Fingers of Suspicion

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Mafia 17 - The Interim Throne

Okay so I forgot the game again. I’m a bad king. Okay let’s just look at this. Lots of stuff happening. My reads aren’t solid so far
XANJORI said he has reason to believe Listo is clear.
Listo seems to be the most experienced in these games.
Val jumps in and votes Listo.

Because of that:

Vote: Val the Moofia Boss
Honestly Im trying to work out if BNs partner joins in on my wagon, only two of them, but surely theyd want a chance to get an elim off?
BN was on MTR kinda early, and then they both swapped to me, I dunno, I dont think it is MTR.

So Listo+Satsu+MTR no go today?
On a reread it looked like you Badger or Val were not aligned with BN. I know it would make those players a good recruit target in a way. But i would still rather go for MM or SK first.
Unvote: MitchRapp

Vote: Val the Moofia Boss

Not buying that story about Listo’s story being difficult to parse. Surely must know Listo must have got hit with a restriction so something seems off here.
Yeah, I usually avoid going after Val but I don't like that Listo vote. At the same time, I can't help but wonder if it's a trap - it's almost like he wants to be voted.
Hmm good points. I’ll unvote for now just in case there’s jester shenanigans. I’ll switch to:

Unvote: Val

Vote: LDG

I’m thinking at least trial to see what happens and if maybe that “possessor” theory might be true.
What do you want to get from her that requires trial?
Just a bit more is all to defend herself.

Do you think she should be trialled? I just don’t feel comfortable just taking her word for it that makes sense. She gets no free passes with me.
Hmm good points. I’ll unvote for now just in case there’s jester shenanigans. I’ll switch to:

Unvote: Val

Vote: LDG

I’m thinking at least trial to see what happens and if maybe that “possessor” theory might be true.
I can't remember the exact punishment for taking out a jester in these games but if I'm not mixing up rule-sets I do recall it being something nasty that applied to everybody in the game, hence my concern.

Listo can probably provide the details on that, though.
Your concerns are valid and yes a Listo explanation would be helpful. 👍

Not sure how long we have left til this goes to trial but have to nip out this afternoon. Will check later to see if LDG has responded.
Day 2 Vote Count:

Mitch - 1 (Satsu #270
Listo - 1 (Val #302)
Val - 1 (Mitch #305)
LDG - 1 (Badger #313)

Not Voting: 3puppies, CWE, FutureHold, LemonDemonGirl, Listo95, Matthieu, morrison, MTR, Robozerim, Xanjori

It is now Day 1. Day 1 will end at 8:00pm ET (GMT-4) on May 28th or when majority is reached. With 15 players alive, majority is 8 votes on a single player. If majority is not reached by end of day, there will be no elimination.
I can't remember the exact punishment for taking out a jester in these games but if I'm not mixing up rule-sets I do recall it being something nasty that applied to everybody in the game, hence my concern.

Listo can probably provide the details on that, though.
ThE fOoL iN tHiS gAmE hAs 2 tHiNgS oCcUr. AnY tHaT vOtE tO eXeCuTe WiLl LoSe A cHaRgE oN aNy AbIlItY wItH a LiMiTeD nUmBeR oF uSeS. iT wIlL aLsO mAkE iT sO wE cAnNoT eXeCuTe ThE nExT dAy.

ThIrTeEn YeArS aGo, ThE nEfArIoUs MoNsTeR aRmY iNvAdEd EaRtH, bUt HuMaNiTy’S gReAt PrOtEcToRs, ThE dRaGoN kEePeRs, DeFeAtEd ThEm In A sInGlE yEaR! eVeRy SuNdAy SiNcE, tHe MoNsTeRs HaVe BeEn FoRcEd To AcT oUt HuMiLiAtInG dEfEaT aFtEr DeFeAt In FrOnT oF tHe UnSuSpEcTiNg PuBlIc. DeTeRmInEd To ChAnGe ThIs, A sInGlE mOnStEr, D, iNfIlTrAtEd ThE rAnGeR fOrCe. WiTh ThE hElP oF tHe MyStErIoUs RaNgEr, YuMeKo SuZuKiRi, D mAnAgEd To SeIzE oNe Of ThE dIvInE aRtIfAcTs—tHe OnLy WeApOnS cApAbLe Of PeRmAnEnTlY kIlLiNg ThE mOnStErS’ iMmOrTaL bOdIeS!
Day 2 Trial 1 Start
Since no one could come to a conclusion, King FutureHold had to rely on the most trusty of his advisors. He reached into his pocket and withdrew a four sided die, since there was a four way tie. The dice rolled and everyone watched with bated breath to see the results....

