Fingers of Suspicion

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Mafia 12 - 99 Friends Halloviolina Heist

  • Thread starter Thread starter Badger
  • Start date Start date
  • Tagged users None
  • Badger

    “70% Furry, 30% Filthy, 100% Fun”

    The Friends gang were catching up in Central Perk drinking coffee (quelle surprise) catching up with each other after the holidays because they spend more time in there than doing their actual day jobs as per usual. They were discussing what they got up to. Ross finally got an official New Year's midnight kiss from Rachel because they were officially together now and nothing can possibly go wrong this time. Chandler and Monica naturally kissed. Joey and Phoebe are still not together (God knows why not as the actors themselves even pitched it to the producers) but they kiss all the time anyway so they kissed each other at New Year's. Phoebe was also excited to announce that over the holidays she got a new cat because she thinks the spirit of her dead mother was definitely in this cat and not another cat which she previously thought. She named it Smellycat after her song but unfortunately she lived up to the name as she was stinking out the whole joint. A fellow patron who was already looking daggers at the group ProblematicRuss because his doppleganger was more successful with Rachel complained to the barista Gunther who said “Sorry patrons are complaining about the smell of the cat. If you don't get that cat out of here now I'm going to have to call the police!” Phoebe protested that it's just a little smell and she's not bothering anyone. The Friends and cat refused to leave so the police were promptly called.

    “Hello I'm Captain Raymond Holt of the Brooklyn 99th Precinct. We got a report of a cat whose breaking health violations! Who is the owner?” Phoebe: “That's me but she's not causing any harm so we're not moving!” Holt: “Then I'm afraid I'm taking you downtown!” Chandler asked the obvious question “”Wait a minute you're from a BROOKLYN precinct but this is MANHATTAN!” What you guys get lost or something? Holt was as always not abused by the sarcastic tone “NO FURTHER QUESTIONS YOUNG MAN! You're going to have to accompany me downtown as well!” Chandler protested but the rest of the Friends gang decided to go with them for moral support. Gunther and ProblematicRuss snickered because they knew what was going to happenlater.

    Brooklyn 99th Precinct

    The Friends were all taken in for questioning. Commissioner Wuntch asked Holt what was going her so he did and also said “Sorry I would have come over to you but you were on your WUNTCH break at the time!” Jake giggled uncontrollably and loudly exclaimed “TITLE OF YOUR NEXT SEX TAPE!” Chandler was confused as hell about that comment whereas Joey was wondering if there was an actual sex tape and if they could watch it later. Also Miss Chenandler Bong called in to report that Rachel and Monica kept stealing her TV guide every week and was told to take a seat. Meanwhile Cheddar having a keen sense of smell has already smelled out Smellycat and thinks this is some overpowering whiff and started growling. All of a sudden Boyle bursts into the room and wanted to know if everyone including everyone sat in custody wanted to play a HalloVeen heist as he's never won one. Chandler even more confused now exclaimed: “HalloVeen? Don't you mean Halloween? What heist? It's NEW YEARS anyway, waaay too early!”

    Just then the NBC president said “CUT! That's not the right lines people. It's a HalloVIOLINA heist!I named the heist after myself Violina remember?


    1. Peter Griffin
    2. Randolph
    3. Caito
    4. Nightingale
    5. PsychoSoldier
    6. Val the Moofia Boss
    7. Jarrod1983
    8. MTR
    9. FutureHold (but not ForgottenHold)
    11. Claws
    12. Lletuce
    13. morrison
    14. VoidKitten
    15. Vesper
    16. Dreyski
    17. Listo95
    18. “Grumpycat”
    19. Tildey
    20. LemonDemonGirl
    21. rock meets hard place
    22. Diva
    23. Lora
    24. CWE
    69/99. BN

    The roles WILL be coming out shortly to everyone's PM boxes. When done, I will put an announcement in my #announcements channel as well as posting th#announcements


    1. All of the typical Mafia rules apply (no talking outside of game etc)
    2. No breadcrumbing or role claiming allowed. This will result in a Badger modfilthing(killing)you.
    2a. This does not include sharing information that you have received. Yes, this is a fine line. Be careful, and when in doubt, ask the moderator.
    3. No editing of posts is allowed.
    4. Eliminations will be handled with plurality voting. The player with the most votes at the end of a day phase will be eliminated.
    4a. No Lynch/Sleep is a valid vote except for D1.
    4b. Hammer Majority is in effect.
    5. In the event of a tie, one of the tied players will be eliminated randomly.
    6. Votes must be formatted with vote tags([.v][./v] without period). You may also press the button that looks like a box with a checkmark.
    7. When voting, please unvote with unvote tag ([.Unvote][/Unvote]). You may also press the button that looks like a box with an X next to te checkmark one.
    8. All night actions MUST be submitted by deadline. No late submissions will be accepted.
    9. Discord is required for this game. All private chats will be done within discord unless otherwise specified. Actions may be submitted either through Discord or through PMs on this message board.
    10. If you have any questions, please ask me privately via Private Message either here or on Discord. I will not answer questions in the thread unless pertinent to the entire game.
    11. 1 vote per phase is required. I will be understanding in the case of hammers.
    12. Except for Day One because I am a nice Badger and there are new people here, there will be an inactivity mechanic in place. After Day Two, I am looking for a minimum of 5 posts. Failure to meet this target, there will be a punishment which will increase every time it is not met. However repeated absence may just result in either a modkill or a replacement, we shall see.
    13. Day phases will last 48 hours. Night phases will last 24 hours.
    Last edited:
    Day One Start

