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Mafia 19 - Cult of the Fox

  • Thread starter Thread starter Claws
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Val smells but i think it is just a whiff of village in the town. Matt on the other hand.

Vote: Matthieu
This is opportunistic.

If there's one thing you can guarantee from me, it is activity. I also died back on N1 during the previous game and although it's admittedly selfish I'm just going to say it.

Go and fucking yeet one of the no shows for a change or at least apply some meaningful pressure to them.

What do you want me to do, exactly? I outline my thoughts, they're ignored. There are multiple posters who have barely contributed anything (and let's be honest, they'll mostly cruise by simply through lurking and checking in once or twice a day phase...if that).
Are there 3 or so hours left? Shouldnt we chop someone? Feels about right
This is what makes me assume opportunism. Only cult (or a serial killer) would be concerned with just going after 'someone'. You're not asking any questions of the player you want to eliminate and that lack of questioning is often your biggest scum tell I've found.
Not much you can do in this setup really. If i was in your place I would just take a yeet and observe the shitshow ;p

And if you are a cultit well, tought luck.

No, I'm not taking a yeet without a fight. For both in-game and out of game reasons.

Why should I be the one to go today over those who are conveniently 'busy' and who have a very long track record of not showing up to participate?

Also once again, you are not actually challenging me with anything. Either anything I have contributed thus far, or questions related to potential options.
You sound more and more like a cultist
No, I don't.

Do you want to know why I handled stuff badly a few games back and took a break? Because of shit like this. You, yourself, said this:

I have close to 0 thoughts on most people.

You're desperately scrambling to get rid of me to be seen as 'doing something' despite refusing to engage me in any meaningful capacity (just like your buddy 3pups who, I'll note, still hasn't responded to my probing to correct his misrepresentation of my D1 motives).
So if you genuinely have 'close to zero thoughts' then back off. Find someone else. You might actually strike gold by doing that as I am not the way to go.
Uh oh you are a cultist. Just dont quit playing, unfortunate rand.

So Claws is trustworthy someway. Can we fulfill his wet dream and get foxxi?
Uh oh you are a cultist. Just dont quit playing, unfortunate rand.

So Claws is trustworthy someway. Can we fulfill his wet dream and get foxxi?

No, I'm not a cultist.

Claws we seemingly can't deal with - during the day, at least. I dunno if he's immune to being targeted at night as well but I'd like to assume that he isn't.

I mean let bygones be bygones and do the right thing? together?

Sure. I don't want a fight.

Unvote: GrumpyCat
Vote: Foxxi
Foxxi - 5 (VK 645, Claws 722,Val 768, Matthieu 826, Grumpycat 829)
Val - 3 (BN 675, Lettuce 766, Jarrod 775)
Matthieu - 2 (3pup 690, Robo 777)
Vk - 1 (Ldg 688)
LDG - 1 (Mitchrapp 765)

Not voting: Foxxi, MTR, CWE, Listo95, Mazer

with 17 alive Majority is 9

Day ends june 22 @ 7pm est in about 1 hour and 30ish mins give or take
Claws was furious and threw a chair screaming "WHY WONT YOU DIE"!?!!?!
Meanwhile the town couldn't decide who they wanted today and went back to their houses

Final vote count:

Foxxi - 6 (VK 645, Claws 722,Val 768, Matthieu 826, Grumpycat 829, Mazer846)
Val - 4 (BN 675, Lettuce 766, Jarrod 775, Listo839)
Matthieu - 2 (3pup 690, Robo 777)
Vk - 1 (Ldg 688)
LDG - 1 (Mitchrapp 765)

Not voting: Foxxi, MTR, CWE

It is the start of N2

N2 ends june 23 @7:00pm est
Day 3 start
Claws sits there and contemplates his life.

RH goon plays with his pokemon cards.

The fox decides to shoot Robo and nothing happens.

Unrecruiter chose 3pups are the chosen one to protect tonight from the cult

Meanwhile the town vigs are out for blood!

vig shoots Foxxi and she BLASTS BACK?!?!

fantastic mr fox GIF

MTR dies he was ???

