Fingers of Suspicion

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Vanillatown 2: Revenge is a Dish Best Served Kosher (Mafia 3)


There was a quiet buzz across the room. The young Pork Chop who had the idea was a little discouraged. At first only 2 or 3 had shown up, which was not surprising, but he had been more optimistic. He was on the verge of calling it off when only 5 minutes away from the meeting, a bologna walked in. Soon followed by an asparagus. Then a salami. And within that last 5 minutes, the smokehouse started filling in. He started wondering if maybe this would draw too much attention. But this is what he wanted - tired citizens of Kosherville uniting in their hatred for the Flavor regime. And while the various meats and vegetables looked as unsure and nervous as he did, they all knew that they could not go on like this.

He adjusted the beret that he bought for the occasion. He felt silly, really, but everyone he talked to said that it will help him look more revolutionary. "Focus, chop, focus," he mutters under his breath as he feels himself getting lost in his thoughts and insecurities. He takes one deep breath and puts a lid on it all. It was now or never. He walks up to the podium. Some immediate take notice and give them his attention. Most are caught up in their own hushed, yet passionate discussions. He gazes at the turnout, at one moment proud and intimidated, before pushing through.

"Attention everyone."

He says it calmly, but firmly. His voice is measured, but projected. As if like some kind of magic, everyone who hadn't caught on immediately affixes their attention on the young, but deceptively mature pork chop. He continues.

"I appreciate everyone turning out tonight. To be completely honest, I had doubts of how many would show up...but I think this response is just an example of how serious this issue is. How tired we all are. Of this way of living that we've been forced into; never knowing who we have to say goodbye to next."

He slams his palm on the podium, the determination in his face growing stronger.

"Not anymore. We're sick of it. And I have a strong feeling that if you're standing in this smokehouse right now, that means you feel the same when I say I would rather go down fighting for our peace and safety, than to wait to be boiled in this pot of slavery."

This gets a strong reaction from the crowd. He was saying all of the things that they wanted to say, whether they had to courage to do so before or not. However, this fervor soon petered out as the same question hit everyone's mind. The bologna from earlier did the hard part for them:

"But what gives us any better chance than those who tried to resist before?"

The determination from the pork chop's face faltered. It's true this isn't the first time someone's gathered people and given an impassioned speech before meeting the searing tongs of reality. But this energy was different. He could feel it. But what was it?


A gruff voice speaks from the middle of the room. Everyone immediately turns to see a cloaked figure. Though no one can make out the details. They've heard the rumors. The figure reaches within the cloak and brandishes a revolver, pointing it lazily toward the ceiling.

"And a plan for revenge."

The revolver confirmed it. The Ghost of Vanillatown. Until now, most thought it just a rumor. It was natural to be skeptical of their authenticity...but the gravity shift in the room made no one dare question it. The pork chop was caught off guard, but quickly regrouped, curious about what this person had in mind. The Ghost continued.

"Take it from me...the Flavor Boyz are nothing more than spoiled brats that aren't as strong as they want you to believe. The slaughter of Vanillatown and the fear it engendered is their strongest weapon. That's why every previous resistance has failed - fear hindered their numbers. But if we can get everyone on the same page, and have them all ready to get their hands dirty..."

The Ghost of Vanillatown shifts the barrel for emphasis.

"...then we can overwhelm them. And if we can just lure one of those wafers onto the frontlines and sticking their necks out for once..."

They aim the gun in front of them, look down the sights, and mimics the firing recoil.

"...PEWWWW...and the rest will crumble."

The words hit home. The pork chop could tell. He stepped away from the podium and closer to The Ghost.

"Let's talk about this some more..."


1. All of the typical Mafia rules apply (no talking outside of game etc)
2. No breadcrumbing or role claiming allowed. This will result in a modkill.
2a. This does not include sharing information that you have received. Yes, this is a fine line. Be careful, and when in doubt, ask the moderator.

3. No editing of posts is allowed.
4. All Phases will be a lynch phase.
5. In the event of a tie, one of the tied players will be eliminated randomly.
6. At the end of the day the player with the highest amount of votes will be eliminated, unless a majority is reached.
7. Votes must be formatted with vote tags([.v][./v] without period). You may also press the button that looks like a box with a checkmark.
8. All night actions MUST be submitted by deadline. No late submissions will be accepted.
9. Discord is required for this game. All private chats will be done within discord unless otherwise specified. Mafia actions may be submitted through Discord, but individual actions must be submitted through PM.
10. If you have any questions, please ask me privately via Private Message either here or on Discord. I will not answer questions in the thread unless pertinent to the entire game.
11. 1 vote per phase is required. I will be understanding in the case of hammers.
12. 3 posts per day is required. Repetitive absences will be punished.