    The heist has started. Everyone is looking for clues and Ross finds an envelope addressed to him with possible clues. “Hey maybe this is a clue!” he says. He opens it and find a note and a set of questions. The instructions says he has to ask everyone this questions like a game show host. Ross loves this idea and starts speaking like a game show host dramatically Chandler tells him to stop it now:

    Ross: “Okay first question! Who would Joey rather sleep with Rachel or Phoebe?”
    Joey: “Both at the same's the Joey Special Deluxe!” *Phoebe giggles while Rachel is a little horrified*
    Jake: “Title of his sex tape?”
    Ross: “Correct on both counts!” ”
    Joey: “Hey I'll ask a question Ross! Who would you rather sleep with Monica or Rachel?”
    Monica: “JOEEEY!”
    Ross: “Dude that is sick!””
    Joey: “Oh yeah the whole Rachel thing!”
    Ross: “Anyyyyyway! Has Boyle ever won a Halloveen Heist?”
    Boyle: “Oh come on really???? No.”
    *Hitchcock/Scully laugh at their desk.*
    Ross: “Correct! What is Chandler Bing's job?”
    blank expressions all around until....
    Rachel: “Transponster?”
    Chandler: “OH....MY...GOD!”
    many questions later until
    Ross: “Who was responsible for Rachel and me breaking up?? Huh?”
    ProblematicRuss, Gunther and even Rachel shout: ”YOOOOOOUUUUUU!”
    Ross: “The card says correct but it's wrong. WE...WERE...ON....A...BREAK!”
    more quizzing later and the scores are tied until......
    Ross: “The scores are tied. So it's time for......THE LIGHTNING DICE ROUND! You all have to vote for someone to take part in an exciting dice game!”
    Monica: “Oh this has gone on too long! Can't we just go to sleep?”
    Ross: “SLEEP is NOT an option!”
    Chandler: “Okay what if we just forget this stupid thing and just not vote?”
    Ross: “Ohhhhh that is highly not recommended! Baaaad things could happen!”
    Phoebe: “Oh what happens if the person we vote for rolls the dice? Any prizes!”
    Ross: “Well could be something good...something bad...something indifferent! But there must be a winner!”
    Chandler: “Oh well that's really useful! What kind of filthy sick bastard came up with this?”
    All of a sudden a Badger emerges and runs across the room
    Monica: “Okay who let a badger in here???”

    Begin Day 1. You have 48 hours to vote. XD
    Day 1 Game event
  • Ms Chenandler Bong was fed up having her TV guide stolen by Rachel and Monica every week so she saw a pack of cigarettes on their balcony which she thought belonged to them. Unfortunately they belonged to Chandler who had been secretly smoking there to hide his habit from Monica. His cravings went wild, he was aaaaangryyyy. He spotted her and went absolutely wild and started strangling her and ripped off her mask. However there was a jester mask underneath, he then ripped it off and he saw the face of Gina "Hey it's GINA time bitchessss! She then ripped off her mask and it was the mask of a fox. by the name of Nightingale who was now coughing, struggling and passing out but with her last bit of strength she ripped off his mask revealing CWE and tossed a bomb to him. She then passed out dying unconcious and CWE blew up.

    Nightingale has been killed. She was Ms Chenandler Bong/Gina - Jester with a Bomb
    CWE has been killed. He was Chandler - Town Mason

    Living Players:

    1. Peter Griffin
    2. Randolph
    3. Caito
    4. Nightingale - Ms Chenandler Bong - Jester with a Bomb
    5. PsychoSoldier
    6. Val the Moofia Boss
    7. Jarrod1983
    8. MTR
    9. FutureHold (but not ForgottenHold)
    11. Claws
    12. Lletuce
    13. morrison
    14. VoidKitten
    15. Vesper
    16. Dreyski
    17. Listo95
    18. “Grumpycat”
    19. Tildey
    20. LemonDemonGirl
    21. rock meets hard place
    22. Diva
    23. Lora
    24. CWE - Chandler Town Mason
    69/99. BN

    The new target is now 12 for a hammer. Will sort out the votes in a bit but continue playing
    Final D1 Vote Count
  • Final D1 Vote Count:

    Divasmurf - 1 (lletuce)
    Lora - 7 (Val, Lora, Psycho, Mazer, Grumpy, Void)
    Listo - 1 (rock meets hard place)
    MTR - 2 (ForgottenHold, Tildey)
    vesper - 6 (morrison, Claws, BN, Dreyski, Listo, Jarrod)
    rock meets hard place - 1 (Randolph)
    Tildey - 2 (MTR, Tildey)
    ForgottenHold - 2 (DivaSmurf, Tildey)
    Day One End

    The Lightning Dice Round has been decided. Unfortunately for our God King @Lora the Gods deserted him.

