Fingers of Suspicion

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Mafia 5 - Throne of Destiny

Je pense un peu que Jack fait n'importe quoi en réponse à ma restriction. La probabilité qu'il y ait deux de ces rôles qui traînent sur le fil, et l'un m'a frappé, puis l'autre a immédiatement décidé de frapper les griffes avec exactement la même chose aussi - me semble mince.
I am like there has to be a Fool this game but so far didn't notice anyone that really wants to get yeeted :>
pourquoi faut-il que ce soit un imbécile ? il y a deux autres possibilités ? De plus, le comportement de Jack pourrait absolument être celui d'un imbécile, mais c'est aussi un peu normal pour lui, alors *hausse les épaules*
Future was saying this is a Cult game and to toss out all the Unseen roles -- so my point is that if this turns out to BE an unseen game it's unlikely future began as Unseen.
The OP said this is a cult style game. Maybe he ran with that then?

Either way, I still think there are roles that are limited to a cult or unseen game
Eh bien. Il semble que quelqu'un ait déjà décidé que je dois me taire, lmao
Well. It looks like someone has already decided that I should shut up, lmao
Nous avons donc au moins l'un des éléments suivants : méprisé, imbécile ou culte avec un apôtre.
So we have at least one of the following: despised, fool, or worship with an apostle.
Je pense un peu que Jack fait n'importe quoi en réponse à ma restriction. La probabilité qu'il y ait deux de ces rôles qui traînent sur le fil, et l'un m'a frappé, puis l'autre a immédiatement décidé de frapper les griffes avec exactement la même chose aussi - me semble mince.

I kind of think Jack is messing up in response to my restriction. The likelihood of there being two of these roles lying around on the wire, and one hitting me, and then the other immediately deciding to hit the claws with the exact same thing too - seems slim to me.
pourquoi faut-il que ce soit un imbécile ? il y a deux autres possibilités ? De plus, le comportement de Jack pourrait absolument être celui d'un imbécile, mais c'est aussi un peu normal pour lui, alors *hausse les épaules*
why does he have to be a fool? are there two other possibilities? Also, Jack's behavior could absolutely be that of a jerk, but that's also kind of normal for him, so *shrugs*

the translates of all of Foxxis french
I kind of think Jack is messing up in response to my restriction. The likelihood of there being two of these roles lying around on the wire, and one hitting me, and then the other immediately deciding to hit the claws with the exact same thing too - seems slim to me.
Pouah. putain de. autour. Pas jack n'est foiré. et dans le. fil de discussion. pas dans le fil.
It's a combination of not liking the light sus on future while I'm actively saying I think that post could point to him as town since it seems like a strange thing for scum to say/do even if this is a Cult game, and if it's Unseen then it's even less likely he's part of that. And then pointing out *why* he might be assuming it's cult is just not a good town move. Not necessarily a scum move either, but I dislike it.
i love how you overanalyze everything, makes my head hurt and questions my own alignment
Je pense un peu que Jack fait n'importe quoi en réponse à ma restriction. La probabilité qu'il y ait deux de ces rôles qui traînent sur le fil, et l'un m'a frappé, puis l'autre a immédiatement décidé de frapper les griffes avec exactement la même chose aussi - me semble mince.
c'est le capitaine jack sparrow pour toi
They got hit with a restriction.

Eh bien, j'ai été touché par une restriction. Je ne suis pas vendu sur Jack. Il n'y a qu'un total de trois rôles qui pourraient le faire. Max. Et cela suppose que nous ayons une culte. Sinon ce n'est que deux : méprisé et imbécile. Et cela signifierait qu'ils auraient tous deux été choisis au hasard comme rôles dans ce jeu, ET tous les deux présents et attentifs à me frapper, puis Jack juste après. Et même si nous avons un culte pour en faire un potentiel de trois, le rôle qui commence par le chef de culte est aléatoire, donc un culte ne signifierait pas automatiquement qu'il y a un apôtre.

Il me semble juste peu probable que j'aie été touché par un et qu'un deuxième se soit trouvé là pour voir et ait ensuite décidé de faire exactement la même chose à Jack.
Eh bien, j'ai été touché par une restriction. Je ne suis pas vendu sur Jack. Il n'y a qu'un total de trois rôles qui pourraient le faire. Max. Et cela suppose que nous ayons une culte. Sinon ce n'est que deux : méprisé et imbécile. Et cela signifierait qu'ils auraient tous deux été choisis au hasard comme rôles dans ce jeu, ET tous les deux présents et attentifs à me frapper, puis Jack juste après. Et même si nous avons un culte pour en faire un potentiel de trois, le rôle qui commence par le chef de culte est aléatoire, donc un culte ne signifierait pas automatiquement qu'il y a un apôtre.

