Fingers of Suspicion

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Mafia 21- American Assassin

Okay I getting my vote out there because I know once I leave work probably won't be back on line until after 6:30 and I am tired of missing votes because I lose track of time. I am not sure what is going on with CWE but this is just not working for me. As far as the other train goes with Future. I am a bit conflicted on it. I always joke about him being scum but haven't made up my mind on him quite yet this game

Vote: CWE
I want us to chop CWE today.
If he does NOT flip either scum or Donatella, sure, you can turbo matthieu tomorrow (at the small but non-negligible risk that CWE is Prince Omar).
If he DOES flip scum, continue hunting between Future/MTR/Robo/morrison and don't touch Claws unless you haven't found Donatella by the endgame.
Don't yeet Grumpy, don't yeet Jarrod (greenchecked), don't yeet matthieu if CWE is non-town. Preferably don't yeet me, either, but that's not for me to decide.
I wish we could speed up the game and vote out more than one player per day, but considering we've been struggling to even vote one, I guess that's a distant dream.
Vote Count:

CWE-6 (Matthieu #981, Future #984, Jarrod #985, Wimdward #1073, MTR #1104, Claws #1104)
Future-1 (CWE #1015, Grumpy #1016)

Anna was scared, her husband had left and she had not heard from him in a few days. She knew he would check in but not hearing from him was difficult. She moved about the kitchen and decided it was time to prepare some food and make a decision. She always thought better on a full stomach.

Anna turned on the stove. It took only a matter of seconds and the explosion was deafening.

CWE has been lynched. He was Anna Riley, survivor.

1. Robozerim
2. Future
3. Matthieu
4. MTR
5. WindwardAway
6. morrison
7. Jarrod1983
8. Grumpycat
9. Claws

ROles are due in 24 hours.

Val has been assassinated. He was David- Palistine Operative and the town doctor.
Listo is dead. He was Samir Fahad, Assassin for Hire. Vigilante.

BN has been lynched he was Mitch Rapp Godfather
Void Kitten is dead. He was Paul Fournier- France’s General Directorate for External Security (Cop)
Mazer has been killed. He was Terrorist organization Abu Sayyaf. Bodyguard

CWE has been lynched. He was Anna Riley, survivor.
Last edited:
Thomas Stansfield was in no mood for tomfoolery. He sent some of his men to sit on Jarrod. All of Jarrod’s plans for the night were foiled.

Ben Friedman snuck into Robo’s office and looked through all of his things. The lead of Mossad gathered all the intel he could.

Jane and Tom Hoffman had been on the lamb for days. The stress was starting to get to them. They began to bicker over every detail. While driving from Milan to Minsk the issues grew. In the heat of the moment Jane pulled her gun and shot Tom. The car then smashed into the guardrail sending Jane flying.

Morrison is dead. He was Tom and Jane Hoffman.

Thomas Stansfield
had seen enough in his days of the CIA to know when to bring the heat. Tonight was the night. He sent more of his assets to hunt Donatella Rahn. Donatella had no plans of going quietly. As she returned to one of her safe houses she had her gun ready. She turned the key to the house and as she entered she swept the room from left to right. There he was, an unknown CIA assassin sent by Stansfield. “Don’t move” she told him. As she progressed towards him he raised both hands in the air. “I’m not here to hurt you,” he exclaimed. “I just want to talk.” As Grumpy Cat pondered this she was hit hard from the side by a second assassin who came out of the bedroom. He quickly fired two shots into her head and then men began cleanup.

GrumpyCat is dead. He was Donatell Rahn, SK.

1. Robozerim
2. Future
3. Matthieu
4. MTR
5. WindwardAway
6. Jarrod1983
7. Claws

48 Hours from 3:30 central. 4 to lynch

Val has been assassinated. He was David- Palistine Operative and the town doctor.
Listo is dead. He was Samir Fahad, Assassin for Hire. Vigilante.

BN has been lynched he was Mitch Rapp Godfather
Void Kitten is dead. He was Paul Fournier- France’s General Directorate for External Security (Cop)
Mazer has been killed. He was Terrorist organization Abu Sayyaf. Bodyguard
CWE has been lynched. He was Anna Riley, survivor.

Morrison is dead. He was Tom and Jane Hoffman.
GrumpyCat is dead. He was Donatell Rahn, SK.
Thomas Stansfield was in no mood for tomfoolery. He sent some of his men to sit on Jarrod. All of Jarrod’s plans for the night were foiled.

Ben Friedman snuck into Robo’s office and looked through all of his things. The lead of Mossad gathered all the intel he could.

Jane and Tom Hoffman had been on the lamb for days. The stress was starting to get to them. They began to bicker over every detail. While driving from Milan to Minsk the issues grew. In the heat of the moment Jane pulled her gun and shot Tom. The car then smashed into the guardrail sending Jane flying.

Morrison is dead. He was Tom and Jane Hoffman.

