Fingers of Suspicion

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Mafia 6 - Heart of the Cards

Come on now people. It's obvious who everyone is...2 people blocked and every town was active. And the SK is known.

So any vote that's not on Val, Mazer, or Psycho is scummy as hell.
So mad about me testing something. The sobriety has already set in.
Hmm, that kinda thing would mean that provided he gets 2 NKs in a row and they never double target him for kills he'd almost always be unkillable no?
I agree that my original theory would be very power heavy in his favor. Hopefully, there’s a finite number of times he has to be targeted to die.

For whatever it’s worth, I agree with CWE’s vote on Psych and it being time to take him out as not much seems to block Exodia’s kills.
Still looking over things, but one thing that been bothering me is N4.

With Agumon, Ur-Dragon, Impmon, and Oko, it's possible for those to be pairs if none of them are fully unique roles. I think it's mostly safe to assume there aren't other scum, but maybe possible that Ur-Dragon was its own role and Agumon/Impmon/Oko have a pair we haven't seen yet.

So on N4, we had:

Dark Magician Girl, Snorlax, Pikachu, Dark Magician, and Ditto active. As well as Exodia, Oko, and Agumon. Only one living player wasn't active. So unless someone was able to act with two different characters/actions on that night, the numbers don't add up.
Not content to let Snorlax steal the show, Agumon set out to show he too could commune with the dead extremely efficiently. Agumon found one of his fallen partners and communed with him. He took this newfound power and located Xanjori. Xanjori had just finally let the welt go down on his forehead, when the sudden appearance of Agumon caused Xanjori to trip again, knocking himself out. Agumon took the time to examine Xanjori’s form and rustle through Xanjori’s pockets claiming his prize.
I'd also been thinking that Crackle was Ditto, but Ditto shouldn't have had the info on Matthieu. So either Ditto's role works in really weird ways, or Crackle is Dark Magician, or both, because Crackle had the info on me that implied it was Ditto who saw.
We're definitely missing a role one way or another. I was for the longest time thinking Ditto was one of the only roles that had a single character tied to it, but I guess if I had to make pairings of the roles we've seen, there's

Zapdos/Dark Magician Girl
Ditto/Dark Magician



We're still missing a role. Maybe I was right in Ditto being solo and Dark Magician is someone else which would make up for the extra number, but I'm just trying to wrap my head around that.

I guess if we look at the writeup, Val was definitely blocked, and Mazer had his role delayed, and we didn't see any scum act, so at least one of them has to be scum. And Val's reaction to the night actions being to say RIP and then dip is probably an admission. But I'm worried that Mazer might have been a town role that got delayed instead.
Maximillion Pegasus bowed his head to his fallen comrades. He would not let Industrial Illusions lose. Now that casualties were starting to mount, he used his Millenium Eye to pierce into everyone's souls. “Now this is going to hurt, but it will hurt them more than us.”

Ditto had finally gotten the footprints off of him and he was looking sleek and knew. Ditto closed his eyes and manipulated his body ensuring he would be extra sticky tonight.

Aegislash was on the hunt again tonight and followed closely behind someone until they stopped. Aegislash stayed close to Kareemah and struck up conversation to figure out their true intentions.

Zapdos was soaring through the air, scanning the battlefield below, looking for people to assist. He saw MTR getting prepared for battle and Zapdos swooped down and encased MTR in an electric shield before flying off again.

Exodia, The Forbidden One had a score to settle and set out to see it done. He came across his foe Claws and decided his soul needed to be shredded. Exodia took no time to connect with Claws on a soul wave level and shatter it completely. As Claws fell to the ground, so did two others.

Claws, playing as Emrakul/Gabumon, the BPV Giving Ability Thief, has been killed.

Summoned Skull
continued crossing his arms as he always had, with no real expression on his face. But he knew work had to be done. He located PsychoSoldier and cast a curse on him that would not be removed by any conventional means.

Gaia The Fierce Knight was reviewing all the information he had presently but knew he needed more to help Industrial Illusions come to a victory. Gaia set out and located Xanjori to check the information that he had gained previously. Once he was done, Gaia The Fierce Knight headed home.

