Day 1 Start
Cuddly, but Saavy
Welcome to the game thread for the Throne of Destiny game. Please let me know if you have any questions and as always, good luck!
Initial Game Information:
Starting Role Breakdown - 16 player game
1 King
1 Prince
1+ Sheriff or Paladin
7-8 Additional Blue Dragon Members
2 Unseen or Cult Members
1 Neutral Killing
2-3 Other Neutrals
Day/Night Phases:
Game Mechanics
1. BlindNinja
2. CWE
3. FutureHold
4. Listo95
5. MTR
6. Mazer
7. Rock meets hard place
8. Satsu
9. Xanjori
Dead Players:
1. Val, playing as The Princess, has been killed and no logbook was found. (Night 1)
2. Robozerim, playing as The Unseen King, has been eliminated and no logbook was found. (Day 2)
3. Nightingale, playing as The Possessor, has been killed and a logbook was found. (Night 2)
4. Matthieu, playing as The Physician, has been killed and a logbook was found. (Night 2)
5. Morrison, playing as The Sheriff, has been killed and no logbook was found. (Night 2)
6. JackSparrow, playing as The Scorned, has bled out and no logbook was found. (Night 2)
7. 3puppies, playing as The Enforcer, has been eliminated and a logbook was found. (Day 3)
Day/Night Writeups:
Day 1 End:
Day 2 Start:
Day 2 End:
Day 3 Start:
Day 3 End:
Current Phase:
It is now Night 3. Night 3 will end at 8:00pm ET on August 3rd or when all actions are submitted. Actions must be submitted by 7:00pm ET for them to be valid.
Initial Game Information:
- This is a cult style game. I repeat. This is a cult style game.
- There will be NO writeups this game. Certain actions will receive feedback (outside of investigation results), based on what happens during the night that can be saved in logbooks or shared in the thread. There may be some flavor for start/end of day, but it should not be used as game information
- Role-claiming, breadcrumbing, fake claiming, etc will be allowed. A list of all roles in the game will be made available to everyone. There is nothing hidden this game as all players will see all possible abilities. While claims are allowed, please do not abuse this as it can take away from the game as a whole.
Starting Role Breakdown - 16 player game
1 King
1 Prince
1+ Sheriff or Paladin
7-8 Additional Blue Dragon Members
2 Unseen or Cult Members
1 Neutral Killing
2-3 Other Neutrals
Day/Night Phases:
Day/Night will end at 8:00pm ET (GMT-5). Length of phases may be adjusted to compensate. End game phases may start/end earlier depending on game state.
Day phases will last 48 hours and will end early upon majority being reached. If majority is not reached by the end of the day, there will be no elimination.
If a King is eliminated or killed, a 24 hour Dawn phase will begin before the next day, where the players can vote upon a new King to take the throne, but beware of promoting a King who is not of Blue Dragon. If majority is not reached by the end of the 24 hour period, no King will be promoted and there will no longer be a King for the remainder of the game. When a new King is elected, Day will begin. Dawn phase will no longer occur once there are 5 players remaining and no new Kings can be elected.
Night Phase will last 24 hours and no talking will be allowed in thread during this time. You can use the general channel in Discord for non-game related chat during night. You have until 7:00pm ET (GMT-5) to submit your night actions each night.
Day phases will last 48 hours and will end early upon majority being reached. If majority is not reached by the end of the day, there will be no elimination.
If a King is eliminated or killed, a 24 hour Dawn phase will begin before the next day, where the players can vote upon a new King to take the throne, but beware of promoting a King who is not of Blue Dragon. If majority is not reached by the end of the 24 hour period, no King will be promoted and there will no longer be a King for the remainder of the game. When a new King is elected, Day will begin. Dawn phase will no longer occur once there are 5 players remaining and no new Kings can be elected.
Night Phase will last 24 hours and no talking will be allowed in thread during this time. You can use the general channel in Discord for non-game related chat during night. You have until 7:00pm ET (GMT-5) to submit your night actions each night.