Val the Moofia Boss is now on trial. All votes have been reset and you may now vote to Execute, Pardon, or Abstain. The trial will end at 8:00pm ET or when a majority choose to execute or pardon. With 13 players eligible to vote, majority for execute is 7 votes.
Last edited:
I forgot to add this.

The player on trial cannot vote. Majority is based off of all other players than the one on trial. With 13 players eligible to vote on this trial, majority will be 7 votes to execute.
Hmm so Val must’ve been randomly drawn. Also thanks for the explanation Listo.

I think it all depends on how confident/sure Val might be jestering.

I will consider my vote carefully but want to gauge opinions as less familiar with Val than others.
Ok Val there is a case to be made, that its entirely possible you are evil or a cultist or both.

Tell us why thats not the case. Start from the begining.
I know voting out a potential jester has consequences in this game.

In thiiis scenario though, what would happen should said execution go through and Val is jestering?

Normally killing a jester instead of voting him is straightforward in a more regular Mafia game?

In this type of game though…what would happen?
I know voting out a potential jester has consequences in this game.

In thiiis scenario though, what would happen should said execution go through and Val is jestering?
Well in this specific case where I dont think cult got a recruit last night as they would have a new assasin and would bleed someone already and with a dead cultist on top of that its totally fine to lynch a jester.
But as King, I do not want to lose my abilities

Vote: Pardon

But I do think execution is the better option and if you can spare losing a charge, execute
I have not really played this style of game much before so I am struggling to catch up. There was one of these games when I got converted very early, then killed immediately, and I didn't follow it after that. I have only really read through my own role card and only skimmed through a few of the others.

Someone earlier posted that it did not seem as though Val was aligned with BN, and a couple questions have been raised about a potential jester, which I guess means the Fool. I am slow, but I think Val not being aligned with BN comes from the votes and banter between them. This was early in the game, but I don't see why scum would vote on another this early if they were aligned. As for the idea of Val potentially being the Fool, I don't see anything from him that would encourage us to want to execute him.

If we are afraid of the Fool's Poor Fellow, and act in fear of all players losing 1x charge, and not being able to execute anyone the following day, well that would come up no matter who got randomly put on the chopping block.

I am only just starting to put together a spreadsheet but there are more roles than players.

We started with 15 players, and there were 16 Blue Dragon Role cards, (15 plus the Good King), and we have one flipped red Assassin, which means there must also be at least a red Mastermind. Then there are 9 neutral roles. Not to mention, there is a starting king, of which we don't know the alignment.


Assassin - Blind Ninja


Cult Leader


So I quite clearly have a lot to learn, but I would like to ask those more experienced players what is the typical starting random town/scum alignment in a 15 player game with recruitment and neutrals?

Also, with 14 players left, and 13 eligible to vote, I get that it would require 7 to execute. But since Abstain is a listed option, does that count as removing the vote, thus requiring fewer votes for the majority? And does not voting count as abstaining? For example, would a situation with 4 Execute, 3 Pardon, and 4 Abstain and 2 not voting, with Val not eligible to vote, result in an execution?
As I said I’m acting selfish. Iirc, if you vote for the jester and the jester dies, you lose your charge.

I have multiple 1 shot actions and I can’t risk that
Also…if town got a vig could maybe get him that way. Also any investigative abilities too.

Pardon is the way to go here IMO rather than being too impulsive.
The Val Trial Vote Count:

Pardon - 3 (Future #341, LDG #344, Badger #348)
Execute - 1 (Satsu #335)

Not Voting: 3puppies, CWE, Listo95, Matthieu, MitchRapp, morrison, MTR, Robozerim, Val the Moofia Boss, Xanjori

It is now the Trial of Val. The trial will end when a majority of players vote Execute or Pardon or 12 hours pass. With 13 eligible voting players, majority is 7 votes. If a player is pardoned, the day will continue until 8:00pm ET on May 28th. Another trial can be had. If the player is executed, the day will end.
Sorry Val you had your chance. Could have claimed fool and get easy win.

Can we still get a pardon and get a serious trial today?

Unvote: Pardon
Before voting, there is no disadvantage to use having another trial correct?

