Fingers of Suspicion

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Mafia 12 - 99 Friends Halloviolina Heist

  • Thread starter Thread starter Badger
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I might have to go back to your super insightful "THE REASON SCUM DID THE MASSRB WAS BECAUSE.....VESPER REALLY WANTED TO LIVE!@!"
this is also not something I said. What I said is if Vesper is the 1x mass rb then her proclamations that she just really wanted to live for at least a day kinda made me think she was that. If you want to argue that that was a bad take then go for it but if you want to mock me at least get it factually correct.
I mean, if there is a few scum in gc, you, tidley, bn and drey then yeah I'd say I did good.

I'm not really sure why it was ok for Void to misread me and try to get me killed over GC but if I don't ant that headache around oh I'm so bad.
Because void voted. He was conversing. He had been willing to consider a different move. You had no confirmation. Meanwhile, you had started the day pushing the double voter as scum. That's at least something most of us would consider, but many are actually capable of nuance. Void also showed willingness. You did not listen to anything void said.

And also, you could have waited later in the day to shoot, and actually seen where the vote was going prior deciding you unilaterally needed to reduce our numbers by 1, because you can't handle the pressure of a push, and needed to get yourself off the hook as soon as you felt any pull rather than actually trying to get yourself off the hook through logic.

So yes, the action that actually hurt us I find a lot more annoying.

And by the same token, your insults towards void are because he had to go because he pushed town. Since you literally killed town, I'm not sure I'd claim intellectual or moral superiority.

I don't think I ever suggested caito
This is the post you quoted:

GrumpyCat said:
I never called Caito scum.
I said I could vote Caito with you. You didnt vote Caito, offer is out of the window now.
Stop being so mainipulative

If there was an offer for a caito vote, it might imply at least a caito suggestion, or at least not a refutation. I don't believe I said at that point you were trying to kill Caito.

And again, this is a legimate concern.
this is also not something I said. What I said is if Vesper is the 1x mass rb then her proclamations that she just really wanted to live for at least a day kinda made me think she was that. If you want to argue that that was a bad take then go for it but if you want to mock me at least get it factually correct.
Ah, so you only thought that vesper might have did the massroleblock because wanted to live. Not that the scum team would agree.

I guess I did forget that you do not value input from others in either alignment, and would assume that someone would be justified in using the team's main power unilaterally.

I certainly stand corrected, and apologize for my earlier mischaracterization.
no he really didn't. I had stopped pushing void a long time ago. He would not stop
Disagree. He was willing to discuss Jarrod with me. In fairness, I did make a typo that threw him off. But I hoped to see if he would check my logic there.

I had already indicated that I was willing to go GC, and that he was my number 2. He didn't even give me any reason other than your pressure on him. Which in fairness, was obviously based on bad logic. You had pushed him first, still had grey. He could have easily seen where you should have had him cleared, and were steadfast in removing him. I was hoping to see who some other people might vote or number 2.

Because you know, reads and trains are good. And details matters.

Your comment that you "showed restraint" is laughable as you could have easily waited to see if that push actually went anywhere.

Instead, you couldn't see past someone worrying about you for a bad read (even though yours is apparently accountability free and only reinforces your others), and fucking shot a person with an ability that would really fucking help in a close scenario.
you are still getting it wrong. on purpose? im saying that scum used the 1x mass rb (b/c it made the most sense to) and Vesper, being a 1x mass rb, wanted to live d1 so she could use it n1
Wow, The logical fallacies compound. So that was why there was a unique motivation for a day 1 survival in a first game. Any power wouldn't be cool? Or even more.....that scum would not have a fucking back-up in an 8 person game?

Fucking shit, you're not a newb .

I'm sorry I'm having problems listing out the possible logical fallacies in one post.
What's the difference from shooting town or lynching me?
You're not a fucking confirmed double voter.

And your early read today was on voidkitten.

And you switched a vote to Vesper when she was close to Lora.

I think those would be some of the big differences.
like I said, I had stopped pushing Void along time ago, Void was still pushing me.
And like I said, you had more time and options than:

Hey, let me shoot the double voter in the head.

And there is a huge difference in not making someone your top push, and leaving someone on your suspicous list, particularly if that person is confirmed town.
You're not a fucking confirmed double voter.

And your early read today was on voidkitten.

And you switched a vote to Vesper when she was close to Lora.