Game Mechanics
- At the start of the game, one player will be announced as the King. The King will either start as a Good King, Unseen King, or Cult King. This King’s alignment will not be known and you will need to use your social deduction skills to determine if the King is on your side or not. The starting King has a 60% chance of being a Good King and a 40% chance of being an Evil King.
- There can only be the Unseen or Cult in this game. Not both. There can be no more than 3 of any class that is not unique. There must be at least one healer (Physician, Alchemist, or Chronomancer).
- If the King is removed by vote or killed, the town will come together and vote on a new King during a special Dawn phase. After that, the day will begin. If there are five or fewer players remaining, there will be no new elections for King.
- All players will be able to keep a logbook. This cannot exceed 50 words (I will be forgiving with formatting not counting towards words) and will be released to all players upon your death. This can contain information about your targets, role, things that happened, results, etc. Or it can be used to provide disinformation depending on how roles can obscure and manipulate flips, faking results, etc. Or you can just use it to shitpost/taunt on your death. You can submit one logbook each phase which will lock it in as the newest one. If a logbook is not submitted, none will be flipped or the most recent version submitted will be used.
- If you are occupied, redirected, or imprisoned a total of 3 times, you will become immune to all forms of occupation and redirection (except to The Prince). You will not be told when this happens and it will just work passively. If you are imprisoned three times by the Prince, you cannot be imprisoned again.
- Imprisonment will not remove a Cult/Unseen player from their chat, but will prevent them from speaking in that chat during that night.
- Framed results are Killer/Offensive to the Princess, Unseen to the Sheriff, Cult to the Paladin, and the Observer will see them visiting someone who died that night.
- If an attack is unhealable, it cannot be protected by typical heals/protects but can still be stopped by death immunity. Death immunity, in some cases, can be overridden by a player’s actions. Death Immunity does not prevent death from bleeds.
- The game will follow typical Mafia feedback. Only roles that need a notification of their action failing will be told.
- I recommend reading the roles as some roles are death immune (can be bypassed by other roles and actions), occupy (roleblock) immune, and redirect/conversion immune.
- If your action is a kill, bleed, or returns results, and fails for most reasons, you will be told Action Failed.
- If you protect someone and the action fails resulting in their death, you will be told Action Failed. Only the Chronomancer will be told if they successfully prevent a death due to their role mechanics. If a player survives a kill attempt due to a heal, they will be told they survived but not who healed them.
- You will be told at the end of the phase if you are bleeding, unless hidden. Only the player who was bled will be told if their bleed is healed.
- If there is specific role feedback, it will be listed on your rolecard.
- No discussing this game with any players outside of the game thread, unless you have a specialized Discord thread to do so.
- Please no angleshooting or OGI (out of game information), such as a player’s potential lurking or activity, or seeing they are active in another thread/discord but not Mafia. Focus on the game and what is happening in the game. Please do not ask CWE his alignment and CWE should not unequivocally state his alignment either. Y’all have been warned.
- There will be no night chat allowed in the thread. The general chat in Discord will be enabled to allow non-game chat during each night phase.
- All other typical Mafia rules are in play. All actions will follow Natural Action Resolution and unmodified actions of the same type will go first. Conflicting redirections may fail.
1. BlindNinja
2. CWE
3. FutureHold
4. Listo95
5. MTR
6. Mazer
7. Rock meets hard place
8. Satsu
9. Xanjori
Dead Players:
1. Val, playing as The Princess, has been killed and no logbook was found. (Night 1)
2. Robozerim, playing as The Unseen King, has been eliminated and no logbook was found. (Day 2)
3. Nightingale, playing as The Possessor, has been killed and a logbook was found. (Night 2)
4. Matthieu, playing as The Physician, has been killed and a logbook was found. (Night 2)
5. Morrison, playing as The Sheriff, has been killed and no logbook was found. (Night 2)
6. JackSparrow, playing as The Scorned, has bled out and no logbook was found. (Night 2)
7. 3puppies, playing as The Enforcer, has been eliminated and a logbook was found. (Day 3)
Day/Night Writeups:
Day 1 End:
Final Day 1 Vote Count:
Robozerim - 2 (Val #5, JackSparrow #266)
Morrison - 2 (Nightingale #172, Rock #183)
Sleep - 2 (Matthieu #189, Mazer #280)
Matthieu - 1 (Blind Ninja #7)
Val - 1 (Robozerim #8)
MTR - 1 (Future #17)
Mazer - 1 (CWE #40)
3puppies - 1 (Xanjori #45)
Xanjori - 1 (3puppies #237)
Future - 1 (MTR #246)
Not Voting: Listo, Morrison, Satsu
It is now Day 1. Day 1 will end at 8:00pm ET on July 27th or when majority is reached. With 16 players alive, majority is 9 votes on a single player. If majority is not reached by end of day, there will be no elimination.
