Fingers of Suspicion

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Mafia 6 - Heart of the Cards

Day 1 Start
  • VoidKitten

    Cuddly, but Saavy
    Welcome everyone to the Game Thread for Mafia 6 - Heart of the Cards. Below is the original signup post with any needed tweaks.

    As a reminder, there are NO CLAIMS ALLOWED. Any breadcrumbing, action hinting, etc will be dealt with via a warning/modkill depending on severity. You are allowed to claim information, but must do so vaguely.

    1. Day phases will be 48 hours and night phases will be 24 hours. Phases will start/end at 8:00pm ET. Night actions must be submitted by 6:00pm ET for them to be valid. As always, times may be adjusted and not specifically 48/24 depending on how the game goes.
    2. I recommend posting at least 5 posts per day phase and placing at least one vote per day phase.
    3. No discussing the game outside of the thread or in specified discord channels. No using OGI or angleshooting (such as comparing how rolecards are written or checking if someone is around in Discord but not thread.).
    5. Self-targeting is not allowed unless otherwise specified
    6. This game will be modified majority. If majority is not reached by end of day, if a player has a majority of votes cast, they will be eliminated. If modified majority is not reached, there will be no elimination.
    7. Votes/Unvotes must be done through the BBCode. Unvotes no longer require you to write something in it so you can just unvote. I will not count votes not done properly. You do not need to unvote to vote again. I will count the most recent vote.
    8. Vote Counts will be provided sporadically and usually kept decently up to date in discord. If you need a vote count, ping me in thread or discord and I can provide one as soon as I can. If I just posted a vote count, I will not post another unless I decide to

    Living Players:

    1. 3puppies
    2. Cape90
    3. Claws
    4. Crackleslap
    5. CWE
    6. FutureHold
    7. GrumpyCat
    8. Kareemah
    9. Listo95
    10. Llettuce
    11. Matthieu
    12. Mazer
    13. MTR
    14. Nightingale
    15. PsychoSoldier
    16. Tildey
    17. Val the Moofia Boss 2.0
    18. WindwardAway
    19. Xanjori

    Dead Players:
    1. Val the Moofia Boss, playing as Mystical Elf/Garbador, the Redirecting Ability Backup, has been killed. (Night 1)
    2. Blind Ninja, playing as Team Rocket, the Manipulating Super JOAT Jester/Unjester, has been eliminated in a gleeful victory. (Day 2)
    3. DivaSmurf, playing as Time Magician/Marowak, the Town Captain JOAT, has been killed. (Night 2)
    4. Rock the hard place, playing as Saggi the Dark Clown/Squirtle, the Tracking Ability Cop, has been killed. (Night 2)

    Day/Night Writeups:

    Game Intro:

    Maximillion Pegasus ducked out of the way as bullets whizzed over his head. His enemies had finally come for him and his illicit business practices, even though he was owner of the largest corporation in the world and the creator of Duel Monsters. He stopped to catch his breath and pulled out a communicator. “Yes. It is Pegasus. We need to initiate the failsafe. There is no other option, Ash. Get ready.” Pegasus closed his eyes and quickly opened them, triggering the power in his Millenium Eye.

    As he did this, Ash Ketchum jumped off of his bike and ran into a seemingly innocuous shack. However, inside was a hidden control panel that activates the failsafe device. Ash gulped and quickly punched in the code and watched as the console started to activate. He stepped outside and got far away as he watched.

    The shack started to rumble and a giant tower started to raise up from deep in the ground. The entire land started to shake, for what seemed like a long time, until it stopped. Nothing happened and Ash was unsure what was going on, but he didn’t have to wonder for long. The power from the Millenium Eye was being amplified by the tower and shadow started to spread quickly from the tower, encapsulating the world and freezing time. The tower then fired out beams of light at specific people Pegasus had planned to bring in. As the beams connected with these individuals, they started to transform into various creatures. As the transformations finished, all of the afflicted were dragged into the Shadow Realm and deposited on the hard floor. A final three beams of light shot out, hitting Pegasus, Ash, and another, dragging them into the realm of shadows.

    Pegasus landed gracefully and pulled out a magical microphone amplifying his voice. “Welcome to my realm. I know Kaiba Corp is behind this assault. Seto Kaiba wishes to use my technology to take over the world. Well Kaiba-boy, the world is mine and you will not succeed, even with the assistance of Hasbro and Bandai Namco. Kaiba Corp, who fights for evil, will not defeat the combined power Industrial Illusions and Slyph Co who fight for the good of everyone…or so they say.

    Ash Ketchum listened to the words and glanced at Seto Kaiba who seemed to be unworried and almost as if he expected this. Kaiba looked around at all of the monsters present around them and grinned. “Well, Pegasus. I got to say you are as predictable as ever.” Kaiba pulled out a briefcase and grabbed a device and slammed it on the ground. It exploded in a brilliant light causing everyone to close their eyes. When they opened them, Kaiba and his crew were gone.

    Pikachu ran up to Ash and spoke, “Did you see Agumon talking to Emrakul before the flash? I don’t have a pikagood feeling about this.” Ash nodded his head in agreement and saw Charizard sizing up the Dark Magician, while Saggi The Dark Clown cackled talking to the Time Magician. Pegasus looked around at everyone and smiled. Everything was proceeding apace and as expected. By the end of this, Industrial Illusions would have no more competition.

    At the new location of the Kaiba Corp, the master Seto Kaiba looked around at his minions. The Shivan Dragon and Blue Eyes Ultimate Dragon were fighting to see who was stronger, and Gabumon and Gatomon were curled up on the floor sleeping, getting mentally prepared for the events to come, of course. They would never slack off.

    Team Rocket was watching the scene unfold, all quickly discussing amongst themselves on how best to turn this situation to their benefit.

    The stage is set. Battle for control of the world and the Shadow Realm will commence and only one corporation will come out on top.

    Day 1 End:

    Final Day 1 Vote Count:

    Sleep - 7 (3puppies #75, DivaSmurf #209, Future #251, MTR #259, GrumpyCat #339, Listo #397, Blind Ninja #514)
    GrumpyCat - 3 (Claws #337, WindwardAway #419)
    Val - 2 (Xanjori #516, Cape90 #521)
    3puppies - 1 (Val #128)
    WindwardAway - 1 (CWE #135)
    Crackleslap - 1 (Lettuce #411)
    Morrison - 1 (Psycho #482)
    Kareemah - 1 (Rock #525)

    Not Voting: Crackleslap, Kareemah, Mazer, Morrison, Nightingale, Tildey, Matthieu

    Current Modified Majority: 9


    Throughout the realm, the forces of Industrial Illusions and Kaiba Corp did battle, but neither was able to make any headway. The group as a whole could not come to consensus on who to get rid of, so they decided to sleep on it to see if they had any brighter ideas in the morning. Hopefully, everyone would make it through until morning.

    There has been no elimination


    Before everyone could disperse, the energy started to vibrate within this realm and the booming voice was heard once again. “Ah yes. The time has come. I have been amongst you this entire time and now it is time for me to be reborn. For I. AM. EXODIA, THE FORBIDDEN ONE!” A large rumbling filled the realm as four lasers shot out of the sky, each containing a piece of Exodia. “My powers have infected the bloodline of each type and I will find my pieces and end the foolish mortals who felt they could trifle with the power of the gods.”

    Exodia let out another bellow and then went quiet, ready to do what is necessary.

    It is now Night 1. Night 1 will end at 8:00pm ET on August 14th or when all actions are submitted. Actions must be submitted by 6:00pm ET for them to be valid. If you do not plan to use an action, please tell me you are holstering so we aren’t just waiting around.

    Day 2 Start:

    The Ur-Dragon flew through the realm, keeping an eye on people from above. As he flew, he saw someone who caught his eye and kept their details in mind, hoping this would be the boon to Kaiba Corp he expected.

    Ditto looked around curiously at what was going on, but knew even though he was small he had great power. Ditto closed his eyes and concentrated, making his body particularly sticky and malleable and waited for someone to visit.

    The Mythic Tree Dragon would not falter from this battle. He flew through the air and located MTR and breathed a magical fire on him, enhancing his abilities tonight to be even more effective.

    Emrakul let out a great roar and focused her energies. She felt through the realm until she located Rock the hard place and assaulted him with her mind, sapping his strength and leaving him in a weakened state. Rock struggled to his feet but continued on.

