Fingers of Suspicion

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Mafia 12 - 99 Friends Halloviolina Heist

  • Thread starter Thread starter Badger
  • Start date Start date
  • Tagged users None


“70% Furry, 30% Filthy, 100% Fun”

The Friends gang were catching up in Central Perk drinking coffee (quelle surprise) catching up with each other after the holidays because they spend more time in there than doing their actual day jobs as per usual. They were discussing what they got up to. Ross finally got an official New Year's midnight kiss from Rachel because they were officially together now and nothing can possibly go wrong this time. Chandler and Monica naturally kissed. Joey and Phoebe are still not together (God knows why not as the actors themselves even pitched it to the producers) but they kiss all the time anyway so they kissed each other at New Year's. Phoebe was also excited to announce that over the holidays she got a new cat because she thinks the spirit of her dead mother was definitely in this cat and not another cat which she previously thought. She named it Smellycat after her song but unfortunately she lived up to the name as she was stinking out the whole joint. A fellow patron who was already looking daggers at the group ProblematicRuss because his doppleganger was more successful with Rachel complained to the barista Gunther who said “Sorry patrons are complaining about the smell of the cat. If you don't get that cat out of here now I'm going to have to call the police!” Phoebe protested that it's just a little smell and she's not bothering anyone. The Friends and cat refused to leave so the police were promptly called.

“Hello I'm Captain Raymond Holt of the Brooklyn 99th Precinct. We got a report of a cat whose breaking health violations! Who is the owner?” Phoebe: “That's me but she's not causing any harm so we're not moving!” Holt: “Then I'm afraid I'm taking you downtown!” Chandler asked the obvious question “”Wait a minute you're from a BROOKLYN precinct but this is MANHATTAN!” What you guys get lost or something? Holt was as always not abused by the sarcastic tone “NO FURTHER QUESTIONS YOUNG MAN! You're going to have to accompany me downtown as well!” Chandler protested but the rest of the Friends gang decided to go with them for moral support. Gunther and ProblematicRuss snickered because they knew what was going to happenlater.

Brooklyn 99th Precinct

The Friends were all taken in for questioning. Commissioner Wuntch asked Holt what was going her so he did and also said “Sorry I would have come over to you but you were on your WUNTCH break at the time!” Jake giggled uncontrollably and loudly exclaimed “TITLE OF YOUR NEXT SEX TAPE!” Chandler was confused as hell about that comment whereas Joey was wondering if there was an actual sex tape and if they could watch it later. Also Miss Chenandler Bong called in to report that Rachel and Monica kept stealing her TV guide every week and was told to take a seat. Meanwhile Cheddar having a keen sense of smell has already smelled out Smellycat and thinks this is some overpowering whiff and started growling. All of a sudden Boyle bursts into the room and wanted to know if everyone including everyone sat in custody wanted to play a HalloVeen heist as he's never won one. Chandler even more confused now exclaimed: “HalloVeen? Don't you mean Halloween? What heist? It's NEW YEARS anyway, waaay too early!”

Just then the NBC president said “CUT! That's not the right lines people. It's a HalloVIOLINA heist!I named the heist after myself Violina remember?


1. Peter Griffin
2. Randolph
3. Caito
4. Nightingale
5. PsychoSoldier
6. Val the Moofia Boss
7. Jarrod1983
8. MTR
9. FutureHold (but not ForgottenHold)
11. Claws
12. Lletuce
13. morrison
14. VoidKitten
15. Vesper
16. Dreyski
17. Listo95
18. “Grumpycat”
19. Tildey
20. LemonDemonGirl
21. rock meets hard place
22. Diva
23. Lora
24. CWE
69/99. BN

The roles WILL be coming out shortly to everyone's PM boxes. When done, I will put an announcement in my #announcements channel as well as posting th#announcements


1. All of the typical Mafia rules apply (no talking outside of game etc)
2. No breadcrumbing or role claiming allowed. This will result in a Badger modfilthing(killing)you.
2a. This does not include sharing information that you have received. Yes, this is a fine line. Be careful, and when in doubt, ask the moderator.
3. No editing of posts is allowed.
4. Eliminations will be handled with plurality voting. The player with the most votes at the end of a day phase will be eliminated.
4a. No Lynch/Sleep is a valid vote except for D1.
4b. Hammer Majority is in effect.
5. In the event of a tie, one of the tied players will be eliminated randomly.
6. Votes must be formatted with vote tags([.v][./v] without period). You may also press the button that looks like a box with a checkmark.
7. When voting, please unvote with unvote tag ([.Unvote][/Unvote]). You may also press the button that looks like a box with an X next to te checkmark one.
8. All night actions MUST be submitted by deadline. No late submissions will be accepted.
9. Discord is required for this game. All private chats will be done within discord unless otherwise specified. Actions may be submitted either through Discord or through PMs on this message board.
10. If you have any questions, please ask me privately via Private Message either here or on Discord. I will not answer questions in the thread unless pertinent to the entire game.
11. 1 vote per phase is required. I will be understanding in the case of hammers.
12. Except for Day One because I am a nice Badger and there are new people here, there will be an inactivity mechanic in place. After Day Two, I am looking for a minimum of 5 posts. Failure to meet this target, there will be a punishment which will increase every time it is not met. However repeated absence may just result in either a modkill or a replacement, we shall see.
13. Day phases will last 48 hours. Night phases will last 24 hours.
Last edited:
That should be all the roles sent now and also all private channels created. Please delete your name off this list to confirm you have received your role and then we shall get going!