The day began with accusations and discussion that petered off towards the end, with most present agreeing that no one was suspicious enough today. Instead, they looked around at each other warily, and bid each other adieu and went off to their rooms.
There has been no elimination.
It is now Night 1. Night 1 will end at 8:00pm ET on June 28th or when all actions are submitted. Actions must be submitted by 7:00pm ET for them to be valid. If you do not plan to use an action, please let me know that you are holstering.
Day 2 Start:
Everyone went to their rooms, intent on looking out for their own interests. There was evil at this gathering and it had to be rooted out. Some stayed in their rooms and hid and some left their rooms to further their own cause, whatever that may be.
Val was sleeping when he heard a noise. He got up to check the door, but it was locked. As he turned around, a single gunshot fired through the door, hitting Val in the back of the head. Val crumpled to the floor, blood pooling from the wound.
Val, playing as The Princess, has been killed and no logbook was found.
Everyone gathered together in the main room, noting the absence and making a small gesture towards their fallen.
Living Players:
1. Robozerim - King
2. 3puppies
3. BlindNinja
4. CWE
5. FutureHold
6. JackSparrow
7. Listo95
8. MTR
9. Matthieu
10. Mazer
11. Morrison
12. Nightingale
13. Rock meets hard place
14. Satsu
15. Xanjori
It is now Day 2. Day 2 will end at 8:00pm ET on July 30th or when majority is reached. With 15 players alive, majority is 8 votes on a single player. If majority is not reached by end of day, no elimination will occur.
Day 2 End:
Final Day 2 Vote Count:
Robo - 8 (JackSparrow #419, Nightingale #496, CWE #498 MTR #582, Blind Ninja #584, Xanjori #588, Matthieu #589, Mazer #590)
JackSparrow - 1 (Listo #321)
Listo - 1 (Rock #407)
Xanjori - 1 (3puppies #477)
Not Voting: FutureHold, Morrison, Robozerim, Satsu
It is now Day 2. Day 2 will end at 8:00pm ET on July 30th or when majority is reached. With 15 players alive, majority is 8 votes on a single player. If majority is not reached by end of day, there will be no elimination.
The group had discussions throughout the day, but the people were becoming unseasy with their leader’s absence. Debates were had, arguments filed, and only minor threats given and the group came together to decide that enough was enough and they wanted new leadership. As Robozerim was giving an impassioned speech to all present, the group roughly grabbed him and put him into a makeshift guillotine. Without any time to defend himself, the group decided that Robozerim should have never been chosen and they would undo their mistake.
Robozerim let out a scream as the guillotine descended, but it was quickly cut off as his head fell into a nicely laid out breadbasket, ending Robozerim’s threat to the land.
Robozerim, playing as The Unseen King, has been eliminated and no logbook was found.
It is now Night 2. Night 2 will end at 8:00pm ET on July 31st or when all actions are submitted. Actions must be submitted by 7:00pm ET for them to be valid. If you do not plan to use an action, please let me know that you are holstering.
As an announcement to all, there will be slight changes in how a new King is voted on. Instead of it being an additional 24 hour phase, the beginning of Day 3 will be used for a new vote on King. All votes for the first 24 hours of Day 3, will be for voting on a new King. Once a King is crowned or 24 hours passes and no King will ever be crowned, the day will continue for the remaining time. All conversation is allowed, but votes will only count towards King until a King is crowned or 24 hours comes up first
Day 3 Start:
The group left the main hall, content with their choice for removal. The King would no longer have his grasp over everyone present. The Blue Dragon felt invigorated by this and went to their rooms with happiness in their hearts, hoping for a quiet evening. Unfortunately, for all present, tonight would be anything but quiet.