    The Feral Imp bounced around playfully, looking at all the fighting going on. He happened across his target and decided to stick around with them for the night, excited at all the possibilities.

    Impmon was not about to be outdone by another impish monster. He set out from the secret Kaiba Corp location and located Cape90. Impmon spoke a spell quickly and warped the shadows around Cape90 to change the reality of incoming assaults.

    Exodia The Forbidden One exploded throughout the realm with a roar as he set out with a ferocious intent and purpose. He had heard enough during the day and set this person forth. He located Val the Moofia Boss and confronted him. Exodia wasted no time and he quickly accessed Val’s soul, eviscerating it. Exodia cackled as he felt immense power welling up within him, as his Right Arm reformed. “Perfect. Only three more remain.”

    Val, playing as ???, the ???, has been killed.

    was pounding his chest getting himself amped up for the battle ahead. While doing this he located CWE and motioned him over to get pumped up with Machamp, ensuring CWE would be busy elsewhere tonight.

    Time Magician knew what had to be done. He knew what he wanted to do and who it had to be on, but the dice had to be rolled. The clock spun and spun, but did not land true. Time Magician closed his eyes and cast a spell on Crackle to see what he would be up to tonight.

    As would be a symphony of dragons, the Blue Eyes Ultimate Dragon also had some work to do tonight. It flew from its cave and located Xanjori, landing in front of him. Xanjori panicked and tripped over a rock, knocking himself out for the night.

    Aegislash floated around, looking menacing at anything that came across his path. However, when he happened upon GrumpyCat, Aegislash decided to get to know him better instead of glare menacingly.

    Garbador was smelly. He knew it. Everyone knew it. But the smell could be a great weapon and Garbador decided there was none better to face his stinky wrath than Mazer. He focused up globs of slime and trash and launched it all around Mazer, causing Mazer to lose focus and his action to fire askew.

    Summoned Skull stood on the battlefield with his arms crossed. He nodded his head and strode forth locating Rock. Before Rock could move, Summoned Skull cast a curse on Rock that would persist indefinitely.

    The Sliver Queen located her quarry quickly and swung her blade at Crackle, ruining all the parchment Crackle was using to write down his thoughts and now he would be at a disadvantage come morning.

    Zapdos flew around the realm, avoiding all the dragons that seemed to be around. He located PsychoSoldier and focused electrical energies to surround PsychoSoldier in an electrical barrier.

    Gaia the Fierce Knight knew how to command control over a battlefield and knew how to discern friend from foe. Using data he gathered previously, he examined Rock to determine what Rock’s ultimate goal was.

    The Shivan Dragon let out a violent and ominous roar. It took off and knew precisely where it was going. It located MTR and before he even had a chance to react, swallowed him whole and immediately started the digestion process, ensuring nothing would remain of MTR to be found. The Shivan Dragon, satisfied, flew back to its roost.

    MTR, playing as ???, the ???, has been killed.

    had finally returned from his long absence and knew it was time to continue his rule over Team Rocket. He was excited to be back on top and was in a pretty good mood. Giovanni decided to set out a decree for the day and had it delivered to everyone in the realm, as he sat back to await the results.

    There is a Wishgranter present in the game for Day 2. All players may submit up to two wishes in the thread and the Wishgranter may grant one of them. The granted wish will take effect immediately and only one wish may be granted. To submit a wish, please make a post with your wish(es), in any form of BLUE and BOLDED text and start it with “I wish”. Once the wishes are wished for, they cannot be changed or altered.


    Living Players:

    1. 3puppies
    2. Blind Ninja
    3. Cape90
    4. Claws
    5. Crackleslap
    6. CWE
    7. DivaSmurf
    8. FutureHold
    9. GrumpyCat
    10. Kareemah
    11. Listo95
    12. Llettuce
    13. Matthieu
    14. Mazer
    15. Morrison
    16. Nightingale
    17. PsychoSoldier
    18. Rock
    19. Tildey
    20. WindwardAway
    21. Xanjori

    It is now Day 2. Day 2 will end on Aug 16th at 8:00pm ET or when majority is reached. With 21 players alive, majority is 11 votes on a single player. If majority is not reached by end of day, modified majority comes into play. If modified majority is not reached, there will be no elimination.

    Day 2 End:

    Giovanni grinned wildly as the responses to his decree came in. He examined what was submitted until an evil grin crossed his face, knowing precisely which one he was going to make a reality. Giovanni stood up and spoke, his voice echoing across the realm. “I, Giovanni have chosen. The granted wish shall be as follows.”

    I wish Blind Ninja were dead.

    The winds started to howl as the realm started to shift. Everyone closed their eyes and held on, as their senses were assaulted. The sun shrank quickly over the horizon as the moon came out into full effect. All at once, everyone stood and looked at Blind Ninja. Cries from the crowd were heard. “He’s the one!.” “I heard he is Seto Kaiba.” “I heard he is actually brothers with Seto Kaiba!” The crowd had one focus in mind and that would see to it that Blind Ninja was eliminated. All of their votes were for him.

    Final Day 2 Vote Count:

    Blind Ninja - 11 (Rock, Xanjori, CWE, 3puppies, Psycho, Crackle, Blind Ninja, Windward, Matthieu, Claws)

    Not Voting: Cape90, DivaSmurf, FutureHold, Kareemah, Listo95, Llettuce, Mazer, Morrison, Nightingale, Tildey, GrumpyCat #869

    Current Modified Majority: 6


    Blind Ninja just looked on as everyone came at him and he smiled. “Ah yes, my puppets. Do my bidding.” He looked around and saw Jesse and James playing a video game. “Stop fooling around and let’s get out of here. We already have proven the power Team Rocket has.” Blind Ninja gathered up his crew and they fled the realm, ready to sell their services to the highest bidder. However, Blind Ninja was not done here. Since he had achieved Team Rocket’s goal so efficiently and quickly, he had time to leave some final surprises for everyone present.

    Blind Ninja, playing as Team Rocket, the Manipulating Super JOAT Jester/Unjester, has been eliminated in a gleeful victory.


    A body quickly stood up, long since thought dead. MTR brushed himself off and quickly scampered off, trying to get somewhere safe as the night started.

    MTR has been resurrected and has returned to the game.

    The body that had been near MTR now instantly decayed and Val was no more.

    Val the Moofia Boss, playing as Mystical Elf/Garbador, the Redirecting Ability Backup, has been killed.


    As everyone went on their way, a familiar voice sounded from a machine left behind. “You thought you would be rid of Team Rocket’s influence so quickly?” Blind Ninja laughed. “Absolutely not. Tonight, in the spirit of Pegasus and Kaiba, we will partake in some Shadow Games. I shall challenge three of you to a Shadow Game. If I win at least two, I will end one of the losers. If I lose two, like I would ever lose two, I’ll grant a secondary additional boon tomorrow before I take my leave of this pathetic place permanently. Think of it as a parting gift for making me millions.”

    Blind Ninja paused and then continued. “But, I’ll be kind. You may all speak tonight on whatever you wish.”

    The players chosen for the game will be advised via Discord and the game will take place in Discord, with the thread getting periodic updates. The games will take place over the course of night phase.

    Night chat is enabled for the entirety of Night 2 ONLY and all game talk is allowed.


    It is now Night 2. Night 2 will end on August 16th at 8:00pm ET or when all actions are submitted. Actions must be submitted by 6:00pm ET for them to be valid. If you do not plan to submit an action, please let me know you are holstering so we are not all waiting.

    Day 3 Start:

    The Ur-Dragon let out an ear-splitting roar. From the mountains rose up dozens of whelps that flew to The Ur-Dragon’s side. The whelps were commanded to keep an eye on everyone today so that The Ur-Dragon could dole out some justice.

    Haunter was lazily floating around when he caught sight of his target. He let out a laugh and decided to stick around and have some fun.

    Omnimon strode around the battlefield looking fierce. He came across WindwardAway and smacked her on the back of the head, all while still looking. The blow was so fierce WindwardAway was having trouble seeing and thinking clearly.

    Maximillion Pegasus had been keeping his eye on things as they progressed. He sat down at a table, sipping a glass of wine when one of his security cameras caught something. Pegasus focused his Millennium Eye on 3puppies, locking his soul in an adhesive spell that would take time to release.

    Squirtle was on the case. He and the other members of Squirtle Squad were going to ensure that Industrial Illusions would win. Squirtle found Mazer and sprayed water around his feet so he would leave footprints to follow.

