Fingers of Suspicion

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Mafia 10: The LemonDemonGirl saves Christmas from Jennifer Lawrence and the Robot Devil

  • Thread starter Thread starter Mazer
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I'm just calling out your bad logic/opportunism
What’s illogical in a tracker is wanting to withhold results for now in case scum get them the next night before you come back from immuniy.

Maybe that’s not right and you are good but still you doth protest too much
Remind me to just hold all info next time not like i can magically do it again what a waste to go after cwe over my dees
What’s illogical in a tracker is wanting to withhold results for now in case scum get them the next night before you come back from immuniy.

Maybe that’s not right and you are good but still you doth protest too much
The fact that they can't be sure they won't get killed anyway? And Rock is immune to kills - not other actions as proven by being tracked, so voicing suspicion that he shouldn't be trusted:
1) makes sure the info doesn't accidentally go to the grave in an unlucky death
2) gives other town info on where to direct other actions that might neutralize a threat.
@rock meets hard place - I think your offer was in relation to claws, but if you are willing (and we can get CWE to 8 votes without yours) I think treating this the same way with using your immunity as a shield is logical. It is fairly common here for scum to have an ability to take someone on the train with them, and the way CWE didn't even seem to *try* has me concerned about shenanigans.
@rock meets hard place - I think your offer was in relation to claws, but if you are willing (and we can get CWE to 8 votes without yours) I think treating this the same way with using your immunity as a shield is logical. It is fairly common here for scum to have an ability to take someone on the train with them, and the way CWE didn't even seem to *try* has me concerned about shenanigans.
This is part of the reason why I prefer going MTR first.

I still think it's interesting that I am pretty much the only one that backed up Claws' info this whole phase. CWE stacked votes pretty easily in comparison.
The fact that they can't be sure they won't get killed anyway? And Rock is immune to kills - not other actions as proven by being tracked, so voicing suspicion that he shouldn't be trusted:
1) makes sure the info doesn't accidentally go to the grave in an unlucky death
2) gives other town info on where to direct other actions that might neutralize a threat.
Okay maybe we’re just not quite meeting in the middle a bit and sorry I guess for earlier outburst a bit because you question literally everything I have been doing as sus. So it’s like everything I’ve done and tried to explain to you ever since me guessing at the actions is like hitting a brick wall that you see me as sus whereas maybe it’s a disagreement in the way I am solving but ultimately we want the same thing. I am not begging/asking you to change your mind, just asking you to see that I have good intentions.

My overall point and correct me if I am wrong if I am misreading. It is not to do with Rock being immune to kills…it was more the tracker speaking full stop in case scum pick up on that. Rock’s reaction to my posts just pinged me slightly in that he MAY be bad (not guaranteed, he might be good).

You keep thinking I am sus though which has been making me shout when it is just simply that we don’t agree on things.

I do not have nor have picked up any info based on night actions. They have been simply guesses, that’s it. Just asking you to take into account that I am trying.

If you still think I’m sus, then okay fine.
This is part of the reason why I prefer going MTR first.

I still think it's interesting that I am pretty much the only one that backed up Claws' info this whole phase. CWE stacked votes pretty easily in comparison.
Im ok with trying to ship both of them

Vote: MTR

Willing to test Claws deets...
Not sure what deets claws thinks he has but yeah no he is wrong.

Okay I am going to go ahead and vote before going to bed because yeah not going to get caught without a vote again.

Going to sheep the other train since I don't have another idea on who to vote

Vote: CWE
This is part of the reason why I prefer going MTR first.

I still think it's interesting that I am pretty much the only one that backed up Claws' info this whole phase. CWE stacked votes pretty easily in comparison.
This makes no sense. It's D2 - on D3 rock's immunity will have ended, and I think CWE's behavior outs him. I trust that more than the word of a player I am not certain of their motives. I can think of/see a way claws could be legit - but that doesn't make it *true*
Not sure what deets claws thinks he has but yeah no he is wrong.

Okay I am going to go ahead and vote before going to bed because yeah not going to get caught without a vote again.

Going to sheep the other train since I don't have another idea on who to vote

Vote: CWE
This is... L-1? L-2? I believe.
Going to sleep, putting in placeholder vote in case someone hammers b4 I wake

Vote: Future

Will switch in the morn, see yall on the flip side
Yeah that guy is always sus so don’t blame you.

I am disappointed the “Vote Tildey” option is not available this game because she ran over a badger last game then drove away leaving it to die. Proper hit and run and I cannot avenge. Proper Badger culler!

