Fingers of Suspicion

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Mafia 22: <Insert Title Here>

  • Thread starter Thread starter Foxxi
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Reading up on this role now. So is Matthieu saying you either left or were visited? I have not seen this role before.
Yup. I've used it before. Its like Voyeur in terms of less used roles because the other ones (tracker, watcher, cop, etc) are more direct results than Voyeur or Motion Detector.
Claws, Mitch, Windward, or Blind Ninja killed CWE.
If I were mafia, there is zero chance I flipped from Badger to Val at the last moment to kill scum and leave town. (If you assume Badger is town)

If you assume Badger is scum then I promise you if I was scum with those two and I had to pick someone to work with and one to go I wouldn't choose to do it with Badger again.

Badger is the most likely mafia left. Once he is confirmed it should be pretty easy to connect the dots to the last one. Right now with your info and last night's vote I think its Blind Ninja.
If I were mafia, there is zero chance I flipped from Badger to Val at the last moment to kill scum and leave town. (If you assume Badger is town)

If you assume Badger is scum then I promise you if I was scum with those two and I had to pick someone to work with and one to go I wouldn't choose to do it with Badger again.

Badger is the most likely mafia left. Once he is confirmed it should be pretty easy to connect the dots to the last one. Right now with your info and last night's vote I think its Blind Ninja.
Badger did not kill CWE. I just said that.

He could be scum if theres 3. I don't disagree that he he has been sus. But i don't think he has CWE's blood all over him.
I am saying, assuming what actions were correlated by people (unless the scum team is precisely Matthieu and Satsu), then the kill happened in those 4 names regardless of that.
Badger did not kill CWE. I just said that.

He could be scum if theres 3. I don't disagree that he he has been sus. But i don't think he has CWE's blood all over him.
I am not saying that he did the kill. I am saying I like him most of all for being on the scum team and it should be easy enough to figure out the last person form there.
You were being pedantic, trying to show how smart you were and drag your feet until the last second. You had 48 hours to pull the trigger and wanted to wait until the final moments. Spare me the drama, I had no interest in you allowing this to go to a rerand again. Tough decisions had to be made and I made them because you wouldn't.
He still had like an hour before the 48-hour mark, we could've afforded a few more minutes at least before hammering.
So hold on, you want to vote me and yet Void’s provided info that it’s one of four that killed CWE that’s not me?

Yeah okay then. Wouldn’t it be more logical to test/yeet one of the other four?

I mean do it if you want but you’ll soon see I live in a pineapple under the sea. Spongebadge Squarepants
Matthieu blinked in surprise as the villager who called himself 'Voidkitten' approached him. He could only wonder if he was the only one in town with a normal name - though the stray thought was soon pushed aside.

"On ISOing you, it seems like you claimed tracker early on (which if true is fucking funny) and asked me where I went. So where did I go? If you confirm that then i guess I can begrudgingly believe you." Voidkitten declared with no small amount of pride.

Matthieu forced himself to display a tolerant smile. ISOing? What the hell did that even mean? Still, the guy was probably drunk - maybe it was his way of coping with the murders in the strange little town.

"I just happened to pass by the night before last. I heard your door open and then close. So you either left your house...or someone visited you." Matthieu explained. "Maybe you should get one of those motion detectors installed. They're pretty useful."
A motion detector? Lmao
Yeah sure I will go my read before void info.

This is all hinging on a weak case of me potentially bussing Val and an offhand comment about MTR. I admit it could’ve been worded a bit better but it would be pretty novice for any scum to come out with that right after the flip.
This is all hinging on a weak case of me potentially bussing Val and an offhand comment about MTR. I admit it could’ve been worded a bit better but it would be pretty novice for any scum to come out with that right after the flip.
Why wouldnt scum of just yeeted you if you were town pretty easy when the double voter was on you
Why wouldnt scum of just yeeted you if you were town pretty easy when the double voter was on you
Probably because when they saw my train wasn’t going anywhere and Val was the choice, they killed CWE to potentially try and make me look bad?
Nope. I've been vague.
Music Video Bottle GIF by glaive
Probably because when they saw my train wasn’t going anywhere and Val was the choice, they killed CWE to potentially try and make me look bad?
Idk man, regardless of the outcome, your train was tied with Val's at the end of day, so it's not true your train wasn't going anywhere unless you're also claiming that Val's train wasn't going anywhere.
Probably because when they saw my train wasn’t going anywhere and Val was the choice, they killed CWE to potentially try and make me look bad?
BUt you already look bad and you were on your way out via double voter today why kill him doesnt make sense
Idk man, regardless of the outcome, your train was tied with Val's at the end of day, so it's not true your train wasn't going anywhere unless you're also claiming that Val's train wasn't going anywhere.
I'm just nitpicking at facts at this point because blanket statements that hide part of the story annoy me.
Altho didnt grae say if he died to go after vk and if he motion detected him which vk seems to sounds like he has admission of guilt by his response to this that grae has already caught vk? And hes trying to any1 but me this scenario
Altho didnt grae say if he died to go after vk and if he motion detected him which vk seems to sounds like he has admission of guilt by his response to this that grae has already caught vk? And hes trying to any1 but me this scenario
Yeah I think Mitch caught that VK must've gone somewhere, judging by his response
I don't like that he excluded himself from the possible pool of who did the CWE kill cause from anyone else's perspective we can't rule that out, we can only rule out Satsu and probably matt
Umm why cwe is notorious for just repeat voting once hes locked on
Not always true. He can flip once his reads change or there’s info out there.