Nightingale was in her room, practicing her craft and making a really cute dragon with its tongue sticking out. She finally finished it, smiled, and climbed into bed. This was the last thing she did however, as the bed exploded minutes after she lay down, incinerating Nightingale and everything in the room.
Nightingale, playing as The Possessor, has been killed and a logbook was found.
Current sus list:
-Robo- nailed it
Matthieu was brewing some potions, having recently learned Alchemy from one his friends, but wasn’t anywhere near the skill level to call this his job. He was focused on his work and didn’t hear anyone come into the room. Matthieu’s throat was quickly split and his attacker left while Matthieu bled out on the floor.
Matthieu, playing as The Physician, has been killed and a logbook was found.
Val - Assassin
Morrison was sleeping, as he had not bothered to show up during the previous day. He finally yawned and awoke, just to be immediately bludgeoned over the head with the claw of a hammer, over and over, until Morrison was barely able to be recognized.
Morrison, playing as The Sheriff, has been killed and no logbook was found.
JackSparrow was killing some mobs in Diablo 4. He was finally about to hit level 100 in hardcore mode. He was thrilled but this was short lived as he suddenly keeled over and died, a pool of blood, already formed and dried under JackSparrow’s bed.
JackSparrow, playing as The Scorned, has bled out and no logbook was found.
Living Players:
1. 3puppies
2. BlindNinja
3. CWE
4. FutureHold
5. Listo95
6. MTR
7. Mazer
8. Rock meets hard place
9. Satsu
10. Xanjori
For the first 24ish hours of Day 3, all votes cast will be for someone to take on the new mantle of King. Once a King is crowned, votes will reset and the remainder of the day can be used to vote someone out. If a King is not crowned (6 vote majority reached) by 8:00pm on August 1st, there will be no King for the remainder of the game.
It is now Day 3. Day 3 will end at 8:00pm ET on August 2nd or when majority is reached. With 10 players alive, majority is 6 votes on a single player. If majority is not reached by end of day, no elimination will occur.
Day 3 End:
Final Day 3 Vote Count:
3puppies - 6 (Listo95 #714, Blind Ninja #715, Rock #719, MTR #735, Mazer #775, Xanjori #782)
Sleep - 1 (3puppies #758)
Not Voting: CWE, FutureHold, Satsu
It is now Day 3. Day 3 will end at 8:00pm ET on August 2nd or when majority is reached. With 10 players alive, majority is 6 votes on a single player. If majority is not reached by end of day, there will be no elimination.
The group came together to discuss who would be King now that the evil had been routed from the highest spot amongst them. However, no one really wanted to step up to that position and there didn’t seem to be someone that anyone wanted either. The group decided that they did not need a King to define them and decided to buck the trend and go Kingless.
As the day wound down, the group listened to everyone’s discussions and pleas and they ultimately decided that 3puppies was the most suspicious and they decided it was time to make him nopuppies. The group grabbed 3puppies and bound him, throwing him into a pen of feral pigs. As the group walked away, they knew nothing would be left of 3puppies.
3puppies, playing as The Enforcer, has been eliminated and a logbook was found.
Since the only action I have available tonight is to defend, and since I don't know enough about anyone to trust them, I'll defend Mazer. If he is attacked, it would likely be by scum, so trading my life to take out scum seems like a good deal for town.
It is now Night 3. Night 3 will end at 8:00pm ET on August 3rd or when all actions are submitted. Actions must be submitted by 7:00pm ET for them to be valid.
Current Phase:
It is now Night 3. Night 3 will end at 8:00pm ET on August 3rd or when all actions are submitted. Actions must be submitted by 7:00pm ET for them to be valid.
The starting King is Robozerim. All hail King Robozerim!!!
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