Fingers of Suspicion

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Mafia 15 - VoidKitten's Revenge

I definitely think that people coming in late to save you is a good look. I'm just saying that Rhea voting you may not necessarily be as bad as it may look because the wolves might not want to expose themselves by voting a counterwagon to the outed wolf. The only wolves we've seen do that were outed themselves and thus had nothing to lose.
As i said, it's certainly possible.

I just don't want to overread that or anything else.

Thanks for the Cactus reminder, there's always the chance there was a fake action or a weird attempt. And he's still here, etc. But yeah, doesn't make sense as a main focus.
Vote: Jade Cargill

If we think that Cody can only be SK then doesn't make sense to go after him I think. He can't hurt us as long as we just stay home.
CWE had been biding his time, playing with mixing different types of alcohols and herbs together. During the day's meeting, he passed one of his tonics to Cactus Jack to hopefully help him ward off anything bad.
Actually I just went over the writeups. Cactus Jack was saved by CWE. But we haven't seen CWE act on any other night. It could well be a red herring.
Basically if Cody is CWE, which a few have thought, then their statement that he would not flip yellow would mean it was true.

But as I type this out, I'm re-evaluating that now too.
I thoughy that the statement was they would not flip mafia?

The way this could still be true is if they meant they wouldn't flip because the flips were hidden.
I don't actually see a reason for Cactus Jack to be town. They dropped off big time after D1, and while their D1 was better than most people's it's not exactly clearing after the flips.
Day 5 Vote Count:

Rhea Ripley - 1 (Dr. Strange #1587)
Jade Cargill - 1 (Sirius Black #1603)

Not Voting: Cactus Jack, Cody Rhodes, Harry Dresden, Jade Cargill, Mankind, Merlin, Rhea Ripley, Seth Rollins

It is now Day 5. Day 5 will end at 8:00pm ET (GMT-4) on Apr 16th or when majority is reached. If majority is not reached by the end of the day, the player with the most votes will be eliminated. With 10 players alive, the majority is 6 votes on a single player.
Well, I'm going back to the simplest analysis.

Dude Love confirms that the first person to jump on Glinda when me and Glinda were tied was town.

I still think that if there was a scum available, they would have made the move and saved Glinda, as we saw that strategy with Glinda and Pug in rapid succession. So they were most likely on the train or AFK.

Going with this currently. Mick is eliminated, and they've popped in to post, but really haven't addressed the questions I've had.

Vote: Rhea

I am also supportive of forcing the SK issue with Cody.

Weekends are tough for me, and with personal issues late last week I have not put in the time I would have planned to. But I backed off of you as I had a little more time to read a few things and I didn't think it was likely that the only three wagons were all scum. If I understand what you're asking me, that I haven't addressed, is what did you have wrong. Simply, you it wrong when you were suggesting I was mafia. And again, because you shot me, and weren't around, I was way more suspicious of you instead of looking at the others. I thought you were clearly scum, and I fully expected you to come out talking your way out of it, as I had put myself in a spot by misreading earlier. One you started talking, I wasn't going to listen to anything you said because scum will say anything to divert attention off of them. If you ultimately get revealed as scum, then I will tip my cap to you.

I haven't even done the spreadsheeting I expected to have done by now.

Sirius seems okay to me for now, as does Merlin, who appears to be a part-time cop?

Note that I had been suspicious of Glinda because she got the immunity D1. And I also wonder about Cactus Jack being very quiet. He also benefited from D1 votes.

CWE reads to me as a poison nurse or doc, who protected Cactus Jack, but was Cactus Jack silenced today in the process - If that was perhaps a lingering effect of the poison?

I do think that Cody is probably rajah, and may be our SK, but I wonder if he is actually a harmless survivor with a protective bomb. But didn't someone flip with a town motivator role? The actions in the write up point more like mass chaos instead of trustworthy results.

I dislike Jade coming in, felt like she was gloating, after we lost 2 more town today. Her vote history is terrible. Pointing out how close her scum team is?
Town pile:

Harry Dresden
Harry Potter

The rest:
Jade Cargill
Cody Rhodes
Seth Rollins
Cactus Jack

Mankind's posts today made me feel good things about him but I'd need to look at them again to make sure
K I finished Mankind's ISO

I think their posts are good. Are they town? I don't know. I think that if they were mafia and wanted to put in some effort, they could probably post like this. But there have been a couple of moments that I found to be tonally towny like the one I quoted above.