It’s likely a case of trying to make me look bad and/or just simply not liking the double vote power.
Not always true. He can flip once his reads change or there’s info out there.

It’s likely a case of trying to make me look bad and/or just simply not liking the double vote power.
Why kill the double voter if he votes in your favor why not leave him up til he fucks around
Not always true. He can flip once his reads change or there’s info out there.

It’s likely a case of trying to make me look bad and/or just simply not liking the double vote power.
CWE was also almost definitely town tbf, his play after rerand was radically different from when he randed jester. And also when I saw him rand survivor in Mitch's game, he was active but gimmick posted the entire time he was alive.
Why kill the double voter if he votes in your favor why not leave him up til he fucks around

Cos it’s a very strong player in CWE and him with that power especially so they don’t want to risk him fucking up.
If i killed anyone, it was Dreyski. And I want to say I wouldn't have killed him then, but honestly, I probably would have. It went with my idea of keeping a more active game and was someone I didn't know well enough to try and feel like I could convince otherwise.
So you are claiming you are town and at the last moment I (sum in your mind) jumped off of you and lynched another sucm?
You’re dismissing other possibilities and you could be aggressively scum-pushing dressed up as tunnelly town to push for a misyeet on what you perceive as an easier target?
If he was gunna flibbity flop he would of swapped his vote but he was so sure of
He locks onto comments sure but after the Val kill he might have reconsidered.
Again, unless Mitch is scum and planned it, I really doubt Mitch decided to fuck his own teammate up. Especially if Badger is town.

All three are scum for this to make any type of sense, so I tend to lean him more town.

Mitch also didn't kill Dreyski so there's that.
Cos it’s a very strong player in CWE and him with that power especially so they don’t want to risk him fucking up.
You're saying he's a strong player, and yet you're also saying he was wrong on you and you weren't afraid of him double voting you again?
I'm just trying to figure out what your train of thought is because I feel like I'm missing some pieces.
You're saying he's a strong player, and yet you're also saying he was wrong on you and you weren't afraid of him double voting you again?
I'm just trying to figure out what your train of thought is because I feel like I'm missing some pieces.
He is a strong player that was wrong on that occasion yes but scum in general possibly wanted him dead especially when it was known he had that power in case he went somewhere else.

They are potentially also using it and trying to pin the blame on me for wanting him dead.
Again, unless Mitch is scum and planned it, I really doubt Mitch decided to fuck his own teammate up. Especially if Badger is town.

All three are scum for this to make any type of sense, so I tend to lean him more town.

Mitch also didn't kill Dreyski so there's that.
Who are the possibilities of killing Dreyski? Is Val included in that.
He is a strong player that was wrong on that occasion yes but scum in general possibly wanted him dead especially when it was known he had that power in case he went somewhere else.

They are potentially also using it and trying to pin the blame on me for wanting him dead.
I mean, I'm the one who kinda thinks it's too obvious for you to kill CWE if you're scum lol. But I didn't remember that you wanted him dead?
I have to believe Matthieu. He knew I left my house. He couldn't have known that otherwise, unless it was a damn good guess, but that's risky in a mostly vanillaish game. It is a generic information role and isn't specific so I could absolutely see it being in the game.
The other thing is roles specifically worked on people who were immune during N1 except for kills. I verified, but ultimately didn't go to one of those people because i submitted with less than an hour to go after I woke up on the bathroom floor lol.

But it did make me wonder if the fact they did technically work means that one of them is scum.

Just a random thought. Nothing to actually take with any degree of seriousness because its all game building WIFOM and believing how "true" a rand is.
But, if we want an option that is not Badger to have a counter-train, I'd go with the names in the list other than Mitch currently. Unless it was an amazing scum play.
The other thing is roles specifically worked on people who were immune during N1 except for kills. I verified, but ultimately didn't go to one of those people because i submitted with less than an hour to go after I woke up on the bathroom floor lol.

But it did make me wonder if the fact they did technically work means that one of them is scum.

Just a random thought. Nothing to actually take with any degree of seriousness because its all game building WIFOM and believing how "true" a rand is.
Ok, so you're saying that PRs could only target Matt, Badger, Satsu and me during N1?
But, if we want an option that is not Badger to have a counter-train, I'd go with the names in the list other than Mitch currently. Unless it was an amazing scum play.
This is part of the reason I havent budged on Badger. His counter train pick was me which logically is a reach.
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