11x Vanilla Town
3x Mafia Goon

On Day 3, a random Town player will be given a gun. They will be able to shoot anyone before that phase ends. If the player shoots another Town player, the shooter will die instead. The Day 3 lynch will still take place. If a target is not registered by deadline, someone will be shot at random.

To shoot, you will format this in the thread:


[bold]SHOOT (PLAYER)[/bold]"


Player List
1. @Jarrod1983
2. @Matthieu
3. @Mazer
4. @LemonDemonGirl
5. @Val the Moofia Boss
6. @MTR
7. @CWE
8. @Satsu
9. @Claws
10. @WindwardAway
11. @Kareemah
12. @Peter Griffin
13. @Caito
14. @FutureHold

It is now Day One. The player who is hammered or has the most votes by the end of the phase will be lynched. With 14 players, the majority is 8.

You have 48 hours (7:06pm EST, March 18).
Last edited:
Vote Count
1 - Satsu (Val the Moofia Boss)

Not Voting: Jarrod1983, Matthieu, Mazer, LemonDemonGirl, MTR, CWE, Satsu, Claws, WindwardAway, Kareemah, Peter Griffin, Caito, FutureHold
grass GIF

This is my grass. Flavor Boyz better keep off of it.
I died night 1 last vanilla game...let's look at the suspects.

Player List
1. Jarrod1983
2. Matthieu
3. Mazer
4. LemonDemonGirl
5. Val the Moofia Boss
6. MTR
7. CWE
8. Satsu
9. Claws
10. WindwardAway
11. Kareemah
12. Peter Griffin
13. Caito
14. FutureHold

Vote: Caito
What happened last time you let your guard down?
I was highly suspicious that this one player was pocketing me because he agreed with every single one of my reads, but then I decided he was TWTBAW and went for hard townreading him. Spoiler alert, he was indeed scum.
Jarrod, what strategies do you think we should take this game.

Anyone who played the last flavor town should have at least learned valuable lessons on activity.
Vote Count
1 - Satsu (Val the Moofia Boss)
1 - Caito (CWE)
1 - CWE (Caito)

Not Voting: Jarrod1983, Matthieu, Mazer, LemonDemonGirl, MTR, Satsu, Claws, WindwardAway, Kareemah, Peter Griffin, FutureHold
Vote Count
1 - Satsu (Val the Moofia Boss)
1 - Caito (CWE)
1 - CWE (Caito)
1 - MTR (FutureHold)

Not Voting: Jarrod1983, Matthieu, Mazer, LemonDemonGirl, MTR, Satsu, Claws, WindwardAway, Kareemah, Peter Griffin
*raises hand*
That is, if I can convince my friends to go out and get drunk. They already sound like they're gonna bail 😒
My neighborhood is just a big drunken party today. I took off work because I can't easily get in and out of here. Started to put Bailey's in my coffee but decided not to. I do have a few beers in the fridge and maybe I do the Bailey's and coffee tonight. Future somehow managed to get out of working at one of the local watering holes on the parade route. So he went to the parade to just check stuff out. I haven't gone to the parade in years since the kids were little. I tend to just drink at the house. :lol:
My neighborhood is just a big drunken party today. I took off work because I can't easily get in and out of here. Started to put Bailey's in my coffee but decided not to. I do have a few beers in the fridge and maybe I do the Bailey's and coffee tonight. Future somehow managed to get out of working at one of the local watering holes on the parade route. So he went to the parade to just check stuff out. I haven't gone to the parade in years since the kids were little. I tend to just drink at the house. :lol:
I’ve been convinced to actually go out for a bit tonight, plus I’m in Boston for a Dropkick show tomorrow. So, I guess I’ll pretend to be a normal human.
I’ve been convinced to actually go out for a bit tonight, plus I’m in Boston for a Dropkick show tomorrow. So, I guess I’ll pretend to be a normal human.
At the end of the day too many people for me to go to the parade this morning. Unless I am super interested in whatever is going on like going to a sporting event or a Royal Rumble ;), I stress out being around too many people. I go out my way to go to grocery stores less busy even if a bit further away from my house. Kids are grown so they can go if they want if not working. I can sit at my house and drink in peace if I want or just sit back and chill. I am going to an indie show tomorrow so that will probably people me out even though I am looking forward do it.
At the end of the day too many people for me to go to the parade this morning. Unless I am super interested in whatever is going on like going to a sporting event or a Royal Rumble ;), I stress out being around too many people. I go out my way to go to grocery stores less busy even if a bit further away from my house. Kids are grown so they can go if they want if not working. I can sit at my house and drink in peace if I want or just sit back and chill. I am going to an indie show tomorrow so that will probably people me out even though I am looking forward do it.
My friend is convinced that since tomorrow isn’t actually St Patrick’s day Boston won’t be quite as busy….. man is she in for a scenario then.
I have a lot because well I don't trust any of you at this point.