    The dice options were…rolled a 1 or a 4…phase would have gone to Sleep. 2 or a 5…immunity until D3. 3 or a 6…yeeted tae fuck! Unfortunately for ProblematicRuss aka Lora….6 was the magic number!
    Living Players:

    Living Players:

    1. Peter Griffin
    2. Randolph
    3. Caito
    4. Nightingale - Ms Chenandler Bong - Jester with a Bomb
    5. PsychoSoldier
    6. Val the Moofia Boss
    7. Jarrod1983
    8. MTR
    9. FutureHold (but not ForgottenHold)
    11. Claws
    12. Lletuce
    13. morrison
    14. VoidKitten
    15. Vesper
    16. Dreyski
    17. Listo95
    18. “Grumpycat”
    19. Tildey
    20. LemonDemonGirl
    21. rock meets hard place
    22. Diva
    23. Lora - ProblematicRuss - Scum Poisoner
    24. CWE - Chandler Town Mason
    69/99. BN

    Night One has now begun. You have 24 hours from now to submit me your roles either via PM on here or your private Discord channels. Ideally tell me if you’re not using them.
    Night One Event/Day Two Start
  • Gunther wondered what everyone was doing tonight and they had no plans. They were cool so thought he would hear this story from “some guy” years ago. They were all immediately invested:

    Richard took note of this story and decided to try Joey otherwise known as Dr Drake Ramoray otherwise known as Psycho666Soldier on his seduction technique and he was taken in by his spell and like Al Wilson was by Dawn Marie he was unfortunately shagged to death. At least we assume Al died a happy individual.

    Psycho666Soldier has been shagged to death. He was Joey aka Dr Drake Ramoray aka Town Doctor

    Living Players:

    1. Peter Griffin
    2. Randolph
    3. Caito
    4. Nightingale - Ms Chenandler Bong - Jester with a Bomb
    5. PsychoSoldier - Joey Dr Drake Ramoray aka Town Doctor
    6. Val the Moofia Boss
    7. Jarrod1983
    8. MTR
    9. FutureHold (but not ForgottenHold)
    11. Claws
    12. Lletuce
    13. morrison
    14. VoidKitten
    15. Vesper
    16. Dreyski
    17. Listo95
    18. “Grumpycat”
    19. Tildey
    20. LemonDemonGirl
    21. rock meets hard place
    22. Diva
    23. Lora - ProblematicRuss - Scum Poisoner
    24. CWE - Chandler Town Mason
    69/99. BN

    Day Two has now begun. You have 48 hours from and normal Mafia rules will now apply. No dice games, no fuckery but will put a friendly recommendation . I am now looking for bare minimum FIVE POSTS MINIMUM from each player this phase. If this is not me, there will be consequences and this will increase to worse punishment each phase each time this target is not met.

    Day 2 now begins. 48 hours peeps.
    Post Quality warning
  • On that note before I post the next vote count, next round I will be doing quality checks on post because I wasn’t chuffed with this either. Too late to introduce it here but for next and future day phases, I will be checking for at least 5 posts of acceptable quality that isn’t spam.
    Day Two Game Event
  • Jake and Boyle decided to team up with each other during the heist much to the latter’s delight…or so he thought.

    Jake told Boyle he had information that their next clue could be found at the Brooklyn Bridge so they went there. Boyle was literally like a puppy sticking his tongue out the window during the car ride when all of a sudden Jake stopped the car and in the ultimate act of betrayal to his best friend, kills Boyle by shooting him then throwing his corpse over the bridge. Poor bastard never gets to win a heist.

    The body was recovered and later identified to be Charles Voidkitten Boyle.

    Voidkitten has been killed - He was Charles Boyle - Town Doublevoter

    Living Players:

    1. Peter Griffin
    2. Randolph
    3. Caito
    4. Nightingale - Ms Chenandler Bong - Jester with a Bomb
    5. PsychoSoldier - Joey Dr Drake Ramoray aka Town Doctor
    6. Val the Moofia Boss
    7. Jarrod1983
    8. MTR
    9. FutureHold (but not ForgottenHold)
    11. Claws
    12. Lletuce
    13. morrison
    14. VoidKitten - Charles Boyle Town Doublevoter
    15. Vesper
    16. Dreyski
    17. Listo95
    18. “Grumpycat”
    19. Tildey
    20. LemonDemonGirl
    21. rock meets hard place
    22. Diva
    23. Lora - ProblematicRuss - Scum Poisoner
    24. CWE - Chandler Town Mason
    69/99. BN

    All votes for Void have been reset. Updated vote count coming shortly. Continue playing.

    11 required for a hammer.
    Day 2 End/Night Two Start
  • Final Day Two Vote Count:

    Grumpycat - 8 (Rock, Listo, Val, Jarrod, Mazer, Randolph, lletuce, Dreyski)
    Future - 1 (Vesper)
    Rock - 3 (Caito, Future, Tildey)
    Tildey - 1 (Lletuce)
    Morrison - 1 (MTR)
    PG - 1 (Blind Ninja)

    Not yet posted five times - @morrison - 2

    Grumpycat was just chilling on the couch when all of a sudden a filthy badger jumped up beside him. Grumpycat remarked: “Btw its funny you are called filthy badger when actually badgers are one of cleanest critters you could find. Seriously. Unlike foxes for example that sometimes shit in their own dens.”

    The filthy Badger decided to thank him by biting into Grumpy’s fur which of a sudden started growing roots and he could not move. Grumpycat becomes Stumpycat.

    cannot be killed/yeeted and has also lost the ability to vote.

