Sefa Amin slept quietly in his bed with a blonde hooker next to him. He was not unlike many Saudis who publicly pushed traditional islamic ways in his home country but once he crossed the border women, booze and late nights became the norm.
It was a warm night in Paris and the wind blew gently. On the roof Mitch Rapp fastened a rope and began to slide down to the balcony on the 10th floor below. If all went well he would be in and out in a matter of moments. Amin had been traveling light, two of his men were sleeping across the hall. Their routines had been the same each of the past three nights.
As Rapp landed on the balcony he paused for only a moment. The only variable would be the prostitute. He was confident that Amin had drank enough to knock out an elephant. The girl, he was unsure. As he slid a snake camera under the door he caught a glimpse of the girl walking into the bathroom. He paused momentarily until the sound of the shower could be heard from the listening device he had planted two days before. Rapp smiled, this would be even easier that he had though. He counted to 20 and then gently slipped the lock on the balcony door. The need for security 10 floors up was minimal and the lock was done in under 3 seconds. Not that it would have taken him much longer no matter the lock.
Rapp slipped into the room and pulled his Sig Sauer P365 gun from his holster on his left side. The gun was already silenced. Rapp would have liked to have had the man alone and punished him for his misdeeds but now was not the time. With the girl in the shower and Amin’s men across the hall he had a tight window. He quickly dispensed two shots into Amin’s forehead. The man never moved.
Rapp silently went back through the balcony door, closing it behind him. He climbed quickly up the rope and disappeared into the night.
The prostitute exited the shower shortly after, collected her purse off the coffee table and exited through the front door none the wiser. It would be late in the afternoon before anyone went looking for Amin. He was known to sleep into the afternoon after a night of debauchery. By then Rapp would already have crossed into Belgium and then caught a flight into Lisbon.
The message however was clear. In the last 6 months Rapp and the Orion Team of the CIA had declared an all out war on Terrorists and those who fund them. They had taken the fight to them and Rapp had dispatched of numerous targets over the last half year.
However, back in DC not everyone was happy about it. Though the Orion Team was strictly a black bag operation, off the books, there were those that believed the CIA had been going too far..
Sefa Amin is dead, he was a NPC Saudi National and terrorist for hire
The Secretary of State Frank Wilson looked at his watch again. Across from him, Albert Rudin the Democratic Congressmen began to speak. “Where is he? We haven’t got all day.” Just then Hank Clark the Republican Senator entered the conference room. He was 10 minutes late on purpose. He had sat at the bar upstairs nursing a scotch before this knowing that even the slightest delay would drive Rudin batty. Clark wanted everyone to know that he held the real power in the room and if things went his way in just a few short years they would refer to him as President Clark.
“Gentlemen,” Wilson began, not waiting for anyone to exchange pleasantries that would not be coming, “we have a problem.” You and I know that the recent string of high profile assassinations and murders have been carried out by the CIA. They deny it sure, but we all know the truth.”
“We have to reign them in,” said Rudin as he slapped his hand down on the table. “Thomas Stansfield and his spooks have been running a muck all over the world.” Stansfield had spent his whole life in the CIA, eventually rising to director. His years in the position were numbered as he grew older but he knew the longer he stayed in place the longer it presented sweeping change. The appetite to do what had to be done had waned in the United States and he was one of the old guard still left.
Clark wasn’t so quick to take the cheese. “Albert, if you have the evidence drag them into hearings and put them to the test. If you can get them to lie in front of congress then you have something. But until then these little meetings need to stop. The last thing we need is the President upset with us, the CIA breathing down our neck or God forbid Mitch Rapp at my doorstep”.
“You think this extends all the way to President Hayes?” questioned Rudin.
“He’s not authorizing every single hit,” said Wilson. “But you bet your ass he knows what's going on over there at the CIA. He will have plausible deniability. Lets start with what we know and work from there. I would love to nail these guys to the cross.”
Albert Rudin got up from his seat and threw his hands in the air. “It's all right there for you guys but if you think we need to pull in more information than I suggest we get on it. The midterms are around the corner. After that we are fully into Presidential election season. I’m not idiot Clark, you would love nothing more to replace Hayes on the ticket. I don’t want him there any more than you do. I would rather our guy is in office but as my second choice, you at least would clean up that quagmire in CIA.” WIth that he stormed out the door.
Clark smiled. Rudin always made a scene and walked out before anyone else could. That way he never had to pay for a drink. Rudin was many things, Clark thought to himself, and cheap bastard was at the top of the list.
1. CWE
2. Robozerim
3. puppies
4. Mazer
5. Val the Moofia Boss
7. Listo
8. Matthieu
10. MTR
11. WindwardAway
13. morrison
16. VoidKitten
17. Jarrod1983
18. Grumpycat
69. BN
20. Claws
15 players 8 to reach majority. 48 hours from 10:30 am central time.
