Fingers of Suspicion

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Mafia 18 - Town of FoS

Day 1 Sub
  • Robozerim has subbed in for Mazer. Please do not discuss the substitution.

    Day 1 Vote Count:

    MTR - 2 (Foxxi #9, MitchRapp #30)
    Mitch - 1 (Claws #10)
    Caito - 1 (CWE #32)
    Claws - 1 (Xanjori #42)
    CWE - 1 - (Caito #50)

    Not Voting: 3puppies, Caito, Dreyski, Listo, morrison, MTR, Robozerim, Satsu, Val the Moofia Boss, Blind Ninja #25, Matthieu #27

    It is now Day 1. Day 1 will end at 8:00pm ET on June 8th or when majority is reached. With 16 players alive, majority is 9 votes on a single player.
    Proof No One Reads
  • -.-

    The signup post had the different possible modifiers for games, along with other game types. The discord channel has it too which also specifically states yall will be told if any special modifiers are used.

    No. Modifiers. Are. Used. (except hidden killers, but again i consider this default and not a modifier. Me showing killers would be modifier)
    New Challenger Has Arrived
  • The door to the hotel burst open, scaring everyone present. A cloud of dust flew through the door. As it settled, a bedraggled man ran into the hall, apologizing profusely. "My bad everyone. My bad. I am so sorry I am late. I am here now."

    Mazer has joined the game.

    Mod Note:
    I originally signed Mazer up without him saying yes/no. When we had another signup, I subbed since Mazer hadn't said anything to be or been in discord at all. Mazer did let me know early this morning that he is around and would like to play now.

    So! In that spirit or fun, Mazer has been added to the game. His role has been randomized across all possible valid roles for this game. He hasn't confirmed since I said I'd let him join, but fuck it. He's here now. Do what you all will with him.

    Living Players:

    1. 3puppies
    2. Blind Ninja
    3. Caito
    4. Claws
    5. CWE
    6. Dreyski
    7. Foxxi
    8. Listo
    9. Matthieu
    10. Mazer
    11. MitchRapp
    12. morrison
    13. MTR
    14. Robozerim
    15. Satsu
    16. Val the Moofia Boss
    17. Xanjori


    Day 1 Vote Count:

    Robo - 5 (Listo #55, Satsu #121, Dreyski #136, MTR #153, MitchRapp #212)
    MTR - 4 (Claws #100, Matthieu #150, Blind Ninja #176, Xanjori #208)
    Caito - 2 (CWE #32, 3puppies #118)
    Dreyski - 2 (Robo #198, Foxxi #199)
    CWE - 1 (Caito #50)
    Claws - 1 (Val #122)

    Not Voting: Mazer, morrison

    It is now Day 1. Day 1 will end at 8:00pm ET on June 8th or when majority is reached. With 17 players alive, majority is 9 votes on a single player. If majority is not reached by end of day, there will be no elimination
    Day 1 End
  • Final Day 1 Vote Count:

    Dreyski - 6 (Robo #198, Foxxi #199, Xanjori #257, Claws #259, Blind Ninja #265, Morrison #273)
    Robo - 5 (Listo #55, Satsu #121, Dreyski #136, MTR #153, MitchRapp #212)
    Caito - 2 (CWE #32, 3puppies #118)
    CWE - 1 (Caito #50)
    Claws - 1 (Val #122)
    MTR - 1 (Matthieu #150)

    Not Voting: Mazer

    It is now Day 1. Day 1 will end at 8:00pm ET on June 8th or when majority is reached. With 17 players alive, majority is 9 votes on a single player. If majority is not reached by end of day, there will be no elimination.


    The group discussed throughout the day, but ultimately did not come to any conclusion on those amongst them that sought to do Plainsville harm. Everyone left the banquet room and headed off to their rooms, ready to sleep on the beds and maybe cause some mischief.

    There has been no elimination.


    It is now Night 1. Night 1 end at 8:00pm ET on June 9th or when all actions are submitted. Actions must be submitted by 7:00pm ET for them to be valid.
    Last edited:
    Day 2 Start
  • The group awoke, as the hotel gave a nice complimentary wake up call to everyone. As the group left their rooms and headed to the elevator, they could have sworn they heard unanswered phones still ringing in some rooms. They thought nothing of it as they headed downstairs to the meeting room.

    As everyone gathered, there were decidedly less people than had started with them. What could have happened? A member of staff went to the rooms to check and vomited at the sights that he beheld.

    MitchRapp, playing as The Cleric, has been killed and a last will was found.

