CD was getting a lot of praise and people were saying this was the year it would take its shot to rise above the duds surrounding Sega’s future. But after footage of Panzer Dragoon was shown, people were looking toward the future even more. Sega CD didn’t stand a chance.

    While many people thought Sega’s showing at E3 was mostly a disaster, many hardcores still were clinging to the new future of platforming that Sonic X-treme would herald, with the obscure internet nerds scoured the internet for every trace of information they could.

    Comix Zone managed to catch a lot of buzz after E3, and its impressive presentation and art style made it hard for people to pay attention to much else from the 16-bit era this month.

    However, Shigeru Miyamoto was ruthless. With his bitter competitor already destroying itself with it’s E3 presentation, he focused on taking out every possible 16-bit threat to make sure they went out on top for the previous generation of consoles. After some talks with the Nintendo president, he convinced the company to put on a permanent reduction of all Marvel games on the Super Nintendo. It’s said that by the end of the year, sales for Venom/Spider-Man: Separation Anxiety far eclipsed the sales of Mazer and completely overshadowed its potential for a legacy.

    Mazer has been eliminated. He was Comix Zone, Town Jack-of-all-Trades.

    N1: -
    N2: Blind Ninja, Jarrod, Badger
    N3: Nightingale


    It is now Day Four. With 13 players alive, 7 votes are required for a hammer.

    The phase ends at 8:00pm EST on Saturday, November 18th.

    Living Players
    1. @MTR
    3. @Val the Moofia Boss
    4. @Badger
    6. @Matthieu
    7. @Jarrod1983
    8. @LemonDemonGirl
    9. @Tildey
    10. @Nightingale
    11. @Peter Griffin
    12. @Dreyski
    13. @Blind Ninja
    16. @FutureHold
    17. @Insaner

    Dead Players
    1.VoidKitten - Virtua Fighter (Town Gladiator)
    2. Claws - Super Mario 64 (Mafia Killer)
    3. CWE - Sonic & Knuckles (Town Searcher)
    4. GrumpyCat - Vectorman (Town Delayer)
    5. Mazer - Comix Zone (Town JOAT)
    Day 4 Results: FutureHold (Koji Kondo) was Eliminated

    The summer season was firing up with a lot of game sales to be found across the whole market. Regardless of who looked worse at E3, all the events got the gaming world talking and eager to loosen their pockets. Koji Kondo seemed particularly excited as he was marveling at all the possibilities that the new technology would mean for his music. And just as he was getting ready to start working on some new melodies for the next Legend of Zelda, a Nintendo lawyer walked into his office.

    “I’m sorry to inform you, Mr. Kondo, but the president is worried about spending too much with the real threat of Sony Playstation taking off and leaving our technology in the dust. We’re unfortunately going to have you suspend all your work, without pay, until we can restructure for the Future.”

    FutureHold has been eliminated. He was Koji Kondo, Mafia Genius.

    N1: Claws
    N2: Nightingale, LemonDemonGirl, Badger, Jarrod1983
    N3: No Target


    As the year played out, Sega was looking at the numbers and weighing the financial situation. If they had any hopes of making it through this next generation, they would have to narrow their focus. And with that, they cut all support for the Sega 32x permanently.

    Peter Griffin has been modkilled. He was Sega 32x, Town Vanilla.


    It is now Night Four. You have until 7pm EST on Saturday, Nov. 18th to submit your night actions. Day Four will begin at 8pm EST.

    Living Players
    1. @MTR
    3. @Val the Moofia Boss
    4. @Badger
    6. @Matthieu
    7. @Jarrod1983
    8. @LemonDemonGirl
    9. @Tildey
    10. @Nightingale
    12. @Dreyski
    13. @Blind Ninja
    17. @Insaner

    Dead Players
    1. VoidKitten - Virtua Fighter (Town Gladiator)
    2. Claws - Super Mario 64 (Mafia Killer)
    3. CWE - Sonic & Knuckles (Town Searcher)
    4. GrumpyCat - Vectorman (Town Delayer)
    5. Mazer - Comix Zone (Town JOAT)
    6. FutureHold - Koji Kondo (Mafia Genius)
    7. Peter Griffin - Sega 32x (Town Vanilla)
    Last edited:
    Night 4 Results/Day 5 Start

    Sony Computer Entertainment continued aggressively pushing their ad campaign with a release of demo discs for future games. There was a rumor that the discs replaced a deal that was originally intended for another company.