Thomas Stansfield
had seen enough in his days of the CIA to know when to bring the heat. Tonight was the night. He sent more of his assets to hunt Donatella Rahn. Donatella had no plans of going quietly. As she returned to one of her safe houses she had her gun ready. She turned the key to the house and as she entered she swept the room from left to right. There he was, an unknown CIA assassin sent by Stansfield. “Don’t move” she told him. As she progressed towards him he raised both hands in the air. “I’m not here to hurt you,” he exclaimed. “I just want to talk.” As Grumpy Cat pondered this she was hit hard from the side by a second assassin who came out of the bedroom. He quickly fired two shots into her head and then men began cleanup.

GrumpyCat is dead. He was Donatell Rahn, SK.

1. Robozerim
2. Future
3. Matthieu
4. MTR
5. WindwardAway
6. Jarrod1983
7. Claws

48 Hours from 3:30 central. 4 to lynch

Val has been assassinated. He was David- Palistine Operative and the town doctor.
Listo is dead. He was Samir Fahad, Assassin for Hire. Vigilante.

BN has been lynched he was Mitch Rapp Godfather
Void Kitten is dead. He was Paul Fournier- France’s General Directorate for External Security (Cop)
Mazer has been killed. He was Terrorist organization Abu Sayyaf. Bodyguard
CWE has been lynched. He was Anna Riley, survivor.

Morrison is dead. He was Tom and Jane Hoffman.
GrumpyCat is dead. He was Donatell Rahn, SK.
Wtf lol
Grumpy was the SK and had some form of strongman 😅
Also, was Morrison a self-destructive role or what? He just flipped his flavor.

Also I guess matthieu didn't actually have anything on CWE since we had no cop after VK's death. There goes my tracker theory 😬 and matthieu goes back into the pool of possible scum.

At least we don't have to worry about the SK anymore.
I was writing a post to vote Future but I suddenly had a revelation and realized why and how CWE flipped survivor (honestly, was not a priority flip for town but at least we didn't flip town).

Vote: Robozerim

This is scum.
Well, anyway. I think I know everyone's roles, and I almost definitely know everyone's flavors. I'll post the spreadsheet later but idk whether I should fill in all the role/flavor info or leave that for you guys to inference for yourselves. It's pretty obvious from the pattern of actions, though.
Honestly I'm relieved Grumpy got taken out by scum lol
I was very much hoping that if one of the nights he was roleblocked, he actually acted, that he wasn't exactly mafia and that scum would try to kill him.
Same goes for Claws, but now that all the neuts have flipped, I'm locking Claws as town and you cannot convince me otherwise.
Jarrod is a true greencheck, I'm also a greencheck, and I think between Future/Robo/MTR, that MTR is most likely to be town. That pool of names HAS TO contain exactly 2 scum.
Honestly I'm relieved Grumpy got taken out by scum lol
I was very much hoping that if one of the nights he was roleblocked, he actually acted, that he wasn't exactly mafia and that scum would try to kill him.
Same goes for Claws, but now that all the neuts have flipped, I'm locking Claws as town and you cannot convince me otherwise.
Jarrod is a true greencheck, I'm also a greencheck, and I think between Future/Robo/MTR, that MTR is most likely to be town. That pool of names HAS TO contain exactly 2 scum.
I (in)conveniently forgot Matthieu but since I know his flavor/role I'm also locking him as town, don't question it.
For mechanical reasons, I'd rather vote out whichever of Robo/Future is the roleblocker, because I still don't know if Hayes only had a ninja or if he's a goon, and Thomas is still actively roleblocking people, and killing the mafia roleblocker would mean we can directly block tonight's kill and also confirm the last scum that way to be absolutely certain. But anyway, that remains to be seen.

I think the only real situation I'd like to avoid is Prince Omar blocking Ben Friedman. And if Thomas is still alive tonight, he's gonna block one of them anyway so it won't really matter, and likely one of them will be able to confirm the last scum if they get their action through.
For mechanical reasons, I'd rather vote out whichever of Robo/Future is the roleblocker, because I still don't know if Hayes only had a ninja or if he's a goon, and Thomas is still actively roleblocking people, and killing the mafia roleblocker would mean we can directly block tonight's kill and also confirm the last scum that way to be absolutely certain. But anyway, that remains to be seen.

I think the only real situation I'd like to avoid is Prince Omar blocking Ben Friedman. And if Thomas is still alive tonight, he's gonna block one of them anyway so it won't really matter, and likely one of them will be able to confirm the last scum if they get their action through.
Actually, not entirely true that it's likely one can sniff out the last scum, since scum can apparently multitask, according to today's writeup. Thomas used his roleblock and also killed.
Also I guess matthieu didn't actually have anything on CWE since we had no cop after VK's death. There goes my tracker theory 😬 and matthieu goes back into the pool of possible scum.
He flipped third party. Third party roles can and often do side against town if it favours them.
  • Angry
Reactions: CWE
He flipped third party. Third party roles can and often do side against town if it favours them.
Yeah, I was honestly hoping we could just ignore the survivor if town kept the advantage, since survivors just side with whomever is currently winning, but yeah they can switch sides on a whim if they want scum to leave them alone.
We only have 2 mafia and no neuts left in the game.

Town is in no real danger of losing.

As far as I'm concerned, Robo is probably redchecked, and also highly likely to be scum just by process of elimination and mechanics.