    Dark Magician Girl was quietly chanting a spell of pure Chaos magic. Once the chanting was finished, she raised her staff encasing herself in a sheathe of pure chaos. You wouldn’t believe what would happen next.

    Gabumon had a package and it was a very special delivery that would stick around. Gabumon left the package out in the open, hoping someone would find it.

    Exodia the Forbidden One walked amongst the group and knew it was time for DivaSmurf to pay the price. Exodia accosted DivaSmurf and focused his energies, eviscerating his soul. As Diva’s soul dissipated, two others died. The energy in the realm grew stronger as the Left Leg of Exodia reformed. Exodia laughed. “Two bloodlines down. Two to go. Fear me mortals.”

    DivaSmurf, playing as Time Magician/Marowak, the Town Captain JOAT, has been killed.

    had a great plan involving utilizing vines as slingshots, but was unable to locate his target.

    Pikachu was pikacited to help out and quickly scampered over to MTR and surrounded him in a Thunder Wave, which was poised to react.

    Ditto slinked along the ground, casually keeping an eye on things going on. As he was walking, he was accidentally stepped on by PsychoSoldier, who kept on walking unaware he was taking Ditto for a ride where he went.

    Gatomon had been trying to catch a pesky mouse that would not leave him alone. He wouldn’t have stopped until he saw Claws walk by. Gatomon quickly followed behind him and slid a notebook into Claws pocket and grinned as he walked away.

    Celtic Guardian walked the realm with purpose and no real words, but a very reassuring aura. He was the strong, but silent type really. He located WindwardAway and set up shop to see what might turn up.

    Oko, Thief of Crowns heard the call and knew it was time to eliminate his target. He moved through the shadows, barely able to be seen if someone was focusing, only to be gone mere moments late. Oko’s enemies never stood a chance and that was no different here. Rock the hard place was minding his own business, when a katana cut his head clean off. As Rock’s head flew through the air, two others met a similar fate.

    Rock the hard place, playing as Saggi the Dark Clown/Squirtle, the Tracking Ability Cop, has been killed.


    Living Players:

    1. 3puppies
    2. Cape90
    3. Claws
    4. Crackleslap
    5. CWE
    6. FutureHold
    7. GrumpyCat
    8. Kareemah
    9. Listo95
    10. Llettuce
    11. Matthieu
    12. Mazer
    13. MTR
    14. Nightingale
    15. PsychoSoldier
    16. Tildey
    17. Val the Moofia Boss 2.0
    18. WindwardAway
    19. Xanjori


    Another familiar voice sounded again. “Well hello everyone. It is I, GioNinja. As promised, I would be present today to share my wishing power and show how amazing this technology is remotely. However, today, there will be different rules which will be stated below. I am sending Jesse and James to grant the wishes and they have a message for you.

    “While our battle may be done, you guys are still locked in war. The good, the bad, and the unknown God. With our victory, we have decided to grant 2 wishes to show our gratitude. It is highly unlikely for us to grant any wishes of protection, that bores us terribly. We would prefer more mischief, mayhem and a little chaos. This would add a little more excitement to life. Creativity is key, as is making it reasonable.

    When those wishes are finally granted, we will part ways and let your war unfold without our interference. And remember, we aren't scum, we are just misunderstood.”

    Jesse and James will be present and grant two wishes during Day 3 before all of Team Rocket leaves for good. For wishing, one wish will be made publicly and one wish will be made privately. For the public wish, please make a wish as was done yesterday in BLUE and BOLD text and start with I wish. You may submit one public wish.

    For the private wish, please message the moderator in your private channel and give your wish starting with I wish. Once the wish is received, it will be passed along. You may submit one private wish. Jesse and James will not know who submitted the private wishes.

    Once a wish is granted, the wish will be revealed, but not who wished for it.

    Good luck and good wishing!



    It is now Day 3. Day 3 will end on Aug 18th at 8:00pm ET or when majority is reached. With 19 players alive, majority is 10 votes on a single player. If majority is not reached by end of day, modified majority comes into play. If modified majority is not reached, there will be no elimination.

    Current Phase:

    It is now Day 3. Day 3 will end on Aug 18th at 8:00pm ET or when majority is reached. With 19 players alive, majority is 10 votes on a single player. If majority is not reached by end of day, modified majority comes into play. If modified majority is not reached, there will be no elimination.


    For Day 1 only, you can also place an additional vote for any number from 1-23. Once this vote is placed it will be locked in and cannot be changed.

    Good luck all!
    Last edited:
    Day 1 Update
  • As the day lingered on, a strange energy was felt passing through the realm. It felt similar to the power of the Shadow Realm. Everyone present shivered. Pegasus looked around confused, as he had no idea how he could feel the Shadow Realm in this environment. Kaiba tensed up at the sensation, unsure of what was happening.

    The energy only continued to grow, both in power and ferocity, before a deep voice sounded throughout the realm. “Foolish mortals. You know not of the power you mess with, but do not worry. I am already here and keeping an eye on all of you.” The voice faded, but the energy stayed. Though both Kaiba and Pegasus didn’t let it show, they were worried about what this energy would bring. Kaiba thought the voice sounded familiar, but he could not place it.

    Before everyone could return to their tasks, a computerized voice sounded throughout the realm bringing yet another, albeit unrelated, message. “Attention everyone. The raffle to decide who will take a trip to visit the Millennium Spellbook will end in seven hours. I repeat. The raffle to decide who will take a trip to visit the Millennium Spellbook will end in seven hours.”

    The computerized voice grew quiet and everything seemed normal, except with the increased energy. Everyone went back to doing what they were doing, with both messages ringing in their minds.
    Day 1 Event
  • Final Day 1 Special Vote Count:

    7 - 3 (CWE #140, Claws #189, Mazer #242)
    5 - 2 (Lettuce #27, DivaSmurf #209)
    13 - 2 (Matthieu #185, Blind Ninja #201)
    16 - 2 (MTR #227, Future #252)
    1 - 1 (3puppies #71)
    10 - 1 (Val #128)
    19 - 1 (Rock #195)
    23 - 1 (Xanjori #197)
    9 - 1 (Morrison #251)
    8 - 1 (Listo #253)
    3 - 1 (Cape #255)


    The computerized voice started to speak again. “Twenty-four hours have come and gone and it was time to tally the raffle. Each vote on a number gave the corresponding player, to that number, an additional chance to win the trip. The player/number combinations are based on the numbers on the player list. The more votes on your number, the greater chance you have to win. With votes locked, the winner has been decided.” The computerized voice went silent.

    The winner of the trip to the Millennium Spellbook is MATTHIEU!!! Unfortunately for Matthieu, the Millennium Spellbook is located in the afterlife.

    The world started to shift around Matthieu, as his soul was ripped from his body and brought to the afterlife. Matthieu fell to the ground, unmoving.

    Matthieu, playing as ???, the ???, has been killed.


    Day 1 Vote Count:

    Sleep - 4 (3puppies #75, DivaSmurf #209, Future #251, MTR #259)
    GrumpyCat - 2 (Cape90 #126, Psycho #175)
    3puppies - 1 (Val #128)
    WindwardAway - 1 (CWE #135)
    Claws - 1 (Xanjori #199)
    Blind Ninja - 1 (Rock #203)

    Not Voting: Blind Ninja, Claws, Crackleslap, GrumpyCat, Kareemah, Listo95, Llettuce, Mazer, Morrison, Nightingale, Tildey, WindwardAway #260

    Current Modified Majority: 6

    It is now Day 1. Day 1 will end on Aug 13th at 8:00pm ET or when majority is reached. With 22 players alive, majority is 12 votes on a single player. If majority is not reached by end of day, modified majority comes into play. If modified majority is not reached, there will be no elimination.
    Day 1 Event End
  • A brilliant light shone through the land and then faded. Matthieu stood up and brushed himself off and went about his business, as the computerized voice spoke again.

    Matthieu has returned and made his decision in the choice of four. He declined shared protection. He declined giving himself or another the Dice of Success. He declined partaking or forcing participation in the Dice of Demise. Instead, he has chosen personal protection.”

    Matthieu is ineligible to be voted upon or have actions used on him until the end of Day 3.

    The voice spoke one final time. “As always, thank you for your participation in Millennium Tours.” The computerized voice fell silent, never to speak again.