So my conclusion is that I'm probably not gonna look at them unless there is 1 mafia alive and then make a final decision on their slot when there is more information.
Actually I just went over the writeups. Cactus Jack was saved by CWE. But we haven't seen CWE act on any other night. It could well be a red herring.
Or it could be that somebody is playing CWE and a second town character but has only used their CWE action that one time. We’ve seen a couple other town roles flip that had multiple characters.
Yeah I've been wondering if Rajah and Mazer are two separate roles

But Rajah is definitely an SK
I feel confident in reading them as separate because we got confirmation in the flip that Sabrina was Mazer and that they had been recruited to scum. If she was also Rajah then it would have been in the flip and we wouldn’t have seen that role show up again.
Or it could be that somebody is playing CWE and a second town character but has only used their CWE action that one time. We’ve seen a couple other town roles flip that had multiple characters.
This could be the case. If we get confirmation that CWE is indeed a town role then it would lend credibility to the theory of Cactus Jack being poisoned for real.
I feel confident in reading them as separate because we got confirmation in the flip that Sabrina was Mazer and that they had been recruited to scum. If she was also Rajah then it would have been in the flip and we wouldn’t have seen that role show up again.
Oh, riiight. I completely forgot that Mazer was Sabrina's role.

That makes me think that Psycho used one of their actions last night.
This could be the case. If we get confirmation that CWE is indeed a town role then it would lend credibility to the theory of Cactus Jack being poisoned for real.
I read the CWE character ad town because it was in green. Do you think it’s a hidden traitor role? Or that it does something different?
I’m curious to know what Violina’s action did to Seth, Potter, & Cactus. It said something about their aura’s. None of them were in stasis at the time.
I read the CWE character ad town because it was in green. Do you think it’s a hidden traitor role? Or that it does something different?
It's a tinfoily thought, but it could be that it does absolutely nothing except appear in the writeup to make Cactus Jack look like he was saved from the poison.
I thoughy that the statement was they would not flip mafia?

The way this could still be true is if they meant they wouldn't flip because the flips were hidden.
Interesting interpretation. I guess that could be true. I still think I read some intent there, but that's somewhat where my more likely to flip yellow came from.
Town pile:

Harry Dresden
Harry Potter

The rest:
Jade Cargill
Cody Rhodes
Seth Rollins
Cactus Jack

Mankind's posts today made me feel good things about him but I'd need to look at them again to make sure
I still think having Rhea that high is fucking way overconfident. Particularly when we've at least got some argument for some of the others.
Weekends are tough for me, and with personal issues late last week I have not put in the time I would have planned to. But I backed off of you as I had a little more time to read a few things and I didn't think it was likely that the only three wagons were all scum. If I understand what you're asking me, that I haven't addressed, is what did you have wrong. Simply, you it wrong when you were suggesting I was mafia. And again, because you shot me, and weren't around, I was way more suspicious of you instead of looking at the others. I thought you were clearly scum, and I fully expected you to come out talking your way out of it, as I had put myself in a spot by misreading earlier. One you started talking, I wasn't going to listen to anything you said because scum will say anything to divert attention off of them. If you ultimately get revealed as scum, then I will tip my cap to you.

I haven't even done the spreadsheeting I expected to have done by now.

Sirius seems okay to me for now, as does Merlin, who appears to be a part-time cop?

Note that I had been suspicious of Glinda because she got the immunity D1. And I also wonder about Cactus Jack being very quiet. He also benefited from D1 votes.

CWE reads to me as a poison nurse or doc, who protected Cactus Jack, but was Cactus Jack silenced today in the process - If that was perhaps a lingering effect of the poison?

I do think that Cody is probably rajah, and may be our SK, but I wonder if he is actually a harmless survivor with a protective bomb. But didn't someone flip with a town motivator role? The actions in the write up point more like mass chaos instead of trustworthy results.

I dislike Jade coming in, felt like she was gloating, after we lost 2 more town today. Her vote history is terrible. Pointing out how close her scum team is?
Your post when you voted yesterday said I had my facts wrong. I hadn't voted you, but did bring up reasons I questioned you.

My question was what facts did I have wrong.
K I finished Mankind's ISO

I think their posts are good. Are they town? I don't know. I think that if they were mafia and wanted to put in some effort, they could probably post like this. But there have been a couple of moments that I found to be tonally towny like the one I quoted above.

So my conclusion is that I'm probably not gonna look at them unless there is 1 mafia alive and then make a final decision on their slot when there is more information.
Right now , I have mankind as a slight lean town, neutral at least.
Town pile:

Harry Dresden
Harry Potter

The rest:
Jade Cargill
Cody Rhodes
Seth Rollins
Cactus Jack

Mankind's posts today made me feel good things about him but I'd need to look at them again to make sure

I still think having Rhea that high is fucking way overconfident. Particularly when we've at least got some argument for some of the others.
Alright then

Harry Dresden
Harry Potter

Cactus Jack
Seth Rollins

Jade Cargill
Cody Rhodes
Or we just shake hands and kill the SK today

Vote: Cody Rhodes

So that our cops can catch wolves knowing that they will be safe to act

All 3 wolves we got were caught with mech so no reason to steer away from that approach methinks
Day 5 Vote Count:

Rhea Ripley - 1 (Dr. Strange #1587)
Cody Rhodes - 1 (Sirius Black #1639)

Not Voting: Cactus Jack, Cody Rhodes, Harry Dresden, Jade Cargill, Mankind, Merlin, Rhea Ripley, Seth Rollins

It is now Day 5. Day 5 will end at 8:00pm ET (GMT-4) on Apr 16th or when majority is reached. If majority is not reached by the end of the day, the player with the most votes will be eliminated. With 10 players alive, the majority is 6 votes on a single player.
Vote: Sirius Black

Alright, I confess. I am mafia. It was me all along.