    Morrison is summoned to the principals office to await his fate. The principal is currently in the office expelling rock meets hard place for breaking roleclaiming rules.

    Rock was Jake Peralta - Town JOAT

    Living Players:

    1. Peter Griffin
    2. Randolph
    3. Caito
    4. Nightingale - Ms Chenandler Bong - Jester with a Bomb
    5. PsychoSoldier - Joey Dr Drake Ramoray aka Town Doctor
    6. Val the Moofia Boss
    7. Jarrod1983
    8. MTR
    9. FutureHold (but not ForgottenHold)
    11. Claws
    12. Lletuce
    13. morrison
    14. VoidKitten - Charles Boyle Town Doublevoter
    15. Vesper
    16. Dreyski
    17. Listo95
    18. Stumpycat
    19. Tildey
    20. LemonDemonGirl
    21. rock meets hard place - Jake Town JOAT
    22. Diva
    23. Lora - ProblematicRuss - Scum Poisoner
    24. CWE - Chandler Town Mason
    69/99. BN

    It is now Night Two. You have 24 actions to submit your actions.
    Night Two Results/Day Three Start

    Rosa was on the lookout when she saw a rare sphinx cat into the station. Checking it's collar she saw it's name was Claws. She decided to give the cat a bit of food and observe it was a friendly kitty or not before she let the cat scurry along.

    That wasn't the only animal roaming about the station. Val had torn off a bit of his shirt on a nail. Holt and Cheddar were walking along and Holt gave the torn shirt to Cheddar to see if they could get a scent off it. Cheddar got the scent of Val and was tracking the scent down.

    Terry Crews and his big muscly pecs stood in front of Val just in case anything untoward should happen to him tonight.

    Rachel Green wasn't much of a fighter so she was just floating around the station and was touring the prison cells at the precinct when one of the prisoners though behind bars frightened her so much she hid behind Vesper asking them to keep the scary man away.

    Gunther saw that same sphinx cat in Claws and asked “What is this some sort of snake or something? He picked it up but he checked the microchip on the collar to see if he could learn anything more about it.

    Wuntch saw Mazer doing nothing and decided to give him a whole lot of paperwork to keep him busy for the night.

    Gunther gave Frank O'Sullivan a flask of coffee to give to ForgottenHold as he was trying to get him to join the police union. However negotiations did not go well as ForgottenHold refused so Frank to show him no hard feelings gave him the flask of coffee. ForgottenHold took a sip and then started convulsing and had to be rushed to the hospital. Doctors were not sure he would make it through the day.

    The Pontiac Bandit and his manipulative ways were up to no good.

    Monica figured she was well aware in the arts of Unagi than her brother Ross so she was on the prowl. However her Unagi senses failed her when she failed to spot the shadowy figure around the corner who slit her throat. Post-mortem examination revealed that she was actually Dreyski.

    Dreyski has been killed – He was Monica Bing - Town ON Roleblocker

    Living Players:

    1. Peter Griffin
    2. Randolph
    3. Caito
    4. Nightingale - Ms Chenandler Bong - Jester with a Bomb
    5. PsychoSoldier - Joey Dr Drake Ramoray aka Town Doctor
    6. Val the Moofia Boss
    7. Jarrod1983
    8. MTR
    9. FutureHold (but not ForgottenHold)
    11. Claws
    12. Lletuce
    13. morrison
    14. VoidKitten - Charles Boyle Town Doublevoter
    15. Vesper
    16. Dreyski - Monics Bing Town ON Roleblocker
    17. Listo95
    18. Stumpycat
    19. Tildey
    20. LemonDemonGirl
    21. rock meets hard place - Jake Peralta Town JOAT
    22. Diva
    23. Lora - ProblematicRuss - Scum Poisoner
    24. CWE - Chandler Town Mason
    69/99. BN

    It is now Day 3.....ooh almost forgot

    Meanwhile in the principal's office. Morrison received his punishment. The principal said “Only two votes yesterday tsk tsk! I wanted five and we're missing three. So how can we make up that difference?.....ooh I know!”

    Vote Count: Morrison - 3 (Mod)

    It is now Day 3. You have 48 hours. 18 living players left. 9 required for a hammer.

    Still looking for FIVE POSTS MIMIMUM today of good quality and I will be doing quality checks so no things like splitting up sentences like last time to make up five will not be accepted.
    Day Three Game Event
  • Holt had been curious about this ninja kill. He asked Richard a few questions. He tried to seduce his way out of it but Holt being the loyal husband that he is was not phased. He placed Richard under arrest and further digging into his records revealed he was Peter Griffin who was then sentenced to life imprisonment.