I think those would be some of the big differences.
That Vesper thing really sticks in your craw when I've explained it. Literally at work was fucking off to fuck off.
You hadn't been pushing, but you had hardly embraced the obvious logic.

But hey, what's logic when you can shoot someone in the head.
That Vesper thing really sticks in your craw when I've explained it. Literally at work was fucking off to fuck off.
That's fine. It's also a vote away from the scum train.

Come on man, I should say "Ah, ok", whenever someone says "I was only funnin'"

But I do appreciate that you will get the "I was only funnin'" reference.
Day 2 End/Night Two Start
Final Day Two Vote Count:

Grumpycat - 8 (Rock, Listo, Val, Jarrod, Mazer, Randolph, lletuce, Dreyski)
Future - 1 (Vesper)
Rock - 3 (Caito, Future, Tildey)
Tildey - 1 (Lletuce)
Morrison - 1 (MTR)
PG - 1 (Blind Ninja)

Not yet posted five times - @morrison - 2

Grumpycat was just chilling on the couch when all of a sudden a filthy badger jumped up beside him. Grumpycat remarked: “Btw its funny you are called filthy badger when actually badgers are one of cleanest critters you could find. Seriously. Unlike foxes for example that sometimes shit in their own dens.”

The filthy Badger decided to thank him by biting into Grumpy’s fur which of a sudden started growing roots and he could not move. Grumpycat becomes Stumpycat.

cannot be killed/yeeted and has also lost the ability to vote.

Morrison is summoned to the principals office to await his fate. The principal is currently in the office expelling rock meets hard place for breaking roleclaiming rules.

Rock was Jake Peralta - Town JOAT

Living Players:

1. Peter Griffin
2. Randolph
3. Caito
4. Nightingale - Ms Chenandler Bong - Jester with a Bomb
5. PsychoSoldier - Joey Dr Drake Ramoray aka Town Doctor
6. Val the Moofia Boss
7. Jarrod1983
8. MTR
9. FutureHold (but not ForgottenHold)
11. Claws
12. Lletuce
13. morrison
14. VoidKitten - Charles Boyle Town Doublevoter
15. Vesper
16. Dreyski
17. Listo95
18. Stumpycat
19. Tildey
20. LemonDemonGirl
21. rock meets hard place - Jake Town JOAT
22. Diva
23. Lora - ProblematicRuss - Scum Poisoner
24. CWE - Chandler Town Mason
69/99. BN

It is now Night Two. You have 24 actions to submit your actions.
Night Two Results/Day Three Start

Rosa was on the lookout when she saw a rare sphinx cat into the station. Checking it's collar she saw it's name was Claws. She decided to give the cat a bit of food and observe it was a friendly kitty or not before she let the cat scurry along.

That wasn't the only animal roaming about the station. Val had torn off a bit of his shirt on a nail. Holt and Cheddar were walking along and Holt gave the torn shirt to Cheddar to see if they could get a scent off it. Cheddar got the scent of Val and was tracking the scent down.

Terry Crews and his big muscly pecs stood in front of Val just in case anything untoward should happen to him tonight.

Rachel Green wasn't much of a fighter so she was just floating around the station and was touring the prison cells at the precinct when one of the prisoners though behind bars frightened her so much she hid behind Vesper asking them to keep the scary man away.

Gunther saw that same sphinx cat in Claws and asked “What is this some sort of snake or something? He picked it up but he checked the microchip on the collar to see if he could learn anything more about it.

Wuntch saw Mazer doing nothing and decided to give him a whole lot of paperwork to keep him busy for the night.

Gunther gave Frank O'Sullivan a flask of coffee to give to ForgottenHold as he was trying to get him to join the police union. However negotiations did not go well as ForgottenHold refused so Frank to show him no hard feelings gave him the flask of coffee. ForgottenHold took a sip and then started convulsing and had to be rushed to the hospital. Doctors were not sure he would make it through the day.

The Pontiac Bandit and his manipulative ways were up to no good.

Monica figured she was well aware in the arts of Unagi than her brother Ross so she was on the prowl. However her Unagi senses failed her when she failed to spot the shadowy figure around the corner who slit her throat. Post-mortem examination revealed that she was actually Dreyski.

