Fingers of Suspicion

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Vanillatown 2: Revenge is a Dish Best Served Kosher (Mafia 3)

Day One Lynch

    The people continued discussing the plans with The Ghost of Vanillatown, and the more they talked, the more they got into the whole idea. Some were getting so bold as to say the graphic things they'd like to do to each of the Flavor Boyz. Suddenly, a voice coughs out of the crowd:

    "You know, I feel like those Flavor Boyz aren't too bad! Especially that Flavor 2!"

    The room went dead silent. Everyone turned to the source of the voice. And within moments, people realized it was a young wafer wearing a pair of Groucho Marx glasses, complete with the nose and moustache. Some were confused, but The Ghost of Vanillatown recognized him immediately.

    "Looks like we get to make an early example today. That's Flavor 2 right there!"

    Flavor 2 tries to run out, but MTR stands right in front of the doorway.

    "It's either you or me, so I hope you feel lucky."

    Caito did feel lucky. It's the rest of the room that didn't like his odds, and immediately assaulted him, making sure to each take turns getting their blows in. Surprisingly, The Ghost of Vanillatown sits back and observes...biding their time.

    Caito has been eliminated. He was Flavor 2, Mafia-aligned Goon.

    It is now the night phase. You may continue discussion.
    Night 1: VoidKitten Subbed in for Satsu
  • Night 1 Results/Day 2 Start

    The citizens of Kosherville were on a high. While the optimism of the meeting was nice, they never expected that a Flavor Boy would be served on a platter to them like that. They spent many hours celebrating, until eventually they all went to sleep with a bit more ease and comfort than they had in months. Of course, others knew that this could be a bad move. The Flavor Boyz would find out eventually, and the retaliation would likely be swift and violent.

    What they didn’t know is that the first retaliation would be swift and indiscriminate. A shaken pepperoni stands outside the wooden chamber doors. He was not thrilled about the news he had to deliver. He tried to swallow his fears in one big gulp as he knocked on the door. Not long after, they were pulled back and opened, a pair of biscuits dripping with honey glaze acting as guards. Inside, the room was lavish. Three fireplaces, elaborate decor, and in the middle of the room, four marble statues commemorating each of the Flavor Boyz. And behind the statues, at a large, mahogany desk, sat Flavor 3 and Flavor 4. They each took a puff of their own stoagies as they watched the pathetic pepperoni drag his feet towards the desk.

    “Where’s Flavor 2? Did he get caught up in one of his murder sprees again?”

    The pepperoni softly and shakily mutters, trying to get the words out as they melt into unintelligible sounds.

    “I bet he stopped for a bite to eat. You know he got a taste for ham sandwich after our trip in the woods.”

    They both share an obnoxious laugh as they reminisce of when their journey had first started. The pepperoni, all the while, is still struggling to utter a single solid syllable.

    “Well, come on - out with it! Where the hell is he?!”

    The next morning, CWE was being sliced up and prepared for the pizza dinner planned at the Flavor Hall.

    CWE has been killed. He was Vanilla Town.


    It is now Day Two. With 12 players alive, it takes 7 votes to reach majority. You have 48 hours(Deadline @ 8:06pm EST)

    Player List
    1. @Jarrod1983
    2. @Matthieu
    3. @Mazer
    4. @LemonDemonGirl
    5. @Val the Moofia Boss
    6. @MTR
    8. Satsu @VoidKitten
    9. @Claws
    10. @WindwardAway
    11. @Kareemah
    12. @Peter Griffin
    14. @FutureHold

    Dead Players
    1. Caito - Flavor 2, Mafia Goon
    2. CWE - Vanilla Town
    Day 2: Final Vote Count
  • Sorry all, overslept my nap a bit. Phase officially ended at 8:08pm EST, this is the final vote count

    Vote Count
    5 - Claws (Kareemah, VoidKitten, MTR, Val the Moofia Boss, Windward Away)
    3 - Matthieu (Mazer, Claws, Jarrod1983)
    1 - VoidKitten (Val the Moofia Boss)
    1 - Kareemah (Matthieu)

    Not Voting: FutureHold, Peter Griffin, LemonDemonGirl

    You sweet, sweet, summer children...
    Day 2 Lynch

    The Kosherville Resistance - as they hastily and uncreatively named theirselves - knew they had to act quick. While the celebration was warranted, this was only a first step, and a dangerous one that expedited their timeline. Some were terrified at the reality of their actions and the looming consequences. But the young pork chop and The Ghost of Vanillatown were certain this was the ideal path. Having now grabbed their attention unaware, the Flavor Boyz were going to be ready, but vulnerable. Particularly in emotions and mentality. They may have been heartless bastards, but the bond of those four naughty wafers was unbreakable, and the Resistance was all too aware of that.