    Peter Griffin was Richard - Scum Killer

    Living Players:

    1. Peter Griffin - Richard - Scum Killer
    2. Randolph
    3. Caito
    4. Nightingale - Ms Chenandler Bong - Jester with a Bomb
    5. PsychoSoldier - Joey Dr Drake Ramoray aka Town Doctor
    6. Val the Moofia Boss
    7. Jarrod1983
    8. MTR
    9. FutureHold (but not ForgottenHold)
    11. Claws
    12. Lletuce
    13. morrison
    14. VoidKitten - Charles Boyle Town Doublevoter
    15. Vesper
    16. Dreyski - Monics Bing Town ON Roleblocker
    17. Listo95
    18. Stumpycat
    19. Tildey
    20. LemonDemonGirl
    21. rock meets hard place - Jake Peralta Town JOAT
    22. Diva
    23. Lora - ProblematicRuss - Scum Poisoner
    24. CWE - Chandler Town Mason
    69/99. BN

    17 living players. 9 required for a hammer.
    Day Three Results/Night Three Start
  • Vote/Post Activity Count:

    Morrison - 3 (Mod)
    Val - 8 (Mazer, ForgottenHold, Jarrod, lletuce, MTR, Listo, Claws, Tildey, Diva)
    LDG - 1 (LDG)
    Randolph - 1 (Val)
    Claws - 1 (Vesper)
    Jarrod - 1 (BN)
    Mazer - 1 (Caito)

    Not yet posted 5 times this phase: @morrison - 2 @Randolph -0 These two will be summoned to the principal’s office for punishment. The former is on two strikes, the latter will be on his first. Anyways…..

    Cheddar had snapped onto the ankle of Val and would not let go. The Brooklyn 99 and Friends squads rushed to the scene and when Holt took a closer look he saw it was his arch nemesis Wuntch. Holt hoped she had good jail food for her wuntch because she’d be eating that for the rest of her life.

    Val has been jailed for life. He was Madeline Wuntch - Scum Roleblocker

    In sadder news, ForgottenHold has succumbed due to the poison coffee. Only he had the cure but could not use it on himself.

    ForgottenHold was Phoebe Buffay - One Shot Poison Nurse

    Living Players:

    1. Peter Griffin - Richard - Scum Killer
    2. Randolph
    3. Caito
    4. Nightingale - Ms Chenandler Bong - Jester with a Bomb
    5. PsychoSoldier - Joey Dr Drake Ramoray aka Town Doctor
    6. Val the Moofia Boss - Madeline Wuntch Scum Roleblocker
    7. Jarrod1983
    8. MTR
    9. FutureHold (but not ForgottenHold) - Phoebe Buffay One-Shot Poison Nurse
    11. Claws
    12. Lletuce
    13. morrison
    14. VoidKitten - Charles Boyle Town Doublevoter
    15. Vesper
    16. Dreyski - Monics Bing Town ON Roleblocker
    17. Listo95
    18. Stumpycat
    19. Tildey
    20. LemonDemonGirl
    21. rock meets hard place - Jake Peralta Town JOAT
    22. Diva
    23. Lora - ProblematicRuss - Scum Poisoner
    24. CWE - Chandler Town Mason
    69/99. BN

    15 players remaining. It is now Night Three. You have 24 hours to submit your roles or tell me you’re not using them.
    Night Three Results/Day Four Start

    Randolph and Morrison have just come from the principal's office. The principal recognised that Morrison got in a couple but again below target so his punishment stands. He warned him that if he failed target again, the consequences could be dire. The principal was shocked that Randolph did not get in any posts last phase so he gets five votes to make up for it. This is just his first strike though.

    Richard was not going to go down easy and hatched a plan to get out of jail. He managed to seduce the guard into giving him the keys to the cell door and managed to bust his way out. He then decided to seek revenge against those who had wronged him. Before long, Blind Ninja and Mazer wandered close enough to the trap he had lain and he sprung into action. He quickly corralled them into a nearby building he’d prepared for this circumstance. During the ensuing fight a loud bang was heard, the lights went out, and a shout rang out. After several moments of quiet, Blind Ninja and Mazer stumbled out, gave each other a nod, and went their separate ways.”

    Rosa had noticed Jarrod's bravado but was still unsure about him so decided to ask him a few questions.

    Smellycat was getting a strange smell off Jarrod and decided to follow the scent to see what he was up to.

    Gunther was up to no good behind the coffee bar and was concocting a new coffee that he was sure that no-one could resist in having a cup.

    After Blind Ninja and Mazer went their separate ways, Ross decided to keep a close eye on Mazer should anything else happen to him putting his Unagi training into effect...always aware. Rachel was getting afraid too and decided to use Mazer as a human shield for herself. Frank O'Sullivan tried to get Mazer to join the police union as he recognised what a good investigator he was and wanted to make sure he had all the perks and benefits of the job and that he was well protected should something happen to him. However Mazer was not interested so Frank blew a whistle and a bunch of union cops surrounded Mazer. Ross shouted “DANGER! DANGERRRR!” when they approached. One of the union cops said:

    “Hey boss this is a cat named Smellycat! Don't you think this is a bit cruel?”
    Frank: “Hmmm let me”
    “Okay boss!”

    The union cops bludgeoned Smellycat to death despite her meows, screeches and wails for help. The corpse let out a REALLY bad smell this time!