Il me semble juste peu probable que j'aie été touché par un et qu'un deuxième se soit trouvé là pour voir et ait ensuite décidé de faire exactement la même chose à Jack.
True. I tend to agree with this that I am not sold on him being restricted.
And to add to that because I posted too quick. We only have one or the other. We will not have both cult and unseen in this game. We have to figure out which group we have. Both groups can recruit and both groups are looking to take out the Blue Dragon and other neutrals that threaten them.
Eh bien, j'ai été touché par une restriction. Je ne suis pas vendu sur Jack. Il n'y a qu'un total de trois rôles qui pourraient le faire. Max. Et cela suppose que nous ayons une culte. Sinon ce n'est que deux : méprisé et imbécile. Et cela signifierait qu'ils auraient tous deux été choisis au hasard comme rôles dans ce jeu, ET tous les deux présents et attentifs à me frapper, puis Jack juste après. Et même si nous avons un culte pour en faire un potentiel de trois, le rôle qui commence par le chef de culte est aléatoire, donc un culte ne signifierait pas automatiquement qu'il y a un apôtre.

Il me semble juste peu probable que j'aie été touché par un et qu'un deuxième se soit trouvé là pour voir et ait ensuite décidé de faire exactement la même chose à Jack.
Well, I was hit with a restriction. I'm not sold on Jack. There are only a total of three roles that could do this. Max. And that assumes we have a cult. Otherwise it's only two: despised and imbecile. And that would mean that they would both have been randomly chosen as roles in this game, AND both present and intent on hitting me, and then Jack right after. And even if we have a cult to make it a potential three, the role that starts with the cult leader is random, so a cult wouldn't automatically mean there's an apostle.

It just seems unlikely to me that I was hit by one and a second one happened to be there to see and then decided to do the exact same thing to Jack.

-For those not willing to translate
On a more serious note, there was...ten (?) or so posts made by the time I decided to check in. Barring me commenting on each and every one for the sake of seeming busy, I dunno what BN expects. If I see something that piques my interest, I'll bring it up.

So far, the 'haha lets kill the king' was the most pressing thing to me.
On a more serious note, there was...ten (?) or so posts made by the time I decided to check in. Barring me commenting on each and every one for the sake of seeming busy, I dunno what BN expects. If I see something that piques my interest, I'll bring it up.

So far, the 'haha lets kill the king' was the most pressing thing to me.
What about the discussion of potentially 2 restrictions?

Where do you stand on that? If 1 were faking it, who do you think is the fake?
I will say that it is interesting that both people have said it is a restriction when if you are restricted you are not suppose to acknowledge it.
What about the discussion of potentially 2 restrictions?

Where do you stand on that? If 1 were faking it, who do you think is the fake?
I'm going to assume it's legit, since restrictions can and have targeted multiple players.

Between the two, though, I think if either of them were to fake it then it'd likely be Claws. If only because Foxxi posted first.

Though like I said, I think it's legit. An annoyance for them both (and anyone who can't understand French) but at least it's happening on D1 and not at a more critical point.
I'm going to assume it's legit, since restrictions can and have targeted multiple players.

Between the two, though, I think if either of them were to fake it then it'd likely be Claws. If only because Foxxi posted first.

Though like I said, I think it's legit. An annoyance for them both (and anyone who can't understand French) but at least it's happening on D1 and not at a more critical point.
Only The Apostle has a limit of doing a restriction twice. Fool/Scorned can do it every day.
Doesn't mean they are scum per say but to me that means they are not going to meet the requirements of the restriction and will be occupied tonight.
MTR is right. I wasn't told I couldn't say I was restricted, only that I would be mod occupied if I broke it - but going and reading the text for fool/scorned/apostle they all say I'll be occupied anyway since I spoke about the restriction so I don't see any point in making communication more difficult than it needs to be now.

In my defense, if I were going to fake this I would have read the damn ability and *known* how to fake it right.
To be honest I don't think Foxxi is lying. I am like others and question claws. But again that doesn't mean he is scum either and could just be trolling.
Yeah, the fact void forgot to put in the king alignment odds wouldn't shock me if he forgot to say they couldn't mention it.
Day 1 Mod Note
Mod Note:

Restriction abilities have been updated to remove the inability to discuss the restrictions. These were intended to be adjusted and the update didn't make it. I thought I had gotten them all correct, too.

