Fingers of Suspicion

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Mafia 23 - The Town of Rings

So heres house i see it we can yeet bn or mtr we have the manpower to live through that if wrong and 1 for 1 i also noticed bn wanted to yeet psycho over matt in his iso
Day 4 Vote Count:

Claws - 1 (MTR #1146)
MTR - 1 (BN #1210)

Not Voting: Listo, MitchRapp, Apocaclaws #1150

It is now Day 5. Day 5 will end at 8:00pm ET on Sept 27th or when majority is reached. With 5 players alive, majority is 3 votes on single player. If majority is not reached by the end of the day, there will be no elimination.
Meh I think I have made my case that I am what I say I am. Claws is the sus one at this point. Not sure what else I can add.
So I get what claws is claiming now but just because he is being shady about it I don’t believe him much like I didn’t believe Matthieu
I am on the verge of voting MTR.

However Blind Ninja is holding my second spot. Just so those interested are aware.
Wrong way to go you will take out a cleric. I mean go with what you believe because at the end of the day someone is not telling the truth. But I am telling the truth. Why would I lie about protecting someone that died anyway? Makes no sense to not believe me. I am not that great at making shit up in these games.
Day 5 End
Final Day 5 Vote Count:

MTR - 5 (MTR #1146, Apocaclaws #1231, MitchRapp #1235)
Claws - 1 (BN #1210)

Not Voting: Listo


The day came and went as the group quickly discussed which among them still sought to do them harm. As discussions were quickly had, names all over were thrown out there, but eventually it settled upon one name.

MTR was dragged in front of everyone and offered to say any last words. However, there was no response as MTR had fallen asleep during the proceedings. Everyone looked around and shrugged and just was tipped into a pot of boiling tar.

MTR, playing as Legolas, the Town Cleric, has been eliminated.


It is now Night 5. Night 5 will end at 8:00pm ET on Sept 26th or when all actions are submitted.
Last edited:
Day 6 Start
The night seemed like it ended quickly and thus the final remaining participants met in the arena for their discussions.


Claws, playing as Morgoth, the Town Trapper, has been killed.


Living Players:

1. Blind Ninja
2. Listo
3. MitchRapp

Dead Players:

1. Val the Moofia Boss, playing as Gandalf, the Soul Collector was eliminated. (Day 2)
2. LDG, playing as the Ringwraiths, the Town Socialite, was modkilled. (Day 2)
3. Matthieu, playing as Smaug, the Plaguebearer, was eliminated. (Day 3)
4. Llettuce, playing as Bilbo Baggins, the Town Cleric, has been killed. (Night 3)
5. CWE, playing as Boromir, the Town Trickster, has been killed. (Night 3)
6. Grumpycat, playing as The Eagles, the Town Admirer, has been killed. (Night 3)
7. Caito, playing as Treebeard, the Coven Hex Master, has been eliminated. (Day 4)
8. PsychoSoldier, playing as Thorin Oakenshield, the Town Spy, has been killed. (Night 4)
9. MTR, playing as Legolas, the Town Cleric, has been eliminated. (Day 5)
10. Claws, playing as Morgoth, the Town Trapper, has been killed. (Night 5)


It is now Day 6. Day 6 will end at 8:00pm ET on Sept 26th or when majority is reached. With 3 players alive, majority is 2 votes on single player. If majority is not reached by the end of the day, there will be no elimination.
Game End
With the Mayor’s decision, the die of fate was set in motion. Gollum looked around at everyone and he pointed at Tom Bombadil and spoke. “You aren’t precious. Bad…whatever you are.” Gollum jumped up and bit Tom’s throat out and Tom surprisingly died.

Listo, playing as Tom Bombadil, the Arsonist, has been eliminated.

cheered, but was then immediately attacked by Shelob, who spun him into a web and had a delicious morsel for later.

MitchRapp, playing as Gollum, the Town Mayor, has been killed.


Congrats to our sole winner - BLIND NINJA!

Blind Ninja, playing as Shelob, the Werewolf, has won the game!


Game concluded. I hope you enjoyed!

The last kill of Claws threw me for a loop. I should just gone BN like I originally wanted to back when I went MTR.

Nice job guys. Fun game.
It being down to me and 2 neutrals didn't even cross my mind.
That was what I figured. I had thought that Listo/BN may claim to try and get you to choose a winner, but I forgot listo claimed GA turned Surv which obviously you'd want to join the surv, if you believed it.

Great game again, Mitch
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