Seriously got nothing yet but still early.
Vote Count
1 - Satsu (Val the Moofia Boss)
1 - Caito (CWE)
1 - CWE (Caito)
1 - MTR (FutureHold)
1 - Sleep (Matthieu)

Not Voting: Jarrod1983, Mazer, LemonDemonGirl, MTR, Satsu, Claws, WindwardAway, Kareemah, Peter Griffin

About 27 hours remain
My neighborhood is just a big drunken party today. I took off work because I can't easily get in and out of here. Started to put Bailey's in my coffee but decided not to. I do have a few beers in the fridge and maybe I do the Bailey's and coffee tonight. Future somehow managed to get out of working at one of the local watering holes on the parade route. So he went to the parade to just check stuff out. I haven't gone to the parade in years since the kids were little. I tend to just drink at the house. :lol:
Ah xD St. Patty's Day isn't such a big thing where I live, which is a shame since I celebrated it every year with my family. But I managed to find a couple pubs with events here so I'm enjoying the live music and the drinks while I can 👌
Vote Count
2 - Caito (CWE, Peter Griffin)
1 - Satsu (Val the Moofia Boss)
1 - CWE (Caito)
1 - MTR (FutureHold)
1 - Sleep (Matthieu)

Not Voting: Jarrod1983, Mazer, LemonDemonGirl, MTR, Satsu, Claws, WindwardAway, Kareemah
There's no point in waiting for night actions to save this game. Without full participation, it's way too easy for people to mislead pushes.
It was much very first game. Jarrod was one of my bad guy teammates. Scum dominated.

I think there were several important lessons there, and Curious what jarrod thinks.
We did dominate. It was glorious.

I think we will be best served to trust our guts in looking for scum on our grass. If your gut says something go with it.

We need to talk everything out. We dominated the first Vanillatown because town wilted at no night actions and they didn't really communicate in thread. It made it easy for us to divide and conquer.

I also think going with a no lynch here is a mistake. Usually I'm all for it D1 because of the information we'd get during the night phase. We're not getting that this game so the day vote is all we have to go on.

I'm 100% town but even if we decide to vote me out, there will still be a list of people to look at from my mislynch. We can't afford to miss one day of voting because that's one phase of information we need.
We did dominate. It was glorious.

I think we will be best served to trust our guts in looking for scum on our grass. If your gut says something go with it.

We need to talk everything out. We dominated the first Vanillatown because town wilted at no night actions and they didn't really communicate in thread. It made it easy for us to divide and conquer.

I also think going with a no lynch here is a mistake. Usually I'm all for it D1 because of the information we'd get during the night phase. We're not getting that this game so the day vote is all we have to go on.

I'm 100% town but even if we decide to vote me out, there will still be a list of people to look at from my mislynch. We can't afford to miss one day of voting because that's one phase of information we need.
I respect this and also agree with voting someone out today
That being said, I haven't decided who to vote yet 🤷
We did dominate. It was glorious.

I think we will be best served to trust our guts in looking for scum on our grass. If your gut says something go with it.

We need to talk everything out. We dominated the first Vanillatown because town wilted at no night actions and they didn't really communicate in thread. It made it easy for us to divide and conquer.

I also think going with a no lynch here is a mistake. Usually I'm all for it D1 because of the information we'd get during the night phase. We're not getting that this game so the day vote is all we have to go on.

I'm 100% town but even if we decide to vote me out, there will still be a list of people to look at from my mislynch. We can't afford to miss one day of voting because that's one phase of information we need.
I don't disagree with any of your logic.
I agree that we need to vote and do a lynch. I am still waiting to see more posts and going to try post more myself.