Apologies about the mistake.

That being said, the moderator in charge of managing restrictions has been fired and new one appointed in their place. Failures only count starting from this post.
It has been nearly 40 years since I fell one course shy of a minor in French. I am genuinely surprised I can still understand most of it.
someone vision GIF
Cela fait presque 24 heures sans que Mazer ne se présente, ce n'est pas habituel pour lui, peu importe le rôle qu'il joue, je ne pense pas. Je me demande s'il a été réduit au silence, mais même si nous avons un rôle qui peut faire cela, je ne sais pas pourquoi ils s'embêteraient en D1 ? Morri ne s'est pas encore montré non plus je ne pense pas, et je doute fortement que les deux soient dus à des silences même s'ils existent. Je ne veux pas lyncher Future, Xan, Listo, Blind Ninja ou Rock aujourd'hui. Je ne ressens pas non plus Mazer qui n'est pas là pour se faire une idée.

@morrison -- Venez nous rejoindre

Unvote: Mazer
Vote: Matthieu

I agree that voting sleep and not doing anything has scum potential but didn't you argue that its NAI? So why vote him?

I also disagree on a potential Future lynch. He seems fluffy and active lurk to me

I agree that voting sleep and not doing anything has scum potential but didn't you argue that its NAI? So why vote him?

I also disagree on a potential Future lynch. He seems fluffy and active lurk to me
La même raison pour laquelle je vote la plupart des gens à ce stade du jeu - pour voir ce qui se passe. Son ouverture était NAI. Cela signifie que je n'ai toujours aucun penchant pour lui dans aucune direction, alors pourquoi ne devrais-je pas essayer de générer plus d'informations ? Et l'avenir est toujours un peu flou, mais il y a eu assez de lui que j'ai aimé pour que je ne sois pas intéressé à le voir lynché aujourd'hui.
Vote: Nightingale

Going with my gut on this, but after seeing how well I played during the last version of this game I genuinely believe that a scum aligned Foxxi would try to get rid of me early given how much frustration I caused with my role the last time around.
I was a Cub Scout and never did Boy Scouts. Future is an eagle and we continue to help the troop. I am leading popcorn sales and trying really hard to pass the baton. Lol he was staffing camp hence the back and forth of living in the woods for the last couple months

Tonight is the annual hike for frozen custard from the park the troop meets at during the summer.

Anyway guess I should start figuring out which way to vote. Always hate day 1
Je pense un peu que Matthieu qui me vote est un citadin même si c'est OMGUS. Peut être. La plupart des joueurs vétérans savent généralement que je ne suis pas un lynchage facile. Bien qu'il ait essayé exactement le même argument dans le jeu, nous venions de finir de jouer quand je l'avais identifié comme une racaille pour essayer de me repousser le lynchage, donc il a clairement les couilles pour essayer.

Matthieu - pourquoi supposez-vous que mon vote unique sur vous pour obtenir votre réaction essaie de vous supprimer ?
Je n'aime pas que Morri apparaisse simplement parce qu'il a reçu un ping, qu'il publie quelques messages au hasard, puis qu'il ne contribue ni ne commente rien d'autre.

Unvote: Matthieu
Vote: Morrison
Pour être juste, ce n'est pas encore le comportement qui me préoccupe de Robo. Il a tendance à ne pas être là et à publier beaucoup, mais quand il le fait, ses messages auront du contenu. Je serai inquiet si nous ne le voyons pas commencer à analyser et à peser les choses après aujourd'hui, mais je n'attendrai toujours pas plus que peut-être une poignée de messages de sa part par jour.
it's like you got to that post and just stopped reading. I think my explanation in 178 is perfectly fine or do you not think so? One could argue that he's most likely town b/c he has a 60% chance of it but just going "oh 60% let's leave him alone!" is just lazy. He deserves the same scrutiny as everyone else. He's not getting lynched today and that's fine but I'm waiting on him to return. s1 is nearly over and it feels like we've gotten nowhere. Is a 2 page d1 common?
it's like you got to that post and just stopped reading. I think my explanation in 178 is perfectly fine or do you not think so? One could argue that he's most likely town b/c he has a 60% chance of it but just going "oh 60% let's leave him alone!" is just lazy. He deserves the same scrutiny as everyone else. He's not getting lynched today and that's fine but I'm waiting on him to return. s1 is nearly over and it feels like we've gotten nowhere. Is a 2 page d1 common?
he is getting the same scrutiny. Everyone will develop a read on him, but d1 isnt the best time to remove the king and blind vote someone new king. We at least need to have an idea of who can be trusted 1st
or rather Matthieyu and Morrison are decent votes.

but I thought that was funny
I don't believe that we've ever played together before, so how would you know if I'm a decent vote or not unless you're just following the crowd? I'm genuinely struggling to see what I have said this day phase that is even remotely controversial.

