Fingers of Suspicion

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Mafia 15 - VoidKitten's Revenge

Day 1 Start


Dr. Voidiarty
Jan 8, 2023
Providence, RI
Welcome one and all to the next exciting rendition of one of my Mafia games. This will be an anonymous game, role madness, bastardized, and with all the fixings. Please note that there are a LOT of mechanics in this game and it is balanced as best I can in these. It may go catastrophically bad but enjoy the ride and mechanics. I hope you all enjoy and welcome any comments about the game!


1. All players will be given a created account by me along with credentials for this game. No one will be using their actual account for this game and will instead use these accounts to post instead. Accounts have been provided in your Discord. You are NOT allowed to reveal, hint, or confirm who you actually are. You are allowed to speculate who others are if you’d like. Let’s keep to the spirit of being anonymous.
2. Day/Night Phases: Day phases will last 48 hours and Night phases 24 hours. Official deadline will always be at 8:00pm ET (GMT-4), but the actual start/end will depend on action submission.
3. It is recommended to participate in this game by posting and voting. I am not giving a specific amount, but reserve the right to modkill/sub with or without warning. I just overall recommend posting and voting :)
4. If the day ends without a majority being reached, modified majority will come into play. If a player has a majority of the votes that have been cast, that player will be eliminated. If a player does not have a majority of votes cast, no elimination will happen.
5. There is NO CHARACTER CLAIMING allowed. I will allow claiming of roles/abilities, but you cannot claim if your action was in the writeup or not. E.g. “I’m a doctor” but not “I’m a doctor that protected these people on these nights” Please note that there may or may not be mechanics to seriously hinder role-claims so claim at your own risk. Note: there are multiples of roles in this game and I reserve the right to modkill with or without warning.
7. No discussing the game outside of the thread or in specified discord channels. Please do not use OGI or angleshooting (such as comparing how rolecards are written or if a player is inactive or not, or if they are in discord and not thread). If you want to use this information to develop your own reads, fine. But please do not bring up things in the thread like this.
8. Self-targeting is not allowed unless otherwise specified
9. Votes/Unvotes must be done through the BBCode. You do not have to unvote. I will accept whatever the most recent vote is.
10. If you ask me for clarification on something, do not state that you asked me in the thread and I approved/disapproved. Do not invoke the moderator in any form to try and make a point or use in your argument. Leave the moderator out of the game.
11. Investigative results will give the true name of their results if subject to any form of redirection. Cop results come back as Kitten Kaboodle or Other. Certain types of abilities will appear in the writeup but without targets.
12. As a reminder, when you are eliminated or killed you will be sent to Tribal Council which takes place in Discord. Tribal Council has a large effect on the game and there may be ways to get back into the game from Tribal Council. Tribal Council is a LIVE game thread so while you shoot the shit with the other eliminated players, be careful of what you reveal if you wish it to stay secret.


Living Players:

1. Cactus Jack
2. Cody Rhodes
3. Dr Strange
4. Dude Love
5. Harry Dresden
6. Jade Cargill
7. Mankind
8. Merlin
9. Mick Foley
10. Rhea Ripley
11. Seth Rollins
12. Sirius Black


Dead Players:

1. Paul Heyman, playing as Blind Ninja/kdestiny, the Hider has been killed and sent to Tribal Council. (Night 1)
2. Palpatine, playing as Kangus, the Corporation Backup, was eliminated and sent to Tribal Council. (Day 2)
3. The Final Boss, playing as Robo-Listo, the Corporation Tinker, has been killed and sent to Tribal Council.(Night 2)
4. The Tribal Chief, playing as Kneeneighbor/Dreyski, the Tribal Amplifier, has been killed and sent to Tribal Council.(Night 2)
5. Sabrina Spellman, playing as Mazer, the Fickle Fellow, turned Kitten Kaboodle, has been killed and sent to Tribal Council.(Night 2)
6. Glinda, playing as LDG, the Kitten Kaboodle JOAT, has been eliminated and sent to Tribal Council. (Day 3)
7. Pug, playing as Rock, the Kitten Kaboodle JOAT, has been killed and sent to Tribal Council. (Night 3)
8. Gargamel, playing as ???, the ??? has been killed and sent to Tribal Council. (Night 3)
9. Jafar, playing as Robozerim/Jarrod, the Redirector, has been eliminated and sent to Tribal Council. (Day 4)
10. Harry Potter, playing as ???, the ???, has left the game. (Day 5)