Vig shoots Matthieu

Matthieu dies he was ???

Vig shoots Val

??? he was ???

Vig shoots LDG

LDG Dies she was ???

Vig shoots Mazer

Mazer dies he was ???

Vig shoots Voidkitten

Voidkitten dies he was ???

Vig shoots Grumpycat

??? he was ???

SK sneaks in another house and turns on the gas while CWE is sleeping and throw a match back in as he walks away

CWE dies he was ???

Claws snaps his fingers and something happens.

Living players:
1. Foxxi
2. Robozerim
3. Listo95
4. Lettuce
5. 3puppies
6. BN
7. MitchRapp
8. Jarrod1983

With 9 alive Majority is 5

Day 3 will end June 25th at 7pm est
Last edited:
Yeah I'm probably in on this too

I wanna see how the day moves a little 1st tho
Im happy that a load of the noncontributors or minimal contributors got the axe. I think you have a little more needed to fully leave that grouping.

Shit, I might be the most vocal one left after foxxi
Thanks go to the unrecruiter for protecting me. I am kind of proud that I guessed right twice now, both Badger and matthieu have flipped cult. I want to go back and look at Matthieu's posts again but I am still out doing my coupon shopping
Okay, so the Voidkitten and Matthieu appeared to be cultists I guess? Either Void was there from the start, or he was recruited last night.
Hypothetically, the order of deaths could be a misdirect from Claws and MTR wasn't the one that Foxxi seems to have killed in the writeup.
Did claws make this cult of the fox expecting people to try to kill me... and make me some kinda hidden pgo for lulz or something? Could explain why he wanted people to yeet me... and he prolly knew I'd encourage it too XD
We've had 3 cult deaths thus far. Given it's day three, cult is guaranteed worse off now than at the start as far as total numbers go. If they failed to recruit (from unrecruiter, or inherent immunity as I'd suspect the serial killers have), then they could be in a very bad spot right now.

Alternately, they could have succeeded twice and be lower in overall numbers, but better as a total percentage.
Void had to have been from the start, since the unrecruiter hit him N1
That's only if you assume that recruitment occurs after all kills, or if you assume the unrecruiter makes them permanently immune to recruitment. The unrecruiter writeup does mention protection for that night, so I'd guess it's not permanent. If recruitment occurs before night kills, then it's possible he was recruited last night and then shot by one of the nigh infinite vigilantes.

I do think it's probably more likely he was an original member, but only a moderate amount more likely than dying immediately after recruitment.
That's only if you assume that recruitment occurs after all kills, or if you assume the unrecruiter makes them permanently immune to recruitment. The unrecruiter writeup does mention protection for that night, so I'd guess it's not permanent. If recruitment occurs before night kills, then it's possible he was recruited last night and then shot by one of the nigh infinite vigilantes.

I do think it's probably more likely he was an original member, but only a moderate amount more likely than dying immediately after recruitment.
Id assume the the unrecruit protects prior to the recruit going out. So doubt VK was the N1 convert. Which would mean he was likely an original, or converted and killed the same night.
It is disheartening to see Void flipping cult despite having that N1 protection. Did he die on the night of recruitment? Or was he a starting cultist? Regardless, for now I'm going to trust 3puppies as they pushed Matthieu and was protected last night, and was also on Badger I guess.

1. Foxxi
2. Robozerim
3. Listo95
4. Lettuce
5. 3puppies
6. BN
7. MitchRapp
8. Jarrod1983
9. Claws

9 players left. 8 if you remove Claws. I am almost certainly cleared at least for today because the cult tried to murder me last night. 3puppies is not necessarily cleared, but looking pretty good. 6 players left to pick from.

