Fingers of Suspicion

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The Sexiest Mafian Ever: The Mafian

  • Thread starter Thread starter Mazer
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I will say I was not a fan of the LDG yeet. I get people's frustrations but I don't thinking just yeeting her right off the bat is the way to go. Also feel like this is probably more of a discussion to take place away from a game.

This write up and set it up is different and I like it and hate it all at once. Going to take some time to wrap my head around it.
If your not a fan of the yeet why vote there it wasnt even majority vote
I see that I have another hawk looking for unforward behavior in this community. I was told Morrison had his trash can .25 inches farther than was allowed on trash day.
Season 9 Trash GIF by The Simpsons
Good good follow up question why future or what did future do to validate a vote on him
Nothing. I was just voting him to get a vote in for the most part and plus me and him tend to vote each other day one no matter our alignment. He didn't really participate so I don't have a read on him yet.
Nothing. I was just voting him to get a vote in for the most part and plus me and him tend to vote each other day one no matter our alignment. He didn't really participate so I don't have a read on him yet.
And your thoughts on him 50/50 on you? And thoughts on jarrod and cwe
And your thoughts on him 50/50 on you? And thoughts on jarrod and cwe
Again he has barely participated and I am not sure how much he has paid attention. So he can be 50/50 on me for all I care right now.

CWE is pinging me now after calling my one post sus. Before that not so much.

Still trying to get a read on Jarrod because he hasn't posted a lot yet.
Again he has barely participated and I am not sure how much he has paid attention. So he can be 50/50 on me for all I care right now.

CWE is pinging me now after calling my one post sus. Before that not so much.

Still trying to get a read on Jarrod because he hasn't posted a lot yet.
I dont think CWE is that bad, Id always yeet Jarrod before CWE here as it currently stands
I dont think CWE is that bad, Id always yeet Jarrod before CWE here as it currently stands
I wouldn't go after either one of them at this point honestly. I was asked about CWE and just said I was pinged a bit. But not going to go after him. Jarrod just not ready to go after yet either.
Claws has a couple posts that look bad if Morrison flips scum. One initially looked poorer, but I think I just read that one wrong originally. Still something I would want to review again once we have the flip. something.
claws seems alright to me so far. I also lived through night 1 so that tends to be a decent sign.

And yeah I am something. Not sure what but I am something.
I need to vote and now Mitch is making it so my vote in the next post is gonna make it L-1 :D

My initial feel about Xanjori is positive. But I hope to find out more either way.

I still dislike Listo the most I'd say. Claws is a close second, but only if Morri flips scum. God I really want to vote for BN but he isn't giving me any normal icky feelings.
Vote count:
Jarrod (1)-cwe
mitch (1) -psych,
morri (7)-val, matt, claws, jarrod, future, mitch, void

Not Voting: People who need to work on their sexy. People like Michael Cera.

Keep working at it.

Joey Tribbiani Flirt GIF
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I need to vote and now Mitch is making it so my vote in the next post is gonna make it L-1 :D

My initial feel about Xanjori is positive. But I hope to find out more either way.

I still dislike Listo the most I'd say. Claws is a close second, but only if Morri flips scum. God I really want to vote for BN but he isn't giving me any normal icky feelings.
The audacity. I will have you know I am the sexiest here tyvm!

Now onto quick bylaws. Void is currently following the rules correctly. Claws has the potential to soon be breaking them and needing to be fined. Xan and Jarrod are also close to breaking some bylaws.
I will say I was not a fan of the LDG yeet. I get people's frustrations but I don't thinking just yeeting her right off the bat is the way to go. Also feel like this is probably more of a discussion to take place away from a game.

This write up and set it up is different and I like it and hate it all at once. Going to take some time to wrap my head around it.
apparently im scum but chose to not vote for LDG to self-preserve and get that sweet, sweet plausable deniability.
matt voting me day 1 for activity, switching to town LDG for the lynch, and then being the first to jump on the next day after apparent deets doesn't digest well with me.