Day 2 Start

Boston was not nearly as quiet as it was when night first began as various combatants trolled the streets looking to push The Corporation and Kitten Kaboodle forward. One person, who really didn’t have a stake in this, as both sides thought him missing, was Mazer. He had been lonely for quite some time, preferring to strike out on his own. He knew the land and had the smarts to ensure his survival.

But this time was different. He couldn’t just stand alone, he didn't think. No. He needed allies. Mazer had met with Listo and Foxxi and listened to both of them, both praises and threats. But he knew where his true heart lie. He had to join The Corporation and help his friends end the madness of VoidKitten. But the power of the Kitten Kaboodle was fearsome. He had no idea what to do, so he sat down and thought about it.

Finally, Mazer made his decision and set out to seal the deal, as he was now a part of a team and no longer alone.


Rock leaned lazily back in his chair and was twiddling his thumbs when a brilliant idea struck him. He typed furiously at the computer and realized that he could channel the energy of how terrible the Patriots are and harness that into an attack. Rock activated the weapon, which was even stronger than he expected as it powered up twice, and fired it across the battlefield. A wave of energy passed through everyone, chilling some of them to the core. A bunch of them said fuck this and left, muttering something about ghosts and stealing kidneys.

Caito was not taking any shit. He hiked up his borrowed kilt and set off. He came across The Final Boss and had a pretty good chat with him. On his way out, Caito waved his hand and a thin mist surrounded The Final Boss, that seemed pretty sturdy and corporeal.

LDG pitterpattered around the battlefield ensuring she was staying sneaky. LDG came across some books but didn’t like what she was reading so she put a big red x through one of the sections.

Shirokitsune could not stand all of this noise. He hated it. All of the explosions, the talking, the battles. Enough. He was so mad that he came across Paul Heyman and karate chopped his throat, rendering him unable to form many words. Satisfied, Shiro moved on, his anger slightly abated.

Marack had left where Rock was and went out into the city of Boston. He was gloomily walking down the street when he heard a noise. He quickly ducked behind a parked car and saw Gargamel walking shortly ahead of him. Gargamel went to go to the bathroom, but left his pack behind. Marack went through Gargamel’s pack to see what he was up to.

Insaner would not be outdone by anyone. He was present, slowly making his way around the city setting up multiple listening devices, aiming to capture precise discussions. Once Insaner was sure he would hear everything, he set out back to his hideout. If he didn’t like some things he heard, oh boy, there would be hell to pay.


Violina’s face shone brilliantly in the sky above Boston. “The Tribal Council has decided what today will bring. Our lucky chosen player is none other than Jafar!!!”

Jafar will be granted the power of a Wishgranter for the entirety of Day 2. Players may submit one public and one private wish. The Wishgranter will only grant ONE wish. To make a public wish, a player must make a post with the words “I wish” to start with. The entire wish must be bolded. To make a private wish, please post in your Discord a bold “I wish” statement. These will be delivered privately to the Wishgranter.”

“If a public wish is granted, the granted wish will not be revealed, but it will be known a public wish was granted. If a private wish is granted, the exact wish will be revealed, but not who wished it.”

“Wishes are subject to moderator approval and the moderator will not approve anything game ending or breaking balance completely, but outside of that the moderator is pretty open. So please think before you wish.”

Violina winked at everyone and then disappeared.


Living Players:

1. Cactus Jack
2. Cody Rhodes
3. Dr Strange
4. Dude Love
5. Gargamel
6. Glinda
7. Harry Dresden
8. Harry Potter
9. Jade Cargill
10. Jafar
11. Mankind
12. Merlin
13. Mick Foley
14. Palpatine
15. Pug
16. Rhea Ripley
17. Sabrina Spellman
18. Seth Rollins
19. Sirius Black
20. The Final Boss
21. The Tribal Chief


It is now Day 2. Day 2 will end at 8:00pm ET (GMT-4) on April 7th or when majority is reached. If majority is not reached by end of day, the player with the highest number of votes will be eliminated. With 21 players alive, majority is 11 votes on a single player.