    That is why they were quick to call another meeting in the early afternoon, and hatched a plan to expedite the timeline even more. It was simple, really. That morning, Flavor 3 and Flavor 4 had joined the bolstered patrols for the day, beginning their own unannounced inquisition into matters. The Resistance were going to send one of their own to lead a group and catch the Flavor Militia in the middle of their patrol and admit the murder, while the rest of the Resistance lie in wait. With any luck, the event would trigger one of the Flavor Boyz into acting personally, and that’s when they would be left wide open for The Ghost.

    The selection process did not go as smoothly, however, and poor old burnt sausage, despite his initial protest, was chosen as the lead decoy. He recalled the arguments from earlier in the day as he and his group were within eyesight of the Flavor Militia. He grit his teeth and stood firm, fighting back all of his bitterness as he shouted out:


    This immediately perked the would-be ears of Flavor 3.

    “I killed Flavor 2! And if you want to do something about it, I’m right here!!!”

    He hadn’t even finished his sentence before Flavor 3 had broke through his guard, screaming with tears streaking down his cheeks and a machine gun weighing down his arms. He pulls the trigger and the bullets go flying. They rip and shred through Claws and some of his compatriots, chunks of meat, vegetable, and grain spraying across the landscape. From a small distance, The Ghost of Vanillatown winces. They knew this sacrifice was likely to happen, but they had hoped it would turn out more optimistically.

    “We’ll just have to make sure this wasn’t in vain…”

    Claws has been eliminated. He was an old burnt sausage, Vanilla Town.


    @Peter Griffin has now missed the post requirement 2 days in a row. He will now be substituted with @Blind Ninja.

    It is now Night Two. You have 24 hours from this post or until the kill is processed.

    Discussion is still allowed.

    Player List
    1. @Jarrod1983
    2. @Matthieu
    3. @Mazer
    4. @LemonDemonGirl
    5. @Val the Moofia Boss
    6. @MTR
    8. Satsu @VoidKitten
    10. @WindwardAway
    11. @Kareemah
    12. Peter Griffin @Blind Ninja
    14. @FutureHold

    Dead Players
    1. Caito - Flavor 2, Mafia Goon
    2. CWE - Vanilla Town
    3. Claws - Vanilla Town
    Night 2 Results/Day 3 Start

    The reaction was immediate. Unexpectedly for the Flavor Militia, The Resistance flooded from their hiding spots, bearing armaments not quite as great as their oppressors, but the numbers and surprise element were enough to keep the militia on the wrong foot. Meat battered meat, pastry crumbled pastry, and the vegetables…well, surprisingly, they were the most violent of the bunch. One particular grizzled, and sexy, sexy onion was leading the pack. As Flavor-aligned cheeseburgers tried to deal with the surprise assault, the onion began hacking through them with nothing more than a machete. Many on both sides stopped in awe of the sheer force of nature this creature was. Slowly but surely, he was gaining ground on Flavor 3, but the high from killing the sausage and friends was strong. Flavor 3 carried a bloodthirsty grin as he carefully aimed the machine gun at the approaching onion. Mazer knew he was done for, but that didn’t stop him from getting a clean cut through the wafer’s stomach before the spray of bullets left him in a juicy, stinky - but still sexy - pile.

    Mazer has been killed. He was a fierce onion, Vanilla Town.

    Flavor 3 let out a maniacal and screamed cackle as he began relentlessly stomping on the onion’s remains, clearly driven delirious from the bloodlust and the blood loss, respectively. Then he hears the sound of a bullet chamber clicking and the feel of a cold, steel barrel forcibly pressed on the back of his head. He freezes in terror, never before feeling this level of vulnerability.

    “To think, I even applauded your stupid pose…”

    Flashback from the Finale of Vanillatown 1 said:
    Pablo cuts in with a smirk.