    As the new generation was taking over, a group of friends at school were reminiscing about how much fun they had with Sonic the Hedgehog 2 back in the day, one student particularly noting how they first became interested from watching their brother play.

    Little Jimmy was supposed to be doing his math homework, but instead he spent all night playing Kirby’s Superstar.

    There was a crunch push to get as much work done on Sonic X-treme as soon as possible, with the head developer researching how likely this could be done.

    The promise of Panzer Dragoon was doing a lot to save the reputation of Sega with how revolutionary its premise seemed. Similarly, the Sega Saturn ad campaign was starting to catch some praise.

    Shigeru Miyamoto was in the middle of an important meeting with Square about the final product of Super Mario RPG. He looked over everything closely and chuckled with a grin. “I love it! I feel like you managed to capture the spirit of Mario while still making it feel like an adventure appropriate for an RPG.” The Square executive was pleased to hear this, thinking this meant maybe they could get more leverage for pushing the disc technology.

    “And now that the game is finished. So are we.”

    The executive was taken aback, confused on what he meant by this. Miyamoto chuckled again as he went to open the door out of his office. “We wish Square all the best in their future endeavors.”

    Insaner gave a stern look, but quietly stepped towards the door. He balled up his fist, knowing that Nintendo would learn to regret this decision.

    Insaner has been eliminated. He was Square, Town Vanilla.

    Insaner has no will.


    It is now Day Five. With 10 players alive, 6 votes are required for a hammer.

    The phase ends at 8:00pm EST on Monday, November 20th.

    Living Players
    1. @MTR
    3. @Val the Moofia Boss
    4. @Badger
    6. @Matthieu
    7. @Jarrod1983
    8. @LemonDemonGirl
    9. @Tildey
    10. @Nightingale
    12. @Dreyski
    13. @Blind Ninja

    Dead Players
    1. VoidKitten - Virtua Fighter (Town Gladiator)
    2. Claws - Super Mario 64 (Mafia Killer)
    3. CWE - Sonic & Knuckles (Town Searcher)
    4. GrumpyCat - Vectorman (Town Delayer)
    5. Mazer - Comix Zone (Town JOAT)
    6. FutureHold - Koji Kondo (Mafia Genius)
    7. Peter Griffin - Sega 32x (Town Vanilla)
    8. Insaner - Square (Town Vanilla)
    Day 5 Results: Blind Ninja (Hiroshi Yamauchi) was eliminated

    Vote Count
    6 - Blind Ninja (Nightingale, LemonDemonGirl, Jarrod1983, Badger, Tildey, Val the Moofia Boss)
    1 - MTR (Blind Ninja)
    1 - Val the Moofia Boss (MTR)
    1 - Jarrod1983 (WindwardAway)

    Not Voting: Dreyski

    Hiroshi Yamauchi announced that he was going to be stepping down as the President of Nintendo, trusting the business in the hands of Shigeru Miyamoto and Satoru Iwata.

    Blind Ninja was Hiroshi Yamauchi, Mafia Manipulator.

    N1: -
    N2: Jarrod, Badger
    N3: -
    N4: -


    It is now Night Five. You have until 7pm EST on Tuesday, Nov. 19th to submit your night actions. Day Six will begin at 8pm EST.

    Living Players
    1. @MTR
    3. @Val the Moofia Boss
    4. @Badger
    6. @WindwardAway
    7. @Jarrod1983
    8. @LemonDemonGirl
    9. @Tildey
    10. @Nightingale
    12. @Dreyski

    Dead Players
    1. VoidKitten - Virtua Fighter (Town Gladiator)
    2. Claws - Super Mario 64 (Mafia Killer)
    3. CWE - Sonic & Knuckles (Town Searcher)
    4. GrumpyCat - Vectorman (Town Delayer)
    5. Mazer - Comix Zone (Town JOAT)
    6. FutureHold - Koji Kondo (Mafia Genius)
    7. Peter Griffin - Sega 32x (Town Vanilla)
    8. Insaner - Square (Town Vanilla)
    9. Blind Ninja - Hiroshi Yamauchi (Mafia Manipulator)
    Last edited:
    Night 5 Results/Day 6 Start

    More rumors kept pouring out about Sonic X-treme.

    Despite all the hype for a new Sonic, Panzer Dragoon was yet again arresting everyone of their excitement.

    The magazines were abuzz with the rumors that Sony Computer Entertainment had struck a new business deal that would ensure a strong future.