Dude Love killing themselves and Mick Foley just makes everything so easy that I got bored. Plus I didn't intend to live that long anyway.

I would be shocked if you find my partners after this but I wanted to at least give you guys a chance to make it interesting.
Obligatory wtf about the double day kill here. It removes Dude Love and Mick Foley, neither of which were my preferred choices for lynching.

The serial killer, if they work as assumed, is only going to get scarier as the game gets fewer and fewer players. There are now fewer people for anybody to choose from, and obvious targets for both protections and kills. SK targets one of the obvious people and you could see 2 or three kills from them alone.

Rhea is still my top mafia pick. I don't think they're the serial killer.

Serial killers are always a challenge, though. Being alone, it's a lot easier to act town. However, being too scary for wolves makes them an obvious night kill target, so there is a definite motivation to stay more on the quiet side.

Sirius was the one to suggest how the SK works in relation to Glinda's death, which was used as justification for Glinda's lynch. I did say at the time it's possible he was the SK leaking info on his role to scum hunt and appear town, but he is really active and confrontational, putting targets on himself left and right for both lynch and NK. I am leaning to him not being the SK.

The obvious place to look is in the less active users. Cody Rhodes definitely fits the bill. He was my 2nd favourite choice for lynch earlier.

Paranoia in me has me wonder if Harry Dresden is Rajah. Not very active, but kind of active as they come in with a townie seeming post here and there, but not so much as to really draw the attention of the scum team. It feels kind of like they're hitting the perfect desired balance for a serial killer. I don't think we should lynch them at this point, but I do think it should be in peoples' minds going forward.

I suppose ultimately we have to decide who we need to kill more. Is it the mafia, or the serial killer? I think the mafia has had 3 confirmed deaths, one of which was a traitor. I assume they have at least 2 members left.

I think the way to go is to slim down the mafia further for today and then hunt for the SK tomorrow. They're closer to winning than a SK is, and alive they can hit the mafia too if we're lucky. If we try for the SK and hit a townie, then mafia could capitalize on that. I'm not strongly opposed to trying to kill the SK, but I think mafia is a better target right now.

Vote: Rhea Ripley
I’m curious to know what Violina’s action did to Seth, Potter, & Cactus. It said something about their aura’s. None of them were in stasis at the time.
I have a theory, but it's a little out there.

Noticing a certain change in posting habits after the event. A very marked change, I'd say. Why, it's quite dramatic difference in behaviour. Seth in particular became, dare I say, playful directly afterwards. Quite the shift. Mister Potter also became quite the chatterbox, by comparison. I'd bet the majority of his posts came after that event with how little he spoke before then.
I have a theory, but it's a little out there.

Noticing a certain change in posting habits after the event. A very marked change, I'd say. Why, it's quite dramatic difference in behaviour. Seth in particular became, dare I say, playful directly afterwards. Quite the shift. Mister Potter also became quite the chatterbox, by comparison. I'd bet the majority of his posts came after that event with how little he spoke before then.
Hmmm…do you think it may have been a case of the body snatchers?
Going back through write ups (yet again) and updating notes from N4 and came across something that has my brain going :shocked::wtf::squint:

N2 Write Up:
Crackleslap knew that the Kitten Kaboodle needed to be sneaky and he was the most sneaky of them all. Crackleslap ran around to each member of the Kitten Kaboodle and attached cloaking devices to them, keeping them obscured.

N4 Write Up:
Crackleslap snuck around the battlefield, intent upon ensuring his colleagues had nothing to fear. Crackle located Sirius Black and erected a makeshift wooden fort around Sirius’s house, intent on keeping things out.

I've seen alignment changes from town to scum. I don't think I've ever seen it go the other way?
Sirius Black - the fact that you are voting so many different people makes me think you will get something if you meet a certain number of different votes/posts. Or do you have a hidden vote mechanic that only the first, or second or x'th etc. vote you place will be counted? Any other vote you place may show up in the temp talley to give you cover, so if the votes don't match who goes, let's remember this.