Aside from the current one being rushed but we all seem to be on the same page here.
@Satsu You’ve been great at advising what not to do. But been a liiitle quiet on what you would do if you were town.

Not sussing you but it is worth observing. Have to cover all bases just in case you are scum trying to appear helpful. Your lack of commitment D1 could be seen as scummy.
Before voting, there is no disadvantage to use having another trial correct?

Aside from the current one being rushed but we all seem to be on the same page here.
You put Val on trial so tell us again whats the idea or the other trial is on you.
@Satsu You’ve been great at advising what not to do. But been a liiitle quiet on what you would do if you were town.
I am a prince I imprisoned 3puppies last night, he claimed his BD role to me. Sounded legit.

We talked about our secret strategies and I even made a beautiful logbook for him.

So I am town but still i dont know what to do soory.

I would get first trial on Mitch and depending on what happened I would switch to LDG.

But the trial happened on Val and I dont think i want to vote LDG right now.
I am a prince I imprisoned 3puppies last night, he claimed his BD role to me. Sounded legit.

We talked about our secret strategies and I even made a beautiful logbook for him.

So I am town but still i dont know what to do soory.

I would get first trial on Mitch and depending on what happened I would switch to LDG.

But the trial happened on Val and I dont think i want to vote LDG right now.
Detailed claim I shall give you that sir.
Well in this specific case where I dont think cult got a recruit last night as they would have a new assasin and would bleed someone already and with a dead cultist on top of that its totally fine to lynch a jester.

I know a jester makes us lose a charge on actions, it might be worth it to vote out a jester earlier than later

I have not really played this style of game much before so I am struggling to catch up. There was one of these games when I got converted very early, then killed immediately, and I didn't follow it after that. I have only really read through my own role card and only skimmed through a few of the others.

Someone earlier posted that it did not seem as though Val was aligned with BN, and a couple questions have been raised about a potential jester, which I guess means the Fool. I am slow, but I think Val not being aligned with BN comes from the votes and banter between them. This was early in the game, but I don't see why scum would vote on another this early if they were aligned. As for the idea of Val potentially being the Fool, I don't see anything from him that would encourage us to want to execute him.

If we are afraid of the Fool's Poor Fellow, and act in fear of all players losing 1x charge, and not being able to execute anyone the following day, well that would come up no matter who got randomly put on the chopping block.

I am only just starting to put together a spreadsheet but there are more roles than players.

We started with 15 players, and there were 16 Blue Dragon Role cards, (15 plus the Good King), and we have one flipped red Assassin, which means there must also be at least a red Mastermind. Then there are 9 neutral roles. Not to mention, there is a starting king, of which we don't know the alignment.


Assassin - Blind Ninja


Cult Leader


So I quite clearly have a lot to learn, but I would like to ask those more experienced players what is the typical starting random town/scum alignment in a 15 player game with recruitment and neutrals?

Also, with 14 players left, and 13 eligible to vote, I get that it would require 7 to execute. But since Abstain is a listed option, does that count as removing the vote, thus requiring fewer votes for the majority? And does not voting count as abstaining? For example, would a situation with 4 Execute, 3 Pardon, and 4 Abstain and 2 not voting, with Val not eligible to vote, result in an execution?

It's a tin foil theory. We'll see long term if it has any truth to it.

BlEeD wOn'T bE tOlD uNtIl NiGhT sTaRt. As I sAiD, iT aLsO cAuSeS uS tO hAvE nO eXeCuTe NeXt PhAsE. fOr StArT wE hAd 1 KiNg, 1 PrInCe, 1+ ShErIfF oR pAlAdIn. ThEn 6-7 OtHeR bD rOlEs, WhIcH eXcEpT fOr HuNtEr AnD mYsTiC cAn Be Up To 3. It Is EiThEr CuLt Or UnsEeN wHiCh WoUlD sTaRt WiTh Mm Or Cl AnD aSsAsSiN oR cUlTiSt NoT bOtH. 1 nEuTrAl KiLlEr (BeLiEvEd To Be SoRc/PoSs). FiNaLly 2-3 OtHeR nEuTs. WiTh 2+ KiLlS a NiGhT oUtInG tHeOrY iS wOrTh.