-No role claiming
-Note the good guys are in red and the bad guys in green. I have long wanted to run one like this but I fear I will make a color mistake at some point. If something seems off ask and I will clarify.
It was a warm night in Paris and the wind blew gently. On the roof Mitch Rapp fastened a rope and began to slide down to the balcony on the 10th floor below. If all went well he would be in and out in a matter of moments. Amin had been traveling light, two of his men were sleeping across the hall. Their routines had been the same each of the past three nights.
As Rapp landed on the balcony he paused for only a moment. The only variable would be the prostitute. He was confident that Amin had drank enough to knock out an elephant. The girl, he was unsure. As he slid a snake camera under the door he caught a glimpse of the girl walking into the bathroom. He paused momentarily until the sound of the shower could be heard from the listening device he had planted two days before. Rapp smiled, this would be even easier that he had though. He counted to 20 and then gently slipped the lock on the balcony door. The need for security 10 floors up was minimal and the lock was done in under 3 seconds. Not that it would have taken him much longer no matter the lock.
Rapp slipped into the room and pulled his Sig Sauer P365 gun from his holster on his left side. The gun was already silenced. Rapp would have liked to have had the man alone and punished him for his misdeeds but now was not the time. With the girl in the shower and Amin’s men across the hall he had a tight window. He quickly dispensed two shots into Amin’s forehead. The man never moved.
Rapp silently went back through the balcony door, closing it behind him. He climbed quickly up the rope and disappeared into the night.
The prostitute exited the shower shortly after, collected her purse off the coffee table and exited through the front door none the wiser. It would be late in the afternoon before anyone went looking for Amin. He was known to sleep into the afternoon after a night of debauchery. By then Rapp would already have crossed into Belgium and then caught a flight into Lisbon.
The message however was clear. In the last 6 months Rapp and the Orion Team of the CIA had declared an all out war on Terrorists and those who fund them. They had taken the fight to them and Rapp had dispatched of numerous targets over the last half year.
However, back in DC not everyone was happy about it. Though the Orion Team was strictly a black bag operation, off the books, there were those that believed the CIA had been going too far..
Sefa Amin is dead, he was a NPC Saudi National and terrorist for hire
The Secretary of State Frank Wilson looked at his watch again. Across from him, Albert Rudin the Democratic Congressmen began to speak. “Where is he? We haven’t got all day.” Just then Hank Clark the Republican Senator entered the conference room. He was 10 minutes late on purpose. He had sat at the bar upstairs nursing a scotch before this knowing that even the slightest delay would drive Rudin batty. Clark wanted everyone to know that he held the real power in the room and if things went his way in just a few short years they would refer to him as President Clark.
“Gentlemen,” Wilson began, not waiting for anyone to exchange pleasantries that would not be coming, “we have a problem.” You and I know that the recent string of high profile assassinations and murders have been carried out by the CIA. They deny it sure, but we all know the truth.”
“We have to reign them in,” said Rudin as he slapped his hand down on the table. “Thomas Stansfield and his spooks have been running a muck all over the world.” Stansfield had spent his whole life in the CIA, eventually rising to director. His years in the position were numbered as he grew older but he knew the longer he stayed in place the longer it presented sweeping change. The appetite to do what had to be done had waned in the United States and he was one of the old guard still left.
Clark wasn’t so quick to take the cheese. “Albert, if you have the evidence drag them into hearings and put them to the test. If you can get them to lie in front of congress then you have something. But until then these little meetings need to stop. The last thing we need is the President upset with us, the CIA breathing down our neck or God forbid Mitch Rapp at my doorstep”.
“You think this extends all the way to President Hayes?” questioned Rudin.
“He’s not authorizing every single hit,” said Wilson. “But you bet your ass he knows what's going on over there at the CIA. He will have plausible deniability. Lets start with what we know and work from there. I would love to nail these guys to the cross.”
Albert Rudin got up from his seat and threw his hands in the air. “It's all right there for you guys but if you think we need to pull in more information than I suggest we get on it. The midterms are around the corner. After that we are fully into Presidential election season. I’m not idiot Clark, you would love nothing more to replace Hayes on the ticket. I don’t want him there any more than you do. I would rather our guy is in office but as my second choice, you at least would clean up that quagmire in CIA.” WIth that he stormed out the door.
Clark smiled. Rudin always made a scene and walked out before anyone else could. That way he never had to pay for a drink. Rudin was many things, Clark thought to himself, and cheap bastard was at the top of the list.
1. CWE
2. Robozerim
3. puppies
4. Mazer
5. Val the Moofia Boss
7. Listo
8. Matthieu
10. MTR
11. WindwardAway
13. morrison
16. VoidKitten
17. Jarrod1983
18. Grumpycat
69. BN
20. Claws
15 players 8 to reach majority. 48 hours from 10:30 am central time.
-No role claiming
-Note the good guys are in red and the bad guys in green. I have long wanted to run one like this but I fear I will make a color mistake at some point. If something seems off ask and I will clarify.