Cody, I am not necessarily opposed to joining you on voting Sirius, because I am baffled. But I believe you may be the SK, as others have suggested, and I think your post with no explanation other than "works for me" really smells rotten and not towny. I didn't see a silence restriction on you, but even if there were, you technically posted more than just a vote.

I also don't trust Jade, because of her terrible vote history, and the fact that she's pushing me.

All in all, I have to go with what I think is best for town.

Vote: Cody Rhodes

I think I have narrowed down the obvious in that Merlin is also a part-time cop, and that CWE is a poison doc. I am struggling with who may have other roles other than my own of course.
I don't disagree with wanting to go after mafia

But I also don't know who the mafia are. I have enough doubt about Rhea being mafia to not want to kill them today. If we kill a town get very close to losing. Whereas if we hit an SK we can still catch someone with night actions and prevent further town deaths in the night. Hitting mafia won't even stop more town deaths because there should be at least two left.

I don't have any solid picks for mafia here because I can see at least some reasons for most people to be town. Cody Rhodes is the only person to me that doesn't have anything redeeming about them whatsoever so that's why I'm voting them currently.
Sirius Black - the fact that you are voting so many different people makes me think you will get something if you meet a certain number of different votes/posts. Or do you have a hidden vote mechanic that only the first, or second or x'th etc. vote you place will be counted? Any other vote you place may show up in the temp talley to give you cover, so if the votes don't match who goes, let's remember this.

Cody, I am not necessarily opposed to joining you on voting Sirius, because I am baffled. But I believe you may be the SK, as others have suggested, and I think your post with no explanation other than "works for me" really smells rotten and not towny. I didn't see a silence restriction on you, but even if there were, you technically posted more than just a vote.

I also don't trust Jade, because of her terrible vote history, and the fact that she's pushing me.

All in all, I have to go with what I think is best for town.

Vote: Cody Rhodes

I think I have narrowed down the obvious in that Merlin is also a part-time cop, and that CWE is a poison doc. I am struggling with who may have other roles other than my own of course.
Oh, would you prefer I just park on you like everyone else? At least I'm considering the alternatives.
I think the way to go is to slim down the mafia further for today and then hunt for the SK tomorrow. They're closer to winning than a SK is, and alive they can hit the mafia too if we're lucky. If we try for the SK and hit a townie, then mafia could capitalize on that. I'm not strongly opposed to trying to kill the SK, but I think mafia is a better target right now.

Vote: Rhea Ripley
Going mafia>SK>Mafia is the absolute worst way to go about it. We need to either kill all mafia back to back or kill the SK first.
Cody hasn’t really done much again. Condensus seems to he’s the SK though. Mankind very likely town. Sirius seems town here “I confess I am Mafia” seems obvious sarcasm. Jade misreading Heyman dying is a bit concerning although could also be a derp. Dresden I have a current town read on. Those are my biggest takeaways at the moment.
Going back through write ups (yet again) and updating notes from N4 and came across something that has my brain going :shocked::wtf::squint:

N2 Write Up:

N4 Write Up:

I've seen alignment changes from town to scum. I don't think I've ever seen it go the other way?
There’s also a possibility scum
FutureHold was elated. The gun he had finished building, after getting instructions from The Tribal Chief proved useful. And he knew exactly who he would be using it on. FutureHold took aim and fired directly at Mick Foley, blowing his head clear off of his shoulders. The now headless body slumped forward.

Mick Foley, playing as Matthieu/3puppies, the Tracking Motion Detector, has been killed and sent to Tribal Council.

was shocked by this revelation and no one was more shocked that the gun itself, being used to hurt one of their own. It ran it’s own internal checks and then exploded, taking FutureHold with him. As FutureHold blew up, Dude Love also went missing.

Dude Love, playing as The House, The Corporation JOAT, has been killed and sent to Tribal Council.


It is now Day 5. Day 5 will end at 8:00pm on April 16th or when majority is reached. With 10 players alive, majority is 6 votes on a single player.
Well just read back and seen this. Quite annoying this shot failed. Would’ve left the Faces of Foley alone myself at this point as far as scumhunting goes.

Future “blows up” yet Dude went missing and died. Foley and Dude don’t seem connected like lovers or anything given their role flips. Not sure what happened unless Mick had something planted on him that Future triggered.
EBWOP to Harry Dresden. Meant to add possibility of scum maybe having a terminator where they can put skins of other characters. I’ve seen it done with serial killers like a terminator thing. Only other thing I can think of is a recruitment.
I think my top three at the moment for Mafia/SK seem Rhea, Jade and Cody. Badger targeting Cody earlier while other scum acted may suggest SK as that reads a RB to me.

Jade’s contradictory posting at times seems off but could also be seen as derp town. I think Rhea is my strongest suspect at the moment. Something has seemed a bit off to me about then anyway since N1. Will stick my placeholder vote here for now. May change if anything further develops this phase though.