NoW a WoRd FrOm A sPoNsOr

FaTe/StRaNgE fAkE cEnTeRs ArOuNd An ImPeRfEcT cOpY oF a GrAiL wAr BaSeD oN tHe ThIrD hOlY gRaIl WaR iN fUyUkI. fOlLoWiNg ThE cOnClUsIoN oF tHe ThIrD gRaIl WaR, a Us-BaSeD oRgAnIzAtIoN wItH mAgI dIsTiNcT fRoM tHe LoNdOn-BaSeD mAgE aSsOcIaTiOn, UsEd DaTa FrOm FuYuKi'S gRaIl WaR tO pLaN tHeIr OwN rItUaL. sEvEnTy YeArS lAtEr, ThEy UsEd ThE cItY oF sNoWfIeLd As ThE sAcReD lAnD fOr ThEiR oWn GrAiL wAr. HoWeVeR, tHeY wErE uNaBlE tO sUcCeSsFuLlY rEpLiCaTe EvErY aSpEcT oF tHe RiTuAl, ReSuLtInG iN iT aCtInG oNlY aS aN iMiTaTiOn ThAt HaS lOsT tHe SaBeR cLaSs AnD aLlOwEd FoR tHe SuMmOnInG oF sTrAnGe SeRvAnTs DuE tO tHe BlUrRiNg Of ThE dEfInItIoN oF a "hErO."
I am a prince I imprisoned 3puppies last night, he claimed his BD role to me. Sounded legit.

We talked about our secret strategies and I even made a beautiful logbook for him.

So I am town but still i dont know what to do soory.

I would get first trial on Mitch and depending on what happened I would switch to LDG.

But the trial happened on Val and I dont think i want to vote LDG right now.
Risky move, I must say. Losing a Prince early is not a good thing
I was outright told by the mod that i was attacked and survived because of a heal.

You get things like that in games like that.
I was outright told by the mod that i was attacked and survived because of a heal.

You get things like that in games like that.
Did Void allow you to share that?

Bear in mind this is a TOL game so we have to be careful.

I do notice you have gotten a lot more defensive rather than being “advisor”

Shall leave this thought here.
So if not val or ldg who would you go for?

Or i guess we can still win a cult game by just sleeping. Maybe some
Well Val is the only one on trial here.

I am careful about sharing too much in case I am targeted. Buuuttt..

I am 50/50 on LDG. She contradicted herself. Val maaaybe trying to trap potential scum with that dodgy vote.

I am also going to question my old buddy @morrison as well. Now if he can respond in a civil-like manner then I will listen. I know he has days of absences and migraines etc but would also like to hear more from him as feel he has coasted. Maybe on rep I don’t know.
Mitch I feel may be town. CWE I think is as he doesn’t lie. Especially about coming up with theories like he has.
I wouldn't expect any trial to gain much steam when they all had one nomination at this point.

I am interested to hear CWE theory. Hopefully he gains more info on it tonight.
The Val Trial Vote Count:

Pardon - 4 (Future #341, LDG #344, Badger #348, Satsu #355)

Not Voting: 3puppies, CWE, Listo95, Matthieu, MitchRapp, morrison, MTR, Robozerim, Val the Moofia Boss, Xanjori

It is now the Trial of Val. The trial will end when a majority of players vote Execute or Pardon. With 13 eligible voting players, majority is 7 votes. If a player is pardoned, the day will continue until 8:00pm ET on May 28th. Another trial can be had. If the player is executed, the day will end.
I wouldn't expect any trial to gain much steam when they all had one nomination at this point.

I am interested to hear CWE theory. Hopefully he gains more info on it tonight.
CWE will not share unless he feels the time is right.

What I will tell you is when he plays scum…he usually gives half-hearted truths without technically lying. He doesn’t lie…just doesn’t do it. He is cryptic for a reason.

Not getting the scummy vibe off him.
While I am thankful to see that people aren't voting to lynch me, I am also a little disappointed by what I am seeing here.

Town can only win by voting people off. I know my alignment, but you do not. You should be voting to off me as a matter of policy. Don't tell me today you're going to give scum a second free day in a row.
I was imprisoned by the Prince last night, who was helpful in writing my log book.

However, since there may be an illusionist out there, who has a nosy day ability, it is possible that some of this claim could have come from reading a log.

The illusionist is an unseen member, so if they targeted the Prince with the nosy day action, they would have shared it with their team. They could know who the Prince is, and depending on what was in your log book, who you targetted.

So can you share the code word that you came up with?
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