Fingers of Suspicion

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Mafia 25 - The Town of Warcraft

Day 1 Vote Count:

MTR - 4 (FutureHold #28, 3puppies #48, MitchRapp #205, Sirius Black #305)
Mazer - 2 (Claws #301, GrumpyCat #302)
Sirius Black - 1 (LDG #44)
Dreyski - 1 (CWE #95)
Mitch - 1 (Val #171)
Claws - 1 (BN #231)

Not Voting: Dreyski, Listo, Matthieu, MTR, Mazer

It is now Day 1. Day 1 will end at 8:00pm ET on Oct 10th or when majority is reached. With 15 players alive, majority is 8 votes on a single player. If majority is not reached by the end of day, there will be no elimination.
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Dont visit me people. I dont like any of you.

I'd vote Mazer for lols... But seems like 1 person I distrust is already there. And the likelihood of VK modkilling him for not reaching post count is next to zero based on the late add.
As much as I dont like Claws... guess I can let him slide on D1

Mitch and Drey havent done anything to warrant votes.

Sirius/Insaner always deserves votes.

How is Future not a wagon?

Vote: FutureHold
As much as I dont like Claws... guess I can let him slide on D1

Mitch and Drey havent done anything to warrant votes.

Sirius/Insaner always deserves votes.

How is Future not a wagon?

Vote: FutureHold
I’m readjusting, also I slept in a lot today, catching up right now
I wonder if the tell of BN being more pliable as scum still holds true

Please explain what you mean by this.
Feel better soon, LDG Dare I ask if you have any thoughts on anybody?

As much as I dont like Claws... guess I can let him slide on D1

Mitch and Drey havent done anything to warrant votes.

Sirius/Insaner always deserves votes.

How is Future not a wagon?

Future is in his first game back. Targetting someone D1 on their return after a lengthy absence is a bit unfair.

While I get that Mazer might be granted a reprieve from a modkill for not meeting post requirements, is anyone else mostly just lurking? MTR and Dreyski - do you have any comments/thoughts?
Day 1 Vote Count:

MTR - 5 (FutureHold #28, 3puppies #48, MitchRapp #205, Sirius Black #305, Val #327)
Mazer - 2 (Claws #301, GrumpyCat #302)
Sirius Black - 1 (LDG #44)
Dreyski - 1 (CWE #95)
Sleep - 1 (BN #323)

Not Voting: Dreyski, Listo, Matthieu, MTR, Mazer

It is now Day 1. Day 1 will end at 8:00pm ET on Oct 10th or when majority is reached. With 15 players alive, majority is 8 votes on a single player. If majority is not reached by the end of day, there will be no elimination.
Ugh. Dragging myself back into the game for a bit. Why come after me? It won't get you anywhere and you will take out a TP. Fuckers making me claim this early.
Happy GIF by Disney
You guys are annoying the already grumpy guy. Hate to do this but only person close to a yeet is me which is dumb beyond looking at the votes against me to find coven.

Vote: sleep
Day 1 Vote Count:

MTR - 5 (FutureHold #28, 3puppies #48, MitchRapp #205, Sirius Black #305, Val #327)
Sleep - 3 (BN #323, MTR #337, Matthieu #339)
Mazer - 2 (Claws #301, GrumpyCat #302)
Sirius Black - 1 (LDG #44)
Dreyski - 1 (CWE #95)

Not Voting: Dreyski, Listo, Mazer

It is now Day 1. Day 1 will end at 8:00pm ET on Oct 10th or when majority is reached. With 15 players alive, majority is 8 votes on a single player. If majority is not reached by the end of day, there will be no elimination.
Day 1 Vote Count:

MTR - 6 (FutureHold #28, 3puppies #48, MitchRapp #205, Sirius Black #305, Val #327, Claws #344)
Sleep - 3 (BN #323, MTR #337, Matthieu #339)
Sirius Black - 1 (LDG #44)
Dreyski - 1 (CWE #95)
Mazer - 1 (GrumpyCat #302)

Not Voting: Dreyski, Listo, Mazer

It is now Day 1. Day 1 will end at 8:00pm ET on Oct 10th or when majority is reached. With 15 players alive, majority is 8 votes on a single player. If majority is not reached by the end of day, there will be no elimination.
Is it really possible that we have 3+ TP roles in this type of game? I have to go back and look closer at set up rules.
To clarify, are you saying you are one as well? I only see MTR'a claim.