I'm weary of mitch's insistence with this post liking stuff. as much as it could be for something like a BPV, i feel like it could also just as easily be setting up for a future action, like maybe a bomb of some sort.

void not offering any real detail about whatever this position restriction he has is about stinks. mazer said in the rules that information you receive can be shared, and i would imagine he's been told the parameters of why he's restricted, whether it was due to an action against him or something mechanically.
Seems like the day progressed as expected. People slowly piling onto Morri to put him L-1

And people not discussing much else. There was the MTR/Future cross question and the CWE/Jarrod cross question.
Vote count:
Jarrod (3)-cwe, xan, Blind Ninja
mitch (1) -psych,
morri (7)-val, matt, claws, jarrod, future, mitch, void
cwe (1) - mtr

Not voting: Not fooling anyone with that comb-over.
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Jarrod (3)-cwe, xan, Blind Ninja
mitch (1) -psych,
morri (7)-val, matt, claws, jarrod, future, mitch, void
cwe (1) - mtr

It was an exhausting day in the grotto. Xan was seemingly prodded and teased all day. It went on and on. Only as the night came close, did he finally find release through a hammering.

has been eliminated. He was Xan-Scum Killer.

LDG-Town Cop/Doc alternating-Future
GC - Town 1 shot killer-Mitch
Morrison -ScumKiller-Xan

1. MitchRapp
2. VoidKitten
3. Val the Moofia Boss
4. Matthieu
5. CWE
6 Xanjori
7. MTR
8. Jarrod1983
9. FutureHold
10. PsychoSoldier
11. Listo
12. Blind Ninja
13. Claws

Begin Night 2.

Look Seduce GIF by Saweetie
Begin D3
As the night began, VIolina looked out at the players.

"You have pushed each other to higher levels of passion. But I a, sill not satisfied. You my remember: Love is a battlefield"

Under their various guises, the battle of love commenced.

Chris Hemsworth was inspired. He let the power of his passion ignite Zendaya.

But he was not alone in his nigh superheroic displays, as Henry Cavill wanted to show Zendaya that while he may be as powerful as a locomotive, he was is no way faster than a speeding bullet.

Jennifer Lawrence gave Zendaya and Selena Gomez a seductive look. "Hey ya'll, what about a menage a trois?"

Zendaya, for her part, decided that she would only be satisfied if she found out if Travis Kelce was as good with his hands as she was led to believe.

Timothee Chalamet needed to get some one on one time with Sydney Sweeney as well.

And after that Chalamet went right to Chris Hemsworth. Chris caught the thunder in a way that he had never before.

Sydney Sweeney had apparently heard this as well, and wanted to get some hands on experience with Travis of her own.

Travis, on the other hand, found out whether Chris Evans had really needed super soldier serum. If he did, Travis had a sponsorship with Pfizer to fall back on.

Michael B Jordan's Creed training inspired him to go a couple rounds with Zach Efron, but he wasn't able to make the connection.

None of them seemed good enough for Selena Gomez. She spent the night learning the greatest love of all.

Zach Efron wanted to get that feeling of Euphoria as well, and there was no better way than evening with Sydney.

Dua Lipa
approached Mazer. She started to do a lap dance, but it went a lot worse than you'd expect. She tripped on the way over. She was way too herky Jerky. Just .....not good at all. Mazer was honestly disappointed, and hoped that Dua would at least try not to disappoint in the future. Sadly, he was skeptical.

Violina went to hand out roses. But she stopped in front of 3. "On this night....the forces of selfishness have made you....less desirable. And as selfishness is sometimes sexy....they can;t be denied. But you can be denied. To show you the point.....I'm denying you right now"

Val has been eliminated. He was MTR- Town Cop/Tracker

MTR has been eliminated. He was Tildey-Town Watcher

Psych has been eliminated. He was Morrison-Town Hider.

Mtr will
N1 Matthieu (saw no one)

Psych will
*Will: first thing's first, if I die tonight (N2), I hid behind MTR.

On Page 1, Xan feels loose but just engaged enough to be town.

Light good vibes on Void.

Noted that Grumpy was pushing MTR

( This post from Claws, considering Grumpy ended up dying N1 is...interesting.

Reading Mitch's posts in flow with the thread, their focus on LDG without prodding others despite how many others were talking stands out even more now.

I don't have any specific player in mind, but it maybe might be worth seeing who was voting/pushing VK for reacting to posts without posting. Seems like it's based on his role and I expect scum to be more patient and understand that, whereas town are more likely to both be skeptical and push on it. (At a glance, only BN and Claws had a real reaction to it, and Matthieu made an innocuous comment about it, so if any of them are scum, my money is on Matthieu).

Future's entrance is underwhelming.

