Fingers of Suspicion

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House of MTR Episode 1: The Not-so-Civil War

  • Thread starter Thread starter Mazer
  • Start date Start date
  • Tagged users None
Hi everyone. We had a family wedding yesterday and I am up early today to help my daughter move. I will be around more this evening. There is a lot of tomfoolery and skullduggery going on already in this thread. I have my eyes on a few of you.
this has actually been a really slow and passive d1 so far.
If there is no hammer before the end of the day phase, the leading vote getter will be eliminated. If there is no hammer reached, the hammer the following day will decrease by 1. This effect stacks. If there is a tie, both players will be eliminated.
Just want to bring this back to peoples minds. If we dont hammer... it gets progressively easier to potentially mislynch.

I know its day 1 and we have no info, but going forward we need to come to a decision.
Just want to bring this back to peoples minds. If we dont hammer... it gets progressively easier to potentially mislynch.

I know its day 1 and we have no info, but going forward we need to come to a decision.
That is a good point. We will need to come to a consensus.
You are strongly encouraged to make more than 5 posts a day and vote. Consideration is made if a day lasts less than 24 hours. If you need a replacement, please let me know
Another game reminder.... and with 3-5hrs to go we still have a lot of people UNDER the recommended 5 posts

3 posts: Future, LDG, Val
2 posts: Llettuce
1 post: Mitch
Why not lol sweet release to the house
personally still feel sorry for future's luck getting dropped in the neighborhood with foxxi, mazer and myself. and he has been scum often recently.

We might have a better shot picking a different house member to pull for 1st scum.
True. It is. I didn't have anything going on beyond normal weekly chores but the kids have been busy.
As much I was was kind of wanting blood to start the game going to go with sleep. If we get rid of it as an option for later so be it.

Vote: sleep
We had the first fire of the season last night was fun

Ugh, I don't wanna be in fire season. I know you mean like in a fire pit, but the first thought that came to mind was forest fires. Last August I drove through the Rocky Mountains through Jasper National Park, and I literally couldn't see the mountains in that park because of all the smoke.
mtr (1)- future
vk- (1) robo
psych (1)- cwe
GC (1)- LDG
forgotten/future (3) - Psych, claws, BN
sleep (5) - Diva, Tildey, listo, GC, mtr
Ugh, I don't wanna be in fire season. I know you mean like in a fire pit, but the first thought that came to mind was forest fires. Last August I drove through the Rocky Mountains through Jasper National Park, and I literally couldn't see the mountains in that park because of all the smoke.
I know last year was horrible and its supposed to be worse this year shitty airquality and all
Ugh, I don't wanna be in fire season. I know you mean like in a fire pit, but the first thought that came to mind was forest fires. Last August I drove through the Rocky Mountains through Jasper National Park, and I literally couldn't see the mountains in that park because of all the smoke.
I honestly thought he meant forest fire <.<
mtr (1)- future
psych (1)- cwe
GC (1)- LDG
forgotten/future (5) - Psych, claws, BN, val, robo
sleep (6) - Diva, Tildey, listo, GC, mtr, morrison

Write-up incoming. Please hold all posting
End Day 1

Violina looked down and saw the battle being waged.

It seemed that none knew where to begin. While some wanted to sought Hell itself, others sought to anticipate their move.

While there was no clear direction, the wishes of the few were made know. And Violina saw their wisdom.

For who could sleep at a time like this, as families were torn apart? None could.

The days of restful sleep were now past.

The concept of Sleep has been eliminated.

Violina new that she must send a message to help direct her charges.

And yet on another plane of existence, a different message was being sent.

Begin night 1.

Night 1 will end in 24 hours. But if you can all get your actions in earlier than that, I will try to begin the day phase a little earlier in the evening.
Night 2 write-up/Begin day 2
As night settled, a voice seemed to be heard by all the forces that had united to free Listo from Hell. It whispered into their minds “Go to Cleveland. The hellmouth in Cleveland is less defended”. Normally, this would have been a good strategy. Most people forget the Cleveland Hellmouth.

Sadly, it was not.

A stirring went into the hearts of the Resistance. In the House Next Door, they knew that to stop their loved ones from taking this perilous journey, they would need to meet them in Cleveland.

And they would send their fully armed battalion to remind them of their love.

Da-da-da, dat-da, dat, da-da-da, da-ya-da

Da-da, dat, dat, da-ya-da

As the journeys commenced, the battle began in earnest.