1. Foxxi
3. Listo95
4. Lettuce
6. BN
7. MitchRapp
8. Jarrod1983

Any one of them could hypothetically be recruited. With 3 cult deaths, they are at most 3 members remaining as I doubt a cult would start at more than four members (and I'd say 4 is a bit high if it weren't for the large amount of killers around). At the lowest, they could be all dead if their recruits all failed and there were only 3 members to start or one of the unknowns was a cultist. The reality is probably closer to the former than the latter. I am going to go forward with the tentative assumption of 2 left alive.

A lot of vigilantes undoubtedly died last night, but there's surely some left out there. Who we lynch may not make much of a difference compared to the night kills, but that doesn't mean we shouldn't try for a lynch.

Foxxi might be the cult recruiter and the PGO retaliation against the vigi was combined with her other abilities. Or it could be something completely unrelated. She is certainly a person of interest.

Definitely confusing as to why two people turned up ??? for their name in addition to their role. The ??? is coloured, but I'd guess is meant to indicate that we don't know their alignment. It's really weird that they would be like that. Are some of the vigilantes cannibals? Did the cult have hidden abilities making some people not flip normally? Did those two players have something in their role make it so their identity is completely hidden on death? Maybe they're actually town, or cultists? We may never know while the game still runs.

At this point we could basically throw a dart at the remaining six on my list, any of them could have been recruited or started out as cult at this point. None of them ended up against Matthieu yesterday, so that doesn't help either, and the only one who voted Void is dead.

Time to throw that dart. Or use the die of fate, since I don't have darts. 6, the final spot on the list.

Vote: Jarrod1983
I might be making a mistake assuming the cult only has 1 recruit action each night. It could be possible they've had more chances to recruit than just the two I've assumed. If so, then I guess we have to really hope for some lucky vigilante hits tonight.
Ngl - kinda think robo may be the SK. With this many of us having vig shots (and apparent hidden pgo shots?) a lone SK wouldn't stand a chance without some kind of protections.
Vote: Robo
Ngl - kinda think robo may be the SK. With this many of us having vig shots (and apparent hidden pgo shots?) a lone SK wouldn't stand a chance without some kind of protections.
Vote: Robo
Ouch. I'd bet the cult plans to double tap me tonight either way.
Regardless, you're barking up the wrong tree. I may or may not have had some form of protection, but it's not because I'm a serial killer. Because I'm not one. Should be quite explicit on that. Which is of course what I'd say if I were a serial killer.
Foxxi survived a night kill. By her own logic, she is just as likely the serial killer as I am, plus she could also be the cult recruiter for the exact same reasons of such an important role needing some protection in such a kill heavy game. Of course she'd say she doesn't know why she survived in either of those situations. I, on the other hand, am clearly not the cult.
That's only if you assume that recruitment occurs after all kills, or if you assume the unrecruiter makes them permanently immune to recruitment. The unrecruiter writeup does mention protection for that night, so I'd guess it's not permanent. If recruitment occurs before night kills, then it's possible he was recruited last night and then shot by one of the nigh infinite vigilantes.

I do think it's probably more likely he was an original member, but only a moderate amount more likely than dying immediately after recruitment.
It feels unlikely that's a permanent buff, that would be fuxking broken
Ngl - kinda think robo may be the SK. With this many of us having vig shots (and apparent hidden pgo shots?) a lone SK wouldn't stand a chance without some kind of protections.
Vote: Robo
You know possibly a mod/claws based action or a cult power to conceal actions

Also that reasoning doesn't look super great for you since you clearly have protections
You know possibly a mod/claws based action or a cult power to conceal actions

Also that reasoning doesn't look super great for you since you clearly have protections
Not that I was aware of. Not that it matters since I don't care how it looks for me.
Both Robo and Foxxi surviving their attacks makes me question their allegience to town.

Foxxi I would question anyway by reputation, and for the simple fact that she has survived thus far. But both Matthieu and VK voting for Foxxi yesterday makes me pause, I don't think Foxxi is cult (or wasn't at that point).

Was Foxxi feigning that she didn't know she shot back at MTR? I've seen Foxxi more in dead chat making comments about every little detail, it seems to me unlike her to miss details like that.

