Fingers of Suspicion

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Mafia 25 - The Town of Warcraft

Day 1 Vote Count:

Blind Ninja - 5 (Claws #363, Sirius Black #370, GrumpyCat #383, Dreyski #388, Listo #414)
MTR - 4 (FutureHold #28, 3puppies #48, MitchRapp #205, Val #327)
Sleep - 3 (BN #323, MTR #337, Matthieu #339)
Sirius Black - 1 (LDG #44)
Dreyski - 1 (CWE #95)

Not Voting: Mazer

It is now Day 1. Day 1 will end at 8:00pm ET on Oct 10th or when majority is reached. With 15 players alive, majority is 8 votes on a single player. If majority is not reached by the end of day, there will be no elimination.
Day 1 Vote Count:

Blind Ninja - 6 (Claws #363, Sirius Black #370, GrumpyCat #383, Dreyski #388, Listo #414, LDG #416)
MTR - 4 (FutureHold #28, 3puppies #48, MitchRapp #205, Val #327)
Sleep - 3 (BN #323, MTR #337, Matthieu #339)
Dreyski - 1 (CWE #95)

Not Voting: Mazer

It is now Day 1. Day 1 will end at 8:00pm ET on Oct 10th or when majority is reached. With 15 players alive, majority is 8 votes on a single player. If majority is not reached by the end of day, there will be no elimination.
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Day 1 End
As a reminder, there is a post minimum of 8-10 posts per day phase. Failure to meet this minimum may result in a modkill at the moderators’ discretion.


Final Day 1 Vote Count:

Blind Ninja - 6 (Claws #363, Sirius Black #370, GrumpyCat #383, Dreyski #388, Listo #414, LDG #416)
MTR - 4 (FutureHold #28, 3puppies #48, MitchRapp #205, Val #327)
Sleep - 3 (BN #323, MTR #337, Matthieu #339)
Dreyski - 1 (CWE #95)

Not Voting: Mazer


The day was an eventful one. Many names were put up as suspicious and someone new even showed up to the shindig. As the day continued on, consolidations started to happen until everything became all tied up. With hours to go, the group ultimately could not come up with someone they felt needed to be gotten rid of.

With some of the group grumbling, they went off their separate ways for the night to see what it would bring.

There has been no elimination.


It is now Night 1. Night 1 will end at 8:00pm ET on Oct 11th or when all actions are submitted. Actions must be submitted by 6:00pm ET for them to be valid.
Day 2 Start
As the group spread away and sought shelter, they wondered how the night would go. But they all knew they had to contribute in their own way to ensure the proper outcome of this battle. The battle that would determine the actual fate of the world. Without the power of this World Tree, doom could be imminent.

Waxmonger Squick loved his candles. Every thing he talked about was a candle. Well, he had some other stuff too, but really…candles. Squick had some other talents. Some darker ones, if you will and he set out into the night to see it handled.

A figure reviewed itself in the mirror. Hat after hat was placed upon his head, with him making noises in delight or disgust. Pepe finally decided that he would choose the best costume ever and donned his warglaives and growled menacingly around his area.

The Elekk Plushie did nothing. Literally nothing. Just sat there. Doing…nothing. But someone found the Elekk Plushie and picked it up, all excited, but then realized it was covered in dirt. They tossed the Elekk Plushie away but felt different somehow.


FutureHold, playing as Thrall, the Coven Jinx, has been killed and no Last Will was found.


The Monarch has Knighted CWE.


Living Players:

1. 3puppies
2. Blind Ninja
3. Claws
4. CWE
5. Dreyski
6. GrumpyCat
7. Insaner
8. LemonDemonGirl
9. Listo95
10. Matthieu
11. Mazer
12. MitchRapp
13. MTR
14. Val the Moofia Boss

Dead Players:

FutureHold, playing as Thrall, the Coven Jinx, has been killed. (Night 1)


It is now Day 2. Day 2 will end on October 13th at 8:00pm ET or when majority is reached. With 14 players alive, majority is 8 votes on a single player. If majority is not reached by the end of the day, there will be no elimination
Well now I know why he wouldn't remove his vote on me. I actually was going to push Future today because normally he would have removed his vote and moved to someone else.
Guys i think the jailer is the traitor the scum bag wouldnt give me his name so i fucked with him all night since he couldnt kill me
AT LEAST one of MTR or Matthieu are good.

And with's about 2 hours past bedtime.

P.S. TY Monarch.:cheers:
Guys i think the jailer is the traitor the scum bag wouldnt give me his name so i fucked with him all night since he couldnt kill me
Jailor can exe town and not lose exes if traitor. So Jailor might want your role because that's their job.

And didn't want to tell you because why? They don't KNOW you are good.
AT LEAST one of MTR or Matthieu are good.

And with's about 2 hours past bedtime.

P.S. TY Monarch.:cheers:
I am town and there were probably more than just one coven on the train against me.

Use whatever they did wisely :)
tried to track ldg. thould i would possibly maybe figure out if target was someone ldg would pick or it was submited by her scum team. got action failed sadly.
Nice. I'd like to claim some credit for calling out Future yesterday.

I'm inclined to view BN's comment about "why Future isn't getting more votes", briefly voting Future only to vote sleep later as potentially partnery.

I think MTR might be back on the table due to not retaliating against Future but there is still the town protective claim that works in his favor.

Another thought I had is if it turns out that someone between BN and MTR is scum then Mazer not appearing after subbing in might increase his scum equity - since it's possible he didn't want to commit to a stance on a teammate and simply chose to not vote in order for the night to go to sleep.
If cwe theory is right and jailor works like a vigi they would jail town every night and kill them without consequence right?
he stated he couldnt kill me tonight and kept demanding my role but i wanted his name in return which i find fair but he refused stated he was traitor hunting but kinda stupid to use a jail as a traitor hunt and why pick me when you obv wanna shoot me but cant n1
How could FH die? Looks like veteran/trapper?

it is still possible there is a pirate. its not a killer right?
Doesn't seem to be any indication in the OP.

I think it's more likely a town kill than not. Unless pirate is someone who thought it would be fun to pick Future for some reason. And yes I believe pirate is possible in this setup.
Doesn't seem to be any indication in the OP.

I think it's more likely a town kill than not. Unless pirate is someone who thought it would be fun to pick Future for some reason. And yes I believe pirate is possible in this setup.
be funny if it was mtr for not getting off him lol
Not necessarily worse than those who simply abstained.
I mean unless someone has learned something about Blind Ninja game wise I think it makes sense to flip him. If hes scum we have a narrow list to look at (myself included) and if he is town then I question those who jumped on him late.
Day 2 Vote Count:

Blind Ninja - 2 (Sirius Black #439, Claws #462)
Mazer - 1 (GrumpyCat #458)

Not Voting: 3puppies, Blind Ninja, CWE, Dreyski, LDG, Listo, Matthieu, Mazer, MitchRapp, MTR, Val

It is now Day 2. Day 2 will end at 8:00pm ET on Oct 13th or when majority is reached. With 14 players alive, majority is 8 votes on a single player. If majority is not reached by the end of day, there will be no elimination.
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Is it possible that the coven team is like

Jinx Medusa potion makes

And they simply didn't have anyone capable of carrying out a direct kill? That would be so sad
somthing i think your not quite thinking of is if the coven hit sum1 with a higher protection immunity then thier kill is they wont kill them
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