    Last Will:

    N1 - Caito

    MTR, playing as The Coroner, has been killed and no last will was found.

    Matthieu, playing as The Executioner, has been killed and no last will was found.


    Living Players:

    1. 3puppies
    2. Blind Ninja
    3. Caito
    4. Claws
    5. CWE
    6. Dreyski
    7. Foxxi
    8. Listo
    9. Mazer
    10. morrison
    11. Robozerim
    12. Satsu
    13. Val the Moofia Boss
    14. Xanjori

    Dead Players:

    1. MitchRapp, playing as The Cleric, has been killed.
    2. MTR, playing as The Coroner, has been killed.
    3. Matthieu, playing as The Executioner, has been killed.


    It is now Day 2. Day 2 will end at 8:00pm ET on June 11th or when majority is reached. With 14 players alive, majority is 8 votes on a single player.
    Last edited:
    Day 2 End
  • Final Day 2 Vote Count:

    Caito - 8 (CWE #341, Foxxi #346, Claws #352, Satsu #373, 3puppies #449, Blind Ninja #480, Robozerim #484, Val #551)

    Xanjori - 1 (Dreyski #488)
    CWE - 1 (Caito #545)

    Not Voting: Listo, Mazer, morrison, Xanjori

    It is now Day 2. Day 2 will end at 8:00pm ET on June 11th or when majority is reached. With 14 players alive, majority is 8 votes on a single player. If majority is not reached by end of day, there will be no elimination.


    The group debated during the day and came upon a name. A valiant defense was offered by Caito as they accused him of being treasonous to Plainsville. Aghast, Caito vehemently told them they were morons. However, this ended up falling on deaf ears as Caito was voted to be excommunicated from Plainville…and the mortal plane.

    The guards grabbed Caito who did quick backflip and kicked them both in the helmets, landing on the floor with grace. He brushed himself off and glared at everyone. “I will see myself out, thank you very much.” With that Caito set off to worlds unknown to live out his life, away from those he viewed with disdain at their votes.

    Caito, playing as the Psychic, has been eliminated and a last will was found.

    Last Will:

    Targeted Mitch

    Told at least 1 town between him and CWE

    Going to the 19th hole

    It is now Night 2. Night 2 will end at 8:00pm ET on June 12th or when all actions are submitted. Actions must be submitted by 7:00pm ET for them to be valid.
    Last edited:
    Day 3 Start
  • The group awoke. There had been noises and rumbling during the night and they feared what they would come to see when they all gathered. But gather together they must, as the Coven had to be routed at all costs. As the group found themselves in the banquet hall of the hotel, they noticed that a number of them were missing…

    Dreyski, playing as the Deputy, has been killed and no last will was found, but a Death Note was.

    Death Note:

    3puppies, playing as the Socialite, has been killed and a last will was found.

    Last Will:

    D1: Add CWE to guest list
    N1: party at Caito's
    D2: add Robo to guest list
    N2: Party at Foxxi's

    A rhythmic thumping sound was heard as someone stood up from the table and tipped their hat to everyone. “Well, I thank everyone here for their kind gestures and manners, but I have gotten what I have come for. You all may continue doing whatever it is you wish to do. I got me booty.” Robozerim then thumped out of the banquet hall, his peg leg now clearly diamond encrusted.

    Robozerim, playing as the Pirate, has plundered two players and left the game in victory.


    Living Players:

    1. Blind Ninja
    2. Claws
    3. CWE
    4. Foxxi
    5. Listo
    6. Mazer
    7. morrison
    8. Satsu
    9. Val the Moofia Boss
    10. Xanjori

    Dead Players:

    1. MitchRapp, playing as The Cleric, has been killed. (Night 1)
    2. MTR, playing as The Coroner, has been killed (Night 1)
    3. Matthieu, playing as The Executioner, has been killed. (Night 1)
    4. Caito, playing as the Psychic, has been eliminated. (Day 2)
    5. Dreyski, playing as the Deputy, has been killed. (Night 2)
    6. 3puppies, playing as the Socialite, has been killed. (Night 2)

    Winning Players:

    1. Robezerim, playing as the Pirate, has plundered two players and left the game in victory.


    It is now Day 3. Day 3 will end at 8:00pm ET on June 13th or when majority is reached. With 10 players alive, majority is 6 votes on a single player.
    Day 3 Event
  • The group spoke heatedly during the day, but a fist slammed the table and Xanjori arose from it. “I really don’t actually care what any of you have to say. I am the Prosecutor and my word is law. Xanjori looked at Satsu and pointed dramatically at him. “Get rid of this one. The sight of him disgusts me.” Everyone at the table looked curiously at Xanjori, waiting to pounce if his word was proven to be untrue.