    It is now Day 1. Day 1 will end on Aug 13th at 8:00pm ET or when majority is reached. With 23 players alive, majority is 12 votes on a single player. If majority is not reached by end of day, modified majority comes into play. If modified majority is not reached, there will be no elimination.
    Day 1 End
  • Final Day 1 Vote Count:

    Sleep - 7 (3puppies #75, DivaSmurf #209, Future #251, MTR #259, GrumpyCat #339, Listo #397, Blind Ninja #514)
    GrumpyCat - 3 (Claws #337, WindwardAway #419)
    Val - 2 (Xanjori #516, Cape90 #521)
    3puppies - 1 (Val #128)
    WindwardAway - 1 (CWE #135)
    Crackleslap - 1 (Lettuce #411)
    Morrison - 1 (Psycho #482)
    Kareemah - 1 (Rock #525)

    Not Voting: Crackleslap, Kareemah, Mazer, Morrison, Nightingale, Tildey, Matthieu

    Current Modified Majority: 9


    Throughout the realm, the forces of Industrial Illusions and Kaiba Corp did battle, but neither was able to make any headway. The group as a whole could not come to consensus on who to get rid of, so they decided to sleep on it to see if they had any brighter ideas in the morning. Hopefully, everyone would make it through until morning.

    There has been no elimination


    Before everyone could disperse, the energy started to vibrate within this realm and the booming voice was heard once again. “Ah yes. The time has come. I have been amongst you this entire time and now it is time for me to be reborn. For I. AM. EXODIA, THE FORBIDDEN ONE!” A large rumbling filled the realm as four lasers shot out of the sky, each containing a piece of Exodia. “My powers have infected the bloodline of each type and I will find my pieces and end the foolish mortals who felt they could trifle with the power of the gods.”

    Exodia let out another bellow and then went quiet, ready to do what is necessary.

    It is now Night 1. Night 1 will end at 8:00pm ET on August 14th or when all actions are submitted. Actions must be submitted by 6:00pm ET for them to be valid. If you do not plan to use an action, please tell me you are holstering so we aren’t just waiting around.
    Day 2 Start
  • The Ur-Dragon flew through the realm, keeping an eye on people from above. As he flew, he saw someone who caught his eye and kept their details in mind, hoping this would be the boon to Kaiba Corp he expected.

    Ditto looked around curiously at what was going on, but knew even though he was small he had great power. Ditto closed his eyes and concentrated, making his body particularly sticky and malleable and waited for someone to visit.

    The Mythic Tree Dragon would not falter from this battle. He flew through the air and located MTR and breathed a magical fire on him, enhancing his abilities tonight to be even more effective.

    Emrakul let out a great roar and focused her energies. She felt through the realm until she located Rock the hard place and assaulted him with her mind, sapping his strength and leaving him in a weakened state. Rock struggled to his feet but continued on.

    The Feral Imp bounced around playfully, looking at all the fighting going on. He happened across his target and decided to stick around with them for the night, excited at all the possibilities.

    Impmon was not about to be outdone by another impish monster. He set out from the secret Kaiba Corp location and located Cape90. Impmon spoke a spell quickly and warped the shadows around Cape90 to change the reality of incoming assaults.

    Exodia The Forbidden One exploded throughout the realm with a roar as he set out with a ferocious intent and purpose. He had heard enough during the day and set this person forth. He located Val the Moofia Boss and confronted him. Exodia wasted no time and he quickly accessed Val’s soul, eviscerating it. Exodia cackled as he felt immense power welling up within him, as his Right Arm reformed. “Perfect. Only three more remain.”

    Val, playing as ???, the ???, has been killed.

    was pounding his chest getting himself amped up for the battle ahead. While doing this he located CWE and motioned him over to get pumped up with Machamp, ensuring CWE would be busy elsewhere tonight.

    Time Magician knew what had to be done. He knew what he wanted to do and who it had to be on, but the dice had to be rolled. The clock spun and spun, but did not land true. Time Magician closed his eyes and cast a spell on Crackle to see what he would be up to tonight.

    As would be a symphony of dragons, the Blue Eyes Ultimate Dragon also had some work to do tonight. It flew from its cave and located Xanjori, landing in front of him. Xanjori panicked and tripped over a rock, knocking himself out for the night.

    Aegislash floated around, looking menacing at anything that came across his path. However, when he happened upon GrumpyCat, Aegislash decided to get to know him better instead of glare menacingly.

    Garbador was smelly. He knew it. Everyone knew it. But the smell could be a great weapon and Garbador decided there was none better to face his stinky wrath than Mazer. He focused up globs of slime and trash and launched it all around Mazer, causing Mazer to lose focus and his action to fire askew.

    Summoned Skull stood on the battlefield with his arms crossed. He nodded his head and strode forth locating Rock. Before Rock could move, Summoned Skull cast a curse on Rock that would persist indefinitely.

    The Sliver Queen located her quarry quickly and swung her blade at Crackle, ruining all the parchment Crackle was using to write down his thoughts and now he would be at a disadvantage come morning.

    Zapdos flew around the realm, avoiding all the dragons that seemed to be around. He located PsychoSoldier and focused electrical energies to surround PsychoSoldier in an electrical barrier.

    Gaia the Fierce Knight knew how to command control over a battlefield and knew how to discern friend from foe. Using data he gathered previously, he examined Rock to determine what Rock’s ultimate goal was.

    The Shivan Dragon let out a violent and ominous roar. It took off and knew precisely where it was going. It located MTR and before he even had a chance to react, swallowed him whole and immediately started the digestion process, ensuring nothing would remain of MTR to be found. The Shivan Dragon, satisfied, flew back to its roost.

    MTR, playing as ???, the ???, has been killed.

    had finally returned from his long absence and knew it was time to continue his rule over Team Rocket. He was excited to be back on top and was in a pretty good mood. Giovanni decided to set out a decree for the day and had it delivered to everyone in the realm, as he sat back to await the results.

    There is a Wishgranter present in the game for Day 2. All players may submit up to two wishes in the thread and the Wishgranter may grant one of them. The granted wish will take effect immediately and only one wish may be granted. To submit a wish, please make a post with your wish(es), in any form of BLUE and BOLDED text and start it with “I wish”. Once the wishes are wished for, they cannot be changed or altered.


    Living Players:

    1. 3puppies
    2. Blind Ninja
    3. Cape90
    4. Claws
    5. Crackleslap
    6. CWE
    7. DivaSmurf
    8. FutureHold
    9. GrumpyCat
    10. Kareemah
    11. Listo95
    12. Llettuce
    13. Matthieu
    14. Mazer
    15. Morrison
    16. Nightingale
    17. PsychoSoldier
    18. Rock
    19. Tildey
    20. WindwardAway
    21. Xanjori

    It is now Day 2. Day 2 will end on Aug 16th at 8:00pm ET or when majority is reached. With 21 players alive, majority is 11 votes on a single player. If majority is not reached by end of day, modified majority comes into play. If modified majority is not reached, there will be no elimination.
    Day 2 Wishes
  • Blind Ninja - I wish for Nightingale to be able to communicate in thread - #731
    3puppies - I Wish to become neighbors and to be able to roleclaim/breadcrumb with two other random players - #755
    3puppies - I wish for MTR to become resurrected - #755
    Windward - I wish for a desperado. - #763
    Windward - I wish for a gladiate. - #763
    GrumpyCat - I wish for dead players roles alignments to be revealed right now. - #829
    Matthieu - I wish for Val to be revived to return to the game. - #888
    Matthieu - I wish for the protection bestowed upon me to extend for another day and night phase. - #888
    Rock - I wish Blind Ninja were dead. - #937
    Rock - I wish matthieu would lose his protection. - #937
    Xanjori - I wish for 4 players to be chosen at random and entered into a private chat, one of the random players must belong to Kaiba Corp. The players will choose to vote out one of the others and that person will be eliminated as if they were voted out from the game. - #940
    Claws - i wish every1 was vanilla'd - #980
    Kareemah - I wish for a tracker ability. - #1009
    Kareemah - I wish for +1 BPV. - #1009
    Claws - i wish every1 to have a turn rolling the dice of demise - #1016
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    Day 2 Event
  • Meowth was upset. He may be the mascot of Team Rocket, but he didn’t appreciate the miscarriage of justice that happened overnight and would do everything in his power to fix it. Luckily, Meowth had recently stole from visited a PokeMart and had a Revive handy. He sprinkled the revive into the air and spoke some words in a language no one understood. Meowth’s eyes started to glow as he communed with the afterlife to bring someone back to us.