I want cookies compensation either baked by her or the store where their kids work. I fear this may fall on deaf ears though lol.
Part of me wonders if claws is/was part bomb and we have cwe hammer to act as a double lynch but I thinks it's too late in the day phase and we can't trust cwe to hammer. We should probably go ahead and do claws tomorrow while I still have immunity or does it end tonight?
Part of me wonders if claws is/was part bomb and we have cwe hammer to act as a double lynch but I thinks it's too late in the day phase and we can't trust cwe to hammer. We should probably go ahead and do claws tomorrow while I still have immunity or does it end tonight?
Usually it ends at SoD3
I believe you have until the next day D3.

Claws is such a bomb in general not just role.
Or to put it in another weapon terms…a literal cat-apult.

Hopefully CWE gets lynched before he can get to his box of tomatoes. I will duck and cover anyway.
Aye have to prepare myself very shortly for customers looking for turkey/centrepieces and wanting refunds. Also sarcastic managers (not my own) watching over us.

I’ll try and check in for final thoughts at some point but shift finishes only 30 mins before Mazer’s deadline.
Monsieur @Listo95 Who Is Trapped in Hell
@Blind Ninja

Hi everyone. It's me, Psycho. So happy to talk with you all.

I hate to be a Prodding Patricia but we have some bad apples who are served up to be eliminated and we have potential inactivity punishment to worry about. So, if you don't mind me saying, I think we should all have our votes out.

I know, it's asking a lot, and I'm sorry to be so pushy, but with the day halfway demised, I believe we must steel ourselves for *shudder* violence.
oh ill bring the fucking violence motherfucker.
- Kumquat
- Val
- Rock
- BN
- Grumpy

**__Maybe Town:__**
- Void
- Xan

- jarrod
- lettuce
- Listo
- Lora
- Claws

- Badger
- Future
- Psycho
im the god king lora who is town above all others. edit your list accordingly.
If you were to put a gun to my head…gut says town now but honestly have made that assumption before and he was filthy scum in the end. I know Void pushed me because Claws pushed me and I got lynched because of it.

He is genuinely one of the most difficult people to read. He’s a true cat not dissimilar to the actual feline who does what they want not giving a fuck about what their owners think lol.
if you put one to mine, i'd say pull the fucking trigger. i guess thats where we differ as people.
I would like and hope he comes in with something more substantial but he just kinda reads as “ehhh” at the moment.

Scum is not his favoured alignment and he hates lying (ties in with him not putting the same effort as drunk town tequila powerhouse CWE) so this is where I’m at. Let’s see if he gets in more…

Maybe he is town but is actually sober! Stranger things have happened.
man i fucking love being scum, especially if i get a killing role. let me sow the seeds of chaos.
Monsieur Listo is very confused due to being trapped down here and only allowed out of Hell to go work. Could Monsieur Listo get a rundown on what the fuck is going on right now?
stop being a lurker and read through the bullshit like the rest of us you god damn scum fuck.
Im never really a fan of purposely avoiding a hammer

I know we all have lots of thoughts on sleep votes so not everyone is going to agree with me but yeah im not a fan
we cant vote for sleep anymore because people are fucking bastards and murdered sleep. i hate every single one of you motherfuckers that voted for sleep. i love sleeping. its my favorite part of the day. get a lil temporary void in? fuck yeah dude.
finally caught up with reading the thread. i just got home a few hours ago. that was a fucking long ass weekend of moving bullshit. i fucked my ankles up, lost my voice from screaming, and am very angy and tired. im good with sheeping trains for now, especially if they have the audacity to vote me.

Vote: CWE
This makes no sense. It's D2 - on D3 rock's immunity will have ended, and I think CWE's behavior outs him. I trust that more than the word of a player I am not certain of their motives. I can think of/see a way claws could be legit - but that doesn't make it *true*
Sorry, my brain processed your post wrong. I was focusing on the "shenanigans" and equating that to CWE being the preferred chop, because once he's caught there's no getting out of it and he'd prepare and play with that in mind. And the votes piled on him a lot easier, so it makes me feel like MTR is the more valuable role.

I'm fine with the rock plan, but worry about the consequences of keeping MTR alive another phase.
This is part of the reason why I prefer going MTR first.