Dreyski has been killed – He was Monica Bing - Town ON Roleblocker

Living Players:

1. Peter Griffin
2. Randolph
3. Caito
4. Nightingale - Ms Chenandler Bong - Jester with a Bomb
5. PsychoSoldier - Joey Dr Drake Ramoray aka Town Doctor
6. Val the Moofia Boss
7. Jarrod1983
8. MTR
9. FutureHold (but not ForgottenHold)
11. Claws
12. Lletuce
13. morrison
14. VoidKitten - Charles Boyle Town Doublevoter
15. Vesper
16. Dreyski - Monics Bing Town ON Roleblocker
17. Listo95
18. Stumpycat
19. Tildey
20. LemonDemonGirl
21. rock meets hard place - Jake Peralta Town JOAT
22. Diva
23. Lora - ProblematicRuss - Scum Poisoner
24. CWE - Chandler Town Mason
69/99. BN

It is now Day 3.....ooh almost forgot

Meanwhile in the principal's office. Morrison received his punishment. The principal said “Only two votes yesterday tsk tsk! I wanted five and we're missing three. So how can we make up that difference?.....ooh I know!”

Vote Count: Morrison - 3 (Mod)

It is now Day 3. You have 48 hours. 18 living players left. 9 required for a hammer.

Still looking for FIVE POSTS MIMIMUM today of good quality and I will be doing quality checks so no things like splitting up sentences like last time to make up five will not be accepted.
Whats Up Cat GIF by Memes GIFs
You never know if a stumped player has to be town or scum, but given that Lora is dead and 5 scum acted last night, the odds seem ok that his analysis can be trusted, and we should probably analyze it with a bad kill dynamic. Not 100, but that seems most likely to me.
I don't think Badger is typically the type to do "any hide behind scum kills hider". Could be misremembering. But I do think that the default has been kill action. I would not typically assume that means poison, but probably eliminates Vesper from a role.

The kill action on Monica being unwritten is interesting.

The Pontiac Bandit and his manipulative ways were up to no good.

This type of line often indicates that the player acted, and did something that is either: write-up manipulative, general targeted, or something deceptive (id theft, etc).
I’m still poisoned, and since I’m dying, I’ll make sure I take out a scum with me, I’ll slog through day 2 and day 1 and get some reads
I’m still poisoned, and since I’m dying, I’ll make sure I take out a scum with me, I’ll slog through day 2 and day 1 and get some reads
Thanks. It's a numbers game at this point, since we've somehow been more effective than scum at culling the group. I'd love to get another perspective on a few folks. And wonder if you see anything with dreyski.

My first assumption is that it's a high probability numbers kill, but the write-up dynamic gives me pause that I might have missed something.

@Listo, I'm honoring voidkitten's wishes and hope that you might take a break from sheltering disadvantaged labridoodles to let us know who looks suspicious to you. or who you trust. Or both. Dealer's choice.
Vote Count: Morrison - 3 (Mod)

It is now Day 3. You have just under 43 hours. 18 living players left. 9 required for a hammer.

Deadline Friday 10:39am GMT Sexy Badger time. Also sexy world clock:

Thanks. It's a numbers game at this point, since we've somehow been more effective than scum at culling the group. I'd love to get another perspective on a few folks. And wonder if you see anything with dreyski.

My first assumption is that it's a high probability numbers kill, but the write-up dynamic gives me pause that I might have missed something.

@Listo, I'm honoring voidkitten's wishes and hope that you might take a break from sheltering disadvantaged labridoodles to let us know who looks suspicious to you. or who you trust. Or both. Dealer's choice.
That’s why I said slog, I only read half of Void and Rock’s conflict
But seriously catch 22 stuff.

You dont know who I am and you cant trust my posts.
But if I go to dead thread and you see a flip I wont be able to post ;p
Thanks. It's a numbers game at this point, since we've somehow been more effective than scum at culling the group. I'd love to get another perspective on a few folks. And wonder if you see anything with dreyski.

My first assumption is that it's a high probability numbers kill, but the write-up dynamic gives me pause that I might have missed something.

@Listo, I'm honoring voidkitten's wishes and hope that you might take a break from sheltering disadvantaged labridoodles to let us know who looks suspicious to you. or who you trust. Or both. Dealer's choice.
Da Madame be consultin da spirits lata tonight or tomorrow morn.
But seriously catch 22 stuff.

You dont know who I am and you cant trust my posts.
But if I go to dead thread and you see a flip I wont be able to post ;p
Yeah, I still think probability wise you should be among the more trusted. And I am analyzing this as bad kill. There was a lot of bullshit yesterday that confounds. I also kinda now read that you weren't too buggered about the kill, because you knew you were a stump. So some things might make a little more sense.

