Cuddly, but Saavy
Robozerim has subbed in for Mazer. Please do not discuss the substitution.
Day 1 Vote Count:
MTR - 2 (Foxxi #9, MitchRapp #30)
Mitch - 1 (Claws #10)
Caito - 1 (CWE #32)
Claws - 1 (Xanjori #42)
CWE - 1 - (Caito #50)
Not Voting: 3puppies, Caito, Dreyski, Listo, morrison, MTR, Robozerim, Satsu, Val the Moofia Boss, Blind Ninja #25, Matthieu #27
It is now Day 1. Day 1 will end at 8:00pm ET on June 8th or when majority is reached. With 16 players alive, majority is 9 votes on a single player.
Day 1 Vote Count:
MTR - 2 (Foxxi #9, MitchRapp #30)
Mitch - 1 (Claws #10)
Caito - 1 (CWE #32)
Claws - 1 (Xanjori #42)
CWE - 1 - (Caito #50)
Not Voting: 3puppies, Caito, Dreyski, Listo, morrison, MTR, Robozerim, Satsu, Val the Moofia Boss, Blind Ninja #25, Matthieu #27
It is now Day 1. Day 1 will end at 8:00pm ET on June 8th or when majority is reached. With 16 players alive, majority is 9 votes on a single player.