Game Intro:

was upset. He had been left and forgotten about whilst everyone cared about Listo saving the day. Well, VoidKitten had his initial revenge. Through his best friend, the Robot Devil, he helped conspire to destroy Listo once and for all, allowing VoidKitten top reign at FoS. While the Robot Devil was ultimately defeated, it seems Listo was left behind by all of his compatriots to rot in Hell for all eternity.

This was too much of a chance for VoidKitten to pass up. He braved the trials of Hell and rescued Listo from their clutches. Now, this was not for any benevolent reason mind you. VoidKitten took Listo back to his home near Boston and subjected Listo various levels of torture, mind control, and conditioning. The resulting experimentations corrupted Listo and made him forget the benevolent person he was. Listo was now a card carrying member of VoidKitten’s dastardly Kitten Kaboodle.

Unbeknownst to VoidKitten, when Listo had emerged from Hell, an automated protocol had been activated. A signal was sent to a silo deep beneath Sioux City where a metallic awakening occurred. A long dormant creature, created with the sole purpose to ensure Listo would not be allowed to be evil, was awakening. However, it had been dormant so long its abilities were weakened and it needed assistance. A roar exploded from the silo as it opened up and Robo-Listo flew forth. He knew he needed to work fast and set out to get the one person who could put down both Listo and VoidKittenFoxxi.

Foxxi had just finished creating her masterpiece when Robo-Listo crashed through the wall. Unfortunately, this was a load bearing wall and her entire house crumbled around her, leaving only her masterpiece unscathed. Robo-Listo filled Foxxi in on everything that was happening. She got to her feet and started to grab her equipment. “I had always feared the day that Listo may fall evil. The two of them must be stopped. Let’s gather everyone.”

And gather everyone they did. People from far and wide answered Foxxi’s call, from the reliable Matthieu, to the master spreadsheeter Tildey, the reclusive Kryllian and cataract afflicted Blind Ninja, could not resist the call of the Fox. She grabbed everyone together and spoke. “Today we will take the ideals that the visionary Mazer had, before he went mad, as it was the best way to lead FoS. We must band together and end this threat once and for all. In reverence to Mazer, we shall be named The Corporation. Together, The Corporation created an army and fortifications outside Boston to box VoidKitten in, including a shit ton of lawyers, just in case things got really hairy.

VoidKitten emerged from his home and was shocked when he had seen how his enemies were already prepared. He had spent so much time bending Listo to his will that he didn’t realize he gave up the element of surprise. “How did they know? Damn them. Damn them all!” He paced quickly and then stopped. “Fine. If that’s how they want to play. Then I will make some of them see my own way.”

VoidKitten activated a device inside his home which caused the house to levitate in the air and surround itself in an impenetrable barrier. VoidKitten had always hoped it would come to this. He really enjoyed showing off all of his shiny new toys he invented. VoidKitten beamed at his inventions and patted the console gently. “Good job. Now, let's initiate Phase 2.”

Beams of light shot out from VoidKitten’s abode and directly connected with multiple members of the FoS community, ripping them from their locations and placing them firmly under VoidKitten’s control. “You chosen few will be my lieutenants in this upcoming war. When we win, we will be unstoppable.” Psycho cheered while Marack leaned casually on a table. Rock walked up to Marack and engaged him in conversation. “Thank god that guy Blind Ninja didn’t show up. I don’t know what I’d do.” Marack looked Rock up and down and just grunted.

VoidKitten grinned. “Let’s get this underway and end their feeble attempts forever.”


A mysterious figure was watching all of this unfold. The figure did not like how serious everything was and was determined to ensure the field of this battle would be a lot more fun than anyone expected…and all without having to be there. The figure grinned and she spoke softly. “Even in death some may not be silenced.” Violina giggled and set off to get comfortable to watch everything unfold, now that she was in control of what happened after these idiots killed each other.