    “Mom, I’m not Pablo anymore. From now on, you can call me Flavor 1.”

    Flavor 2 pipes in, holding a bottle with a cloth stuffed in it.

    “I’m Flavor 2 now.”

    Flavor 3 is rummaging through a big sack trying to grab something.

    “Come on, quit slippin’…there we go.”

    He pulls out another bottle, showing that they came well prepared.

    “You can just call me Flavor 3.”

    Flavor 4 steps forward, laughing softly to himself and trying not to get lost in the power.

    “And I’m Flavor 4. And we are…”

    They leap closer to each other and strike a pose that is both obnoxious and kind of cool.


    A piece of broccoli begins clapping, before realizing everyone is staring at him with disapproval.

    The Ghost of Vanillatown pulls down his hood, revealing a bearded broccoli who has grown too hurt and jaded to remain naive.

    “Any last words, Flavor 3?”


    It is now Day Three. @Blind Ninja has received the gun. He must input a shot before the deadline or another player will be shot at random. If he shoots scum, that player will die. If he shoots town, he will die instead of the player he targeted.

    The gunshot will be happening in conjunction with the normal day phase lynch. Votes may be placed as normal, and at the end of the phase(or a hammer), the player with the most votes will be eliminated. HAMMERS ARE INELIGIBLE UNTIL THE SHOT IS PROCESSED. In the case that the shot is processed automatically due to running out of time, it will be processed after the lynch choice to avoid double stacking. Barring a No Lynch, two players will die on this phase regardless of when the shot is processed or the lynch is finalized.

    To shoot, you will format this in the thread:


    [bold]SHOOT (PLAYER)[/bold]"

    You may add any flair you wish, but you must tag me and have the bolded “SHOOT (PLAYER)” by itself on a separate line.

    With the 9 players that will be alive after the shot, 5 will be the majority. You have 48 hours(Deadline @ 6:08pm EST).

    Player List
    1. @Jarrod1983
    2. @Matthieu
    4. @LemonDemonGirl
    5. @Val the Moofia Boss
    6. @MTR
    8. Satsu @VoidKitten
    10. @WindwardAway
    11. @Kareemah
    12. Peter Griffin @Blind Ninja
    14. @FutureHold

    Dead Players
    1. Caito - Flavor 2, Mafia Goon
    2. CWE - Vanilla Town
    3. Claws - Vanilla Town
    4. Mazer - Vanilla Town
    Day 3: Blind Ninja Shoots Jarrod1983
  • @PsychoSoldier

    Blind Ninja slowly walks over to the gun safe, puts in the combination by feel, opens the safe and pulls out the 357 Magnum

    "Who in the right mind would give a blind man a gun," BN mutters...

    He takes aim and pulls the trigger. "Godspeed"

    Shoot Jarrod

    As the battling raged on around them, The Ghost of Vanillatown took a chance to briefly savor the moment. With one click of his trigger, Flavor 3 would be dead. He thought of his family and friends. He thought of all the faces he watched drop to the floor in blood-stained agony, the Flavor Boyz annihilating them with unhinged glee. He thought of the weeks of recovery from the brink of death, and the months in which he plotted and observed, getting the information he could before he finally made his presence known at the secret Kosherville meeting. It was a lot of thoughts and images for one broccoli to pore over, but it happened in a matter of seconds. He closed his eyes and took in a deep breath before opening them again and beginning to add pressure on the trigger.

    Blind Ninja! LOOK OUT!!!”

    Despite his greatest of intentions, Jarrod1983’s warning only served to distract Blind Ninja, as he first turns to Jarrod, then to the direction he’s pointing. Just enough time for him to see Flavor 4 swinging a giant meat tenderizer that clobbers Blind’s skull.

    The Resistance tries to open fire in retaliation, but a squad of pork rinds were flanking the murderous wafer and engaged counter-fire. It didn’t matter if they survived, as long as they stuck around long enough to shield Flavor 4 as he continues bashing the meat tenderizer into The Ghost’s head stalk, pale green juices splashing around as bits of broccoli bush litter the ground. Jarrod1983 watches on in horror, the shotgun in his hands trembling from his fear, but he grips it tightly sets his sights directly on the two Flavor Boyz.

    Blind Ninja has been pulverized. He was The Ghost of Vanillatown, Town Day 3 Desperado.