Vote: Rhea Ripley
Going back through write ups (yet again) and updating notes from N4 and came across something that has my brain going :shocked::wtf::squint:

N2 Write Up:

N4 Write Up:

I've seen alignment changes from town to scum. I don't think I've ever seen it go the other way?
Possibility of write-up tomfoolery. Multi-mame characters was used in the meta games.
You did read where they basically offered Cody to join them right?

Think about the Cody dialogue.
Would they be simultaneously calling their posts "rotten and not towny" if they were trying to parley though?

Idk, I've made this read of "this looks like evil parties talking to each other" many times in the past and in absolutely every case it turned out to be incorrect so I'm not buying it here.
I have a theory, but it's a little out there.

Noticing a certain change in posting habits after the event. A very marked change, I'd say. Why, it's quite dramatic difference in behaviour. Seth in particular became, dare I say, playful directly afterwards. Quite the shift. Mister Potter also became quite the chatterbox, by comparison. I'd bet the majority of his posts came after that event with how little he spoke before then.
That would be very clever. As anyone returned from stasis since then?
Would they be simultaneously calling their posts "rotten and not towny" if they were trying to parley though?

Idk, I've made this read of "this looks like evil parties talking to each other" many times in the past and in absolutely every case it turned out to be incorrect so I'm not buying it here.
So they called cody rotten and noy towny, then said they could yhink about joining cody on you (to cody) and you're basically "this is MORE town. Why would they offer to team with Cody? They're just offering to vote with him. Because they don't like him".


Not even negative 5%?
Not quite. Not saying this makes Rhea more town. Just saying that I think this naive reason to think they are scum.

Who do you think Rhea's partners are and what are they doing today? There should be two other mafia according to the writeup.
There’s also a possibility scum

Well just read back and seen this. Quite annoying this shot failed. Would’ve left the Faces of Foley alone myself at this point as far as scumhunting goes.

Future “blows up” yet Dude went missing and died. Foley and Dude don’t seem connected like lovers or anything given their role flips. Not sure what happened unless Mick had something planted on him that Future triggered.
I’ve seen games where town gets a vig shot but if they use it and kill town then they also die. That appears to be what happened here.
EBWOP to Harry Dresden. Meant to add possibility of scum maybe having a terminator where they can put skins of other characters. I’ve seen it done with serial killers like a terminator thing. Only other thing I can think of is a recruitment.
I have not heard of that, but that’s an interesting theory.
I just read the N4 write-up and came to the realisation that there are indeed 3 mafia alive.
I had to go back and reread as well. I see what you see as well. Three separate scum actions plus a yellow action. When you take into account the two other scum flips we’ve had and the other yellow turned red flip that brings us to a 5 person original scum team plus their yellow recruit and a second 3p that appears to be an SK. From a balance standpoint, it doesn’t seem likely that there would be any additional hidden scum beyond that.
CWE reads to me as a poison nurse or doc, who protected Cactus Jack, but was Cactus Jack silenced today in the process - If that was perhaps a lingering effect of the poison?

Rhea brings up a good point here. I believe Sirius commented on it, too.

Where the heck is Cactus? Between having his aura adjusted by Violina and being cured of his poison you’d think he’d have been around more today.

I know scum targeted him two nights in a row but his ISO doesn’t really show a good reason for that (in my opinion). If he’s an inactive scum I wonder if they were willing to risk sacrificing him in the hope that there was a poison nurse and that they could town clear him? And the second night target didn’t seem to negatively impact Mick who we now know was town thanks to the whole gun thing.
So they called cody rotten and noy towny, then said they could yhink about joining cody on you (to cody) and you're basically "this is MORE town. Why would they offer to team with Cody? They're just offering to vote with him. Because they don't like him".


Not even negative 5%?

I was obviously trying to pull more out of Cody. I really didn't like that short post, it feels like he knows he's been identified and is giving up.

As for who else I think could be scum, I really don't know, so I suspect everyone and I suspect no one. There are reasons to somewhat clear people, and reasons not to trust what people have said, nor what the write up says. There have been games where scum has been able to earn an extra action at night, or to be able to include a fake action in the writeup. Scum would typically want to use a fake action as a frame or to clear one of their own.

We have also had wishes in this game. I wonder if the double kill where Dude killed Mick was a result of a wish, as Jafar said he granted all wishes. I believe that Dude had wished for and been given a gun, but that Void messed with it mechanically to take out the shooter as well. I know this as I had wished to know what someone else had wished for, and found out that "someone" was getting a gun. Since my own wish was messed with because I thought I would find out who wished for it, it only makes sense that the gun wish was also messed with. Unless of course there are other guns out there. Jafar did say our wishes were boring.