    The Sega Saturn had gained some temporary buzz, but overall, it was beginning to feel the effects of its company’s blunders. The distracted revenue going towards Sega CD was a massive contributor, but the genius marketing and underhanded business tactics of Shigeru Miyamoto definitely finished the job. It seemed that no matter what promise its library held, Badger was destined to be dead on arrival.

    Badger was eliminated. He was Sega Saturn, Town Duplicator.

    N1: GrumpyCat
    N2: Jarrod
    N3: Mazer
    N4: BlindNinja
    N5: -


    It is now Day Six. With 8 players alive, 5 votes are required for a hammer.

    The phase ends at 8:00pm EST on Thursday, November 23rd.

    Living Players
    1. @MTR
    3. @Val the Moofia Boss
    6. @WindwardAway
    7. @Jarrod1983
    8. @LemonDemonGirl
    9. @Tildey
    10. @Nightingale
    12. @Dreyski

    Dead Players
    1. VoidKitten - Virtua Fighter (Town Gladiator)
    2. Claws - Super Mario 64 (Mafia Killer)
    3. CWE - Sonic & Knuckles (Town Searcher)
    4. GrumpyCat - Vectorman (Town Delayer)
    5. Mazer - Comix Zone (Town JOAT)
    6. FutureHold - Koji Kondo (Mafia Genius)
    7. Peter Griffin - Sega 32x (Town Vanilla)
    8. Insaner - Square (Town Vanilla)
    9. Blind Ninja - Hiroshi Yamauchi (Mafia Manipulator)
    10. Badger - Sega Saturn (Town Duplicator)
    Night 6 Results/Day 7 Start

    Olaf Olafsson was pushing more ad campaigns, trying to take advantage of the stir to lock down the gaming market.

    Despite all the hits they had taken, Sega was still insistent on leaking as many rumors about Sonic X-treme as possible.

    Elsewhere, Panzer Dragoon still had a lot of hype generating interest for the company. Shigeru Miyamoto tried to do everything he could to ruin the Sega marketing, but Panzer Dragoon completely mitigated that this month.


    It is now Day Seven. With 7 players alive, 4 votes are required for a hammer.

    The phase ends at 8:00pm EST on Sunday, November 26th.

    Living Players
    1. @MTR
    3. @Val the Moofia Boss
    7. @Jarrod1983
    8. @LemonDemonGirl
    9. @Tildey
    10. @Nightingale
    12. @Dreyski

    Dead Players
    1. VoidKitten - Virtua Fighter (Town Gladiator)
    2. Claws - Super Mario 64 (Mafia Killer)
    3. CWE - Sonic & Knuckles (Town Searcher)
    4. GrumpyCat - Vectorman (Town Delayer)
    5. Mazer - Comix Zone (Town JOAT)
    6. FutureHold - Koji Kondo (Mafia Genius)
    7. Peter Griffin - Sega 32x (Town Vanilla)
    8. Insaner - Square (Town Vanilla)
    9. Blind Ninja - Hiroshi Yamauchi (Mafia Manipulator)
    10. Badger - Sega Saturn (Town Duplicator)
    11. WindwardAway - HAL Labs
    (Mafia Jack-of-all-trades)

    Vote Count
    4 - Tildey (Nightingale, Jarrod1983, Dreyski, Val the Moofia Boss)
    1 - Val the Moofia Boss (LemonDemonGirl)

    Not Voting: MTR, Tildey


    Shigeru Miyamoto had all the pieces in place. He was ready to completely destroy the competition and make it so Nintendo regained their monopoly over the gaming space. But first thing was first. He had to take care of the lightwork.

    3DO has been eliminated. 3DO was Neutral Jester.

    He dusted off his hands as he turned around to see the forces of Sega and Sony standing right behind him.

    “Oh, alright, fine. I guess we can share the market. But you -”

    He points to Sega’s camp.

    “- you won’t last much longer. Enjoy it while you can. Before you know it, your Blue Blur will just be another face in a Nintendo ensemble game.”

    Sega was kind of confused by this, but they figured a win’s a win. All while the members of the Sony Computer Entertainment marketing team were laughing maniacally, knowing that they had succeeded and would soon take over the world as the most dominant video game company.

    Tildey has been eliminated. She was Shigeru Miyamoto, Mafia Godfather.


