Fingers of Suspicion

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Mafia 5 - Throne of Destiny

Day 4 End
Final Day 4 Vote Count:

Future - 5 (Listo #881, Rock #883, MTR #888, BlindNinja #897, Satsu #899)

Not Voting: CWE, FutureHold, Mazer

It is now Day 4. Day 4 will end at 8:00pm ET on August 2nd or when majority is reached. With 8 players alive, majority is 5 votes on a single player. If majority is not reached by end of day, there will be no elimination.


The group discussed names back and forth today and ultimately ended up on FutureHold as the sun started to set. FutureHold quickly stood up and tried to run away, but was tripped and fell face first into a table and broke his neck. FutureHold was then quickly put out of his misery by the group as a whole before they went off to bed.

FutureHold, playing as The Butler, has been eliminated and no logbook was found.


It is now Night 4. Night 4 will end at 8:00pm ET on August 6th or when all actions are received. Actions must be received by 7:00pm ET for them to be valid. If you do not plan to use an action, please let me know.
The numbers of those present dwindled day by day and everything was looking dire. The group went to bed, hoping to have a better idea of where to go tomorrow.

MTR was not feeling well. He had cut himself while trying to do some arts and crafts and didn’t realize how deep the wound was. Before MTR could call for a doctor or bandage it up, he tripped again, ripping the wound wide open. Within moments, MTR was no more.

MTR, playing as The Hunter, has bled out and a logbook was found.


N1 Bear
N2 Hunter's Mark Player A rock Player B Foxxi
N3 Hunters Mark Player A Future Player B listo
day 4 wolf satsu action failed
n4 hunters mark player a satsu player b Listo


Mazer was busy poring over his notes, trying to make sense of what was going on. He looked at them over and over and he slammed his fist down on the table. “Aha. I knew it.” Before Mazer could finish celebrating, a knife was plunged deep into his neck and quickly removed. Mazer grabbed his neck and turned around to face his attack. “You”, he struggled to say. The figure bowed and quickly left, leaving Mazer to die.

Mazer, playing as The Prince, has been killed and a logbook was found.


N1:no act
N2: listo claimed maid
N3: rock clmd chrono
Silenced early sat/no n4


With that death, the Unseen would have no problem taking out the rest of the Blue Dragon. They had achieved their ultimate goal and would see that their aims be done. The Blue Dragon put up a valiant fight, but in the end, it was not enough.

Rock, playing as The Chronomancer, has been killed.

CWE, playing as The Mercenary, has been killed.



Surviving Winners:

Satsu, playing as The Mastermind.
Blind Ninja, playing as The Assassin.
Listo, playing as The Handmaiden.

Other Winners:

Robozerim, playing as The Unseen King
3puppies, playing as The Enforcer.

Congrats to the Unseen again and good game to everyone. The game has now concluded.

Unless someone else plans on going next, I already have another game almost ready that will be in the typical Rajah style of write ups. If someone else wants to go, np at all since I can tweak this more.
Unseen win first time I get converted ever?
Coincidence Reaction GIF
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