Fingers of Suspicion

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Mafia 6 - Heart of the Cards

Are you telling me if a wolf flipped out of one of the people with multiple votes you wouldnt heavily scrutinise/pressure anyone that gave them the extra votes?
+ you said to speed lynch them. Its like you got called on something and then you try to present it and something reasonable wich is not what you said.
Rock is underwhelming after I liked his start
I like Capes posting for the most part, we'll see how he plays out
Your posting started off good but not sure its stayed that way
Vals probably a scum
Talk to me about Val, because I kinda had the same feeling but feel my gut reaction to Val on most days is to call him scum
Like you're trying so hard ot defend what was the scummiest play we've seen in this thread I dont get how others arent picking up on it
Talk to me about Val, because I kinda had the same feeling but feel my gut reaction to Val on most days is to call him scum
Honestly its mostly him not being here, and then remembering he needed to come in and get post cap to avoid whatever Voids set up for low posters this game.
Honestly at this point if any of the people with extra votes flip wolf it'll be you getting speed yeeted.
This seems like a reach. I don't think he specifically has a problem with chopping people that gave an item to scum, I think he has an issue with the way you presented it.

That said, I kinda feel the fervor in this response is probably towny
This seems like a reach. I don't think he specifically has a problem with chopping people that gave an item to scum, I think he has an issue with the way you presented it.

That said, I kinda feel the fervor in this response is probably towny
The irony of complaining that someone just used their vote without taking time but then thinking me saying we speed yeet people that stacked their vote on a wolf is somehow sus? Where is the flow in logic and reasoning here
well... I dont like the sleep vote. Dont feel Grumpy is the way to go right now either.

Lets try something, and get called scummy for suggesting it...

Chinese Fire Drill to someone that hasnt even shown up like Tildey or Nightingale? Or you just wanna leave that to the potential inactivity vig
Final Day 1 Special Vote Count:

7 - 3 (CWE #140, Claws #189, Mazer #242)
5 - 2 (Lettuce #27, DivaSmurf #209)
13 - 2 (Matthieu #185, Blind Ninja #201)
16 - 2 (MTR #227, Future #252)
1 - 1 (3puppies #71)
10 - 1 (Val #128)
19 - 1 (Rock #195)
23 - 1 (Xanjori #197)
9 - 1 (Morrison #251)
8 - 1 (Listo #253)
3 - 1 (Cape #255)

Like I doubt all the double stacks are wolves stacking on wolves, but theyre definitely people that should be kept an eye on. DivaSnyrf getting 3 votes is interesting, especially as she didnt self vote.
Day 1 Vote Count:

Sleep - 7 (3puppies #75, DivaSmurf #209, Future #251, MTR #259, GrumpyCat #339, Listo #397, Blind Ninja #514)
GrumpyCat - 3 (Claws #337, WindwardAway #419)
Blind Ninja - 2 (Rock #203, Cape90 #493)
3puppies - 1 (Val #128)
WindwardAway - 1 (CWE #135)
Crackleslap - 1 (Lettuce #411)
Morrison - 1 (Psycho #482)
Val - 1 (Xanjori #516)

Not Voting: Crackleslap, Kareemah, Mazer, Morrison, Nightingale, Tildey, Matthieu

Current Modified Majority: 9

It is now Day 1. Day 1 will end on Aug 13th at 8:00pm ET or when majority is reached. With 23 players alive, majority is 12 votes on a single player. If majority is not reached by end of day, modified majority comes into play. If modified majority is not reached, there will be no elimination.
That said, I kinda feel the fervor in this response is probably towny
maybe but isn't it kinda null? like yeah town are OMGUSy as hell and since they are the majority then he'll most likely flip town but scum also defend themselves and can be pretty OMGUSy as well. What really makes you think that this is town getting angry instead of scum?
if Diva, crackle, Matt, or MTR flip scum then yeah we can question the players that voted them but you said just lynch them but just b/c they voted scum doesn't mean that THEY are scum. I called you out on a bad stance you then backpedaled and presented it as something reasonable.
I feel like its probably to late to swap trains it will likely be sleep unless magically every1 here can agree on one person
Day 1 End
Final Day 1 Vote Count:

Sleep - 7 (3puppies #75, DivaSmurf #209, Future #251, MTR #259, GrumpyCat #339, Listo #397, Blind Ninja #514)
GrumpyCat - 3 (Claws #337, WindwardAway #419)
Val - 2 (Xanjori #516, Cape90 #521)
3puppies - 1 (Val #128)
WindwardAway - 1 (CWE #135)
Crackleslap - 1 (Lettuce #411)
Morrison - 1 (Psycho #482)
Kareemah - 1 (Rock #525)

Not Voting: Crackleslap, Kareemah, Mazer, Morrison, Nightingale, Tildey, Matthieu

Current Modified Majority: 9


Throughout the realm, the forces of Industrial Illusions and Kaiba Corp did battle, but neither was able to make any headway. The group as a whole could not come to consensus on who to get rid of, so they decided to sleep on it to see if they had any brighter ideas in the morning. Hopefully, everyone would make it through until morning.

There has been no elimination


Before everyone could disperse, the energy started to vibrate within this realm and the booming voice was heard once again. “Ah yes. The time has come. I have been amongst you this entire time and now it is time for me to be reborn. For I. AM. EXODIA, THE FORBIDDEN ONE!” A large rumbling filled the realm as four lasers shot out of the sky, each containing a piece of Exodia. “My powers have infected the bloodline of each type and I will find my pieces and end the foolish mortals who felt they could trifle with the power of the gods.”

Exodia let out another bellow and then went quiet, ready to do what is necessary.

It is now Night 1. Night 1 will end at 8:00pm ET on August 14th or when all actions are submitted. Actions must be submitted by 6:00pm ET for them to be valid. If you do not plan to use an action, please tell me you are holstering so we aren’t just waiting around.
Day 2 Start
The Ur-Dragon flew through the realm, keeping an eye on people from above. As he flew, he saw someone who caught his eye and kept their details in mind, hoping this would be the boon to Kaiba Corp he expected.

Ditto looked around curiously at what was going on, but knew even though he was small he had great power. Ditto closed his eyes and concentrated, making his body particularly sticky and malleable and waited for someone to visit.

The Mythic Tree Dragon would not falter from this battle. He flew through the air and located MTR and breathed a magical fire on him, enhancing his abilities tonight to be even more effective.

Emrakul let out a great roar and focused her energies. She felt through the realm until she located Rock the hard place and assaulted him with her mind, sapping his strength and leaving him in a weakened state. Rock struggled to his feet but continued on.

The Feral Imp bounced around playfully, looking at all the fighting going on. He happened across his target and decided to stick around with them for the night, excited at all the possibilities.

Impmon was not about to be outdone by another impish monster. He set out from the secret Kaiba Corp location and located Cape90. Impmon spoke a spell quickly and warped the shadows around Cape90 to change the reality of incoming assaults.

Exodia The Forbidden One exploded throughout the realm with a roar as he set out with a ferocious intent and purpose. He had heard enough during the day and set this person forth. He located Val the Moofia Boss and confronted him. Exodia wasted no time and he quickly accessed Val’s soul, eviscerating it. Exodia cackled as he felt immense power welling up within him, as his Right Arm reformed. “Perfect. Only three more remain.”

Val, playing as ???, the ???, has been killed.

was pounding his chest getting himself amped up for the battle ahead. While doing this he located CWE and motioned him over to get pumped up with Machamp, ensuring CWE would be busy elsewhere tonight.

Time Magician knew what had to be done. He knew what he wanted to do and who it had to be on, but the dice had to be rolled. The clock spun and spun, but did not land true. Time Magician closed his eyes and cast a spell on Crackle to see what he would be up to tonight.

As would be a symphony of dragons, the Blue Eyes Ultimate Dragon also had some work to do tonight. It flew from its cave and located Xanjori, landing in front of him. Xanjori panicked and tripped over a rock, knocking himself out for the night.

Aegislash floated around, looking menacing at anything that came across his path. However, when he happened upon GrumpyCat, Aegislash decided to get to know him better instead of glare menacingly.

Garbador was smelly. He knew it. Everyone knew it. But the smell could be a great weapon and Garbador decided there was none better to face his stinky wrath than Mazer. He focused up globs of slime and trash and launched it all around Mazer, causing Mazer to lose focus and his action to fire askew.

Summoned Skull stood on the battlefield with his arms crossed. He nodded his head and strode forth locating Rock. Before Rock could move, Summoned Skull cast a curse on Rock that would persist indefinitely.

The Sliver Queen located her quarry quickly and swung her blade at Crackle, ruining all the parchment Crackle was using to write down his thoughts and now he would be at a disadvantage come morning.