    Mazer has been bludgeoned to death with nightsticks – He was Smellycat Town ON Tracker

    Frank O'Sullivan noticed Rachel cowering and asked if she'd like to go out for deep dish pizza with him and watch Knight Rider. The sensible thing for her to do would be to say yes considering what she had just seen. Unfortunately she turned him down without thinking so she also got the nightstick treatment. Frank also decided to play a song to accompany this beatdown:

    Caito has also been bludgeoned to death with nightsticks – He was Rachel Green - Town Hider

    Living Players:

    1. Peter Griffin - Richard - Scum Killer
    2. Randolph
    3. Caito – Rachel Green Town Hider
    4. Nightingale - Ms Chenandler Bong - Jester with a Bomb
    5. PsychoSoldier - Joey Dr Drake Ramoray aka Town Doctor
    6. Val the Moofia Boss - Madeline Wuntch Scum Roleblocker
    7. Jarrod1983
    8. MTR
    9. FutureHold (but not ForgottenHold) - Phoebe Buffay One-Shot Poison Nurse
    10. Mazer – Smellycat Town ON Tracker

    11. Claws
    12. Lletuce
    13. morrison
    14. VoidKitten - Charles Boyle Town Doublevoter
    15. Vesper
    16. Dreyski - Monica Bing Town ON Roleblocker
    17. Listo95
    18. Stumpycat
    19. Tildey
    20. LemonDemonGirl
    21. rock meets hard place - Jake Peralta Town JOAT
    22. Diva
    23. Lora - ProblematicRuss - Scum Poisoner
    24. CWE - Chandler Town Mason
    69/99. BN

    It is now Day Four. You have 48 hours and 7 is required for a hammer.

    Vote Count:

    Randolph – 5 (Mod)
    Morrison - 3 (Mod)

    Principal highly recommends again FIVE POSTS MINIMUM a day!
    Day Four End/Night Four Start

    Gunther is delighted that his game has drawn such high ratings.

    Meanwhile Terry was called into Holt’s office for continually being late to work. Try as he might to plead his case. Holt demoted him to do purely paperwork. Terry thought “Oh well that’s safe. Terry time can get this done then spend time with the kids!” Holt then said he wasn’t finished….he also banned him from eating yoghurt at work every time.
    Terry screamed NOOOOOOOOO!” RANDOLPH LOVE YOGHURT!” and turned his own gun on his dead splattering the Terry brains all over the floor.

    Randolph has been killed. He was Terry Crews - Town Bodyguard

    Living Players:

    1. Peter Griffin - Richard - Scum Killer
    2. Randolph - Town Bodyguard
    3. Caito – Rachel Green Town Hider

    4. Nightingale - Ms Chenandler Bong - Jester with a Bomb
    5. PsychoSoldier - Joey Dr Drake Ramoray aka Town Doctor
    6. Val the Moofia Boss - Madeline Wuntch Scum Roleblocker
    7. Jarrod1983
    8. MTR
    9. FutureHold (but not ForgottenHold) - Phoebe Buffay One-Shot Poison Nurse
    10. Mazer – Smellycat Town ON Tracker

    11. Claws
    12. Lletuce
    13. morrison
    14. VoidKitten - Charles Boyle Town Doublevoter
    15. Vesper
    16. Dreyski - Monica Bing Town ON Roleblocker
    17. Listo95
    18. Stumpycat
    19. Tildey
    20. LemonDemonGirl
    21. rock meets hard place - Jake Peralta Town JOAT
    22. Diva
    23. Lora - ProblematicRuss - Scum Poisoner
    24. CWE - Chandler Town Mason
    69/99. BN

    12 people remaining. It is now Night Four. You have 24 hours to either submit your roles or tell me you’re not using them.

    Oh and the principal hasn’t checked if anyone hasn’t made the five post target but will check this during the night phase and confirm on the write-up if anyone faces punishment for the following day phase.
    Night Four Results/Day Five Start

    MTR, Listo and LDG get first strikes warnings from the principal for not meeting five day post activity target. MTR and Listo missed by one so only receive one vote this next day phase whereas LDG was short by two posts so receives two votes this next day phase.

    Cheddar was on the trail when he sniffed out and saw what looked like a mangy filthy cat by the name of Claws going through trashcans and eating fish heads. Claws hissed and screeched at Cheddar who gave chase but the cat was rather fast.

    Frank O’Sullivan invited DivaSmurf for dinner to negotiate terms for them to join the police union. This kept them occupied all night.

    While chasing Claws, Cheddar stopped the chase. when the Pontiac Bandit rolled up with a big bone and Cheddar got in the car. They cruised round the city to pick up chicks and bitches. They went for a walk in the park and even played fetch when all of a sudden the dog catcher captured Cheddar for not being on a leash thanking the Pontiac Bandit for the tip. In the dog pound, Cheddar was given a doggy bowl of lletuce as their last meal then promptly put down. Holt was later sent a mocking note in the mail informing of his poor pooch’s demise along with clippings of their claws and tail.

    Lletuce has been put down - She was Cheddar Town EN Tracker

    Living Players

    1. Peter Griffin - Richard - Scum Killer
    2. Randolph - Town Bodyguard
    3. Caito – Rachel Green Town Hider

    4. Nightingale - Ms Chenandler Bong - Jester with a Bomb
    5. PsychoSoldier - Joey Dr Drake Ramoray aka Town Doctor
    6. Val the Moofia Boss - Madeline Wuntch Scum Roleblocker
    7. Jarrod1983
    8. MTR

    9. FutureHold (but not ForgottenHold) - Phoebe Buffay One-Shot Poison Nurse
    10. Mazer – Smellycat Town ON Tracker

    11. Claws
    12. Lletuce - Cheddar Town EN Tracker
    13. morrison
    14. VoidKitten - Charles Boyle Town Double-voter
    15. Vesper
    16. Dreyski - Monica Bing Town ON Roleblocker
    17. Listo95
    18. Stumpycat

    19. Tildey
    20. LemonDemonGirl
    21. rock meets hard place - Jake Peralta Town JOAT
    22. Diva
    23. Lora - ProblematicRuss - Scum Poisoner
    24. CWE - Chandler Town Mason
    69/99. BN

    It is now Day Five. 11 players left (and because I have been getting this a bit YES I am aware of Grumpy being part of 11 but he is technically still in the game and parity is being adjusted for his presence). 6 votes required for a hammer.