1. Peter Griffin
2. Randolph
3. Caito
4. Nightingale
5. PsychoSoldier
6. Val the Moofia Boss
7. Jarrod1983
8. MTR
9. FutureHold (but not ForgottenHold)
11. Claws
12. Lletuce
13. morrison
14. VoidKitten
15. Vesper
16. Dreyski
17. Listo95
18. “Grumpycat”
19. Tildey
20. LemonDemonGirl
21. rock meets hard place
22. Diva
23. Lora
24. CWE
69/99. BN
1. Peter Griffin
2. Randolph
3. Caito
4. Nightingale
5. PsychoSoldier
6. Val the Moofia Boss
7. Jarrod1983
8. MTR
9. FutureHold (but not ForgottenHold)
11. Claws
12. Lletuce
13. morrison
14. VoidKitten
15. Vesper
16. Dreyski
17. Listo95
18. “Grumpycat”
19. Tildey
20. LemonDemonGirl
21. rock meets hard place
22. Diva
23. Lora
24. CWE
69/99. BN
1. Peter Griffin
2. Randolph
3. Caito
4. Nightingale
5. PsychoSoldier
6. Val the Moofia Boss
7. Jarrod1983
8. MTR
9. FutureHold (but not ForgottenHold)
11. Claws
12. Lletuce
13. morrison
14. VoidKitten
15. Vesper
16. Dreyski
17. Listo95
18. “Grumpycat”
19. Tildey
20. LemonDemonGirl
21. rock meets hard place
22. Diva
23. Lora
24. CWE
69/99. BN
1. Peter Griffin
2. Randolph
3. Caito
4. Nightingale
5. PsychoSoldier
6. Val the Moofia Boss
7. Jarrod1983
8. MTR
9. FutureHold (but not ForgottenHold) 10.Mazer
11. Claws
12. Lletuce
13. morrison
14. VoidKitten
15. Vesper
16. Dreyski
17. Listo95
18. "Grumpycat”
19. Tildey
20. LemonDemonGirl
21. rock meets hard place
22. Diva
23. Lora
24. CWE
69/99. BN
1. Peter Griffin
3. Caito
4. Nightingale
5. PsychoSoldier
6. Val the Moofia Boss
7. Jarrod1983
8. MTR
9. FutureHold (but not ForgottenHold) 10.Mazer
11. Claws
12. Lletuce
13. morrison
14. VoidKitten
16. Dreyski
17. Listo95
18. "Grumpycat”
19. Tildey
20. LemonDemonGirl
21. rock meets hard place
22. Diva
23. Lora
24. CWE
69/99. BN
1. Peter Griffin
3. Caito
6. Val the Moofia Boss
8. MTR
9. FutureHold (but not ForgottenHold)
11. Claws
12. Lletuce
13. morrison
14. VoidKitten
16. Dreyski
17. Listo95
18. "Grumpycat”
19. Tildey
20. LemonDemonGirl
21. rock meets hard place
22. Diva
23. Lora
24. CWE
1. Peter Griffin
3. Caito
6. Val the Moofia Boss
8. MTR
9. FutureHold (but not ForgottenHold)
11. Claws
12. Lletuce
13. morrison
14. VoidKitten
16. Dreyski
18. "Grumpycat”
19. Tildey
20. LemonDemonGirl
21. rock meets hard place
22. Diva
23. Lora
24. CWE
1. Peter Griffin
3. Caito
8. MTR
9. FutureHold (but not ForgottenHold)
11. Claws
12. Lletuce
13. morrison
14. VoidKitten
16. Dreyski
18. "Grumpycat”
19. Tildey
20. LemonDemonGirl
21. rock meets hard place
22. Diva
23. Lora
24. CWE
1. Peter Griffin
3. Caito
9. FutureHold (but not ForgottenHold)
11. Claws
12. Lletuce
13. morrison
14. VoidKitten
16. Dreyski
18. "Grumpycat”
19. Tildey
20. LemonDemonGirl
21. rock meets hard place
22. Diva
23. Lora
24. CWE
About to go to the land of nod and then have to travel to office in the Scottish cold (ewww) but any other questions either let me know either by PM or in your channel (ideally by tagging so I can see it quicker) and I’ll get to it.
About to go to the land of nod and then have to travel to office in the Scottish cold (ewww) but any other questions either let me know either by PM or in your channel (ideally by tagging so I can see it quicker) and I’ll get to it.
It is -15 degrees Celsius in Michigan and I have 15 inches of snow to work outside in. Kill me.
1. Peter Griffin
3. Caito
9. FutureHold (but not ForgottenHold)
11. Claws
13. morrison
14. VoidKitten
16. Dreyski
18. "Grumpycat”
19. Tildey
20. LemonDemonGirl
21. rock meets hard place
22. Diva
23. Lora
24. CWE