And you, Future, defending BN earlier and now Robo who is probably gonna flip scum, looks extremely bad.
You weren't worried at all that CWE might be a mislynch, and he was active but emoji posting, and he flipped something that wasn't mafia. But suddenly you're afraid that Robo, who hasn't posted AT ALL since D1 and has contributed absolutely nothing all game, is going to flip town?? Lol
You weren't worried at all that CWE might be a mislynch, and he was active but emoji posting, and he flipped something that wasn't mafia. But suddenly you're afraid that Robo, who hasn't posted AT ALL since D1 and has contributed absolutely nothing all game, is going to flip town?? Lol
I’m weighing my options.

For all it matters, you could be scum, but the chances of you pocketing everyone is extremely low
He flipped third party. Third party roles can and often do side against town if it favours them.
I'd like to say this isn't always the case. I've gotten 3rd before and pretty much town sided and never looked back. Even if town people were driving me nuts about trust.
If we don't have a lot else to talk about me or Jarrod could hammer Robo since that is the way we are going this phase
I'd like to say this isn't always the case. I've gotten 3rd before and pretty much town sided and never looked back. Even if town people were driving me nuts about trust.
There's definitely exceptions. Though with CWE, his emote use may have been benign but he wasn't really contributing much.

Good thing the SK is already out
Yeah, that gives us more breathing room.

Should we just push ahead with ending the day early and getting rid of Robo? I'm fairly confident he's the right target and in the event I'm mistaken, we'd only be losing someone who is dangerously quiet anyway.
Albert Rudin closed his flip phone. His wife had encouraged him to get a new one but he just did not care enough to tackle the new technology. He was ready to head home from work when a brown envelope slipped under his door. He made his way over and picked it up. He opened the door and looked around the halls but no one was there.

Back inside he ripped it open. Could this be the info that he was waiting for to finally stick it to the CIA? No. The envelope contained multiple photos of him with the various women he had been entertaining late at night and directions of how to draft his resignation letter so that the pictures would never been seen by anyone else.

Robo had been lynched. He was Albert Rudin, vanilla Democratic Congressmen.

1. Future
2. Matthieu
3. MTR
4. WindwardAway
5. Jarrod1983
6. Claws

24 hours for roles

Val has been assassinated. He was David- Palistine Operative and the town doctor.
Listo is dead. He was Samir Fahad, Assassin for Hire. Vigilante.
BN has been lynched he was Mitch Rapp Godfather
Void Kitten is dead. He was Paul Fournier- France’s General Directorate for External Security (Cop)
Mazer has been killed. He was Terrorist organization Abu Sayyaf. Bodyguard

CWE has been lynched. He was Anna Riley, survivor.
Morrison is dead. He was Tom and Jane Hoffman.
GrumpyCat is dead. He was Donatell Rahn, SK.
Robo had ben lynched. He was Albert Rudin, vanilla Democratic Congressmen.
Thomas Stansfield continued to use the vast network of assassins and spies at his disposal. Tonight he had his people occupying Jarrod so that he could not continue out his plans.

Ben Friedman broke into Windwards office and went through all of his things. Ben knew what Windward was up to for the night.

President Hayes and Windward sat down for a meeting in the oval. “Thank you for coming Frank,Hayes said. “Let’s cut straight to the point. I know everything you have been up to these past few days and to put it bluntly, it pisses me off. You are my Secretary of Sate. We are supposed to be on the same team dammit.” Frank Wilson shifted awkwardly in his seat. “You will announce resignation, and I in turn will not let the press know about all of the financial misdealings you have had and the kickbacks.” Winward got up and walked to the door. “I will make an announcement this weekend.”

Windward has been killed. He was vanilla Secretary of State Frank Wilson

1. Future
2. Matthieu
3. MTR
4. Jarrod1983
5. Claws

48 Hours. 3 to lynch

Val has been assassinated. He was David- Palistine Operative and the town doctor.
Listo is dead. He was Samir Fahad, Assassin for Hire. Vigilante.
BN has been lynched he was Mitch Rapp Godfather
Void Kitten is dead. He was Paul Fournier- France’s General Directorate for External Security (Cop)
Mazer has been killed. He was Terrorist organization Abu Sayyaf. Bodyguard

CWE has been lynched. He was Anna Riley, survivor.
Morrison is dead. He was Tom and Jane Hoffman.
GrumpyCat is dead. He was Donatell Rahn, SK.
Robo had ben lynched. He was Albert Rudin, vanilla Democratic Congressmen.
Windward has been killed. He was vanilla Secretary of State
Alright, so we're down to the following players:

1. Future
2. Matthieu
3. MTR
4. Jarrod1983
5. Claws

Jarrod was occupied, so he could not have performed the kill during the night phase. So taking myself and Jarrod out of the equation leaves us with:

1. Future
3. MTR
5. Claws

There's two (?) scum left, split amongst those three. We need to figure out who.

Don't cast any hasty votes as we only need three votes to yeet someone and scum could easily jump on and hammer if it's the wrong call.
probably future if theres only 2 i dont think it matters who the RB wont beable to RB and kill and they basically have to kill to stay relavent
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