While Gaia was out, a sneaky Impmon had taken up residence. He knew that GrumpyCat would provide a whole wealth of opportunities. Once Gaia arrived back to camp, GrumpyCat and Nightingale were getting ready to have an intense chat, when Gaia’s camp exploded and everything went up in flames. There would be no way to survive that blast for GrumpyCat and Nightingale. Near the scene, Blue Eyes Ultimate Dragon was seen flying away, with bits of blue fire trailing from his mouth.

GrumpyCat, playing as Gaia The Fierce Knight/Mudkip, the Innocent Child Parity Cop, has been killed.

Nightingale, playing as Feral Imp/Haunter, the Neighboring Hider, has been killed.

Blue Eyes Toon Dragon
flew through the air with a big grin on his face. He was super cute, but also had some awesome mystical powers. He had created a package and left it near Crackleslap hoping he would find it of some use.

The Ur-Dragon was stricken by the mental attack from Pegasus, but he fought through the pain and broke free. He knew someone had to die and was going to see it done no matter what. The Ur-Dragon flew through the air and located MTR. The Ur-Dragon launched a fiery attack that crashed against the shield given by Zapdos. The shield tried to hold, but it could not contain the wrath of The Ur-Dragon and MTR ended up being incinerated.

MTR, playing as Celtic Guardian/Aegislash, the Watching Alignment Cop, has been killed.


Living Players:

1. Crackleslap
2. CWE
3. FutureHold
4. Kareemah
5. Listo95
6. Llettuce
7. Matthieu
8. Mazer
9. PsychoSoldier
10. Val the Moofia Boss 2.0
11. Xanjori

It is now Day 4. Day 4 will end on Aug 21st at 8:00pm ET or when majority is reached. With 11 players alive, majority is 6 votes on a single player. If majority is not reached by end of day, modified majority comes into play. If modified majority is not reached, there will be no elimination.
Noted that Ur-Dragon specifically broke through the mass block. Do we think he's permanently unblockable or did he happen to use a strongman kill on that night?
Yes. Read the language on the flavor one more time. Do you remember when I started making the standard mass rb for scum less powerful in my games? One might speculate that it might be something like that.
I dunno, some of the pairings don't match up like I imagined, but if Ditto is still a unique character that confirms we have enough roles to make up for all the town and we don't have a hidden scum in the wings. And if Crackle was able to act twice as two different characters thanks to Toon Dragon's gift, then that would also help explain what could be the discrepancy in active roles N4 vs. how many town and scum roles should be left from what we've seen. Not sure I got as much from that I was hoping, but it does feel like something screwy is happening.

Anyway, I think Val is the safest bet going by the way they reacted to the writeup without actually discerning what each role did like they've done every other phase. If Mazer is scum, I understand chopping him first to try and avoid his delayed kill, but if we're right about Pegasus delaying both 3pups and Mazer, then we probably have at least one free night phase before Mazer's character will act.
Yes. Read the language on the flavor one more time. Do you remember when I started making the standard mass rb for scum less powerful in my games? One might speculate that it might be something like that.
I assume you mean the 50% chance to be blocked. Which makes sense and I figured that's probably built into the mechanic at least for the massblock from Pegasus, but it's the specific wording of him being hit by the mental attack. Normally if they survived the 50/50, they weren't hit by the block. So this flavor seemed to specifically imply that despite being hit, he was able to push through.

I think, in the least, it was a strongman kill.
I assume you mean the 50% chance to be blocked. Which makes sense and I figured that's probably built into the mechanic at least for the massblock from Pegasus, but it's the specific wording of him being hit by the mental attack. Normally if they survived the 50/50, they weren't hit by the block. So this flavor seemed to specifically imply that despite being hit, he was able to push through.

I think, in the least, it was a strongman kill.
OK the combo makes sense to me now. I was missing the latter part.
Day 6 Vote Count:

Val - 2 (Psycho #2164, Xanjori #2195)
Mazer - 1 (Future #2167)
Psycho - 1 (CWE #2187)
Xanjori - 1 (Val #2194)

Not Voting: Crackleslap, Mazer

Current Modified Majority: 3

It is now Day 6. Day 6 will end on Aug 26th at 8:00pm ET or when majority is reached. With 7 players alive, majority is 4 votes on a single player. If majority is not reached by end of day, modified majority comes into play. If modified majority is not reached, there will be no elimination.
Worth a shot.