    The phase may now continue. With 9 players alive, it takes 5 votes to reach majority. 24 hours remain.

    Vote Count
    3 - FutureHold (Val the Moofia Boss, WindwardAway, Matthieu)
    2 - WindwardAway (VoidKitten, FutureHold)

    Not Voting: Jarrod1983, LemonDemonGirl, MTR, Kareemah

    Player List
    1. @Jarrod1983
    2. @Matthieu
    4. @LemonDemonGirl
    5. @Val the Moofia Boss
    6. @MTR
    8. Satsu @VoidKitten
    10. @WindwardAway
    11. @Kareemah
    14. @FutureHold

    Dead Players
    1. Caito - Flavor 2, Mafia Goon
    2. CWE - Vanilla Town
    3. Claws - Vanilla Town
    4. Mazer - Vanilla Town
    5. Blind Ninja - The Ghost of Vanillatown, Town Desperado
    Day 3 Lynch

    The battle was violent, and there were many in the Kosherville Resistance who were overwhelmed and mentally unprepared for this scenario. However, their determination and love for their town was enough to keep the battle even. For the first time since the initial attack, Kosherville was actually holding substantial ground. The Flavor Boyz, in fact, were getting overwhelmed. Their soldiers were doing most of the work for them, and they could only stand for so long. They looked at each other with trepidation, as they considered an encore of their initial retreat. They held each other’s stare for a long time, before Flavor 4 pushed Flavor 3 out of the circle of pork rinds.

    “Wait, what the fuck, Flavor 4?!”

    Flavor 4 could read the situation. They were already down a Flavor Boy, and Flavor 1 wasn’t with them. With the momentum not building for them, the only choice was to offer him up as a sacrifice in order to retreat. Flavor 3 would provide distraction as 4 immediately ordered the pork rinds to retreat with him.

    The distraction would work. With no direct protection, the members of The Resistance who weren’t fighting the remaining soldiers were able to surround Flavor 3. He quickly pulled the trigger of his machine gun, unloading rounds in as many as he could, but it was too much. Within a matter of seconds, a spear was thrust through his back, wafer crumbs spraying the air as FutureHold falls to his knees, the machine gun dropping from his hands.

    “We were just bored…”

    Words that would summon no mercy as The Resistance proudly eviscerated him to make sure he was finished.

    And soon, the only standing warriors were those of Kosherville - an unprecedented victory against the waning Flavor Militia.

    FutureHold has been eliminated. He was Flavor 3, Mafia Goon.


    It is now Night Three. You have 24 hours from this post or until the kill is processed.

    Discussion is still allowed.

    Player List
    1. @Jarrod1983
    2. @Matthieu
    4. @LemonDemonGirl
    5. @Val the Moofia Boss
    6. @MTR
    8. Satsu @VoidKitten
    10. @WindwardAway
    11. @Kareemah

    Dead Players
    1. Caito - Flavor 2, Mafia Goon
    2. CWE - Vanilla Town
    3. Claws - Vanilla Town
    4. Mazer - Vanilla Town
    5. Blind Ninja - The Ghost of Vanillatown, Town Desperado
    6. FutureHold - Flavor 4, Mafia Goon
    Night 3 Results/Day 4 Starts

    It was surprisingly a quiet night. While the Kosherville Resistance was on guard, expecting an immediate response, the night went by without any Flavor intrusion. However, their victory was still tainted, for when they were taking count of who had returned at the rendezvous point, multiple were missing. The end of the battle did not come without its casualties. As brave a piece of buttered toast that Jarrod1983 was, his shotgun only got a couple blasts in before a bullet from afar pierces through his toasted brain - and makes a corpse of the aerated grain.

    In the distance, Flavor 4 shoots a smirk as he pulls his eye away from the scope of a sniper rifle. The pork rind soldiers hoist him up as they continue their escape. He was happy to get a modicum of revenge, but inside, he feared what would come next. God forbid he has to be the one to tell Flavor 1 the news.

    Jarrod1983 has been killed. He was a piece of buttered toast, Vanilla Town.