    Meowth collapsed to the ground and started to lick his paw. “It is done. They will be back at the end of the day.”
    Day 2 End
  • Giovanni grinned wildly as the responses to his decree came in. He examined what was submitted until an evil grin crossed his face, knowing precisely which one he was going to make a reality. Giovanni stood up and spoke, his voice echoing across the realm. “I, Giovanni have chosen. The granted wish shall be as follows.”

    I wish Blind Ninja were dead.

    The winds started to howl as the realm started to shift. Everyone closed their eyes and held on, as their senses were assaulted. The sun shrank quickly over the horizon as the moon came out into full effect. All at once, everyone stood and looked at Blind Ninja. Cries from the crowd were heard. “He’s the one!.” “I heard he is Seto Kaiba.” “I heard he is actually brothers with Seto Kaiba!” The crowd had one focus in mind and that would see to it that Blind Ninja was eliminated. All of their votes were for him.

    Final Day 2 Vote Count:

    Blind Ninja - 11 (Rock, Xanjori, CWE, 3puppies, Psycho, Crackle, Blind Ninja, Windward, Matthieu, Claws)

    Not Voting: Cape90, DivaSmurf, FutureHold, Kareemah, Listo95, Llettuce, Mazer, Morrison, Nightingale, Tildey, GrumpyCat #869

    Current Modified Majority: 6


    Blind Ninja just looked on as everyone came at him and he smiled. “Ah yes, my puppets. Do my bidding.” He looked around and saw Jesse and James playing a video game. “Stop fooling around and let’s get out of here. We already have proven the power Team Rocket has.” Blind Ninja gathered up his crew and they fled the realm, ready to sell their services to the highest bidder. However, Blind Ninja was not done here. Since he had achieved Team Rocket’s goal so efficiently and quickly, he had time to leave some final surprises for everyone present.

    Blind Ninja, playing as Team Rocket, the Manipulating Super JOAT Jester/Unjester, has been eliminated in a gleeful victory.


    A body quickly stood up, long since thought dead. MTR brushed himself off and quickly scampered off, trying to get somewhere safe as the night started.

    MTR has been resurrected and has returned to the game.

    The body that had been near MTR now instantly decayed and Val was no more.

    Val the Moofia Boss, playing as Mystical Elf/Garbador, the Redirecting Ability Backup, has been killed.


    As everyone went on their way, a familiar voice sounded from a machine left behind. “You thought you would be rid of Team Rocket’s influence so quickly?” Blind Ninja laughed. “Absolutely not. Tonight, in the spirit of Pegasus and Kaiba, we will partake in some Shadow Games. I shall challenge three of you to a Shadow Game. If I win at least two, I will end one of the losers. If I lose two, like I would ever lose two, I’ll grant a secondary additional boon tomorrow before I take my leave of this pathetic place permanently. Think of it as a parting gift for making me millions.”

    Blind Ninja paused and then continued. “But, I’ll be kind. You may all speak tonight on whatever you wish.”

    The players chosen for the game will be advised via Discord and the game will take place in Discord, with the thread getting periodic updates. The games will take place over the course of night phase.

    Night chat is enabled for the entirety of Night 2 ONLY and all game talk is allowed.


    It is now Night 2. Night 2 will end on August 16th at 8:00pm ET or when all actions are submitted. Actions must be submitted by 6:00pm ET for them to be valid. If you do not plan to submit an action, please let me know you are holstering so we are not all waiting.
    Night 2 Event
  • Blind Ninja considered his choices and issued the gauntlet. Three games. Three potential victims. DivaSmurf is playing High/Low. Rock is playing a game of Odds and Evens. Mazer is playing a game of Rock Paper Scissors. It is the best two out of three for each game.

    Updates will be provided as the games go on.
    Night 2 Event Part 2
  • The first Shadow Game has come to a nail biting conclusion. With both Blind Ninja and DivaSmurf having one point each, and down to a 50/50 chance on the last card in a game of Higher/Lower, Blind Ninja guessed correctly and pulled out the win.

    DivaSmurf has lost the game and is eligible to be killed if Blind Ninja wins another game.
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    Night 2 Event Part 3
  • The second Shadow Game has come to a definitive end. Blind Ninja was unable to contain Mazer’s wrath in Rock, Paper, Scissors and lost 2-0. Blind Ninja cursed and looked forward to the final Shadow Game.

    Mazer has won the game and is ineligible to be killed if Blind Ninja wins another game.
    Night 2 Event End
  • The third Shadow Game has come and gone. In a rousing game of Odds and Evens, Rock and Blind Ninja battled and traded blows and Rock won it with 2-0 victory.

    Rock has won the game and has prevented Blind Ninja from killing.

    sighed but nodded his head in agreement as the wager had been lost. Giovanni spoke, “As promised, there will be a boon tomorrow. It’s a perfect time to test out my remote version of this. Ta ta for now!”
    Day 3 Start
  • The Ur-Dragon let out an ear-splitting roar. From the mountains rose up dozens of whelps that flew to The Ur-Dragon’s side. The whelps were commanded to keep an eye on everyone today so that The Ur-Dragon could dole out some justice.

    Haunter was lazily floating around when he caught sight of his target. He let out a laugh and decided to stick around and have some fun.

    Omnimon strode around the battlefield looking fierce. He came across WindwardAway and smacked her on the back of the head, all while still looking. The blow was so fierce WindwardAway was having trouble seeing and thinking clearly.

    Maximillion Pegasus had been keeping his eye on things as they progressed. He sat down at a table, sipping a glass of wine when one of his security cameras caught something. Pegasus focused his Millennium Eye on 3puppies, locking his soul in an adhesive spell that would take time to release.

    Squirtle was on the case. He and the other members of Squirtle Squad were going to ensure that Industrial Illusions would win. Squirtle found Mazer and sprayed water around his feet so he would leave footprints to follow.

    Dark Magician Girl was quietly chanting a spell of pure Chaos magic. Once the chanting was finished, she raised her staff encasing herself in a sheathe of pure chaos. You wouldn’t believe what would happen next.

    Gabumon had a package and it was a very special delivery that would stick around. Gabumon left the package out in the open, hoping someone would find it.

    Exodia the Forbidden One walked amongst the group and knew it was time for DivaSmurf to pay the price. Exodia accosted DivaSmurf and focused his energies, eviscerating his soul. As Diva’s soul dissipated, two others died. The energy in the realm grew stronger as the Left Leg of Exodia reformed. Exodia laughed. “Two bloodlines down. Two to go. Fear me mortals.”

    DivaSmurf, playing as Time Magician/Marowak, the Town Captain JOAT, has been killed.

    had a great plan involving utilizing vines as slingshots, but was unable to locate his target.

    Pikachu was pikacited to help out and quickly scampered over to MTR and surrounded him in a Thunder Wave, which was poised to react.

    Ditto slinked along the ground, casually keeping an eye on things going on. As he was walking, he was accidentally stepped on by PsychoSoldier, who kept on walking unaware he was taking Ditto for a ride where he went.

    Gatomon had been trying to catch a pesky mouse that would not leave him alone. He wouldn’t have stopped until he saw Claws walk by. Gatomon quickly followed behind him and slid a notebook into Claws pocket and grinned as he walked away.

    Celtic Guardian walked the realm with purpose and no real words, but a very reassuring aura. He was the strong, but silent type really. He located WindwardAway and set up shop to see what might turn up.

    Oko, Thief of Crowns heard the call and knew it was time to eliminate his target. He moved through the shadows, barely able to be seen if someone was focusing, only to be gone mere moments late. Oko’s enemies never stood a chance and that was no different here. Rock the hard place was minding his own business, when a katana cut his head clean off. As Rock’s head flew through the air, two others met a similar fate.

    Rock the hard place, playing as Saggi the Dark Clown/Squirtle, the Tracking Ability Cop, has been killed.


    Living Players:

    1. 3puppies
    2. Cape90
    3. Claws
    4. Crackleslap
    5. CWE
    6. FutureHold
    7. GrumpyCat
    8. Kareemah
    9. Listo95
    10. Llettuce
    11. Matthieu
    12. Mazer
    13. MTR
    14. Nightingale
    15. PsychoSoldier
    16. Tildey
    17. Val the Moofia Boss 2.0
    18. WindwardAway
    19. Xanjori


    Another familiar voice sounded again. “Well hello everyone. It is I, GioNinja. As promised, I would be present today to share my wishing power and show how amazing this technology is remotely. However, today, there will be different rules which will be stated below. I am sending Jesse and James to grant the wishes and they have a message for you.