Mm, I guess the "like as many posts as possible" from Matthieu is maybe a decent look. At least enough to not really gun for him without a strong urge. Matthieu switching to vote Morri on D1 also probably a decent look?

( This post from morrison maybe clears Mitch

Matthieu unvoting Morrison after he posted is maybe a bit performative, but also Morrison doesn't even name Matthieu right in his post about Mitch and maybe that shows a lack of partnering? I dunno.

Claws feels like he has his detective hat on for D2

MTR is low-key feeling more scummy

I dunno, I kinda get light town vibes from Jarrod

CWE I think did or said something about morrison near the end of D1 which made me think unpartnered? I'll have to double check (It must have just been voting Morrison on D1. Doesn't mean a lot at the time, but a better look than not.

One thing that keeps me from wanting to scum read Listo is his comment about Morrison's trash. Kinda seems like it was hinting at him target morri? Maybe not though.

I want to know why CWE didn't engage with the info on morrison.

Void mostly seems towny, but I'm not sold yet. Something about the way he pushes Claws tied to "if Morrison flips scum" kinda feels like he was planning for that world knowing that morri would flip red? But this feels kinda dumb and not right.

( I don't like that he doesn't give the Why here and want to press on that

Having looked at Xan once again, I think he can probably just be town? He's lacking any concrete moves that make him look good in comparison to Morrison, but his vibes on MTR(especially if scum) are probably a good look, and he's just seemed genuinely solvey.

Town: Val, Claws, Mitch/Matthieu, Xan

CWE, Listo, Void, Jarrod

Blind, Future, MTR**

The Sexiest Mafian Ever

As the night ended, Violina and Mazer spoke. Violina had seen some sexiness, but also some embarrassing displays.

She spoke to Mazer, "Don't they realize that they can all be sexy in their own way"

Mazer responded, "Sadly....some do not. They are missing the timeless art....of seduction"

Obviously, Violina already knew that. Sometimes she liked to make observations so mortals could pass the time.

LDG-Town Cop/Doc alternating-Future
GC - Town 1 shot killer-Mitch

Morrison -ScumKiller-Xan
Psych-Town Hider-Morrison
mtr-Town watcher-Tildey
Val-Town Cop/Tracker-MTR

1. MitchRapp
2. VoidKitten
3. Matthieu
5. Xanjori
6. Jarrod1983
7. FutureHold
8. Listo
9. Blind Ninja
10. Claws

With 10 active players, hammer is at 6.

Begin Day 3.

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I feel the need to use one of these posts to express my disappointment that my friend did not want to talk to me again. I was hoping you could. And there better be a reason why you couldn't.

Also, fuck you for not picking me if you had a choice. I thought we were an item.

MTR's flip surprises me a bit; not the role or anything, but I had leaned him more neutraly scum.

Claws still has one post that I absolutely despise, even more so with Morri being red, because it doesn't feel like something Claws would actually say. This is where I want to put my vote when it gets time to it.
I see MTRs flip and wonder if Future is the culprit.
I promise I’m not. I know I’ve had a horrible performance this game and have failed to post, I got side tracked then this last phase there was drama on another discord server I was involved in. It’s a mess, I was leaning MTR town throughout the day, forgot to say something.
I blocked Mitch on N1 and there was only one kill.

I didn't block Mitch on N2 and there were two kills, one of which took out two players at once.
My reasoning is multiple roles have already flipped to reveal paired combos of abilities such as Cop/Doctor.

There are roles which are limited to just one ability, however. Yet speaking for myself I am unable to use mine twice in a row. I assume similar limitations exist for other town aligned players?

If not, do correct me. If they do, then Mitch is likely to be scum and he slipped up there by claiming to track two nights in a row.
My reasoning is multiple roles have already flipped to reveal paired combos of abilities such as Cop/Doctor.

There are roles which are limited to just one ability, however. Yet speaking for myself I am unable to use mine twice in a row. I assume similar limitations exist for other town aligned players?

If not, do correct me. If they do, then Mitch is likely to be scum and he slipped up there by claiming to track two nights in a row.
I can commute 1x. I don't have back and forth options as you do.
If I was the killer how would I know where Xan went?

And if Xan for whatever reason does not confirm thats where he went then I get it if you want to lynch me but when I flip you will know Xan is not town.
Honestly I didnt even know my action showed up as a night action, but Mitch got the target of my action correct.

If Mitch is wolf you can speed yeet CWE :D
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