Vote: Sleep

I'm going back to this. I don't see much point in randomly taking someone out under the guise of 'getting information' when it would be much more reliable to let those who can bring something to the table in terms of solid info unfettered.
I don't believe that we've ever played together before, so how would you know if I'm a decent vote or not unless you're just following the crowd? I'm genuinely struggling to see what I have said this day phase that is even remotely controversial.

Vote: Sleep

I'm going back to this. I don't see much point in randomly taking someone out under the guise of 'getting information' when it would be much more reliable to let those who can bring something to the table in terms of solid info unfettered.
I'm not sure that's how it works. True, I don't really know what your baseline play is (and I'm way too lazy to meta dive) Your first post just pings me a bit. Obviously, I'm not the first/only one saying this so if you want to believe/criticize me for agreeing with others instead of having the ability to form my own conclusions then that's up to you. If I thought you were the best vote I'd be voting you but I'm not.

If we decide to lynch it won't be to "get information" it'll be b/c we think someone is scum ot they have an annoying post restriction ( :P )

Do you have any thoughts that are not "OMG nightengale is trying to kill me!" or "the drunken pirate is lying about his pr."?
I don't think my post actually did 'ping' you so much as you're just letting BN's post saying the exact same thing dictate your judgement of me. Which is strange, since nothing I've said this day phase is remotely controversial and you seem to be ignoring that at least one player spoke up in my favour. Namely Xanjori. Nightingale voted for me, yes, though has since removed that vote.

If you have specific questions, ask them. It's too early for me to make any real judgement and I'd rather let night actions and write-ups dictate the direction of the game.
I was a Cub Scout and never did Boy Scouts. Future is an eagle and we continue to help the troop. I am leading popcorn sales and trying really hard to pass the baton. Lol he was staffing camp hence the back and forth of living in the woods for the last couple months

Tonight is the annual hike for frozen custard from the park the troop meets at during the summer.

I got Eagle. We went on an overnighter hiking trip every month. I didn't really like hiking very much, but I did like hanging out with those guys, and some of the places we went to were interesting. We did some cool stuff like going to our Scoutmaster's house and welding together bicycles and steel pipes to make landsailers, and then hauling them out to a windy dry lake bed to race them. Every 3 months he had a court of honor which served as a potluck and that was fun too. I was the Troop librarian, and we had two drawers stuffed to the brim with merit badge pamphlets, but sadly hardly anyone ever came to me for a pamphlet. I think I opened those drawers maybe 10 times. Even after I officially aged out, I stuck around for a couple years. Then my friends stopped showing up, and the new younger kids didn't really want to hang out with old geezers like me, so it kinda felt odd being alone there. Also, eventually we had hiked to all of the interesting places within a day's drive and we were just going to the same places over and over again, which got boring. I also got a job, and then started going to college, and I didn't have much energy left, so I stopped going.
I don't think my post actually did 'ping' you so much as you're just letting BN's post saying the exact same thing dictate your judgement of me. Which is strange, since nothing I've said this day phase is remotely controversial and you seem to be ignoring that at least one player spoke up in my favour. Namely Xanjori. Nightingale voted for me, yes, though has since removed that vote.

If you have specific questions, ask them. It's too early for me to make any real judgement and I'd rather let night actions and write-ups dictate the direction of the game.
Sure man, whatever you need to tell yourself. This game seems a little complex so I'm not sure how reliable night actions will be. Also, think void kitten said that write-ups aren't going to have much information so when you say "im going to let this game be dictated by na's and write ups" all I hear is "let's put less emphasis on scumhunting/day phase."
Sure man, whatever you need to tell yourself. This game seems a little complex so I'm not sure how reliable night actions will be. Also, think void kitten said that write-ups aren't going to have much information so when you say "im going to let this game be dictated by na's and write ups" all I hear is "let's put less emphasis on scumhunting/day phase."
It's almost like I was placing emphasis upon the former element rather than the latter. Which, in turn, ties into my earlier question posed regarding whether claiming is allowed or not.
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