We've seen 1 dead scum and 5 act last night. And maybe an unseen? So the odds seem pretty high that you're honest. I'm always paranoid, but it seems so improbable as tinfoiling on you seems like something not to be distracted by. We've had enough distractions

Anything that strikes you?
Anything that strikes you?
Dreyski kill?

I didnt play that much with Dreyski mabye they are a scum hunting machine, but Dreyski was on an edge to be put into my PoE.

What do you think?

A try for a safe kill? Scum got a wrong idea on how strong their role could be? Someones personal vendetta? Hard to push that in so big scum team imo.
If we hold the ForgottenFuture, GC, and Val are town then I'm interested to see if there's an intersection.

I'm gutting that Vesper is town, and that was a counter train. But that's only me gutting.
Dreyski kill?

I didnt play that much with Dreyski mabye they are a scum hunting machine, but Dreyski was on an edge to be put into my PoE.

What do you think?

A try for a safe kill? Scum got a wrong idea on how strong their role could be? Someones personal vendetta? Hard to push that in so big scum team imo.

I had him m firmly in neutral. Dreyski is not always going to be high volume, but he's very logical and has played some very strong games.

My first guess was he probably wasn't going to be watched, joated, etc. And there's definitely a thought process I'd be using given the way the first two days went.

The thing that throws me is if they did something to make the action Unseen, then there may have been a reason.

Which is befuddled because I don't get it yet
Or so.

It was Tidleys initial OMGUS vote on MTR. Just seemed a bit out of character, although she did change her vote later on down the line.
Seems I'll have to ISO Void, GC, and Rock as that's where most of the convo has headed thus far.
So according to Abbi's Law, since I was first to 3 votes

Future, Dreyski, and Insaner likely contain a scum :D

I could consider GC today. Dreyski Id want someone like @Mazer to give thoughts on. Claws makes me want to vote him still but im resisting.



Vote Count:

Voidkitten - 2 (Val, LDG)
Val - 2 (Claws, Dreyski)
Grumpycat - 1 (Rock)
Rock - 1 (Caito)
Caito - 1 (Randolph)
Jarrod - 1 (Mazer)
Future - 2 (Vesper, Grumpy)
Tildey - 1 (Lletuce)

Just over 16 hours to go. 11 required for a hammer. Sexy Badger deadline time Monday 1:13AM GMT. Also sexy world clock:

First Dreyski, and now Listo is coming out insisting that people get off of Void?
Voidkitten had some light pressure. Val had some light pressure. He voted on Val. He had some suspicion towards Tildey.
If it’s fake, they might be trying to bait a joat or healing role. If it’s real, then I don’t get why they targeted me?
My guess would be that they're smart, and maybe someone also wants to laugh at you.

We're not in a great spot.

Fortunately it looks like Llettuce may have done right by us.
Did you see a 100% friendly doggie and think it was a wolf? You are not rocky playing on mazer account are you?
Ok jokes up because this game is on a vegrge of a disaster.
No it was me being dumb. As I said, I have you as town. I also got my time order out of whack for a minute. I thought possibly you were claiming the dog with the pic and had a mason thing with Holt. It would have been a way for Badger to disguise the stump, and he had said he would be bastardly. And since you didn't say anything about results.

That's a fair comparison for that theory.

I just looked up the dog, and I am way fucking off.
I'm ok on Friends. I've seen some, but not much, Brooklyn 99. Enough to know the main people, but not the side characters. I've liked what I've seen. I should do a binge sometime.
So you don't think I should double down on a silly theory and try to convince you you're wrong about your own role then?

Controversial strategy. I'll give it a run I guess.
You can as much as put me on ignore, but you could miss all my scum slips and spew so up to you :sherlock:
Oh so much sorry I missunderstood you with all this.

You were rolblocked and gray didn't appear. Ok ok I am slow :<
We're both having a day, I guess.

I was just being tongue in cheek with my "double down on a silly theory". No actual point there.
You did. He also likes to do things the hard way.

As it is, I need to cross compare some trains. How do you feel about Vesper right now? They gave us some emotion last phase. Curious about Tildey and mtr's take as well. And anyone else. Open invite.

I still lean clean, but want to not get blinders based on day 1 and potential early day 2 opportunistic behavior.
I have returned during my noon break between classes. Have I fully processed it? Not truly in a good puzzle solving way, but after my last class and a meeting that I must go to, I'm going to comb through this more and see if I can make an attempt of giving any good feedback :)
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