Zapdos flew around the realm, avoiding all the dragons that seemed to be around. He located PsychoSoldier and focused electrical energies to surround PsychoSoldier in an electrical barrier.

Gaia the Fierce Knight knew how to command control over a battlefield and knew how to discern friend from foe. Using data he gathered previously, he examined Rock to determine what Rock’s ultimate goal was.

The Shivan Dragon let out a violent and ominous roar. It took off and knew precisely where it was going. It located MTR and before he even had a chance to react, swallowed him whole and immediately started the digestion process, ensuring nothing would remain of MTR to be found. The Shivan Dragon, satisfied, flew back to its roost.

MTR, playing as ???, the ???, has been killed.

had finally returned from his long absence and knew it was time to continue his rule over Team Rocket. He was excited to be back on top and was in a pretty good mood. Giovanni decided to set out a decree for the day and had it delivered to everyone in the realm, as he sat back to await the results.

There is a Wishgranter present in the game for Day 2. All players may submit up to two wishes in the thread and the Wishgranter may grant one of them. The granted wish will take effect immediately and only one wish may be granted. To submit a wish, please make a post with your wish(es), in any form of BLUE and BOLDED text and start it with “I wish”. Once the wishes are wished for, they cannot be changed or altered.


Living Players:

1. 3puppies
2. Blind Ninja
3. Cape90
4. Claws
5. Crackleslap
6. CWE
7. DivaSmurf
8. FutureHold
9. GrumpyCat
10. Kareemah
11. Listo95
12. Llettuce
13. Matthieu
14. Mazer
15. Morrison
16. Nightingale
17. PsychoSoldier
18. Rock
19. Tildey
20. WindwardAway
21. Xanjori

It is now Day 2. Day 2 will end on Aug 16th at 8:00pm ET or when majority is reached. With 21 players alive, majority is 11 votes on a single player. If majority is not reached by end of day, modified majority comes into play. If modified majority is not reached, there will be no elimination.
Day 2 Wishes
Blind Ninja - I wish for Nightingale to be able to communicate in thread - #731
3puppies - I Wish to become neighbors and to be able to roleclaim/breadcrumb with two other random players - #755
3puppies - I wish for MTR to become resurrected - #755
Windward - I wish for a desperado. - #763
Windward - I wish for a gladiate. - #763
GrumpyCat - I wish for dead players roles alignments to be revealed right now. - #829
Matthieu - I wish for Val to be revived to return to the game. - #888
Matthieu - I wish for the protection bestowed upon me to extend for another day and night phase. - #888
Rock - I wish Blind Ninja were dead. - #937
Rock - I wish matthieu would lose his protection. - #937
Xanjori - I wish for 4 players to be chosen at random and entered into a private chat, one of the random players must belong to Kaiba Corp. The players will choose to vote out one of the others and that person will be eliminated as if they were voted out from the game. - #940
Claws - i wish every1 was vanilla'd - #980
Kareemah - I wish for a tracker ability. - #1009
Kareemah - I wish for +1 BPV. - #1009
Claws - i wish every1 to have a turn rolling the dice of demise - #1016
Last edited:
Damn. Busy night. Lot's of action my way. 👀 Why would that be! Perhaps I should sell my vote too the highest bidder! Or perhaps...

Vote: Listo95
Day 2 Vote Count:

Listo95 - 1 (Crackle #544)

Not Voting: 3puppies, Blind Ninja, Cape90, Claws, CWE, DivaSmurf, FutureHold, GrumpyCat, Kareemah, Listo95, Llettuce, Matthieu, Mazer, Morrison, Nightingale, PsychoSoldier, Rock, Tildey, WindwardAway, Xanjori

Current Modified Majority: 1

It is now Day 2. Day 2 will end on Aug 16th at 8:00pm ET or when majority is reached. With 21 players alive, majority is 11 votes on a single player. If majority is not reached by end of day, modified majority comes into play. If modified majority is not reached, there will be no elimination.
@DivaSmurf Can you give us thoughts on players from the last phase as well as writeup stuff?