    “While our battle may be done, you guys are still locked in war. The good, the bad, and the unknown God. With our victory, we have decided to grant 2 wishes to show our gratitude. It is highly unlikely for us to grant any wishes of protection, that bores us terribly. We would prefer more mischief, mayhem and a little chaos. This would add a little more excitement to life. Creativity is key, as is making it reasonable.

    When those wishes are finally granted, we will part ways and let your war unfold without our interference. And remember, we aren't scum, we are just misunderstood.”

    Jesse and James will be present and grant two wishes during Day 3 before all of Team Rocket leaves for good. For wishing, one wish will be made publicly and one wish will be made privately. For the public wish, please make a wish as was done yesterday in BLUE and BOLD text and start with I wish. You may submit one public wish.

    For the private wish, please message the moderator in your private channel and give your wish starting with I wish. Once the wish is received, it will be passed along. You may submit one private wish. Jesse and James will not know who submitted the private wishes.

    Once a wish is granted, the wish will be revealed, but not who wished for it.

    Good luck and good wishing!



    It is now Day 3. Day 3 will end on Aug 18th at 8:00pm ET or when majority is reached. With 19 players alive, majority is 10 votes on a single player. If majority is not reached by end of day, modified majority comes into play. If modified majority is not reached, there will be no elimination.
    Day 3 Public Wishes
  • Val - I wish for four random players to be forced to only post Pokemon, Yu-Gi-Oh, and MTG cards for the next two days. They can still vote. - #1395
    Future - I wish to play Pot of Greed, drawing 2 random powers from those who died and handing them out to 2 random players - #1522
    GrumpyCat - I wish for Psychosoldier to die if they ever lie. - #1635
    3puppies - I wish that Psychosoldier is turned into a stump, so that he is not a threat to town. If he survives to the end, he should be given a modified honorary win condition. - #1668
    Xanjori - I wish for Psychos win con to be changed, his NK will be replaced with a non-consecutive doctor ability (can self target) and his new win con requires him to successfully block two NKs. - #1670
    WindwardAway - I wish for Omnimon to be restricted to posting gifs. #1672
    MTR - I wish that 4 random players play a mini tournament of wish granters choice in Duelist Kingdom - #1716
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    Day 3 Mod Warning
  • I go to bed and y'all just decide to have anarchy with the rules and toeing lines.

    As a final reminder to everyone present, do not claim or breadcrumb your abilities or role. I don't care if you claim whatever alignment you want, but do not claim actions, roles, or information in a way that instantly confirms your character.

    This is literally the final warning before I go on a murder spree. Everyone has been warned.
    Day 3 Private Wish Event
  • Let's try that again.

    James stood up and did a gracious bow. “It looks like I am up first to deliver the first wish and boy is this one a doozy. This wish was requested in private and I have graciously determined to grant their request. Good luck ladies and gentleman and may the odds be ever in your favor.” Jesse quickly smacked James over the head muttering something about the wrong show.

    The granted wish is: “I wish for everyone to receive a choice for tonight only, they may shoot and kill a target of their choice or receive a one use BPV.

    However, adjustments have been made that will keep somewhat of the spirit of the wish but make it more fair

    As of this point, every single living player has a choice between taking a gun or a BPV. If you choose the BPV, you will be immune to any kills during this event. If you choose the gun, you are eligible to be killed, but have the chance to perform a kill. The gun has a 50% chance to hit your target, a 40% chance to misfire and do nothing, and a 10% chance to kill yourself.

    Results will be given at the end of the event, but the person who performed the shot will not be shown. Day 3 cannot end early for any reason until all choices have been made or the day ends by time-out. If you do not choose by the end of day, you will not take the gun or the vest.
    Day 3 Private Wish Event End
  • James smiled as the results finally all came in. He did another bow and thanked everyone for supporting Team Rocket. He looked around and snapped his fingers, letting the results be know. “Now once this is done, one public wish has a chance to be granted still and Jessie will be your woman then.”

    A shot rings out at Claws
    A shot rings out at Psycho
    A shot rings out at Listo
    A shot rings out at Cape
    A shot rings out at Tildey
    A shot rings out at Crackleslap.

    was minding his own business when a shot rang out and the bullet flew through the air, striking him in the chest. He stumbled over and fell to his knees, as the blood pooled around him. However, strange time magics took over and Psycho was now watching the scene in reverse, as his blood pooled back into him. Before he knew it, it was moments before the shot. Psycho quickly ducked, avoiding the bullet a second time. He sighed and wiped his brow, knowing that couldn’t happen again or there’d be more consequences.

    Tildey was tending to her garden, even while the event was going on. She knew that there was no excuse for a poor display factor and there should be flowers even if there was a battle raging all around her. As she finished tending her last flower, a bullet connected with her, providing her own blood as glorious fertilizer. As Tildey bled out, others met the same fate.

    Tildey, playing as ???, the ??? has been killed.

    Before anyone could react, the ground around Tildey started to glow, changing Tildey into something more…green and naturey. As the glow faded, Tildey stretched and stood up. She looked different…almost as if she were made of wood.

    Tildey has returned. She is allowed to post in thread for the remainder of the game, but has no actions, does not count for parity, and cannot vote. For all intents and purposes she is dead.

    WindwardAway had her target in her sights and fired. Unfortunately, the gun malfunctioned and exploded. The gun had been loaded with unstable explosive rounds for maximum pain, but they also created maximum explosions if there were issues. WindwardAway was caught up in the explosion and ceased to exist. As Windward died, so did a couple others.

    WindwardAway, playing as Red Eyes Black Dragon/Charizard, the Bus Driving Bodyguard, has been killed.

    Living Players:

    1. 3puppies
    2. Cape90
    3. Claws
    4. Crackleslap
    5. CWE
    6. FutureHold
    7. GrumpyCat
    8. Kareemah
    9. Listo95
    10. Llettuce
    11. Matthieu
    12. Mazer
    13. MTR
    14. Nightingale
    15. PsychoSoldier
    16. Val the Moofia Boss 2.0
    17. Xanjori

    Day 3 Vote Count:

    Psycho - 6 (Crackleslap #1481, Listo #1701, Cape90 #1754, Val #1776, Claws #1778)
    Cape90 - 6 (CWE #1533, Psycho #1538, Xanjori #1486, 3puppies #1641, Kareemah #1688, Future #1708)
    Kareemah - 1 (Lettuce #1504)
    Claws - 1 (Matthieu #1714)

    Not Voting: Mazer, Nightingale, GrumpyCat #1680, MTR #1713

    Current Modified Majority: 8

    It is still Day 3. Day 3 will end at 8:00pm ET on August 18th or when majority is reached. With 17 players alive, majority is 9 votes on a single player. If majority is not reached by end of day, modified majority will come into play. If modified majority is not reached, there will be no elimination.
    Day 3 Public Wish Grant
  • Jesse looked at her papers and then stood up. “Attention everyone. I wanted to announce that the public wish has been granted by the gracious, glorious, and lovely Team Rocket. Aren’t we the best? Well, good luck everyone!” Jesse then turned away and started to pack up all of their equipment.

    The granted wish is: I wish that 4 random players play a mini tournament of wish granters choice in Duelist Kingdom.

    The players will be chosen at the end of the day and teleported to the Duelist Kingdom for their tournament. The four chosen players will not be revealed to the thread, nor will the players be able to perform any actions until the tournament completes. The winner of the tournament will receive a choice of four prizes. The first loser will face The Dice of Demise. The other two have nothing happen to them.

    Unknown to our good friend, Blind Ninja, he too will partake in this tournament. If he wins, he will pick a prize and give it to a player of his choice. If he loses, he will not have to roll the Dice of Demise, but neither will anyone else.
    Last edited:
    Day 3 End
  • Day 3 Final Vote Count:

    Cape90 - 9 (CWE #1533, Psycho #1538, Xanjori #1486, 3puppies #1641, Kareemah #1688, Future #1708, GrumpyCat #1801, Mazer #1847, MTR #1858)

    Psycho - 6 (Crackleslap #1481, Listo #1701, Cape90 #1754, Val #1776, Claws #1778)
    Kareemah - 1 (Lettuce #1504)
    Claws - 1 (Matthieu #1714)

    Not Voting: Nightingale

    Current Modified Majority: 9


    The group came together at the end of the day, having survived various shenanigans. Overall, it was a very eventful day and everyone was exhausted. However, work had to be done and they came together to decide that Cape90 had to be removed from this mortal plane. The group grabbed Cape90 and carried him ceremoniously to the highest mountain in the realm and yeeted him very unceremoniously off the cliff. Cape90 hit the ground with a sickening thud and so did two others.