In another locale, Mazer was heading to the battle location. He had heard the calls being made. He may have had differences with The Corporation but he wouldn’t mind seeing his friends again. How could he face them after what he had done last time? However, Mazer did fear what the Kitten Kaboodle would think of him getting involved again. It was much to think about. Much to plan.


A hooded figure watched his monitors and made a noise of disgust as he saw the happenings in Boston. “This fool thinks he is in charge? I have been a mainstay of the internet since the before times. I’ll end this silly little war once and for all.” The figure stood up and grabbed his utility belt, which had a whole bunch of gizmos to allow him to keep eyes on specific locations. The figure finished his preparations and set out. “I will show them the meaning of fear and terror. All will fall to me. Everyone present better be careful where they visit as you will not wish to run across me. Night is my favorite time.”

Rajah was on his way to end FoS once and for all.


Violina looked out across the field, kicking back in her virtual lair. “We need some spice. Yup yup! Today will be fun.” Violina pressed a few buttons and an announcement fell across the game space.

“All players will receive two votes to cast today. Once cast, these votes can not be moved. You may cast both of your votes for the same player. The player who receives the most votes will be immune to being directly targeted by all actions and all votes until the start of Day 3. The player who receives the second most set of votes will be immune to being directly targeted by all actions and all votes until the start of Day 2. The player who receives the third most set of votes will be eliminated and sent to Tribal Council. Sleep is not a valid vote.


Current Phase:

It is currently Day 1. Day 1 will end at 8:00pm ET on April 4th or when all votes are cast. The players with the three highest vote totals will be affected.
Last edited:


Apr 1, 2024
Revenge Of The Sith Power GIF by Star Wars

Rhea Ripley

Apr 1, 2024
Mami is confused, but Mami is always on top.

First thing I noticed is that there are four colours appearing so far in the write up. And there are 4 versions of Mick Foley/Dude Love/Mankind/Cactus Jack. Coincidence?


Vanilla Townie
Apr 1, 2024
Instead of a Macmahon every corner we get a Foley in every corner?

Mick Foley

Vanilla Townie
Apr 1, 2024
hey everyone

im new to mafia and this is meant to be anonymous so dont peek at my name or avatar that goes against the spirit of the game

Cactus Jack

Vanilla Townie
Apr 1, 2024

and i cant tell you who i am it breaks the rules, didnt you read them?

There can only be one of my face walking around so I’ll beat you up and leave disfigured that you’ll never be able to show my face ever again!


Vanilla Townie
Apr 1, 2024
I hope there is one person logging in and out of multiple Foley accounts and arguing with themselves.


Vanilla Townie
Apr 1, 2024
Maybe, I have never seen the movies. But the question still stands then no?

Mick Foley

Vanilla Townie
Apr 1, 2024

There can only be one of my face walking around so I’ll beat you up and leave disfigured that you’ll never be able to show my face ever again!
just wear a mask silly


Apr 1, 2024
“All players will receive two votes to cast today. Once cast, these votes can not be moved. You may cast both of your votes for the same player. The player who receives the most votes will be fully immune to all actions and all votes until the start of Day 3. The player who receives the second most set of votes will be fully immune to all actions and all votes until the start of Day 2. The player who receives the third most set of votes will be eliminated and sent to Tribal Council. Sleep is not a valid vote.
Do we have to specify for this?

Seth Rollins

Vanilla Townie
Apr 1, 2024

Seth Rollins

Vanilla Townie
Apr 1, 2024



Dr. Voidiarty
Jan 8, 2023
Providence, RI
Day 1 Vote Count:

Harry Potter - 1 (Sirius #20)

Has Votes Remaining:
Cactus Jack, Cody Rhodes, Dr Strange, Dude Love, Gargamel, Glinda, Harry Dresden, Harry Potter, Jade Cargill, Jafar, Mankind, Merlin, Mick Foley, Palpatine, Paul Heyman, Pug, Rhea Ripley, Sabrina Spellman, Seth Rollins, Sirius Black, The Final Boss, The Tribal Chief

It is now Day 1. Day 1 will end at 8:00pm ET (GMT-4) on Apr 4th or when all votes have been cast. The players with the top three vote totals will be affected.