    1. MTR - Sega CD (Town Vigilante)
    3. Val the Moofia Boss - Sonic the Hedgehog 3 (Town Searcher)
    7. Jarrod1983 - Sony Computer Entertainment (Neutral Survivor)
    8. LemonDemonGirl - Yuji Naka (Town Tracker/Watcher)
    10. Nightingale - Sega Technical Institute (Town Delayed Cop)
    12. Dreyski - Panzer Dragoon (Town Jailer)

  • Yuji Naka - Town Tracker/Watcher

    You are the true father of Sonic the Hedgehog. Your game design took the blue blur to new heights, and you plan to continue breaking new ground with Nights Into Dreams. Every night, you may use one of these abilities:

    **Nights Into Dreams(Track)**: Choose a player and learn who they targeted.
    **Sonic the Hedgehog 2(Watch)**: Choose a player and learn who targeted them.

    You can not use the same ability twice in a row.

    **Win Condition**: Eliminate all threats to Town.

    Sega Technical Institute - Town Cop

    You’ve had some success helping develop Sonic the Hedgehog 2, but now you have the chance to push Sega to new heights with Sonic X-treme. The development is hell and delays keep happening, but you’re still determined to get work done.

    Every night, you may use Sonic X-treme, which allows you to target a player and learn if they are TOWN or NOT TOWN. You won’t get the results until the beginning of the following night.

    **Win Condition**: Eliminate all threats to Town.
    Mod Note: If Yuji Naka dies, every other result will come the same night. If all Saturn games die, the results will always be immediate.

    Panzer Dragoon - Town Jailer

    You’re still deep in development, but there’s something special being built on your foundation. There are hopes that you will protect and hold the Sega Saturn down as long as the other games do their job as well.

    On odd nights, you will be able to choose a player who will be roleblocked and protected from harm. On even nights, you will be able to choose a player to protect from harm.

    **Win Condition**: Eliminate all threats to Town.

    Virtua Fighter - Town Gladiator

    You’ve been a hit in the arcades, and the promise of a near-perfect port has fans excited for the future of Sega. You have a lot to prove.

    Once at any time, you may choose a player to gladiate. The current or following day’s lynch will only be able to be on you or the player of your choice. No Lynch is not an option.

    **Win Condition**: Eliminate all threats to Town.
    Mod Note: If Virtua Fighter dies before using Gladiator, the next day’s lynch will be forced between the killer and a random town player OR between two people on their wagon of their choosing.

    Sonic the Hedgehog 3 - Town Searcher

    You are a great game that is ultimately incomplete. As much as you push the flagship series into masterpiece territory, you’re still…missing something. Maybe that lock-on technology Sega built into your companion game could help out.

    On Odd Nights, you will choose a player, and if they are Sonic & Knuckles, something special will happen.

    **Win Condition**: Eliminate all threats to Town.
    Mod Note: If they choose Sonic & Knuckles, they will become mason lovers. They will become ascetic to everything but kills, 1-shot bulletproof, gain a 1-shot Oracle, and a 1-shot Desperado.

    Sonic & Knuckles - Town Searcher

    You are a great game that is ultimately incomplete. As much as you push the flagship series into masterpiece territory, you’re still…missing something. Maybe that lock-on technology Sega built into you could help out.

    On Even Nights, you will choose a player, and if they are Sonic the Hedgehog 3, something special will happen.

    **Win Condition**: Eliminate all threats to Town.
    Mod Note: If they choose Sonic the Hedgehog 3, they will become mason lovers. They will become ascetic to everything but kills, 1-shot bulletproof, gain a 1-shot Oracle, and a 1-shot Desperado.

    Comix Zone - Town Jack-of-all-Trades

    While your gameplay didn’t break the mold much, your stylized presentation captured the imagination of many 90’s youth. You do have a couple tricks up your sleeve to make the purchase worth it.

    Every night, you will be able to use one of four abilities; You may use them in any order, but you must cycle through all of them before using an ability again. The abilities are:

    **Bus Drive**: Choose two players and anyone who targets one will target the other.
    **Beguiler**: Any action that happens to you will happen to your target instead.
    **Follow**: Choose a player and learn what kind of action they used.
    **Rolestopper**: Choose a player and they will not be targetable by anyone else that night.

    **Win Condition**: Eliminate all threats to Town.

    Vectorman - Town Delayer

    A bit of a hidden gem on the Sega Genesis, you are undeniably ahead of your time. It would take years before people could appreciate the greatness you exhibited.