Psych hasn't been a bad keep for me so far, so not thinking he's going to mysteriously switch. Willing to listen.
Psycho what is your moral obligation and how are you fucking us if we let you live today?
My moral obligation is to either force scum to kill me or live long enough to see them dead while still using my broken blade. That's as far as I can go this game. The only way I'd be fucking you by letting me live today is if I kill wrong before that point. Which is why I'm trying to bring up some of the remaining discrepancies in the night info so I don't bring town to a swift death.
Honestly, I just appreciate you guys obliging me this long and I know eventually you'll probably kill me before scum does, but all I can really say in defense of letting me live to that bitter end is all my kills have been true to my word, and even though I missed on llettuce, it wasn't for lack of thinking she could still be scum. I was worried that after being caught, Matthieu voted llettuce for a last minute distance push.
Yeah, that wasn't meant to be as much. But I know being a leashed SK is a risky move that most town wouldn't bargain with. So it's cool that you guys let me chop some more heads before I go.
It's a Psych Lives Party, Who Could Ask for More?
Everybody's comin', leave your body at the door
Leave your body and soul at the door
Psych, let me try to validate my role tonight? If I can't, you can always kill me tomorrow. I hope my part in keeping you around has earned me that. There would be nothing that would cause a problem anyway, even if you went differently, because you're not validating the thread evidence so dar.. It's probably fine. Just rarely get a survive.

And if you don't, I'd look to the most likely traitor. I would guess there would be sufficient time to figure.

If the good guys don't win, I'd rather it be psych anyway. I respect his play up to this point.

Vote: val

Now I'm happy I didn't tell you people everything I knew. Fucking kill me tonight. Put me out of my misery and end the fucking game.

And I can't even drink to forget this. Damn it...
Day 6 End
Final Day 6 Vote Count:

Val - 4 (Psycho #2164, Xanjori #2195, Crackle #2231, Mazer #2232)

Mazer - 1 (Future #2167)
Psycho - 1 (CWE #2187)
Xanjori - 1 (Val #2194)

Not Voting:

Current Modified Majority: 4


As quick as the the day began, it seemed like it was going to end. Discussion was had, but ultimately Val the Moofia Boss was chosen to pay the price. Val tried to run away and decided against hiding behind a rock. Val quickly ducked into a cave. It just so happened, that this was their plan all along. The group grabbed Val and dropped him into a vat of liquid nitrogen, making a Moosicle that was then shattered.

Val the Moofia Boss, playing as Oko, Thief of Crowns/Impmon, the Roleblocking Rolestopper, has been killed.

It is now Night 6. Night 6 will end at 8:00pm ET on August 26th or when all actions are submitted.
Day 7 Start
Ditto was slinking around the realm and decided to take a break and power up.Ditto made himself super sticky and waited to see who would visit.

Agumon didn’t know who, what, or when he was. All he knew is he felt a compulsion. He had a single focus and didn’t appreciate that Xanjori was not as excited about it as he was. Agumon didn’t feel Xanjori was present enough. Agumon followed behind Xanjori and grabbed a rock and bashed Xanjori’s head in, until it was no longer visible. As Xanjori died, Agumon disappeared, as if he was never really there.

Xanjori, playing as Maximillion Pegasus/Ash Ketchum, the Time Magic Inactivity Vig, has been killed.

chirped around and started to focus his energies, hunkering down and becoming reactive, waiting for someone to visit with deadly intent.

Dark Magician Girl giggled as it was her turn to make some noise. She embodied Chaos and held her staff aloft, covering herself in a shield made purely of that Chaos, ready to alter reality of anything aimed at her.

The Ur-Dragon roared as he soared through the sky. He would not be stopped on his mission to ensure Kaiba Corp would be successful in this battle. The Ur-Dragon located Crackleslap and quickly engulfed him in a fiery blast…of fire. Crackle tried to dodge out of the way, but was not quick enough and he was set ablaze. Crackle didn’t have to worry long, as he quickly turned to dust from the magical breath. As Crackle was gone with the wind, so did some others.

Crackleslap, playing as Dark Magician/Ditto, the Roleblocking Absorber, has been killed.

Exodia, The Forbidden One
had a goal and he would see his will done. He quickly set out across the realm until he was able to locate Mazer. Before Mazer could even sense Exodia’s presence, Exodia appeared and connected with Mazer’s soul and eviscerated it, ensuring that it was ultimately painful for Mazer.