    It is now Day Four. With 7 players alive, it takes 4 votes to reach majority. You have 48 hours(Deadline @ 7:19pm EST)

    Player List
    2. @Matthieu
    4. @LemonDemonGirl
    5. @Val the Moofia Boss
    6. @MTR
    8. Satsu @VoidKitten
    10. @WindwardAway
    11. @Kareemah

    Dead Players
    1. Caito - Flavor 2, Mafia Goon
    2. CWE - Vanilla Town
    3. Claws - Vanilla Town
    4. Mazer - Vanilla Town
    5. Blind Ninja - The Ghost of Vanillatown, Town Desperado
    6. FutureHold - Flavor 4, Mafia Goon
    7. Jarrod 1983 - Vanilla Town
    Day 4: Listo95 Subbed In for Kareemah

    @Kareemah has failed to meet post and vote requirements. Therefore, she will be replaced by @Listo95

    The game resumes as normal

    Player List
    2. @Matthieu
    4. @LemonDemonGirl
    5. @Val the Moofia Boss
    6. @MTR
    8. Satsu @VoidKitten
    10. @WindwardAway
    11. Kareemah @Listo95

    Dead Players
    1. Caito - Flavor 2, Mafia Goon
    2. CWE - Vanilla Town
    3. Claws - Vanilla Town
    4. Mazer - Vanilla Town
    5. Blind Ninja - The Ghost of Vanillatown, Town Desperado
    6. FutureHold - Flavor 4, Mafia Goon
    7. Jarrod 1983 - Vanilla Town
    Night 4 Results/Day 5 Start

    The days after the big battle were too quiet. The Kosherville Resistance were on edge, knowing the retaliation would come, but growing ever nervous as the days went by without any real response. Well, Val the Moofia Boss had been killed in a routine Flavor Check, but that was par for the course at this point.

    What they didn’t know is that Flavor 4 was using this Flavor Checks as an opportunity to interrogate and torture the citizens of Kosherville to squeeze out any juicy information about The Resistance. That is what we catch him in the middle of doing as he’s grinding a cheese shredder against the back of a block of cheddar. He hollers out in pain, never before experiencing such excruciating pain. Flavor 4 thought that surely this was enough.

    “Come on, pal - there’s no reason to protect your friends. We’ll get you one way or another whether I get the info I need from you or one of them. So I’ll ask one more time - “

    He pushes the shredder up against the cheddar’s back.

    “Who is a part of the Kosherville Resistance?!”

    VoidKitten laughs to himself, at the end of his rope and knowing he’ll die before this is over. He spits on the ground defiantly.

    “You aren’t getting shit from me. We may not be perfect, but The Resistance will whittle you down one-by-one. And soon, they’ll find you, Flavor 4. And when they do…you’re a dead man like the rest of your crew.”

    Flavor 4 had heard enough, as he begins shredding away with intense fervor, leaving nothing left of the inquisitive cheese.

    VoidKitten has been killed. He was an inquisitive block of cheese, Vanilla Town.


    It is now Day Five. With 5 players alive, it takes 3 votes to reach majority. You have 48 hours(Deadline @ 7pm EST)

    Player List
    2. @Matthieu
    4. @LemonDemonGirl
    6. @MTR
    10. @WindwardAway
    11. @Listo95

    Dead Players
    1. Caito - Flavor 2, Mafia Goon
    2. CWE - Vanilla Town
    3. Claws - Vanilla Town
    4. Mazer - Vanilla Town
    5. Blind Ninja - The Ghost of Vanillatown, Town Desperado
    6. FutureHold - Flavor 4, Mafia Goon
    7. Jarrod 1983 - Vanilla Town
    8. Val the Moofia Boss - Vanilla Town
    9. VoidKitten - Vanilla Town
    Last edited:
    Day 5 Results

    The citizens of Kosherville were still waiting for a retaliation, until they realized certain key members of The Resistance were disappearing. And with each night, more were disappearing at a time. This was because Flavor 4's impatience grew with each over-tortured victim, and more reinforcements showed up each day after the unexpected loss. Impatient and rash as he was, Flavor 4 was going to make sure he was more than prepared for this final encounter. However, that impatience did take precedent, as rather than finding the rats, he decided to draw them out. Especially after stumbling upon a rather important member of The Resistance - the pork chop.

    That's why the citizens of Kosherville were all shocked when they were witness to a meat choppwr constructed in the center of town. On the wooden platform lie the pork chop, and above him hangs a large steak knife, suspended by a rope held by Flavor 4. A sadistic grins stretches across the wafer's mouth as he raises a loud speaker with his free hand.