I still think it's interesting that I am pretty much the only one that backed up Claws' info this whole phase. CWE stacked votes pretty easily in comparison.
This is what bothers me theres a lack of disagreement with cwe that there is mtr
In the past we have tossed a lesser scum player to keep a higher one another phase id also plead that the inactivity vig doesnt shoot so scum cant control that kill this phase
Mtr (4) -Claws, Psych, BN, Listo
cwe (7) - Quat, Badger, future, GC, Xan, mtr, Lora
jarrod (2)-LDG
Badger (1) - Jarrod
Future (1) -llettuce
Lora (1) - cwe

Currently not voting: Rock, Vk
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Sorry, my brain processed your post wrong. I was focusing on the "shenanigans" and equating that to CWE being the preferred chop, because once he's caught there's no getting out of it and he'd prepare and play with that in mind. And the votes piled on him a lot easier, so it makes me feel like MTR is the more valuable role.

I'm fine with the rock plan, but worry about the consequences of keeping MTR alive another phase.
I can see this train of thought, but I think it is skewed a bit in this scenario because claws is 3p, and CWE is CWE.

Let's pretend for a moment CWE is GF and MTR is just a goon - CWE is *going* to be yeeted eventually. It's not if, it's when... and anyone who chose to vote goon MTR over GF CWE on the word of a 3p with uncertain motives vs that is going to end up looking suspicious.
Mtr (5) -Claws, Psych, BN, Listo, jarrod
cwe (7) - Quat, Badger, future, GC, Xan, mtr, Lora,
jarrod (2)-LDG
Future (1) -llettuce
Lora (1) - cwe

Currently not voting: Rock, Vk
@Jarrod1983 - if you do not swap onto CWE so we can reach a hammer and avoid the penalty for failing that, I will personally hound you for the remainder of this game until one of us is dead.
Mtr (4) -Claws, BN, Listo, jarrod
cwe (8) - Quat, Badger, future, GC, Xan, mtr, Lora, psych
jarrod (2)-LDG
Future (1) -llettuce
Lora (1) - cwe

Not Voting:
Rock, VK
I'm not sure. This flood of votes onto MTR suddenly at the end of the day when no one wanted to vote there before... I don't know what I think of this fully yet.
Why would they not just vote MTR earlier? BN had chosen CWE before, Jarrod was around long enough to do MTR earlier. Listo is Listo, but again, if this was a "MTR is the scapegoat" situation, I think he would have been voted earlier. Particularly when CWE outed.
@Jarrod1983 - if you do not swap onto CWE so we can reach a hammer and avoid the penalty for failing that, I will personally hound you for the remainder of this game until one of us is dead.
Haha bring it big boy. I don't care much for bully tactics. You'll certainly look foolish if I die and you live past my death.
I get that it's "skewed" because we're getting the info from 3p, but I don't think mafia are going to quibble over that. If MTR is town, they have a free excuse to push Claws after, or to even push Claws instead.
Why would they not just vote MTR earlier? BN had chosen CWE before, Jarrod was around long enough to do MTR earlier. Listo is Listo, but again, if this was a "MTR is the scapegoat" situation, I think he would have been voted earlier. Particularly when CWE outed.
Obviously my vote on Badger wasn't going anywhere. I looked at Claws has info and placed my vote there.

If people want to throw hissies then by all means let them hissy away.
I get that it's "skewed" because we're getting the info from 3p, but I don't think mafia are going to quibble over that. If MTR is town, they have a free excuse to push Claws after, or to even push Claws instead.
I'm willing to trust until we have reason to doubt. Like my 3p play last time. We can kill 2 birds with one stone here. See if we can trust Claws and maybe get a scum.
Why would they not just vote MTR earlier? BN had chosen CWE before, Jarrod was around long enough to do MTR earlier. Listo is Listo, but again, if this was a "MTR is the scapegoat" situation, I think he would have been voted earlier. Particularly when CWE outed.

This is why I'm not sure. I can see it being a wifom play to make MTR look *more* OR *less* sus depending on how it's looked at >.>
If I was scum I would have certainly painted a big bullseye on my chest to switch my vote. Scum Jarrod would have sat on that Badger vote and let the day phase wind down and end with no peep.
Well, I don't think he's a lyncher because there are two ways that might work. Either he was assigned his targets or he chooses. If he was assigned then the action we saw on MTR by orange claws was ?? Coincidence? Something else entirely? SomeONE else entirely? Doesn't make sense.

So he probably would choose. Except MTR and psycho were bussed, which since we saw him hit MTR that would mean he tried to CHOSE psycho..... and knowing him like I do, I don't see any world in which he tries to choose psycho of all people to yeet.
Tbf Rock - whatever claws is I don't think he is a lyncher
If you don't think he's a lyncher, then why do you not trust the info? If he's anything other than mafia trying to get cred by taking advantage of 3p targeting MTR, there are not many worlds where it benefits him to lie about the info. U less you think he's a jester.
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