Kareemah and Diva had a good day selling cookies and made a lot of tips. I can remember Diva selling girl scout cookies to all the drunks when they were little. We would always get rid of any extra boxes the troop had on St. Patrick's Day here in Dogtown.
Nice to be able to get in and out of my neighborhood again this morning. Looking forward to the wrestling show I am going to later tonight.

Now back to this game which needs more activity. I am going to throw a vote out there but I totally figure I will change it once we get more discussion going. But for now since he voted sleep and we need to do a yeet.

Vote: Matthieu
Vote Count
2 - Caito (CWE, Peter Griffin)
1 - Satsu (Val the Moofia Boss)
1 - CWE (Caito)
1 - MTR (FutureHold)
1 - Sleep (Matthieu)
1 - Jarrod1983 (Claws)
1 - Matthieu (MTR)

Not Voting: Jarrod1983, Mazer, LemonDemonGirl, Satsu, WindwardAway, Kareemah

About 8 hours remain
Vote Count
2 - Caito (CWE, Peter Griffin)
2 - Matthieu (MTR, Mazer)
1 - Satsu (Val the Moofia Boss)
1 - CWE (Caito)
1 - MTR (FutureHold)
1 - Sleep (Matthieu)
1 - Jarrod1983 (Claws)

Not Voting: Jarrod1983, LemonDemonGirl, Satsu, WindwardAway, Kareemah
Vote: Matthieu

Vanillatown is different than role madness. No sleep till Brooklyn.

Also willing to look at inactives.

@Jarrod1983, how do you feel about claws?

@Claws, are you scum?
50/50 on Claws. He's drawn my attention but I feel there is another pinging my radar at the moment.

I'm more wary of MTR at this point. I think MTR has a scum tell that he's done more than once already this game.
Vote Count
2 - Caito (CWE, Peter Griffin)
2 - Matthieu (MTR, Mazer)
2 - MTR (FutureHold, Jarrod1983)
1 - Satsu (Val the Moofia Boss)
1 - CWE (Caito)
1 - Sleep (Matthieu)
1 - Jarrod1983 (Claws)

Not Voting: LemonDemonGirl, Satsu, WindwardAway, Kareemah
It was quite obviously a joke vote so I'm not sure why I'm being voted for that...

Kind of strange, really, especially since there's players who have yet to vote at all.
Vote Count
4 - MTR (FutureHold, Jarrod1983, Matthieu, Claws)
2 - Caito (CWE, Peter Griffin)
2 - Matthieu (MTR, Mazer)
1 - Satsu (Val the Moofia Boss)
1 - CWE (Caito)

Not Voting: LemonDemonGirl, Satsu, WindwardAway, Kareemah
It was quite obviously a joke vote so I'm not sure why I'm being voted for that...

Kind of strange, really, especially since there's players who have yet to vote at all.
Because that's how we typically go day 1, and your vote would have potential to be piled onto. That would be a mistake this game.

Why mtr over people who haven't voted yet you mentioned? Are you seeing the same potential yell as jarrod.
Because that's how we typically go day 1, and your vote would have potential to be piled onto. That would be a mistake this game.

Why mtr over people who haven't voted yet you mentioned? Are you seeing the same potential yell as jarrod.

I was planning to wait to see if there was anyone who didn't have a vote out there but since MTR decided to vote for me I figured I'd return the favour. It's petty, but I typically don't like D1 since it's either going to be a complete shot in the dark or - in a different setup - a vote to sleep.

Personally speaking I don't have any specific strong feelings one way or another towards any player at the moment.
50/50 on Claws. He's drawn my attention but I feel there is another pinging my radar at the moment.

I'm more wary of MTR at this point. I think MTR has a scum tell that he's done more than once already this game.
I am doing my normal day 1 shit posting to be fair which I should stop since we do need to be more serious on day 1 in this game. And I do my shit posting scum or town on day 1.

That being said I am not scum and I am glad honestly because I need to work on my skills of reading people better and looking for tells and such and if I was scum I would be more focused on not looking scum and not paying attention as much.
It was quite obviously a joke vote so I'm not sure why I'm being voted for that...

Kind of strange, really, especially since there's players who have yet to vote at all.
I said when I voted that I was going to change as more discussion got going but since you did your normal sleep thing which I figured was a joke anyway I just decided to go with you. Don't plan on staying there.
I am going to say it seems a little fishy that I had a sudden pile on. Not saying that anyone on my train is scum but it wouldn't surprise me. Just something to consider if I do get yeeted since I am going to flip green.

