So here's where things get interesting
Lora voted for Lora when there wasn't much and Vesper looked to be well in the lead. Psych then sees something and takes it to 3.
This is one of the posts I was talking about from Jarrod. He seems to be questioning whether this was ever considered. But he agrees with the point here. Note: Rock calls Jarrod out on this later. So that's something? Maybe nothing?
Because the dialogue today is something I struggle with
Vesper loses one (Jarrod).
Here's where Lora gets a little more action going. With Grumpy it was even, and then the void vote comes in to make it plus 2. Significant if Lora was still trying to win. My thing here is I was curious about Lora and gave him an opportunity to push his own vote if he wanted., with little action required, He kinda didn't take the bait.
Late votes start coming in. Tildey kinda gives a vote that's not really going to do anything.
Vesper's is kinda nothing as well.
And Jarrod pops back on Vesper. This is where Rock comments on it too.
And in fairness, Jarrod did make a defense that he didn't think Badger would go through with it. Because of where it stands and the flip in comments, I don't think Jarrod would think it unfair to question.
Ultimately, none of the late votes changed anything, but if there is significance to any of them, I would also look at some of the non-voters