Vote count current to post 54

Sirius Black

Scum Hunter
Apr 1, 2024
Does anyone else find it odd that there are 22 players in this game and yet in the sign up thread it says there were 21 players who signed up?

Violina looked out across the field, kicking back in her virtual lair. “We need some spice. Yup yup! Today will be fun.” Violina pressed a few buttons and an announcement fell across the game space.

“All players will receive two votes to cast today. Once cast, these votes can not be moved. You may cast both of your votes for the same player. The player who receives the most votes will be fully immune to all actions and all votes until the start of Day 3. The player who receives the second most set of votes will be fully immune to all actions and all votes until the start of Day 2. The player who receives the third most set of votes will be eliminated and sent to Tribal Council. Sleep is not a valid vote.
This is also curious. From the sound of it, it looks like Violina might be a 3p that has something to do with the after death tribal council mechanic? We also have a player named Tribal Chief. Could this be a red herring or something more?


Vanilla Townie
Apr 1, 2024
Does anyone else find it odd that there are 22 players in this game and yet in the sign up thread it says there were 21 players who signed up?

This is also curious. From the sound of it, it looks like Violina might be a 3p that has something to do with the after death tribal council mechanic? We also have a player named Tribal Chief. Could this be a red herring or something more?
Someone could have signed up after that post in the signup thread. So I dont find that odd at all.

I think it is a coincidence that we have a tribal chief and a tribal council. Im sure VK could have named the council something else.

Sabrina Spellman

Vanilla Townie
Apr 1, 2024
Tribal Council
Tribal Chief is referring to Roman Reigns. All the players are either either a witch/wizard or wrestler. So shouldn't be related to Tribal Council at all.

Paul Heyman

Apr 1, 2024
Does anyone else find it odd that there are 22 players in this game and yet in the sign up thread it says there were 21 players who signed up?

This is also curious. From the sound of it, it looks like Violina might be a 3p that has something to do with the after death tribal council mechanic? We also have a player named Tribal Chief. Could this be a red herring or something more?

I have confidence in my Tribal Chief…your reigning WWE Universal Champion currently running at 1310 days as of today and will continue to reign this Sunday as Cody Rhodes once again doesn’t get to finish his storyyyy!

Now Violina, you bring up an interesting point there. It comes to mind that our moderator could perhaps be a cheeky one who has a sense of humor perhaps! That could very well be a red herring but your Tribal Council mechanic theory is also a sound one.

Jade Cargill

Apr 1, 2024
I am trinket. A talking, trinket. I am magical. Oh great wizard Merlin, wouldn't you have use for trinkets like myself?

Paul Heyman

Apr 1, 2024
@Paul Heyman How do you feel that your Tribal Chief looks less like Roman and more like a young Native American Girl
Merely a case that my Tribal Chief is showing respect to other cultures and families as well as his own. It is an honor to serve my and yours Tribal Chief!


Vanilla Townie
Apr 1, 2024
Merely a case that my Tribal Chief is showing respect to other cultures and families as well as his own. It is an honor to serve my and yours Tribal Chief!
It looks more like he is unsure of who he is. Maybe a little more council from the wise man could enlighten him.


Dr. Voidiarty
Jan 8, 2023
Providence, RI
Day 1 Vote Count:

Cactus Jack - 2 (Jade #83, Merlin #89)
Harry Potter - 1 (Sirius #20)
Glinda - 1 (Jafar #80)

Has Votes Remaining:
Cactus Jack, Cody Rhodes, Dr Strange, Dude Love, Gargamel, Glinda, Harry Dresden, Harry Potter, Jade Cargill, Jafar, Mankind, Merlin, Mick Foley, Palpatine, Paul Heyman, Pug, Rhea Ripley, Sabrina Spellman, Seth Rollins, Sirius Black, The Final Boss, The Tribal Chief

It is now Day 1. Day 1 will end at 8:00pm ET (GMT-4) on Apr 4th or when all votes have been cast. The players with the top three vote totals will be affected.

Vote count current to post 96
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