I won't be around much longer because I am going to a wrestling show in a bit and I have some stuff to do first.

Switching votes however. Future didn't work yesterday and had time to get on here and posts before he headed out camping early yesterday evening. So just saying hi and nothing else when he tends to be a bit more active when not working just not seeming right. I could be wrong however.


Vote: Future
I am doing my normal day 1 shit posting to be fair which I should stop since we do need to be more serious on day 1 in this game. And I do my shit posting scum or town on day 1.

That being said I am not scum and I am glad honestly because I need to work on my skills of reading people better and looking for tells and such and if I was scum I would be more focused on not looking scum and not paying attention as much.
Yeah it's the shit posting. Maybe you're town but just seems like you're posting to post. I'm probably wrong but I was curious to how many would jump on or off or just show up to cast a vote.
Yeah it's the shit posting. Maybe you're town but just seems like you're posting to post. I'm probably wrong but I was curious to how many would jump on or off or just show up to cast a vote.
I think if MTR was scum there would be more opposition to that train.
I Dont think so you clearly dont know VT claws come at me you hussy ill bite yer head off
Just saying you're pretty on board to lynch a maybe town just to lynch another definite town.

Fuck it, I'll come at you. You're on my grass.

Unvote: MTR

Vote: Claws

Let's do it.

cats fighting GIF
Vote Count
4 - MTR (FutureHold, Matthieu, Claws, LDG)
3 - Caito (CWE, Peter Griffin, Val the Moofia Boss)
1 - Matthieu (Mazer)
1 - CWE (Caito)
1 - FutureHold (MTR)
1 - Claws (Jarrod1983)

Not Voting: Satsu, WindwardAway, Kareemah

Just over an hour left
Vote Count
4 - MTR (FutureHold, Matthieu, Claws, LDG)
4 - Caito (CWE, Peter Griffin, Val the Moofia Boss, Satsu)
1 - Matthieu (Mazer)
1 - CWE (Caito)
1 - FutureHold (MTR)
1 - Claws (Jarrod1983)

Not Voting: WindwardAway, Kareemah

Final Vote Count. Phase is over. Results incoming.
Day One Lynch

The people continued discussing the plans with The Ghost of Vanillatown, and the more they talked, the more they got into the whole idea. Some were getting so bold as to say the graphic things they'd like to do to each of the Flavor Boyz. Suddenly, a voice coughs out of the crowd:

"You know, I feel like those Flavor Boyz aren't too bad! Especially that Flavor 2!"

The room went dead silent. Everyone turned to the source of the voice. And within moments, people realized it was a young wafer wearing a pair of Groucho Marx glasses, complete with the nose and moustache. Some were confused, but The Ghost of Vanillatown recognized him immediately.

"Looks like we get to make an early example today. That's Flavor 2 right there!"

Flavor 2 tries to run out, but MTR stands right in front of the doorway.

"It's either you or me, so I hope you feel lucky."

Caito did feel lucky. It's the rest of the room that didn't like his odds, and immediately assaulted him, making sure to each take turns getting their blows in. Surprisingly, The Ghost of Vanillatown sits back and observes...biding their time.

Caito has been eliminated. He was Flavor 2, Mafia-aligned Goon.

It is now the night phase. You may continue discussion.
sorry about that psycho i didnt refresh anyways glad we smoked a flavor boy do we still think mtr is a flavor boy or perhaps that wildman jarrod who thinks his grass outweighs my mountain
I don't like one of MTR's more recent posts but I like the later MTR push over Caito even less, given that they were tied for votes
I don't know if that makes voters on MTR scum but it probably makes the last couple votes on Caito town
God, I feel so dumb for forgetting about daylight savings.
Anyway, off the top of my head Val and Satsu are likely town. And I remember thinking CWE was towny earlier for their post about already having 3 scum suspects. It's not about having accurate early reads (although they were first to vote Caito and stuck with it), but the way they just stated it brazenly in the thread and didn't even name names.
I'm undecided on MTR if I'm only looking at wagonomics, cause it isn't as if it's unheard of for two wolves to be top wagons on D1 by sheer luck. But since there seemed to be a bit of a push against Caito's in the form of "why are people steering away from MTR?" I would say, if that comes from scum, then MTR is more likely town imo.
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