    Every night, you may one of these abilities:

    **Delay**: Choose a player and their action will be delayed until the following cycle. The action will still take place even if the player died before it could take place.
    **Amplify**: Choose a player and their action will happen before any other action.

    You may not use an ability twice in a row.

    **Win Condition**: Eliminate all threats to Town.

    Sega Saturn - Town Duplicator

    You are an amazing idea that is ultimately being diminished by bad business ideas and mounting competition. But you have a strong library of games ahead, and you plan to use your power to get the most out of them.

    3x during any night, you may choose a player to duplicate. You will copy their action and learn the same info(if any) as them. Additionally, any action taken on them will also be taken on you.

    **Win Condition**: Eliminate all threats to Town.
    Mod Notes: If Sega Saturn is tracked while duplicating, the tracker will learn the target of the duplicated action, not who they duplicated. Once each, if targeted by Yuji Naka or Panzer Dragoon, they will be able to duplicate the ability on a second target of their choosing.

    Sega CD - Town Vigilante

    You will be remembered by many as another piece of the pile of overambition that sunk Sega as a console company. But the truth is that you have a killer library of games and aren’t afraid to use them to leave players knocked on their feet.

    2x during any night, you may choose a player to kill. You will only get the second kill attempt if you miss the first time. If you hit non-town with the first kill, you will not be able to use the second shot.

    **Win Condition**: Eliminate all threats to Town.

    Sega 32x - Town Vanilla

    Let’s face it: you were a bad idea. That said, the best anyone can hope for is that the couple good games you have will keep you alive long enough to help Sega succeed.

    You have no abilities other than the power of your voice and your vote.

    **Win Condition**: Eliminate all threats to Town.

    Square - Town Vanilla

    You are left a bit neutralized by the limitations Nintendo has placed on you and its hardware. You want to push the boundaries of what video gaming can be as an art form, but Nintendo does not seem keen on your vision of the future. You are not able to do much, but you are damn happy to see Nintendo get the pressure to evolve that they need.

    You have no abilities other than the power of your voice and your vote.

    **Win Condition**: Eliminate all threats to Town.
    Mod Note: If targeted by Sony Computer Entertainment, they will become a Neutral Survivor in a private chat. The win condition remains the same, but only one of the two survivors need to remain at endgame. They will also get access to a 1x kill

    Sony Computer Entertainment - Neutral Survivor Jack-of-all-Trades

    Your mind is on revenge, but your revenge comes in the form of success. Nintendo screwed you over and you want to make them pay with their decision. And in the meantime, why not make waves and take over the gaming market?

    Each night, you will have to use one of a list of abilities. Each ability can be used once each. You can not withhold until all abilities are used up. Your abilities are:

    **Bus Driver**: Choose two targets. Anyone who targets Player A will target Player B, and vice-versa.
    **”$299”**: Choose a target. All actions of the night phase will be redirected to that player.
    **Flavor Cop**: Choose a target. Their flavor role will be revealed to you.
    **Neighborizer**: Choose a target. They will enter a permanent private chat with you. No claiming is allowed. They will also be untargetable that night.
    **Roleblock**: Choose a target. They will be unable to carry out any night actions.
    **Framer**: Choose a target. Any investigation on them will turn up negative.

    **Win Condition**: Survive until Town or Mafia win.
    Mod Notes: If Sony targets Square with any of these actions, none of the bad effects will happen and they will enter a private chat with Square and become a second survivor partner. Survivors do not count towards mafia numbers and must be dealt with to achieve majority.

    Shigeru Miyamoto - Mafia Godfather

    When it comes down to brass tax, you’ve always been the Godfather of Nintendo. Without your game design genius and your creation of the most prolific plumber to ever be merchandised, Nintendo never becomes the juggernaut it is today. Therefore, you have a lot of power in the company and protections in place.

    You will show up as TOWN for all cop investigations. You also are 1x bulletproof. The bulletproof will only protect you from kills, *not* lynches. You also have access to a few abilites:

    **Vote Steal**: Choose a target and you will steal their vote for the day, making your vote worth double. The extra vote will not be visible, but the player will be informed that they lost their vote that day. This ability can not be used in LYLO.
    **1x Hammer Kill**: As a result of a mafia lynch, you can choose to kill the hammer voter or the closest non-mafia player to it.
    **1x Governor**: Makes a player unavailable to vote for the current or following day phase. This will be announced publicly but anonymously. Any votes present on that player will be reset.