just saw my name was spelled wrong lmao
1. Peter Griffin
3. Caito
9. FutureHold (but not ForgottenHold)
11. Claws
13. morrison
14. VoidKitten
16. Dreyski
18. "Grumpycat”
20. LemonDemonGirl
21. rock meets hard place
22. Diva
23. Lora
24. CWE
*Ring ring ring ring ring bananaaaphone*
Badger *Ugh I must change that ringtone*: “Good morning Mafia customer service. Badger speaking how I may help you!”
Network: “Badger this is the NETWORK!”
Badger: “Oh sorry sir yes how I may be of help!”
Network: “Well first off you bloody Scottish bawbag! You said cross instead of delete!”
Badger: “Yes sorr…”
Network: “We’re not finished don’t interrupt! We forgive those who haven’t seen their role yet but we both know some have seen their role but not deleted their name from the list yet. We’ve been getting complaints but especially about this….you spelled @llettuce wrong!”
Badger: “Oh my bloody God! Really???I am so sorry sir. I’ll try and get better! It’s my first game running here!”
Network: “Nae mair bloody excuses! Fix this you twat!”

Those execs are a tough crowd.
1. Peter Griffin
3. Caito
9. FutureHold (but not ForgottenHold)
11. Claws
13. morrison
14. VoidKitten
18. "Grumpycat”
20. LemonDemonGirl
21. rock meets hard place
22. Diva
23. Lora
24. CWE
1. Peter Griffin
3. Caito
9. FutureHold (but not ForgottenHold)
11. Claws
13. morrison
18. "Grumpycat”
20. LemonDemonGirl
21. rock meets hard place
22. Diva
23. Lora
24. CWE
1. Peter Griffin
3. Caito
11. Claws
13. morrison
18. "Grumpycat”
20. LemonDemonGirl
21. rock meets hard place
22. Diva
23. Lora
24. CWE
1. Peter Griffin
3. Caito
10. Mazer
11. Claws
13. morrison
18. "Grumpycat”
20. LemonDemonGirl
21. rock meets hard place
22. Diva
24. CWE
1. Peter Griffin
3. Caito
11. Claws
13. morrison
20. LemonDemonGirl
22. Diva

Let's get the lead out on this potluck
I’ll give it a little bit but if I get at least a few more confirmations from the list I’ll start this later tonight when I get home. :yes:
Seems like you been staying out later and later. Keeping busy for sure.

I hope everything is ok on the ol' homefront.
Seems like you been staying out later and later. Keeping busy for sure.

I hope everything is ok on the ol' homefront.
I know what you’re saying but this time it’s a travel issue from work. Bit of snow up here so will get home on train but thanks. :yes:
The major thing that set me off as you know is that groping woman, but other than that, all is cool on the home front. 👍
i hate it when women grope people. it really needs to stop happening.
1000%. This one in particular did this to me last month in my local then cursed me blue thunder when I told her to stop. The bar staff quickly ejected her but unfortunately bumped into her somewhere else the other night giving me the evil glare so had to leave else I’d have severely snapped.
I know what you’re saying but this time it’s a travel issue from work. Bit of snow up here so will get home on train but thanks. :yes:
Sounds like you're right as the mail then. Glad you're not letting your yard go to waste, like ...some people. But I'm sure they're just busy. Probably get to it this weekend.
Cool. I know one on that list has got it and asked them to confirm in thread but think I’ve got enough to go on.