    The guards grabbed Satsu and with a quick stroke of a sword, impaled him causing him to fall the floor, dead almost immediately. The guards rummaged the corpse for information and then grinned wildly.

    Satsu, playing as the Poisoner, has been prosecuted and eliminated.

    bowed and sat back down.

    It is now Day 3. Day 3 will end at 8:00pm ET or when majority is reached. With 9 players alive, majority is 5 votes on a single player. If majority is not reached by end of day, there will be no elimination. All votes have been reset.
    Day 4 Start
  • The group, weary and bedraggled from the constant chaos, awoke and met in the banquet hall and took a look around at everyone to see what was up. One of them appeared to be missing and it was one that they all looked up to. The Spy was no more.

    CWE, playing as the Spy, has been killed and no last will was found.

    As everyone mourned the loss, trumpets and horns sounded from on high as a sinister voice spoke out to everyone.

    Famine, Horseman of the Apocalypse has arrived and will bring Starvation with them imminently.


    Living Players:

    1. Claws
    2. Foxxi
    3. Listo
    4. Mazer
    5. morrison
    6. Val the Moofia Boss
    7. Xanjori

    Dead Players:

    1. MitchRapp, playing as The Cleric, has been killed. (Night 1)
    2. MTR, playing as The Coroner, has been killed (Night 1)
    3. Matthieu, playing as The Executioner, has been killed. (Night 1)
    4. Caito, playing as the Psychic, has been eliminated. (Day 2)
    5. Dreyski, playing as the Deputy, has been killed. (Night 2)
    6. 3puppies, playing as the Socialite, has been killed. (Night 2)
    7. Satsu, playing as the Poisoner, has been prosecuted and eliminated. (Day 3)
    8. Blind Ninja, playing as the Ritualist, has been eliminated. (Day 3)
    9. CWE, playing as the Spy, has been killed. (Night 3)

    Winning Players:

    1. Robezerim, playing as the Pirate, has plundered two players and left the game in victory.


    It is now Day 4. Day 3 will end at 8:00pm ET on June 14th or when majority is reached. With 7 players alive, majority is 4 votes on a single player.
    Day 4 Event
  • A familiar fist slammed down on the table. Xanjori stood up and smiled. "I don't feel like listening to Val woof anymore. Begone with his horrible visage."

    A split second later, Val's head toppled from his body and hit the floor.

    Val, playing as the Necromancer, has been prosecuted and eliminated.

    It is now Day 4. Day 4 will end at 8:00pm ET on Jun 14th or when majority is reached. With 6 players alive, majority is 4 votes on a single player.
    Day 4 End
  • The group came together quickly and decided that Morrison was the one who needed to be eliminated. Morrison protested only slightly as he was hauled off into parts unknown, but everyone knew he would not be coming back.

    Morrison, playing as the Witch, has been eliminated.

    It is now Night 4. Night 4 will end at 8:00pm ET on Jun 14th or when all actions are submitted.
    Game End
  • The group present did not get rid of Famine in time and they knew they were in for it when the next day came, but they sought to do whatever they could tonight to ward off any issues. However, when they awoke, only three of them remained as everyone else had starved to death during the night. Those lucky few that had stored away some bread however, were lucky to be alive.

    Foxxi, playing as the Veteran, has starved to death.

    Xanjori, playing as the Prosecutor Potato, has starved to death.


    Claws, Listo, and Mazer met up in the banquet hall and viewed each other warily. However, those wary stares quickly turned into smiles and Listo jumped up on the banquet table and start doing a sultry dance while removing his clothes. “Stripper Listo has gotten married, bitchessssssss.” Listo looked at Mazer and blew him a kiss. “There is no way I am getting rid of my man, Claws. And I saw how you looked at him during the night. You think your paltry offer was enough to pay for all of my services? Hah. Mazer offers me so much more.”

    With that, Claws yelled in fury, and exploded into a million pieces.

    Claws, playing as Famine, Horseman of the Apocalypse, has been eliminated.


    Listo and Mazer shared a tender, yet decidedly wet kiss, as they held hands, walking off into the sunset together, ensuring that Plainsville will live to see another day.

    Listo, playing as the Retributionist, has walked off into the sunset with Mazer, playing as the Admirer.

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