    Cape90, playing as Shivan Dragon/Omnimon, the Silencing Restrictor, has been eliminated.


    With the death of one of his beloved dragons, Seto Kaiba collapsed to his knees, pained at the loss of such a beautiful and powerful creature. He then flew into a rage. After breaking more than a few objects, he composed himself and activated Kaiba Corp’s hidden failsafe, ensuring he would be able to deal with those who think to provide too much information to the group.


    The Ur-Dragon, too, lamented the loss, but he still had the information gained from the whelps he sent out and knew it was time to pay. The whelps had been listening intently for the word scum and the one who said it the most would pay.

    The Ur-Dragon flew forth and located PsychoSoldier and blasted them with his magical breath attack. PsychoSoldier flew backwards and hit the wall. PsychoSoldier struggled to their feet but felt completely drained and weakened. PsychoSoldier quickly left before the Ur-Dragon could do anything else.


    The names have been chosen for the event and the players will receive a message with details shortly


    It is now Night 3. Night 3 will end at 8:00pm ET on August 19th or when all actions are submitted. Actions must be submitted by 6:00pm for them to be valid. If you are not using an action, please let me know you are holstering so we are not waiting around.
    Last edited:
    Night 3 Event Results
  • The event has concluded. It was a rousing game of “Everything About VK.” All five players fought valiantly, but unfortunately one did have to roll the Dice of Demise, and as expected, it resulted in demise.

    3puppies looked at his dice roll and then up moments before he exploded into a million pieces.

    3puppies, playing as Kuriboh/Machamp, the Jailing Bomb, has been killed.

    Team Rocket
    looked on at all the chaos they had wrought and all in the name of a good dollar. But now they had new ambitions. It was time they took their crime and skills universally. Team Rocket jumped into a rocket, but not before looking back and saying, “Looks like Team Rocket is blasting off again!”
    Day 4 Start
  • Maximillion Pegasus bowed his head to his fallen comrades. He would not let Industrial Illusions lose. Now that casualties were starting to mount, he used his Millenium Eye to pierce into everyone's souls. “Now this is going to hurt, but it will hurt them more than us.”

    Ditto had finally gotten the footprints off of him and he was looking sleek and knew. Ditto closed his eyes and manipulated his body ensuring he would be extra sticky tonight.

    Aegislash was on the hunt again tonight and followed closely behind someone until they stopped. Aegislash stayed close to Kareemah and struck up conversation to figure out their true intentions.

    Zapdos was soaring through the air, scanning the battlefield below, looking for people to assist. He saw MTR getting prepared for battle and Zapdos swooped down and encased MTR in an electric shield before flying off again.

    Exodia, The Forbidden One had a score to settle and set out to see it done. He came across his foe Claws and decided his soul needed to be shredded. Exodia took no time to connect with Claws on a soul wave level and shatter it completely. As Claws fell to the ground, so did two others.

    Claws, playing as Emrakul/Gabumon, the BPV Giving Ability Thief, has been killed.

    Summoned Skull
    continued crossing his arms as he always had, with no real expression on his face. But he knew work had to be done. He located PsychoSoldier and cast a curse on him that would not be removed by any conventional means.

    Gaia The Fierce Knight was reviewing all the information he had presently but knew he needed more to help Industrial Illusions come to a victory. Gaia set out and located Xanjori to check the information that he had gained previously. Once he was done, Gaia The Fierce Knight headed home.

    While Gaia was out, a sneaky Impmon had taken up residence. He knew that GrumpyCat would provide a whole wealth of opportunities. Once Gaia arrived back to camp, GrumpyCat and Nightingale were getting ready to have an intense chat, when Gaia’s camp exploded and everything went up in flames. There would be no way to survive that blast for GrumpyCat and Nightingale. Near the scene, Blue Eyes Ultimate Dragon was seen flying away, with bits of blue fire trailing from his mouth.

    GrumpyCat, playing as Gaia The Fierce Knight/Mudkip, the Innocent Child Parity Cop, has been killed.

    Nightingale, playing as Feral Imp/Haunter, the Neighboring Hider, has been killed.

    Blue Eyes Toon Dragon
    flew through the air with a big grin on his face. He was super cute, but also had some awesome mystical powers. He had created a package and left it near Crackleslap hoping he would find it of some use.

    The Ur-Dragon was stricken by the mental attack from Pegasus, but he fought through the pain and broke free. He knew someone had to die and was going to see it done no matter what. The Ur-Dragon flew through the air and located MTR. The Ur-Dragon launched a fiery attack that crashed against the shield given by Zapdos. The shield tried to hold, but it could not contain the wrath of The Ur-Dragon and MTR ended up being incinerated.

    MTR, playing as Celtic Guardian/Aegislash, the Watching Alignment Cop, has been killed.


    Living Players:

    1. Crackleslap
    2. CWE
    3. FutureHold
    4. Kareemah
    5. Listo95
    6. Llettuce
    7. Matthieu
    8. Mazer
    9. PsychoSoldier
    10. Val the Moofia Boss 2.0
    11. Xanjori

    It is now Day 4. Day 4 will end on Aug 21st at 8:00pm ET or when majority is reached. With 11 players alive, majority is 6 votes on a single player. If majority is not reached by end of day, modified majority comes into play. If modified majority is not reached, there will be no elimination.
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    Day 3 End
  • Final Day 4 Vote Count:

    Kareemah - 4 (Matthieu #2004, Lettuce #2014, Psycho #2018, Mazer #2029)

    Lettuce - 1 (Val #1883)
    Listo- 1 (CWE #1964)
    Val - 1 (Listo #1966)

    Not Voting: Crackleslap, FutureHold, Kareemah, Xanjori

    Current Modified Majority: 4

    It is now Day 4. Day 4 will end on Aug 21st at 8:00pm ET or when majority is reached. With 11 players alive, majority is 6 votes on a single player. If majority is not reached by end of day, modified majority comes into play. If modified majority is not reached, there will be no elimination.


    The group had some discussions during the day and accusations were leveled, but ultimately they settled on Kareemah as the best choice. Before Kareemah even had a chance to move, the group all pulled out guns simultaneously and shot Kareemah down. As Kareemah faded, the curses she placed dissipated, as the conditions for the curse were not met.

    Kareemah, playing as Summoned Skull/Mew, the Delayed Vigilate BPV Giver, has been eliminated.

    It is now Night 4. Night 4 will end at 8:00pm ET on August 22nd or when all actions are submitted. Actions must be submitted by 6:00pm for them to be valid. If you do not plan to submit an action, please let me know.
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    Day 5 Start
  • Dark Magician Girl knew what had to be done and Chaos magic was her thing so she decided to unleash it. She held her staff aloft shrouding herself in an orb of Chaos magic and waited to see if anyone would arrive.

    Pikachu knew that Industrial Illusions needed more of his power and he was going to give all the Pikapower he could. Pikachu left and sought out PsychoSoldier, casting Thunder Wave on him. The shield erected itself around PsychoSoldier, ready to intercept any hostile actions.

    Snorlax was in a deep slumber and had no care about what was going on around him, until he started to have a dream. In this dream, Snorlax became more powerful than ever before after visiting with one of his fallen brethren. It was as if he was becoming an entirely different monster altogether. When Snorlax awoke, he realized that it was not just a dream…it actually happened and he was now different.

    Not content to let Snorlax steal the show, Agumon set out to show he too could commune with the dead extremely efficiently. Agumon found one of his fallen partners and communed with him. He took this newfound power and located Xanjori. Xanjori had just finally let the welt go down on his forehead, when the sudden appearance of Agumon caused Xanjori to trip again, knocking himself out. Agumon took the time to examine Xanjori’s form and rustle through Xanjori’s pockets claiming his prize.

    Ditto was busy. He loved just sliding around everywhere and seeing what was going on, but he was needed today. Ditto grabbed a package and located FutureHold, leaving the package somewhere he could find it.

    Dark Magician left his chambers silently and located Matthieu and struck up a friendly conversation with him, wondering if he could learn anything useful.