Should be home in about an hour then need to write up stuff on laptop for D1 so will say a couple of hours time, I’ll kick this off and mention in #ann#announcements channel.
Day One Start

The heist has started. Everyone is looking for clues and Ross finds an envelope addressed to him with possible clues. “Hey maybe this is a clue!” he says. He opens it and find a note and a set of questions. The instructions says he has to ask everyone this questions like a game show host. Ross loves this idea and starts speaking like a game show host dramatically Chandler tells him to stop it now:

Ross: “Okay first question! Who would Joey rather sleep with Rachel or Phoebe?”
Joey: “Both at the same's the Joey Special Deluxe!” *Phoebe giggles while Rachel is a little horrified*
Jake: “Title of his sex tape?”
Ross: “Correct on both counts!” ”
Joey: “Hey I'll ask a question Ross! Who would you rather sleep with Monica or Rachel?”
Monica: “JOEEEY!”
Ross: “Dude that is sick!””
Joey: “Oh yeah the whole Rachel thing!”
Ross: “Anyyyyyway! Has Boyle ever won a Halloveen Heist?”
Boyle: “Oh come on really???? No.”
*Hitchcock/Scully laugh at their desk.*
Ross: “Correct! What is Chandler Bing's job?”
blank expressions all around until....
Rachel: “Transponster?”
Chandler: “OH....MY...GOD!”
many questions later until
Ross: “Who was responsible for Rachel and me breaking up?? Huh?”
ProblematicRuss, Gunther and even Rachel shout: ”YOOOOOOUUUUUU!”
Ross: “The card says correct but it's wrong. WE...WERE...ON....A...BREAK!”
more quizzing later and the scores are tied until......
Ross: “The scores are tied. So it's time for......THE LIGHTNING DICE ROUND! You all have to vote for someone to take part in an exciting dice game!”
Monica: “Oh this has gone on too long! Can't we just go to sleep?”
Ross: “SLEEP is NOT an option!”
Chandler: “Okay what if we just forget this stupid thing and just not vote?”
Ross: “Ohhhhh that is highly not recommended! Baaaad things could happen!”
Phoebe: “Oh what happens if the person we vote for rolls the dice? Any prizes!”
Ross: “Well could be something good...something bad...something indifferent! But there must be a winner!”
Chandler: “Oh well that's really useful! What kind of filthy sick bastard came up with this?”
All of a sudden a Badger emerges and runs across the room
Monica: “Okay who let a badger in here???”

Begin Day 1. You have 48 hours to vote. XD
Well I guess this is one way to keep us from just voting sleep on day one. Question will be how do people choose to vote. People they hope wins a prize via the dice game or people they hope something bad happens via dice game or just random vote because they don't give a shit.
Why you ask. Or maybe you dont. Either way
Howdy. The way you're flaunting about makes me feel like you want folks to ask what's on your mind. Now if I'm wrong, you can tell the missus; she'll surely read ol' Mazer the riot act for reading too much into the goings on of a Tuesday.
Howdy. The way you're flaunting about makes me feel like you want folks to ask what's on your mind. Now if I'm wrong, you can tell the missus; she'll surely read ol' Mazer the riot act for reading too much into the goings on of a Tuesday.
You can tell the missus her bunt cake was dry
I'd err on the side of whomever gets votes something bad will happen to them. Either standard elim or something more.
Are you a ”the glass is half empty” person? :lol: While there is a chance of something bad happening, I would hope there would be a greater chance of something good (or at least neutral) happening with it being D1.
Are you a ”the glass is half empty” person? :lol: While there is a chance of something bad happening, I would hope there would be a greater chance of something good (or at least neutral) happening with it being D1.
When do things ever actually the right way in Mafia xD
I do have the impression that when mods do something extra like this it's usually pro town although there probably is the chance that there's a negative aspect
I mean, there’s definitely the chance of something negative happening. 1 - it’s mafia and 2 - it says so in the post. lol

That aside, my head is in the same place as yours. I feel like it’s more likely to be a good thing than a bad thing.
Who tends to be super lucky when we have these little micro games? That’s who we should vote for.
I think that's sort of silly reasoning but then again I think the whole thing is a bit silly. Assuming 50/50 odds or maybe even 33 all then we should just give it to someone that's that could be town but wouldn't mind sacrificing if its something bad.
I think that's sort of silly reasoning but then again I think the whole thing is a bit silly. Assuming 50/50 odds or maybe even 33 all then we should just give it to someone that's that could be town but wouldn't mind sacrificing if its something bad.
Cough cough


Or someone COULD just shoot him...

Vote Count:

Divasmurf - 1 (Val)
Psycho - 1 (Nightingale)
Lora - 1 (LDG)
Mazer - 1 (Dreyski)
Nightingale- 1 (Lora)
Listo - 1 (rock meets hard place)
MTR - 1 (ForgottenHold)
ForgottenHold - 1 (CWE)
vesper - 1 (morrison)
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