Dan the Dad knew that now was the time for action. He ran into the night, and saw Morrison and Psych. 2 Fisherman’s suplexes later, Dan had left his mark.

The enigmatic Clause honed his fine senses on his surroundings. Morrison was an unknown quantity for him. Clause knew there would be a non-compete clause for his efforts tonight.

DivaSmurf let family loyalties be his guide. And mtr won his support on this part of the journey.

Having learned of Gentleman John Marcone’s interference, The Wizard of Chicago decided he would make his presence known as well. Harry Dresden communed with the spirit of Robo and set out to meet the night.

While some are designed for the frontlines, Regis Rumblebelly knew that it was often the machinations done under cover of night that would win the day, and he would see how Morrison would react to losing something precious.

But that was not the only precious thing that would be lost, Morrison reflected on the bravery and courage of the LDG in saving Christmas. He knew that he could not risk such heroism again. When his work was done, poor LDG would never fulfill her dream of entering Hell through Cleveland.

LDG has been eliminated.

As the heroes progressed, they mourned LDG. They vowed to press on in her honor. But though the daylight dawn, the air stayed cold.

Active players:

1. Val
2. llettuce
3. VoidKitten
4. Robo-Listo
5. CWE
69. Blind Ninja
7. Tildey
8. MTR
9. Future
10. Diva
12. GrumpyCat
13. morrison
14. PsychoSoldier
15. MitchRapp
16. Robozerim
17. Jarrod

Dr. Strange

With 17 active players, normal hammer would be 9. Hammer today is 8 due to carry over.

Begin Day 2
this game is gonna be a shit show....

player names and character names being the same/similar.
some characters names may have multiple alignments.

Not sure why scum went after LDG N1, unless they didnt want to hit protects/investigates.

Also feels like a very light action night
so dan the dad hitting me and psych with a busdrive is the only way i get targetted that much on night 1.

if the clause action was a cop, i should get some preliminary town clearance off that.

waiting on word from our overlord on whether i can divulge what i lost last night.
Hey folks. Had an awful weekend but am all good and back. I skimmed the thread overnight a bit to try and have some idea.
Lmao. I was reading the writeup from the bottom up skimming and got to the Da-da-da, dat-da, dat, da-da-da, da-ya-da. I was like this sounds stupidly familiar and I feel like I know this. Then read up about reminding of love.

This is going to be Mazer's thing. Each game there will be a hidden Hamilton reference like the pineapples in Psych.
Dan - Bus Drive on Morri and Psycho
Clause - Did something to Morri (original target Psycho)
Diva - Something to MTR
Harry Dresden - Spoke with Robo (Invest?)
Regis - Stole something from Morri (original target Psycho) - Likely vote thief based on Morri's comment
Morrison (char) - Killed LDG
Basically our forum mascott that likes lemons and demons. She plays mafia for 5+ years and still has no idea what this is all albout.

She wont solve or use night actions (most of the time). Scum just killed their free misyeet ;p
Intial thoughts and then go back and maybe respond to stuff.
First off so much fun seeing some of these characters. I love the tribute games. :)
Dan the Dad bus drove Morrison and Psycho
Clause did something to Morrison. Not sure
Not sure what Diva did to me.
Dresden protected/body guard not sure Robo
Regis stole from Morrison
LDG was eliminated. Interesting choice. Would have never predicted that.
Also interesting that there was not a flip on who she was.
No other red actions so maybe they hid things. Also very little green actions so maybe they chose to also do some kind of mass block that was like 50% of actions or something.
Okay first thoughts at least.
My kneejerk reaction was "This is Val" but I actually see Robo was targeted last night.

Also, I expect there to be rez possibilities. LDG didn't flip.
Trying to remember if Mazer does rezzes. Feel like that is not typically a thing he does. But maybe since yes no flip.
No other red actions so maybe they hid things. Also very little green actions so maybe they chose to also do some kind of mass block that was like 50% of actions or something
I ve seen both of those in previous games but on same night.

But maybe scum were like, lets use everything we have ... and kill ldg
Please explain why. I am new here.
LDG has her own playstyle that may or may not contribute to the game as a whole. For her to die on N1 is funny because in most cases she isn't a threat. I can see scenarios where scum would kill her, but I doubt it would be this early unless they had a read on her having some power
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