    "Members of the Kosherville Resistance, and all concerned citizens of this humble town - I present to you an opportunity. An opportunity to erase the mistakes of the uprising a few days ago in which my brother in arms, Flavor 3, was so brutally assassinated."

    The citizens were thoroughly unsettled.

    "All you have to do is surrender yourselves if you were involved in the conflict, and everything can be settled painlessly. If you know someone involved, then give them away. If you do this, I will spare this young pork chop's life. But if you refuse…"

    He lets go of the rope as the knife promptly drops, stopping only inches away from the pork chop's face as Flavor 4 grabs the rope again. The crowd breathes a sog of relief, while the pork chop, nervous as he is, remains stoic in the face of death.

    "All you have to do…is give yourselves up."

    The townspeople buzzed. Even though there were many not involved, they knew people that were. Specific members of The Resistance felt their limbs wanting to push them forward, but as the pork chop turned to gaze upon them all, his face made his desire clear: don't say a word and don't give in. Those who almost relented held strong, and regrettably, held their ground.

    The pork chop knew there was no trusting the words of a Flavor Boy, and hoped that his death would be the spark to invite the hesitant citizens to fight along The Resistance. Flavor 4 sighed as his gambit didn't fully pay off, but it made no difference - he knew they were gathered here regardless.

    "So be it. You sealed his fate."

    He let go of the rope, and the knife fell with fierce velocity, chopping MTR's juicy body in twain.

    "Kill them all."

    With those words from Flavor 4, The Militia charged the crowd and began unleashing a hail of gunfire. The final battle had begun.

    MTR has been eliminated. He was the pork chop Resistance leader, Vanilla Town.


    It is now Night Five. You have 24 hours from this post or until the kill is processed.

    Discussion is still allowed.

    Player List
    2. @Matthieu
    4. @LemonDemonGirl
    10. @WindwardAway
    11. @Listo95

    Dead Players
    1. Caito - Flavor 2, Mafia Goon
    2. CWE - Vanilla Town
    3. Claws - Vanilla Town
    4. Mazer - Vanilla Town
    5. Blind Ninja - The Ghost of Vanillatown, Town Desperado
    6. FutureHold - Flavor 4, Mafia Goon
    7. Jarrod 1983 - Vanilla Town
    8. Val the Moofia Boss - Vanilla Town
    9. VoidKitten - Vanilla Town
    10. MTR - Vanilla Town
    Night 5 Results/Day 6 Start

    The battle was violent. Despite the lessened numbers, both sides were fighting more viciously than ever before. Kosherville citizens and Flavor upholders were dropping dead left and right. It was a smorgasbord of delicious death. Despite what happened to Flavor 3, Flavor 4 was on the frontlines, brandishing a chainsaw and tearing through all that got in his way. One such poor soul was an innocent lemon who had the courage to confront the wayward wafer. She lifted up her gun shakily, aiming right for Flavor 4’s head with a flimsy musket. But her hesitance made her easy to read. She pulled the trigger, but Flavor 4 managed to move the chainsaw blade to cover his face, causing the bullet to ricochet. LemonDemonGirl panicked as she quickly began stuffing gunpowder into the barrel, but this only left her open to a chainsaw crashing down across her shoulder. Flavor 4, with a crazed look, pushed down further, as the chainsaw ripped through her body diagonally, chopping her in half and spraying the nearby area in lemon juice.

    LemonDemonGirl has been killed. She was an innocent lemon, Vanilla Town


    It is now Day Six. It is officially LYLO. With 3 players alive, it takes 2 votes to reach majority. You have 48 hours(Deadline @ 12pm EST)

    Player List
    2. @Matthieu
    10. @WindwardAway
    11. @Listo95

    Dead Players
    1. Caito - Flavor 2, Mafia Goon
    2. CWE - Vanilla Town
    3. Claws - Vanilla Town
    4. Mazer - Vanilla Town
    5. Blind Ninja - The Ghost of Vanillatown, Town Desperado
    6. FutureHold - Flavor 4, Mafia Goon
    7. Jarrod 1983 - Vanilla Town
    8. Val the Moofia Boss - Vanilla Town
    9. VoidKitten - Vanilla Town
    10. MTR - Vanilla Town
    11. LemonDemonGirl - Vanilla Town
    Top Bottom