Mazer, playing as The Ur-Dragon/Agumon, the Gambling Backup, has been killed.


Living Players:

1. CWE
2. FutureHold
3. PsychoSoldier

It is now Day 7. Day 7 will end at 8:00pm ET on August 27th or when majority is reached. With 3 players alive, majority is 2 votes on a single player. If majority is not reached by end of day, there will be no elimination.
Last edited:
Vote: CWE

Too many town roles still alive, Future confirmed not red, and CWE's weird fit after Val was chopped instead of me.

So what was this info you had, CWE?
Future, I know where your vote is probably gonna go, but just consider the fact that the writeups aren't fully reconciled and CWE wanted to try to get me out over 2 confirmed scum
Future, I know where your vote is probably gonna go, but just consider the fact that the writeups aren't fully reconciled and CWE wanted to try to get me out over 2 confirmed scum

Here's your hint about me.

There's a reason I went aggro yesterday.

Good luck...
Future, I know where your vote is probably gonna go, but just consider the fact that the writeups aren't fully reconciled and CWE wanted to try to get me out over 2 confirmed scum
I’m sorry but CWE was blocked on days where all scum acted. In my eyes, he’s clear.

I will say, well played Psycho

Vote: Psycho
Game End
Final Day 7 Vote Count:

Psycho - 2 (CWE #2237, FutureHold #2243)

CWE - 1 (Psycho #2238)

Not Voting:

It is now Day 7. Day 7 will end at 8:00pm ET on August 27th or when majority is reached. With 3 players alive, majority is 2 votes on a single player. If majority is not reached by end of day, there will be no elimination.


With a quick discussion, the few remaining decided that it was finally time to ensure PsychoSoldier would no longer do any harm. Future and CWE grabbed Psycho, giving him no chance to run, and ceremoniously slit his throat and bathed in the blood of PsychoSoldier.

PsychoSoldier, playing as Exodia, the Forbidden One, the Spoken Word Serial Killer, has been eliminated.


With that death, the realm started to shake and crumble. It was barely able to hold on from all the fighting and battle. But one this was known now. Kaiba Corp failed in their takeover attempt. The combined power of Slyph Co and Industrial Illusions proved to be too much for anyone to defeat. With the day won, Industrial Illusions had to look for a new figure head, with Pegasus untimely death. But that would be a job for another day. For now, it was time to liquidate anything Kaiba Corp.



Surviving Winners:

Blind Ninja, playing as Team Rocket, is our first winner!
CWE, playing as Slifer the Sky Dragon/Snorlax, a Roleblocking Backup, turned Kuriboh/Machamp, the Jailing Bomb, has won.
FutureHold, playing as Dark Magician Girl/Zapdos, the Nexus Doctor, has won.

Other Winners:

Tildey, playing as Mythic Tree Dragon/Sudowoodo, the Motiviating Amplifier, has won.
Rest of Industrial Illusions has won.
(yall already flipped)

Funny interactions early game. I said my vote was for sale day 1 so mattieu tries to remove from me n1 and i copied the ability which allowed me to see that the person who slover queen visited wouldn't know they lost their vote. Unfortunately for psycho and i went to work so i couldn't remember or read the flavour i read so i thought sliver queen stole my vote as well and saw psycho with 2. Did all the damage with my 'info' at work got home and realised i was wrong. But to calm my suspicion i tracked (also recieved via n1 copy ability used on me) psycho and saw him kill diva. Lol
Funny interactions early game. I said my vote was for sale day 1 so mattieu tries to remove from me n1 and i copied the ability which allowed me to see that the person who slover queen visited wouldn't know they lost their vote. Unfortunately for psycho and i went to work so i couldn't remember or read the flavour i read so i thought sliver queen stole my vote as well and saw psycho with 2. Did all the damage with my 'info' at work got home and realised i was wrong. But to calm my suspicion i tracked (also recieved via n1 copy ability used on me) psycho and saw him kill diva. Lol
I love this
Good design void.

Well played townies. You goody goody bastards. But still, well done.

Psych, I always admire an outed run. You did break my heart though.

Scum team kept it close despite some tough nights. I was absentee for large stretches early. Appreciate them carrying the load.
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