    Vote Count:

    LDG - 2 (Mod)
    MTR - 1 (Mod)
    Listo95 - 1 (Mod)

    You now have 48 hours. Still looking for five posts mimimum this phase.
    Day Five Results/Night Five Start
  • Blind Ninja was trying to rally everyone because he felt not enough effort was being made to win the Heist. “COME ON PEEOPLE! WHY YOU JUST SITTING AT YOUR DESKS NOT SOLVING CLUES? GAAAGH I HAVE TO DO EVERYTHING AROUND HERE!!!” However Holt recognised the voice as Frank O’Sullivan who was promptly unmasked a la Scooby Doo then arrested and sentenced to life imprisonment while elections were underway for a new leader of the police union.

    Blind Ninja has been imprisoned for life - He was Frank O’Sullivan - Scum Back-up

    Living Players

    1. Peter Griffin - Richard - Scum Killer
    2. Randolph - Terry Crews - Town Bodyguard
    3. Caito – Rachel Green Town Hider

    4. Nightingale - Ms Chenandler Bong - Jester with a Bomb
    5. PsychoSoldier - Joey Dr Drake Ramoray aka Town Doctor
    6. Val the Moofia Boss - Madeline Wuntch Scum Roleblocker
    7. Jarrod1983
    8. MTR
    9. FutureHold (but not ForgottenHold) - Phoebe Buffay One-Shot Poison Nurse
    10. Mazer – Smellycat Town ON Tracker

    11. Claws
    12. Lletuce - Cheddar Town EN Tracker
    13. morrison
    14. VoidKitten - Charles Boyle Town Double-voter
    15. Vesper
    16. Dreyski - Monica Bing Town ON Roleblocker
    17. Listo95
    18. Stumpycat
    19. Tildey
    20. LemonDemonGirl
    21. rock meets hard place - Jake Peralta Town JOAT
    22. Diva
    23. Lora - ProblematicRuss - Scum Poisoner
    24. CWE - Chandler Town Mason
    69/99. BN - Frank O’Sullivan - Scum Back-Up

    The principal will double check during the night to see if anyone needs punishment but at a glance it all looks okay.

    10 players remaining including Stumpycat. It is now Night Five. You have 24 hours to submit me your roles/tell me you’re not using them.
    Night Five Results/Day Six Starts

    Ross gave his left over moist maker sandwich that his sister made to Tildey for safekeeping when his lunch was interrupted because he had to go investigate another case of stolen museum artifacts. He had extra security guards and cameras on just in case his sandwich was not secure.

    Rosa saw MTR at the bar and wondered why if he was such a rebel then why only Miller? She decided to ask him a few more questions of what other beers he likes.

    Janice all of a sudden that morning got in her head that Chandler was not actually dead and decided to work in Yemen just to get away from Monica. Janice decided to fly out to see him to find out what the fuck is going on. She left so suddenly to find him that nobody knew (or possibly cared) noticed she was gone.

    The Pontiac Bandit felt bad for Ross starving to death because he didn’t get to eat his sandwich but said he has a cooler of sandwiches in his trunk so asked him to check there. When he went and checked the trunk and cooler, a Pandora’s box of newbie ghosts of his victims that he’d eaten over the years came out the box and started to attack him. Then a zombie voice screamed “MORRISOOONNN!” and drove a stake in his heart. ZombieBGMaverick gave his revenge five out of five stars and preparing to stake Meltzer too if he rates it 6 out of 5 stars like a Young Bucks match.

    Morrison has been attacked by newbie ghosts and had a stake driven through the heart. He was Ross - Town ON Watcher

    Living Players

    1. Peter Griffin - Richard - Scum Killer
    2. Randolph - Terry Crews - Town Bodyguard
    3. Caito – Rachel Green Town Hider

    4. Nightingale - Ms Chenandler Bong - Jester with a Bomb
    5. PsychoSoldier - Joey Dr Drake Ramoray aka Town Doctor
    6. Val the Moofia Boss - Madeline Wuntch Scum Roleblocker
    7. Jarrod1983
    8. MTR
    9. FutureHold (but not ForgottenHold) - Phoebe Buffay One-Shot Poison Nurse
    10. Mazer – Smellycat Town ON Tracker

    11. Claws
    12. Lletuce - Cheddar Town EN Tracker
    13. morrison - Ross Town ON Watcher
    14. VoidKitten - Charles Boyle Town Double-voter

    15. Vesper
    16. Dreyski - Monica Bing Town ON Roleblocker
    17. Listo95
    18. Stumpycat
    19. Tildey
    20. LemonDemonGirl
    21. rock meets hard place - Jake Peralta Town JOAT
    22. Diva
    23. Lora - ProblematicRuss - Scum Poisoner
    24. CWE - Chandler Town Mason
    69/99. BN - Frank O’Sullivan - Scum Back-Up

    It is now Day Six. 9 players including Stumpycat remain. 5 votes required for a hammer.