I did very much like Harry Dresden's thought that Gargamel could still be rezzed. My thought was that maybe he's coming back, but because of how our bastard mod likes to mess with us, his option to come back is only as a stump.

After Cody and Jade, I think I want to take a look more closely at Seth, Harry, and Cactus/Mankind. Not sure what order on these.
Day 5 Vote Count:

Rhea Ripley - 4 (Dr. Strange #1587, Mankind #1648, Jade Cargill #1652, Seth Rollins #1668)
Cody Rhodes - 2 (Sirius Black #1646, Rhea Ripley #1655)
Sirius Black - 1 (Cody Rhodes #1654)

Not Voting: Cactus Jack, Harry Dresden, Merlin

It is now Day 5. Day 5 will end at 8:00pm ET (GMT-4) on Apr 16th or when majority is reached. If majority is not reached by the end of the day, the player with the most votes will be eliminated. With 10 players alive, the majority is 6 votes on a single player.
Not quite. Not saying this makes Rhea more town. Just saying that I think this naive reason to think they are scum.

Who do you think Rhea's partners are and what are they doing today? There should be two other mafia according to the writeup.
If Rhea is a scum, I would imagine .....the things that I am not going to specifically spell out. And beyond just listing out people, we should be holding people accountable for their logic.
I just feel like you read two posts and closed down to the possibility after you were certain on Mick. I'd listed off multiple reasons why I might be wrong about Rhea, but you had me as "less towny" because Rhea gave a list. Obviously, you've course-corrected, but I have a small list of people who I think we can get good engagement on a solve with, and I think that this is not a "give them a pass" situation.

Which is why I generally don't get moved by the just lists or "i like this person". Not saying there's no value, but the engagement is where people are going to slip.
I was obviously trying to pull more out of Cody. I really didn't like that short post, it feels like he knows he's been identified and is giving up.

As for who else I think could be scum, I really don't know, so I suspect everyone and I suspect no one. There are reasons to somewhat clear people, and reasons not to trust what people have said, nor what the write up says. There have been games where scum has been able to earn an extra action at night, or to be able to include a fake action in the writeup. Scum would typically want to use a fake action as a frame or to clear one of their own.

We have also had wishes in this game. I wonder if the double kill where Dude killed Mick was a result of a wish, as Jafar said he granted all wishes. I believe that Dude had wished for and been given a gun, but that Void messed with it mechanically to take out the shooter as well. I know this as I had wished to know what someone else had wished for, and found out that "someone" was getting a gun. Since my own wish was messed with because I thought I would find out who wished for it, it only makes sense that the gun wish was also messed with. Unless of course there are other guns out there. Jafar did say our wishes were boring.

I did very much like Harry Dresden's thought that Gargamel could still be rezzed. My thought was that maybe he's coming back, but because of how our bastard mod likes to mess with us, his option to come back is only as a stump.

After Cody and Jade, I think I want to take a look more closely at Seth, Harry, and Cactus/Mankind. Not sure what order on these.
I did consider that you might be trying that, but knowing that they are not engaging on those posts and pulling on the way they were already voting rather than calling out for reads (which they still haven't done), seemed to at least open up the possibility that you were using the other strategy.
A poison silence would be weird.

I know when I was silenced, if I had not messed up and missed my message I would have still been allowed to vote.
Sorry guys, I worked a death match a couple days ago that left me with some sore days of recovery. I'll catch what I missed and be back before deadline.

Have a ni-

uh, I mean


Bang Bang Sport GIF by WWE
This is Cactus's last post. A "coma" type potion is something I've not heard of. If you were scum, staying away just to stay away would seem weird. But maybe I'm just projecting, because I would never want to just to watch the thread and not try to engage.

The poison I can't figure out, but maybe that is the right variable?
Rhea, I'm trying to ask this question in a way that doesn't get you in trouble, so I'll just say this is not me having a go. I hope you will consider my question, and not read anything in an antagonistic tone.

Outside of voting history, do you feel like there's much potential for you to be able to validate your town status in the next day or two?
VoidKitten was watching his monitors again when an idea struck him. VK punched a few buttons and continued to watch the monitors satisfied with the adjustments he made.

decided he needed to go deeper in his thoughts. He tossed on a VR headset and pretended as if he were immersed inside a sensory deprivation chamber and he let his inner thoughts really guide him.

Rajah stretched as he enjoyed his nap, but was now in needed of more. He was no longer sated and he ventured out into the night to see what house was best to stay at. Rajah came across Seth Rollins and decided to follow him back so he could set up shop nearby.

Marack was wandering around the battleground again. The amount of people were getting smaller and smaller and he wanted to ensure the Kitten Kaboodle reigned strong. Marack sought out Merlin and engaged him in a friendly conversation and a game of hide and seek to see what he was really up to, once Merlin was sufficiently distracted.