I'm still slowly working my way through the writeup, but the dumb part of my brain feels like if rock got vanilla'd there, BN is scum that wanted to troll him
OK... lot to unpack in that writeup

The Ur-Dragon - Watcher/tracker????
Ditto -
Mythic Tree Dragon - Motivator
Emrakul - Vanilla-izer?
The Feral Imp - BG?
Impmon - Framer?
Exodia - Inactivity Vig (goal to get 4+ kills)
Machamp - RB/Jail
Time Magician - Watcher/tracker?
Blue Eyes Ultimate Dragon - RB?
Aegilash - Cop/RoleCop?
Garbador - Redorector?
Summoned Skull - Cursed?
Silver Queen - Some form of disadvantage
Zapdos - Shielder
Gaia the Fierce Knight - Cop/Parity cop
Shivan Dragon - Faction kill
Giovanni - Wishgranter?
the question is what happens when he gets all 4, is Exodia a game ending entity? I know in the show that if you summoned Exodia you automatically win the game
if i were scum posts suck if bn was really scum hed likely kill me and tbh he still might if hes town >=(

forced post trolling from future sucks

psycho not being sad about mtr even tho he was gunna protect him with all his heart sucks

crackle making no sense adn saying hes gunna murder psycho with kindness sucks these

images in the website arent working for me my sig is fine its just not uploading properly for god knows why
maybe but isn't it kinda null? like yeah town are OMGUSy as hell and since they are the majority then he'll most likely flip town but scum also defend themselves and can be pretty OMGUSy as well. What really makes you think that this is town getting angry instead of scum?
By the way to answer this, I think it showed a stronger conviction in the take than scum are able to fake so suddenly. It didn't read like a hollow threat as much as Xan sort of connecting the dots of the logic he was using in pushing the special voters anyway. It felt like an organic reaction that came from not liking his interaction with you as opposed to being defensive.

I don't think it's like completely above Xan to post that way as scum, but I felt the timing of it made it less likely to fake off the cuff.
Day 2 Vote Count:

Listo95 - 3 (Crackle #544, Psycho #586)

Not Voting: 3puppies, Blind Ninja, Cape90, Claws, CWE, DivaSmurf, FutureHold, GrumpyCat, Kareemah, Listo95, Llettuce, Matthieu, Mazer, Morrison, Nightingale, Rock, Tildey, WindwardAway, Xanjori

Current Modified Majority: 2

It is now Day 2. Day 2 will end on Aug 16th at 8:00pm ET or when majority is reached. With 21 players alive, majority is 11 votes on a single player. If majority is not reached by end of day, modified majority comes into play. If modified majority is not reached, there will be no elimination.
By the way to answer this, I think it showed a stronger conviction in the take than scum are able to fake so suddenly. It didn't read like a hollow threat as much as Xan sort of connecting the dots of the logic he was using in pushing the special voters anyway. It felt like an organic reaction that came from not liking his interaction with you as opposed to being defensive.

I don't think it's like completely above Xan to post that way as scum, but I felt the timing of it made it less likely to fake off the cuff.
When I said that I didn't really like his stance on speed lynching anyone that voted to give scum a ticket and he came back with "do you think...." I had felt like it was a scum response but I guess he's not for today b/c he was roleblocked. So he's not red unless it was a big brain move. Could still be team rocket but they prob aren't a threat.
im still not understanding this whole listo bit that crackle is doing if he was at a disadvantage from this "silver queen" from write up why does that lead to listo what am i not seeing that others can point out
Day 2 Vote Count:

Listo95 - 4 (Crackle #544, Psycho #586, Rock #592)

Not Voting: 3puppies, Blind Ninja, Cape90, Claws, CWE, DivaSmurf, FutureHold, GrumpyCat, Kareemah, Listo95, Llettuce, Matthieu, Mazer, Morrison, Nightingale, Tildey, WindwardAway, Xanjori

Current Modified Majority: 3

It is now Day 2. Day 2 will end on Aug 16th at 8:00pm ET or when majority is reached. With 21 players alive, majority is 11 votes on a single player. If majority is not reached by end of day, modified majority comes into play. If modified majority is not reached, there will be no elimination.
When I said that I didn't really like his stance on speed lynching anyone that voted to give scum a ticket and he came back with "do you think...." I had felt like it was a scum response but I guess he's not for today b/c he was roleblocked. So he's not red unless it was a big brain move. Could still be team rocket but they prob aren't a threat.
Scum can make a fake writeup entry. Not saying that is what happened but i played those games before and scum always had something like that.
Sorry I am probably going to far here. Anyway once you play more of those rajah games you will realize d1 is a good choice. I wouldnt sleep d1 otherwise.
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