I believe it's technically possible to have up to 3 without it conflicting with Grumpy And CWE's claims.
Day 1 Vote Count:

MTR - 5 (FutureHold #28, 3puppies #48, MitchRapp #205, Val #327, Claws #344)
Sleep - 3 (BN #323, MTR #337, Matthieu #339)
Sirius Black - 1 (LDG #44)
Dreyski - 1 (CWE #95)
Mazer - 1 (GrumpyCat #302)
FutureHold - 1 (Sirius Black #361)

Not Voting: Dreyski, Listo, Mazer

It is now Day 1. Day 1 will end at 8:00pm ET on Oct 10th or when majority is reached. With 15 players alive, majority is 8 votes on a single player. If majority is not reached by the end of day, there will be no elimination.
Day 1 Vote Count:

MTR - 4 (FutureHold #28, 3puppies #48, MitchRapp #205, Val #327)
Sleep - 3 (BN #323, MTR #337, Matthieu #339)
Sirius Black - 1 (LDG #44)
Dreyski - 1 (CWE #95)
Mazer - 1 (GrumpyCat #302)
FutureHold - 1 (Sirius Black #361)
Blind Ninja - 1 (Claws #363)

Not Voting: Dreyski, Listo, Mazer

It is now Day 1. Day 1 will end at 8:00pm ET on Oct 10th or when majority is reached. With 15 players alive, majority is 8 votes on a single player. If majority is not reached by the end of day, there will be no elimination.
Day 1 Vote Count:

MTR - 4 (FutureHold #28, 3puppies #48, MitchRapp #205, Val #327)
Sleep - 3 (BN #323, MTR #337, Matthieu #339)
Blind Ninja - 2 (Claws #363, Sirius Black #370)
Sirius Black - 1 (LDG #44)
Dreyski - 1 (CWE #95)
Mazer - 1 (GrumpyCat #302)

Not Voting: Dreyski, Listo, Mazer

It is now Day 1. Day 1 will end at 8:00pm ET on Oct 10th or when majority is reached. With 15 players alive, majority is 8 votes on a single player. If majority is not reached by the end of day, there will be no elimination.
To clarify, are you saying you are one as well? I only see MTR'a claim.

I believe it's technically possible to have up to 3 without it conflicting with Grumpy And CWE's claims.
Also to clarify since you have not played with me. I am anti hard claiming. Unless it is apart of a role like when I was the mayor.
I'm not overly convinced by the MTR train. Future's vote is because, 3pups's through mock jealousy, then a big ol' gap before Mitch and Val join in.
Ok i read last game scum chat and they tried to kill me n1 and half of other scum chat was when and how they would kill me. Ehh why..

Vote: BN
Day 1 Vote Count:

MTR - 4 (FutureHold #28, 3puppies #48, MitchRapp #205, Val #327)
Sleep - 3 (BN #323, MTR #337, Matthieu #339)
Blind Ninja - 3 (Claws #363, Sirius Black #370, GrumpyCat #383)
Sirius Black - 1 (LDG #44)
Dreyski - 1 (CWE #95)

Not Voting: Dreyski, Listo, Mazer

It is now Day 1. Day 1 will end at 8:00pm ET on Oct 10th or when majority is reached. With 15 players alive, majority is 8 votes on a single player. If majority is not reached by the end of day, there will be no elimination.
It's not in my nature to sleep D1 unless we need to hit majority, but I'm not sure I like either train. Surely law of averages says BN has to roll town sometime?
On the other hand, time is not on my side and with numbers like they are, It'll take some late switches.
Blind Ninja
Day 1 Vote Count:

MTR - 4 (FutureHold #28, 3puppies #48, MitchRapp #205, Val #327)
Blind Ninja - 4 (Claws #363, Sirius Black #370, GrumpyCat #383, Dreyski #388)
Sleep - 3 (BN #323, MTR #337, Matthieu #339)
Sirius Black - 1 (LDG #44)
Dreyski - 1 (CWE #95)

Not Voting: Listo, Mazer

It is now Day 1. Day 1 will end at 8:00pm ET on Oct 10th or when majority is reached. With 15 players alive, majority is 8 votes on a single player. If majority is not reached by the end of day, there will be no elimination.
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