Crackleslap snuck around the battlefield, intent upon ensuring his colleagues had nothing to fear. Crackle located Sirius Black and erected a makeshift wooden fort around Sirius’s house, intent on keeping things out.

VoidKitten did what he did best and ran his hands over the dials of his master control unit, while sitting on his throne with a Pepsi in hand. VoidKitten didn’t really like Cactus Jack nor Mick Foley and fired a red laser beam at both of his target, confusing the two of them.

Insaner hadn’t really heard anything actionable yet. But that did not mean he wouldn’t have constant vigilance, just in case. Insaner went around and set up more listening devices around to see what he could capture.

Psycho was playing some poker against a pizza box cutout of Mazer. Psycho had really missed Mazer and the frolicing they used to do back in the day, but at least this was a good substitute. Psycho went all in against this pizza box and bet it couldn’t beat him.

DivaSmurf had traveled the world and the seven seas. He was a notorious pirate after all. But now, he’d put those skills to good use. He ran throughout Boston and found Dr. Strange and commanded his men to “Batten down the hatches!” and a group of people came out of nowhere and built a moat around Dr. Strange’s house to ward off visitors.

FutureHold was excited. Everything he had hoped for had come to fruition and he was given enough peace to finally build what he wanted to. This would be fun.

Violina’s head appeared above yet again, to announce what everyone present knew was coming. Violina beamed down at everyone. “Well, well. Another day another event. My Tribal Council has voted and chosen the player who shall receive the most wonderful of gifts. They get to…run errands for me! Isn’t that wonderful? I guess I can let them bring someone with them. Anyway. Back to it. The player chosen by Tribal Council was…HARRY POTTER!

Harry Potter was lifted from the game space to a place unknown.

Harry Potter, playing as ???, the ???, has left the game.

clapped her hands.”Yay! Now I don’t have to do them myself! Oh, and since I am so happy with not having to do them. Stasis has now been removed. Consider this my gift to you.


Pug and Jafar have left stasis.

Pug, playing as Rock, the Kitten Kaboodle JOAT, has been killed and sent to Tribal Council.

Jafar, playing as Robozerim/Jarrod, the Redirector, has been eliminated and sent to Tribal Council.


Living Players:

1. Cactus Jack
2. Cody Rhodes
3. Dr Strange
4. Dude Love
5. Harry Dresden
6. Jade Cargill
7. Mankind
8. Merlin
9. Mick Foley
10. Rhea Ripley
11. Seth Rollins
12. Sirius Black


It is now Day 5. Day 5 will end at 8:00pm ET (GMT-4) on April 16th or when majority is reached. If majority is not reached by end of day, the player with the most votes will be eliminated. With 12 players alive, majority is 7 votes on a single player.

VoidKitten sat on his throne watching the monitors as the battlefield below had people sneaking all around it. VoidKitten laughed and adjusted some settings on the monitors and sat back. “I do love a good battle. It warms the cockles of my heart.”

hadn’t seen much action, but now was his time to shine. Badger had always spun a good yarn and he found Cody Rhodes and got into a really deep discussion on what it meant to finish the story. While they spoke, Badger was trying to ascertain what Cody Rhodes was really thinking.

Randolph, or as he preferred to be known, Rando, wanted to ensure The Corporation would come out on top in this battle. Rando went off into the night and once he found his target beat him down to ensure they wouldn’t have much fight tonight.

Caito had finished modeling his kilt off for his new TikTok channel and decided he should actually get some work down. He set out and located Jafar and weaved a mist around Jafar that seemed quite sturdy.

Rock was busy in his lab working on a new concoction that he thought would be the life of the party. Rock coated his blade in this and set out into the night and found Cactus Jack. Rock snuck up behind him and nicked him a little with the blade and disappeared, grinning wildly to himself. Rock quickly left and waited to see what the effects would be.

Kryllian yawned as he woke up from taking a quick nap and but on his boots and set off into the destroyed streets of Boston. Kryllian liked to know what was going on so he set up shop outside Dr. Strange’s house to see what would happen.

Morrison had enough. It was tiring enough listening to people dither on and on all day, but what really pissed him off was when people didn’t even have a spine to make themselves heard. One person, in particular, really upset him and he set out to deliver the Morrison brand of justice. Morrison snuck up behind Pug and slit his throat, not even bothering to check, as Morrison knew his aim was always true. Pug let out a gurgling cry as he fell to his knees and bled out.

Pug, playing as ???, the ???, has been killed, sent to Tribal Council, and is in stasis for one full cycle.

Pablo Diablo
was one of the lawyers that The Corporation contracted to enact the bylaws as necessary. Pablo decided that someone needed a remedial lesson and sat them down and went over the entire Corporation handbook one by one. Just to ensure they would stay focused, Pablo locked the door and set up shop next to it.