What is PGO?

Robo surviving an attack makes me wonder if he's trying to pocket me. His point about rampant vig's being as much as if not more of a threat than a serial killer makes me wonder. My thought is that the vigs had one shot, whereas a SK has multiple. So most if not all of the vig's - if they didn't kill each other - are now basically vanilla. We may not have to worry about vigilantes anymore.
Both Robo and Foxxi surviving their attacks makes me question their allegience to town.

Foxxi I would question anyway by reputation, and for the simple fact that she has survived thus far. But both Matthieu and VK voting for Foxxi yesterday makes me pause, I don't think Foxxi is cult (or wasn't at that point).

Was Foxxi feigning that she didn't know she shot back at MTR? I've seen Foxxi more in dead chat making comments about every little detail, it seems to me unlike her to miss details like that.

What is PGO?

Robo surviving an attack makes me wonder if he's trying to pocket me. His point about rampant vig's being as much as if not more of a threat than a serial killer makes me wonder. My thought is that the vigs had one shot, whereas a SK has multiple. So most if not all of the vig's - if they didn't kill each other - are now basically vanilla. We may not have to worry about vigilantes anymore.
Neato info on the vigis. Not trying to pocket anybody. I like the cut of you gib these last couple days, and you got "unrecruited" last night.

PGO is Paranoid Gun Owner. The first time anybody visits them at night, they kill them (or burn through their protection) before they get a chance to use their ability on the PGO. If the person doesn't survive the PGO retaliation, their ability fails. Foxxi killing the person who attacked her and not dying herself is classic PGO results. There are some variants, such as multiple bullets, or not stopping the visitor, or only hitting those who try to kill them.
There's not a lot to go on when we don't get a lot in the write ups. So I am going to rely on vote history.

Foxxi and llettuce are survivors who avoided the Badger train, and Badger flipped purple.

I don't think Foxxi is purple (or I should say, was, at least before potentially last night) because both VK and Matthieu voted her yesterday.

Vote: llettuce
Both Robo and Foxxi surviving their attacks makes me question their allegience to town.

Foxxi I would question anyway by reputation, and for the simple fact that she has survived thus far. But both Matthieu and VK voting for Foxxi yesterday makes me pause, I don't think Foxxi is cult (or wasn't at that point).

Was Foxxi feigning that she didn't know she shot back at MTR? I've seen Foxxi more in dead chat making comments about every little detail, it seems to me unlike her to miss details like that.

What is PGO?

Robo surviving an attack makes me wonder if he's trying to pocket me. His point about rampant vig's being as much as if not more of a threat than a serial killer makes me wonder. My thought is that the vigs had one shot, whereas a SK has multiple. So most if not all of the vig's - if they didn't kill each other - are now basically vanilla. We may not have to worry about vigilantes anymore.
Typically a town vigilante would be exactly the same as a serial killer, someone that can kill every night, with the exception of the vigi being town aligned. Coming out and saying vigi has 1 shot seems like TMI.

There's not a lot to go on when we don't get a lot in the write ups. So I am going to rely on vote history.

Foxxi and llettuce are survivors who avoided the Badger train, and Badger flipped purple.

I don't think Foxxi is purple (or I should say, was, at least before potentially last night) because both VK and Matthieu voted her yesterday.

Vote: llettuce
Foxxi would def tell her teammates to bus her in this situation. The way Foxxi and VK were talking on D1 seemed soo natural. Didnt feel like scum theater. Looks more and more like actual scum. Then lets get onto how much Foxxi dislike scum roles and doesnt solve as much as them. Where has she been this game?

While I agree that Llettuce really hasnt done anything as well, feel Foxxi is a better choice. I highly doubt she is town.
Vote: Foxxi
I've not even tried to hide my lack of enthusiasm to be here. And apparently claws won't let people shoot me. I honestly don't know if he'll let people yeet me either the way he was carrying on yesterday reeks of some kind of trick.... but he's not doing that today so maybe.
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