    You have 48 hours. Still looking for 5 posts minimum from everyone this phase.
    Day Six Results/Night Seven Start

    Tildey - 4 (Jarrod, Claws, MTR, Diva)
    LDG - 2 (LDG, Vesper)
    Jarrod - 1 (Tildey)

    Try as Tildey did to save herself and get the squad to look elsewhere, it all fell on deaf ears and she was sentenced to life imprisonment and revealed to be Gunther who was at least comforted by the fact at least Ross and Rachel were dead and he smiled creepily to himself.

    Tildey was sentenced to life imprisonment - She was Gunther - Scum GF

    Living Players

    1. Peter Griffin - Richard - Scum Killer
    2. Randolph - Terry Crews - Town Bodyguard
    3. Caito – Rachel Green Town Hider

    4. Nightingale - Ms Chenandler Bong - Jester with a Bomb
    5. PsychoSoldier - Joey Dr Drake Ramoray aka Town Doctor
    6. Val the Moofia Boss - Madeline Wuntch Scum Roleblocker
    7. Jarrod1983
    8. MTR
    9. FutureHold (but not ForgottenHold) - Phoebe Buffay One-Shot Poison Nurse
    10. Mazer – Smellycat Town ON Tracker

    11. Claws
    12. Lletuce - Cheddar Town EN Tracker
    13. morrison - Ross Town ON Watcher
    14. VoidKitten - Charles Boyle Town Double-voter

    15. Vesper
    16. Dreyski - Monica Bing Town ON Roleblocker
    17. Listo95
    18. Stumpycat
    19. Tildey - Gunther - Scum GF
    20. LemonDemonGirl
    21. rock meets hard place - Jake Peralta Town JOAT
    22. Diva
    23. Lora - ProblematicRuss - Scum Poisoner
    24. CWE - Chandler Town Mason
    69/99. BN - Frank O’Sullivan - Scum Back-Up

    It is now Night Six. 8 players including Stumpycat remain. You have 24 hours to submit your roles/tell me you’re not using it.
    Night Six Results/Day Seven Start
  • Rosa decided to question Madame Listo to see what the spirits were telling them and if they were friendly.

    The Pontiac Bandit saw Jarrod all upset that he was turned vanilla so decided to take him out for the ice cream kind of vanilla he liked as well as pizza. Cowabunga! They debated about who the best and worst turtles were and Jarrod said Leonardo was the worst. The bandit took notice of this and said he can do a magic act with swords and asked Jarrod if he’d like to volunteer and he said yes. The swords were custom-made Leo swords so Jarrod climbed into the box and the bandit said “Don’t worry, you won’t feel a thing….until I stick these swords and slice your insides out!”

    Jarrod1983 has been brutally murdered. He was NBC President Violina turned vanilla…lina

    Living Players

    1. Peter Griffin - Richard - Scum Killer
    2. Randolph - Terry Crews - Town Bodyguard
    3. Caito – Rachel Green Town Hider

    4. Nightingale - Ms Chenandler Bong - Jester with a Bomb
    5. PsychoSoldier - Joey Dr Drake Ramoray aka Town Doctor
    6. Val the Moofia Boss - Madeline Wuntch Scum Roleblocker
    7. Jarrod1983 - Violina NBC President turned vanilla…lina
    8. MTR
    9. FutureHold (but not ForgottenHold) - Phoebe Buffay One-Shot Poison Nurse
    10. Mazer – Smellycat Town ON Tracker

    11. Claws
    12. Lletuce - Cheddar Town EN Tracker
    13. morrison - Ross Town ON Watcher
    14. VoidKitten - Charles Boyle Town Double-voter

    15. Vesper
    16. Dreyski - Monica Bing Town ON Roleblocker
    17. Listo95
    18. Stumpycat
    19. Tildey - Gunther - Scum GF
    20. LemonDemonGirl
    21. rock meets hard place - Jake Peralta Town JOAT
    22. Diva
    23. Lora - ProblematicRuss - Scum Poisoner
    24. CWE - Chandler Town Mason
    69/99. BN - Frank O’Sullivan - Scum Back-Up

    There are 7 players left including Stumpycat. It is now Day 7. 48 hours left. 4 required for a hammer.
    End Game
  • Listo had been trying to woo the squad to follow the spirits to lead them to victory in the heist. However after one too many false leads and especially after murdering the NBC president, they started to question what if he was on the spirits himself. Rather than sentence him to life imprisonment, he got far worse.....he was sentenced to work at his grocery store for the rest of his life. The next day in the staff toilets the Pontiac Bandit was found to have hung himself.

    Listo95 has hung himself - He was The Pontiac Bandit - Scum Vote Manipulator

    Congrats to the surviving winners listed below. Rolecards will be posted a bit and will open up all the Discord chats including my oen mod notes which I was taking up until a point:


    MTR - Captain Raymond Holt (Town Mason)
    Claws - Kevin (One Shot Night Chatterbox)
    Divasmurf - Rosa (Town Cop)
    Vesper - Janice (One Shot Commuter)
    LDG - Amy Santiago (Town EN Roleblocker)
    Grumpycat - Hitchcock/Scully (Stump)
    Top Bottom