Fingers of Suspicion

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The Sexiest Mafian Ever: The Mafian

  • Thread starter Thread starter Mazer
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everything conspiracy GIF
2 - LDG: BN(9), Mitch(79)
1 - Mitch: Val(5)
1 - Matt: Xan(14)
2 - Xan: Psych(19), Morri
1 - BN: Void(27)
1 - Sleep: LDG(53)
1 - Morri:
1 - Future: MTR(93)
Vk (1) - claws

Not Voting: Unlisted above
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Absolute shocker: being an asshole to people will make them not want to talk to you
Ive tried to be nice to you, even sent you an apology on discord, but you must have ignored that.

Ive also been just trying to ask you simple questions to try to get you involved in the games, yet you ignore those.

You are consistently one of the people that does fuck-all in these games and its starting to get annoying again. Time for you to play or get yeeted.
If this is an attempt to try and get me to leave, it's not working.
Stay or go, I dont care. But for the love of god, if you sign up for the games, actually participate.
I'm every single community I've been in, there's always that one "person" who hates my guts. Do I care? No. Not my fault.
I dont know you well enough to hate you. I just find it inconsiderate to our community that you sign up and dont participate on a regular basis. Today is the most youve interacted, just about ever, in any game youve signed up for. Just hope you can continue the activity and potentially give reasons for whatever choices you end up making.
Alright, I double checked and I actually can reveal a bit more.

If you want a chance at a BPV, like as many posts as possible before D1 ends. As the original post states this is a role madness game so there's likely to be many kills floating around so it is highly important that as many town as possible have an opportunity to defend themselves.

So gear up and dish out those likes!

You Wanna Go Video Game GIF by CAPCOM
Fucking H queen prog all night :sick:

We can even get through phase one competantly
H Queen is a shit show. If you can manage to get through P1 clean and minimal deaths on the transition, final phase is simpler. Biggest thing there is not letting the adds get to the boss.
We wiped at 6%, mostly because we had to swap out one of our tanks for someone else and it led to confusion. Hopefully getting her down on Saturday.
We had a wipe final phase when we didnt CC adds. A tank swap is uaully about the new tank just figuring out what they need to do and shouldnt lead to a vast amount of confusion.
I am the tank prot warrior but some of our dps is the dumps
Boot underperforming DPS to get AotC for the grp. Then slowly start adding people in each week.
H Queen is a shit show. If you can manage to get through P1 clean and minimal deaths on the transition, final phase is simpler. Biggest thing there is not letting the adds get to the boss.

Boot underperforming DPS to get AotC for the grp. Then slowly start adding people in each week.
our group cant stay alive and we dont kick ppl we include everything so that wont happen all i ever hope for is they dont show up the next week ive tried talkin to the RL about this and he wont budge on it
our group cant stay alive and we dont kick ppl we include everything so that wont happen all i ever hope for is they dont show up the next week ive tried talkin to the RL about this and he wont budge on it
I understand grps like that. Been part of them in the past. The problem becomes the slog on the hard bosses when people arent carrying their weight.
Yes listo is greatest dps lol 43% on roots ppl dont even cleave its hilarious
Roots shouldnt be an issue. Do you guys have classes that can ignore them (pally with freedom, druid shifting forms, priest with a fade talent, hunter with disengage or turtle before cast is finished) or stack close for people to cleave. Why people dont wanna pad, i dunno.
I keep tellin you we can find a new group or we van just start playing ff over wow lol
If you guys are the best part of the raid, you should be able to find pugs better then the normal grp and get aotc
black mirror text GIF by NETFLIX

Remember everyone, use those likes and good things happen. You're going to feel really silly if you let the day end without partaking. The more likes you give, the better the chances.
Oh my. That simply will not do. Based on MOA rule 34 section 96 subsection c: Nothing can be given for just likes. Everything must be paid for with hard-earned cash. Due to this We will have to charge all participating in this "like-fest" a $300 fine. It is so unsightly and harmful to the kids here.
Where do you people get that restricions and potential from? Looks like devilry of sorts.
Thats odd because my role is very simple. maybe its tthat my character is simple.
I am geting FOMO ;/
It's a role madness game, as per the original post. I'm basically pleading with people at this point. If someone has a role to hand out a handful of BPV's to those who fulfill the prerequisites then that led me to two specific conclusions that aren't necessarily mutually exclusive:

  1. It is an experimental move on the part of the moderator and a twist on the approach in previous games where D1 has revolved around a vote to protect someone for multiple day phases as opposed to simply eliminating someone outright.
  2. It is part of the overall game balance and intended to help mitigate multiple kills flying around during night phases.

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