Maximillion Pegasus bowed his head to his fallen comrades. He would not let Industrial Illusions lose. Now that casualties were starting to mount, he used his Millenium Eye to pierce into everyone's souls. “Now this is going to hurt, but it will hurt them more than us.”
Ditto had finally gotten the footprints off of him and he was looking sleek and knew. Ditto closed his eyes and manipulated his body ensuring he would be extra sticky tonight.
Aegislash was on the hunt again tonight and followed closely behind someone until they stopped. Aegislash stayed close to Kareemah and struck up conversation to figure out their true intentions.
Zapdos was soaring through the air, scanning the battlefield below, looking for people to assist. He saw MTR getting prepared for battle and Zapdos swooped down and encased MTR in an electric shield before flying off again.
Exodia, The Forbidden One had a score to settle and set out to see it done. He came across his foe Claws and decided his soul needed to be shredded. Exodia took no time to connect with Claws on a soul wave level and shatter it completely. As Claws fell to the ground, so did two others.
Claws, playing as Emrakul/Gabumon, the BPV Giving Ability Thief, has been killed.
Summoned Skull continued crossing his arms as he always had, with no real expression on his face. But he knew work had to be done. He located PsychoSoldier and cast a curse on him that would not be removed by any conventional means.
Gaia The Fierce Knight was reviewing all the information he had presently but knew he needed more to help Industrial Illusions come to a victory. Gaia set out and located Xanjori to check the information that he had gained previously. Once he was done, Gaia The Fierce Knight headed home.
While Gaia was out, a sneaky Impmon had taken up residence. He knew that GrumpyCat would provide a whole wealth of opportunities. Once Gaia arrived back to camp, GrumpyCat and Nightingale were getting ready to have an intense chat, when Gaia’s camp exploded and everything went up in flames. There would be no way to survive that blast for GrumpyCat and Nightingale. Near the scene, Blue Eyes Ultimate Dragon was seen flying away, with bits of blue fire trailing from his mouth.
GrumpyCat, playing as Gaia The Fierce Knight/Mudkip, the Innocent Child Parity Cop, has been killed.
Nightingale, playing as Feral Imp/Haunter, the Neighboring Hider, has been killed.
Blue Eyes Toon Dragon flew through the air with a big grin on his face. He was super cute, but also had some awesome mystical powers. He had created a package and left it near Crackleslap hoping he would find it of some use.
The Ur-Dragon was stricken by the mental attack from Pegasus, but he fought through the pain and broke free. He knew someone had to die and was going to see it done no matter what. The Ur-Dragon flew through the air and located MTR. The Ur-Dragon launched a fiery attack that crashed against the shield given by Zapdos. The shield tried to hold, but it could not contain the wrath of The Ur-Dragon and MTR ended up being incinerated.
MTR, playing as Celtic Guardian/Aegislash, the Watching Alignment Cop, has been killed.
Living Players:
1. Crackleslap
2. CWE
3. FutureHold
4. Kareemah
5. Listo95
6. Llettuce
7. Matthieu
8. Mazer
9. PsychoSoldier
10. Val the Moofia Boss 2.0
11. Xanjori
It is now Day 4. Day 4 will end on Aug 21st at 8:00pm ET or when majority is reached. With 11 players alive, majority is 6 votes on a single player. If majority is not reached by end of day, modified majority comes into play. If modified majority is not reached, there will be no elimination.