Matthieu was super sneaky. Like super super sneaky sir. Matthieu may have just finished watching Mr. Deeds and wanted to see how really sneaky he could be. Matthieu set off into the night and saw Cactus Jack. Matthieu knew this was a great opportunity and tailed Cactus Jack to see if he would notice.

Shiro was pissed off again. He really hated hearing all of these people talk. One person, however, was offensive beyond all belief to him. Shirokitsune went out into the night and located Merlin and karate chopped his throat, laughing as Merlin fell to his knees, coughing, hardly able to form words. Shiro moved on, slightly less angry than before.

Listo had heard enough. He knew that eventually someone would speak too much information and lead him back to their hideout. Listo packed up his toolkit and set off to locate his quarry and ironically he located his quarry in a quarry. Gargamel was sitting on a rock, eating some food and reading the latest gossip magazines. “Man. Everyone in this magazine is a stud.” Listo, approached completely unnoticed and with blinding speed quickly stabbed Gargamel in the side. Gargamel fell off the rock and rolled down a bit, right into a box of dynamite. Listo grinned malevolently and lit a match and threw it onto the dynamite and quickly disappeared. Gargamel couldn’t even make a sound before he exploded into unidentifiable pieces.

Gargamel, playing as ???, the ???, has been killed and sent to Tribal Council.


Violina’s head appeared above Boston once more and everyone groaned. They knew that meant something was coming. “Don’t look so glum,” Violina said as she laughed. “I gave you a great dance number to work on. That being said, the Tribal Council has voted once more for someone to receive my event.” Violina paused dramatically as her head swiveled around looking at people. “The Tribal Council has made their decision,” Violina continued. “The player who received the most votes is…MANKIND!!!

With these words an aura appeared around Mankind, causing him to occasionally speed up and slow down.

Violina bowed once more and her head departed.


The Final Boss, The Tribal Chief, and Sabrina Spellman have left stasis.

The Final Boss, playing as Robo-Listo, the Corporation Tinker, has been killed and sent to Tribal Council.

The Tribal Chief, playing as Kneeneighbor/Dreyski, the Tribal Amplifier, has been killed and sent to Tribal Council.

Sabrina Spellman, playing as Mazer, the Fickle Fellow
, turned Kitten Kaboodle, has been killed and sent to Tribal Council.

I would invite everyone to read the underlined portions and answer whether they think voidkitten was able to act twice in one night or whether the monitors portion is a pre-night action or flavor.

eric cartman chef GIF by South Park
I was saying that I don't think Cody has been silenced, because he did post more than just his vote. As far as we can tell, his vote has not been taken away. If Cody is not silenced, then why the short antagonistic post? Me calling on Cody to engage more could provide information, and he doesn't seem willing to do so.

I welcome investigation to prove that I am town, and I will be able to help town more going forward. We all have to be cautious about claiming/breadcrumbing as it is against the rules, and a modkill would hurt town even more. I think I have come awfully close as it is.

I regret that have already let my fellow town down too much because of my availability and play, and the attention it has caused on me, when there are scum running amok, either being vocal or sitting back. Probably both.
Sorry for my increased absence. I've just about caught up to everything but the last page. Gonna power through that in the next couple hours, and assuming we don't have another shortened day, will actually be able to drop some thoughts and a vote before the day ends
Rhea, I'm trying to ask this question in a way that doesn't get you in trouble, so I'll just say this is not me having a go. I hope you will consider my question, and not read anything in an antagonistic tone.

Outside of voting history, do you feel like there's much potential for you to be able to validate your town status in the next day or two?

Meant to say I appreciate everyone keeping an open mind.
If Rhea is a scum, I would imagine .....the things that I am not going to specifically spell out. And beyond just listing out people, we should be holding people accountable for their logic.
Why won't you spell it out? I insist. Who are Rhea's partners and what are they doing today?
If feasible, I would love to get your take on my question regarding how you read void's actions (in the post aboves where I quoted him and underlined)

VoidKitten was watching his monitors again when an idea struck him. VK punched a few buttons and continued to watch the monitors satisfied with the adjustments he made.

VoidKitten did what he did best and ran his hands over the dials of his master control unit, while sitting on his throne with a Pepsi in hand. VoidKitten didn’t really like Cactus Jack nor Mick Foley and fired a red laser beam at both of his target, confusing the two of them.

VoidKitten sat on his throne watching the monitors as the battlefield below had people sneaking all around it. VoidKitten laughed and adjusted some settings on the monitors and sat back. “I do love a good battle. It warms the cockles of my heart.”

I wonder if it means that Void was messing with them both - perhaps switching their powers/abilities? The Pepsi makes me think we may see CM Punk coming. Someone suggested bodysnatchers, which I think may mean someone else subbed in for them? Not sure if Cactus can address this
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