    With Nintendo’s massive influence, the entire scum team also has 3x doctor ability as a free action for use on any night. This is not assigned and therefore does not have to be carried by anyone.

    **Win Condition**: Become the majority of players in the game.

    Hiroshi Yamauchi - Mafia Manipulator

    Shigeru Miyamoto may be the superstar with all the influence, but you’re still the President of Nintendo, and nothing happens in this company without your say. You plan to use your respect and influence to make sure everything turns out advantageous for your company as the next console generation emerges.

    On any night, you may use one of three abilities:

    **1x Loved**: Choose a player and make it so it takes one more vote to hammer them.
    **1x Hated**: Choose a player and make it so it takes one less vote to hammer them.
    **1x Ability Steal**: Choose a player and remove their abilities while absorbing them for your own use on following nights.

    These abilities are permanent.

    With Nintendo’s massive influence, the entire scum team also has 3x doctor ability as a free action for use on any night. This is not assigned and therefore does not have to be carried by anyone.

    **Win Condition**: Become the majority of players in the game.

    Super Mario 64 - Mafia Killer

    The world may not know it yet, but you’re about to revolutionize the gaming world by fully realizing a 3D platformer. But you have to make sure that none of Sega or Sony’s efforts even stand a chance. They don’t call you the “killer app” of the N64 for nothing.

    Each night, you may carry out the team’s kill. On any night, you may opt to modify your kill:

    **1x Strongman**: Your kill can not be blocked or protected.
    **1x Ninja**: Your kill can not be detected.
    **1x Cannoneer**: At any point, you may opt to withhold your kill. For each night you withhold, you may unleash that many kills when used.

    With Nintendo’s massive influence, the entire scum team also has 3x doctor ability as a free action for use on any night. This is not assigned and therefore does not have to be carried by anyone.

    **Win Condition**: Become the majority of players in the game.
    Mod Notes: The strongman kill overrides everything but an amplified action. The ninja kill will prevent all forms of investigation. If Super Mario 64 is eliminated, the kill becomes an assigned factional. The player carrying the kill will opt to use their abilities or the kill.

    HAL Labs - Mafia Jack-of-all-Trades

    You are the unsung heroes of Nintendo that are slowly becoming more and more sung. With star developer Satoru Iwata, the enigmatic genius Shigesato Itoi, and hit games like the Kirby series, Earthbound, and the new Pokemon IP, you have a roster of heavy hitters ready to do some damage for Nintendo.

    On any night, you may use one of the following abilities:

    **Roleblock**: Choose a target and they will not be able to act on that night.
    **Rolecop**: Investigate a player and learn the name of their role.
    **Silence**: Choose a player that will not be able to post on the following day. They can vote, but it will be done in private and only reflected in vote counts.

    No ability can be used twice in a row. Additionally, you will be able to choose whether the ability appears as Satoru Iwata, Shigesato Itoi, a Kirby Game, Earthbound, or Pokemon Red & Green.

    With Nintendo’s massive influence, the entire scum team also has 3x doctor ability as a free action for use on any night. This is not assigned and therefore does not have to be carried by anyone.

    **Win Condition**: Become the majority of players in the game.

    Koji Kondo - Mafia Genius

    You are perhaps one of the greatest composers in the video game world, and many consider you as much. While your heart is filled with great intentions, you are ultimately part of the Nintendo machine, and with your infectious and mind-grabbing tunes, you have the power to entrance all.

    Each night, you will be able to use one of these abilities:

    **1x Mega Bus Drive**: Choose two pairs of players. All actions directed towards one player in a pair will be directed to the other of the pair.
    **1x Gif Posting**: Choose a player to only post gifs other than their vote for the following day.
    **1x Posting Gimmick**: One player must adhere to a posting gimmick of your choice(within reason) for the following day.
    **1x Fog**: This night, all non-mafia will have a 50% chance of action failure.
    **1x Charm**: Everyone that targets a player of your choosing will target you instead with all positive results where relevant and no negative effects.

    With Nintendo’s massive influence, the entire scum team also has 3x doctor ability as a free action for use on any night. This is not assigned and therefore does not have to be carried by anyone.

    **Win Condition**: Become the major
    ity of players in the game.

    Mafia Mod Note: Last surviving member of mafia will be able to use an ability and a kill in the simultaneously. Additionally, each action will require its own roleblock.
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