    Oko, Thief of Crowns was always practiced in his stealth. It was what he was best at and tonight was no exception. Oko crept through the realm and located his target. Oko snuck up behind Listo95 and slit his throat. Listo grabbed his neck, futilely trying to stem the bleeding. As Listo fell to the ground dead, Exodia showed up to eviscerate Listo’s soul, but had to leave empty handed. Both Oko and Exodia went their separate ways.

    Listo95, playing as Seto Kaiba/Blue Eyes Ultimate Dragon, the Bus Driving Roleblocker, has been killed.


    Living Players:

    1. Crackleslap
    2. CWE
    3. FutureHold
    4. Llettuce
    5. Matthieu
    6. Mazer
    7. PsychoSoldier
    8. Val the Moofia Boss 2.0
    9. Xanjori

    It is now Day 5. Day 5 will end at 8:00pm ET on August 24th at 8:00am ET or when majority is reached. With 9 players alive, majority is 5 votes on a single player. If majority is not reached by end of day, modified majority will come into play. If modified majority is not reached, there will be no elimination.
    Day 5 End
  • Final Day 5 Vote Count:

    Matthieu - 5 (Crackle #2093, Mazer #2132, CWE #2136, Matthieu #2138, Val #2159)

    Lettuce - 1 (Psycho (#2055)

    Not Voting: FutureHold, Llettuce, Xanjori

    Current Modified Majority: 4


    The group came together quickly in their discussion and everything fell into place. They accused Matthieu of high crimes against the realm and demanded that he be ended. Matthieu, refusing to be put down, ran away quickly and hid behind a rock. It was not enough, as Matthieu still found himself surrounded. He tried to get away again, but was quickly put down. As Matthieu bled out, so did others.

    Matthieu, playing as Sliver Queen/Gatomon, the Vote Manipulator, has been killed.

    It is now Night 5. Night 5 will end at 8:00pm ET on August 24th or when all actions are submitted. Actions must be submitted by 6:00pm ET to be valid. If you are not submitting an action, please let me know so we aren’t sitting around.
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    Day 6 Start
  • Machamp stretched his arms and looked around. He had a task and would see it done. He located Val the Moofia Boss and grabbed him with all of his arms. Machamp brought Val back and stayed with him all night in a heated discussion on which Pokemon was actually the best.

    Zapdos screeched and he flew through the air until he located Crackle. Zapdos focused his electrical energies and erected a shield around Crackle, bursting with electrical energies.

    Dark Magician wasted no time and lifted his staff high in the air, hitting Val the Moofia Boss with a mental attack that left Val writing in pain, unable to focus.

    Blue Eyes Toon Dragon had another package and wanted to make a delivery to Crackle. Blue Eyes Toon Dragon left the package in a place he knew that Crackle would find.

    Maximillion Pegasus had tricks up his sleeve. He focused his Millenium Eye, encircling Mazer in it and snapshotting the reality and changing the time of what Mazer would be doing.

    Exodia, The Forbidden One set out into the realm, his will be done and no one would stand in his way like last time. Exodia sought out Llettuce and quickly attacked her mind and eviscerated her soul. As Llettuce tried to cling to life, but ultimately failing, others too did fall.

    Llettuce, playing as Blue Eyes Toon Dragon/Pikachu, the Rolestopping Item Vendor, has been killed.


    Living Players:

    1. Crackleslap
    2. CWE
    3. FutureHold
    4. Mazer
    5. PsychoSoldier
    6. Val the Moofia Boss 2.0
    7. Xanjori

    It is now Day 6. Day 6 will end at 8:00pm ET on August 26th or when majority is reached. With 7 players alive, majority is 4 votes on a single player. If majority is not reached by end of day, modified majority will come into play. If modified majority is not reached, there will be no elimination.
    Day 6 End
  • Final Day 6 Vote Count:

    Val - 4 (Psycho #2164, Xanjori #2195, Crackle #2231, Mazer #2232)

    Mazer - 1 (Future #2167)
    Psycho - 1 (CWE #2187)
    Xanjori - 1 (Val #2194)

    Not Voting:

    Current Modified Majority: 4


    As quick as the the day began, it seemed like it was going to end. Discussion was had, but ultimately Val the Moofia Boss was chosen to pay the price. Val tried to run away and decided against hiding behind a rock. Val quickly ducked into a cave. It just so happened, that this was their plan all along. The group grabbed Val and dropped him into a vat of liquid nitrogen, making a Moosicle that was then shattered.

    Val the Moofia Boss, playing as Oko, Thief of Crowns/Impmon, the Roleblocking Rolestopper, has been killed.

    It is now Night 6. Night 6 will end at 8:00pm ET on August 26th or when all actions are submitted.
    Day 7 Start
  • Ditto was slinking around the realm and decided to take a break and power up.Ditto made himself super sticky and waited to see who would visit.

    Agumon didn’t know who, what, or when he was. All he knew is he felt a compulsion. He had a single focus and didn’t appreciate that Xanjori was not as excited about it as he was. Agumon didn’t feel Xanjori was present enough. Agumon followed behind Xanjori and grabbed a rock and bashed Xanjori’s head in, until it was no longer visible. As Xanjori died, Agumon disappeared, as if he was never really there.

    Xanjori, playing as Maximillion Pegasus/Ash Ketchum, the Time Magic Inactivity Vig, has been killed.

    chirped around and started to focus his energies, hunkering down and becoming reactive, waiting for someone to visit with deadly intent.

    Dark Magician Girl giggled as it was her turn to make some noise. She embodied Chaos and held her staff aloft, covering herself in a shield made purely of that Chaos, ready to alter reality of anything aimed at her.

    The Ur-Dragon roared as he soared through the sky. He would not be stopped on his mission to ensure Kaiba Corp would be successful in this battle. The Ur-Dragon located Crackleslap and quickly engulfed him in a fiery blast…of fire. Crackle tried to dodge out of the way, but was not quick enough and he was set ablaze. Crackle didn’t have to worry long, as he quickly turned to dust from the magical breath. As Crackle was gone with the wind, so did some others.

    Crackleslap, playing as Dark Magician/Ditto, the Roleblocking Absorber, has been killed.

    Exodia, The Forbidden One
    had a goal and he would see his will done. He quickly set out across the realm until he was able to locate Mazer. Before Mazer could even sense Exodia’s presence, Exodia appeared and connected with Mazer’s soul and eviscerated it, ensuring that it was ultimately painful for Mazer.

    Mazer, playing as The Ur-Dragon/Agumon, the Gambling Backup, has been killed.


    Living Players:

    1. CWE
    2. FutureHold
    3. PsychoSoldier

    It is now Day 7. Day 7 will end at 8:00pm ET on August 27th or when majority is reached. With 3 players alive, majority is 2 votes on a single player. If majority is not reached by end of day, there will be no elimination.
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    Game End
  • Final Day 7 Vote Count:

    Psycho - 2 (CWE #2237, FutureHold #2243)

    CWE - 1 (Psycho #2238)

    Not Voting:

    It is now Day 7. Day 7 will end at 8:00pm ET on August 27th or when majority is reached. With 3 players alive, majority is 2 votes on a single player. If majority is not reached by end of day, there will be no elimination.


    With a quick discussion, the few remaining decided that it was finally time to ensure PsychoSoldier would no longer do any harm. Future and CWE grabbed Psycho, giving him no chance to run, and ceremoniously slit his throat and bathed in the blood of PsychoSoldier.

    PsychoSoldier, playing as Exodia, the Forbidden One, the Spoken Word Serial Killer, has been eliminated.


    With that death, the realm started to shake and crumble. It was barely able to hold on from all the fighting and battle. But one this was known now. Kaiba Corp failed in their takeover attempt. The combined power of Slyph Co and Industrial Illusions proved to be too much for anyone to defeat. With the day won, Industrial Illusions had to look for a new figure head, with Pegasus untimely death. But that would be a job for another day. For now, it was time to liquidate anything Kaiba Corp.



    Surviving Winners:

    Blind Ninja, playing as Team Rocket, is our first winner!
    CWE, playing as Slifer the Sky Dragon/Snorlax, a Roleblocking Backup, turned Kuriboh/Machamp, the Jailing Bomb, has won.
    FutureHold, playing as Dark Magician Girl/Zapdos, the Nexus Doctor, has won.

    Other Winners:

    Tildey, playing as Mythic Tree Dragon/Sudowoodo, the Motiviating Amplifier, has won.
    Rest of Industrial Illusions has won.
    (yall already flipped)

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